
How To Use Shine In A Sentence

  • Not bad for someone who failed to shine at school and feared he would end up in a coalyard. The Sun
  • It didn't break, but George was bleeding and had copped a bit of a shiner.
  • To touch up make-up to get rid of shine, gently press a dry tissue to your skin to absorb excess grease, or use grease-absorbing make-up tissues.
  • The embassy had been shut down due to Mongolia's support for South Korea's "sunshine policy" of conciliation toward the North.
  • Sunshine can burn you, food can poison you, words can condemn you, pictures can insult you; music cannot punish ---- only bless. (Arthur Schnabel , Austrian pianist.
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  • Sunshine can burn you, food can poison you, words can condemn you, pictures can insult you ; music cannotpunish ---- only bless. 
  • You captain the dream team of smart thinkers that shine with self-confidence and boundless energy. The Sun
  • Close to the mangroves a big hawksbill turtle surfaced then lay motionless in the sunshine, no doubt sunbathing.
  • Those of us who have greasy skin face a constant battle against shine and spots. The Sun
  • At the top end of the glen darts of sunshine poked through the billowing clouds and encouraged us to go for it and, fully rigged up in waterproofs, we were soon splashing our way up into the Lairig Eilde.
  • Eleanor, out walking, wheeling the wicker perambulator in the sharp October sunshine. THE GOLDEN LION
  • What looked like solar panels rose up at the back, white light gleaming from them like sunshine in outer space. Times, Sunday Times
  • It shines a powerful spotlight on an issue we ignore to our cost. Times, Sunday Times
  • He comments that a patient might talk of a "shiner" whereas a doctor (holy of holies) would speak of a "periorbital ecchymosis," which is true only if you could imagine a doctor referring to cephalalgia instead of a headache or odontalgia instead of a toothache. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol III No 1
  • Of course they spoke of their brew as if it were a medicinal cure-all when in reality they produced highly refined and greatly prized moonshine.
  • An eye-catching floral tribute to England rugby star Jonny Wilkinson helped Doncaster to shine in this year's Yorkshire in Bloom competition.
  • And if you still get midday shine, mattify it by dabbing on a weightless powder that won't leave skin caked.
  • So i uploaded my sexy photos there under the n'ame of Myshine on Ag'emi'ngle. Watchdog: Citigroup rescue limited taxpayer risk - Yahoo! Finance
  • The evening takes the form of a memory play told by the elderly Kat, now a shoeshine boy working the streets, who looks back at his younger self.
  • The eyes are the main focus, so shimmer and shine on the rest of the face should be minimal. Times, Sunday Times
  • Old deliberate contemplations, perceptions after long regard ingathered from abundant nature, theories leisurely compacted in sunshine or storm, to stand in the fields of memory, crowned with beauty by the indulgent years. Apologia Diffidentis
  • She will spend a week relaxing in the Californian sunshine with a select team of stylists hand-picked from across the globe.
  • ¿No es cierto, ángel de amor, Oh, my angel of love, do you see que en esta apartada orilla that on this secluded shore más pura la luna brilla the moon shines clear and pure Don Juan Tenorio
  • But later, these things which some man has done because he loved you, and which you call foolish, will grow large in your life, and shine out strongly, and when you are discouraged and alone, you will take them out, and the memory of them will make you proud and happy. The Lion and the Unicorn
  • The capel needs your money, boys bach, that the light -- the grand, religious light -- shall shine in the pulpit. My Neighbors Stories of the Welsh People
  • Other species include banded killfish, mummichog, tidewater silverside, bay anchovy, tesselated darter and spottail shiner. Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Maryland
  • Lipatti s performance possesses a clarity of articulation, a depth of sonority and an energy that shine through the crackly recording.
  • Overhead, the stars wheel in the heavens and a bright, bright moon shines down on the fields and on the house itself, for it's clear tonight.
  • Polls and surveys - why stuffless persons want to shine in yahoo? en Español Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • What looked like solar panels rose up at the back, white light gleaming from them like sunshine in outer space. Times, Sunday Times
  • It shines a light on the regime's brutality and exposes its hypocrisy to its own people. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tea at a tiny inn sunk in a dell through which a sleepy lane trickled between high banks -- tea in the pocket garden under sweet-smelling limes, where stocks stood orderly and honeysuckle sprawled over the brick-nogging, brought back old days of happy fellowship, just to outshine their memory. Anthony Lyveden
  • His expressive face shines through the computer animation. The Sun
  • Sunshine is likely but be prepared for wintry showers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Love unexpressed is sacred. It'shines like gems in the gloom the hidden heart.
