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  1. full of submerged reefs or sandbanks or shoals
    shoaly waters
    reefy shallows

How To Use shoaly In A Sentence

  • Handicapped by their size, the deep-draft vessels sailed two days out of sight of land along the shoaly Louisiana coast.
  • Past the pool, the river becomes shoaly again as it prepares for the largest rapid on this section, Zoar Gap.
  • The lugger had long since gone away, its escape from the shoaly bay assisted by the rising tide. IRONCROWN MOON: PART TWO OF THE BOREAL MOON TALE
  • The shoaly, azure, clear ocean and the white beach may remind you of an island in the South Seas.
  • shoaly waters
  • The ecological development of shoaly land is one of the research topics on shoaly land in China.
  • Cook remarked in his journal on the shoaly nature of the bay, the type of country, the natives' habits and lifestyle and the huge bustard bird which was shot for the evening meal.
  • The location of the sighting was on a creek bank just below fast moving water from a shoaly place in the creek.
  • The river being nearly two miles wide and very shoaly, they thought a trestle bridge could be made to stand.
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