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How To Use Shirty In A Sentence

  • I couldn't stand there and risk someone being a bit shirty with him so I touched him lightly on the arm and indicated that he should stand on the right.
  • Some friendly letters come back and these horrible bigots get shirty and make remarks about teeth, for Christ's sake.
  • If they get shirty I stop and depending on the tone of their posting, I may remove all the posts in the thread and block them. How to be an online critic. « Mudpuddle
  • Its a bit rich Ministers getting all shirty about his pension when their own is both gold and diamond plated – and just look how incompetent they are. Sir Fred Goodwin drawing a pension of £650,000 a year aged 50
  • No matter what pressure you're under do not get shirty.
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  • I reckoned if they decided to get shirty and chuck me out, the gig was over anyway, so what did I have to lose?
  • Uhm, okay, dude, nice dig, but Obama supported the dawning of the "bailout era," too, so let's not get all shirty here, okay? TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads
  • I remember ages ago when smoking was allowed in public service offices but it was about to be abolished and some guy at a party getting shirty about it and I was defending the decison. Cheeseburger Gothic » The end of smoko.
  • Funny enough, if I ask other people about their reasons for watching/reading the news, they get shirty and look at me like I'm crazy. ‘It's important to be informed!’
  • Suppose Toby's saying something shirty to his boss makes his boss feel that he may have to take a difficult decision about him.
  • Don't get shirty with me - this is your fault, not mine.
  • I actaully kind of thought that it was closer to a Bond feel myself (action wise) I think this will be a good adaptation and intpretation of Holmes, not so stuffed shirty. This Ain’t Your Daddy’s Sherlock Holmes – TRAILER « Giant Killer Squid - Film, Comics, News, Reviews and more
  • Would his publisher get shirty if he signed an electronic contract?
  • There are lots of shirty assertions about independence, few actively demonstrated.
  • Her boss got quite shirty with me; until I started asking who her boss is so I could make a complaint.
  • Let's briefly savour the delicious irony of a magazine for advertising executives getting shirty because someone has ‘grabbed the money and run’.
  • Your call may be monitored for training purposesWe know you're cross, but don't get shirty. Call centre culture puts the whole world on hold
  • There are lots of shirty assertions about independence, few actively demonstrated.
  • My husband got a bit shirty on Friday night when I had a group of friends round for dinner.
  • As lazy and uninspired a choice it is to just remake an old film or TV series, this trend does has one hilarious plus point - all the old stars keep getting all shirty about being replaced.
  • The bird, she gets shirty 'cos maybe he wants to play around a little. THE FIVE MILLION DOLLAR PRINCE
  • We know a family when we see it, but get quite shirty when someone else tries to tell us how it should operate.
  • He got very shirty, and there were even legal threats.
  • He'd get a wee bit shirty, like you'd just spat on his baby, and tell you that we'd be finished in a few minutes so we'd best just press on ahead.
  • He gets a bit shirty if you press him on any aspect of a case he's dealing with. WHISTLER IN THE DARK
  • The debate ends with the two men getting shirty with each other, and Crist creepily invading Rubio's personal space. TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads
  • Will starts by getting all shirty about Social Security, and how "we'll be wallowing in the health care system for years to come. TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads
  • I wuz just talking to a Brit lady and she said she felt definitely "shirty" about something or other. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Air Traffic Control can get very shirty about some of my involuntary aerial antics I can tell you.
  • The script in these situations normally follows a rather different plot: a diver receives treatment, argues the toss, gets a bit shirty, and jumps back in the water after a row with the boat skipper.
  • My own husband, who is more realistic about his profession than most, gets a little shirty when I express myself so bluntly.
  • The state pension, also linked to the RPI, must go up by at least 2.5%, gold wow, following a promise made by ministers a few years ago when inflation fell and pensioners got shirty .
  • But the most disturbing aspect of his investigation is the way it has taken a celebrity chef to get shirty before anyone seems to have noticed what we are feeding our children.
  • Don't get shirty with me - this is your fault, not mine.
  • Now I have to work a slime monster and the word shirty into some future book. The Accidental Demon Slayer is a NY Times Bestseller!
  • `Harry Danforth saw me taking delivery of it yesterday morning and got a bit shirty. MURDER SONG

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