  • Darkness has now descended and the moon and stars shine hazily in the clear sky.
  • Its nourishing shea butter formula also gives conditioning shine to lackluster locks.
  • There's a slight chance of some sunshine in the west.
  • With the wonder of your love, the sun above always shines.
  • The poor might have given him the edge this time, but how happy are they going to be when the promised economic sunshine proves to be a mirage?
  • Forecasters at the Met Office expect most of the country to be basking in sunshine during a lengthy spell of dry weather. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sun does not more certainly shine in the heavens, than that which I now affirm is true. Chapter 3
  • One way is to shine a laser on a semiconductor to give some of its electrons a boost.
  • When the sun rises they shine with a brilliant light that makes it impossible to keep one's eyes fixed upon it.
  • If you took a two-liter soda bottle of lunar dirt, there would probably be a medicine dropperful of water in it, said University of Maryland astronomer Jessica Sunshine, one of the scientists who discovered the water. Obama UN Climate Change Speech (Text)
  • This allows the complexities of the grape to shine through, a quality inherent in all great wines.
  • Be a love beam that shines on the darkness of unlit souls. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • Under the crystal bright light of a full moon their blue marble shined, iridescent.
  • Those of us who have greasy skin face a constant battle against shine and spots. The Sun
  • With her fair skin and rich brown hair, the actress needs little help to shine. The Sun
  • What star outshines the sun?
  • From the sunlit atrium with its glass elevator to the tasteful rooms and thoughtful service, this hotel shines with refined comfort.
  • Apply Sorbie Curl Forme on to hair to revitalise curls and add body and shine.
  • White stuff glistening in brilliant sunshine against a backdrop of blue. Times, Sunday Times
  • Already the bridge was beginning to shine brightly, to appear angry and sore, belying the fixed smile which split his features. THE TOUCH OF INNOCENTS
  • It got the name ‘moonshine’ during Prohibition after the light by which mash men tended their illegal stills.
  • We shouldn't blame, laugh at and envy anyone. We should be colorful in the sunshine, run in the winds and rains, dream your own dreams and go your own way.
  • If you shine a red light and a green light and a blue light together at something it produces white light as those in stage lighting I would presume would know, that's why it's called additive color. The Color Wheel, Part 7
  • This image evolved over the decades, and the moonshiner became fixed as a corncob-pipe-smoking craftsman filling stoneware jugs with a clear and tasty elixir while keeping an eye out for pesky revenuers. Hipster Moonshine
  • Nonetheless, he has used these piano based samples as an interesting canvas on which to work, and his modifications shine through brilliantly.
  • Instead she was outside in the spring sunshine - chancing it amongst the skyscrapers.
  • Dubai's Emirates Airlines and Australia's Qantas Airways Ltd. are using their new A380s to push the envelope on cushiness, entertainment and design. Spas in the Sky: Inside the Big Jets
  • When a ray from a lantern (the three pedestrians of the party carried each one) fell on Mr. Moore's face, you could see an unusual, because a lively, spark dancing in his eyes, and a new-found vivacity mantling on his dark physiognomy; and when the rector's visage was illuminated, his hard features were revealed all agrin and ashine with glee. Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
  • Mr. Lockhart shall furnish us with the brightest aspect a British Ferney ever yielded, or is like to yield: and therewith we will quit Abbotsford and the dominant and culminant period of Scott’s life: ‘It was a clear, bright September morning, with a sharpness in the air that doubled the animating influence of the sunshine, and all was in readiness for a grand coursing-match on Newark Hill. Paras. 50-73
  • _ It has been shewn by Dr. Priestley and Mr. Ingenhouz that the green matter at the bottom of cisterns, and the fresh leaves of plants immersed in water, give out considerable quantities of vital air in the sun-shine; that is, the perspirable matter of plants (which is water much divided in its egress from their minute pores) becomes decomposed by the sun's light, and converted into two kinds of air, the vital and inflammable airs. The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
  • White stuff glistening in brilliant sunshine against a backdrop of blue. Times, Sunday Times
  • And a whole lot more besides ... We drink brandy filled with lazy sunshine.
  • Paul vowed in an interview with The Hill last month that as chairman he would shine a light on the Fed's policies, which he called opaque and destructive. HUFFPOST HILL - Senate FAIL
  • Had a huge brunch (kumara latkes, venison and whiskey sausages, liver and onions, poached egg and apple juice) and now I'm digesting in the sunshine.
  • Three times I can remember it: the ending tunnel silhouette in "The Third Man," falling rubble jarringly breaking up a scene (by splicing the foreground and midground) in of all things "Duck Soup," and noticing a borrowed composition from "La Dolce Vida" (namely, a long shot where multiple people were running and the camera followed them) showing up in "Little Miss Sunshine. Reverse Storyboarding
  • This would be better with some sort of backplate or translucent filling for the laser to shine on or through. Aurora Watch Concept by Jihun Yeom » Yanko Design
  • My hair has just the right thickness, natural curl, gloss and shine to turn heads. Times, Sunday Times
  • The restaurant drifts into decking areas for when the sun shines. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pensioners can have a cup of tea and a biscuit for 5p and all the gardeners roll up to dunk their digestives in the afternoon sunshine.
  • Thought of as a minor pickup at the trade deadline, Kerry Wood has shined in pinstripes since joining the Yankees, allowing just two runs in 26 innings pitched. Is Kerry Wood a Ticking Time Bomb in the Bullpen?
  • The biopic is the actor's opportunity to shine - to blend with his character, melt into the role.
  • It's sharp, serrated edge gleamed in the late morning sunshine.
  • More than 5000 people enjoyed the warm spring sunshine during the festival's most action-packed day.
  • For the most part, conditions were benign with sunshine and fresh winds.
  • A vinyl or polyurethane finish has been applied on the surface to keep a shine without waxing; the urethane is more durable.
  • Skip drove all night, and by morning we were in Florida, the Sunshine State.
  • Besides the above-mentioned roles, I also had the pleasure to see her shine in two other seldom performed roles in the Ruzimatov gala in St. Petersburg.
  • The summer sunshine ripened the melons.
  • Of course, you'll probably need to try a few out to find the best one for your skin but, as a general rule, pick alcohol-free formulations for dry skin and pick mattifying or shine-control toners for oily skin.
  • These recordings are museum pieces, pulled up from the sticky earth, their crazy-diamond shine still winking through the clay after thirty years
  • All I wanted to do was eat better food, drink for free and enjoy the cushiness. Home
  • Summer is when the sun shines and the butterflies dance with the flowers.
  • Much of the country will bask in sunshine today, with the highest temperatures in the south. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lambs were gambolling in the spring sunshine.
  • Clean the glasses until they shine.
  • Remove excess wax with a dry cloth and buff to shine. Times, Sunday Times
  • Beautiful sandy beaches alternate with rocky headlands, and magnificent coastal villages shine like beacons on the shore…
  • What's great about this approach is it shines a light on improving human health, draws an audience and inspires people. Times, Sunday Times
  • As we leave the cairn a ray of weak sunshine lights on us. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pathfinder_ and T.oreau; the scent of the soil, once again, in rain and in shine, is it not conveyed to us with an astonishing distinctness, that is the product of a literary endowment of the rarest order, by such writers as Izaak Walton and Robert Burns, and among recent writers in varying degrees by Richard Jefferies and by Barnes, by T. E. Isopel Berners The History of certain doings in a Staffordshire Dingle, July, 1825
  • The moon shines on faraway places and love could be crossing continents to find you. The Sun
  • Expert tailors and dressmakers had been called in to make her dresses, for it was common agreement that none should outshine her in the coming celebration.
  • Your ability to stay calm and focused will help you shine in a contest. The Sun
  • Shine the torch on the lock while I try to get the key in.
  • The afternoon thunderstorm has arrived, generated by strong onshore breezes at the end of a day of harsh tropical sunshine.
  • Thers's a a slight chance of some sunshine in the west, but nothing spectacular.
  • High pressure should settle things down in southern areas, with some sunshine and night frosts as the winds ease. Times, Sunday Times
  • Devil killer body, a large wavy golden hair shine, slender legs wearing a yellow goose miniskirts, show figure of the perfect.
  • How could she stay indoors, when the glistening sunshine was pouring down and all the mountains seemed to glow? Heidi
  • One of them featured a famous photograph of a gauzy Laura Ashley skirt barely concealing the sunshine-silhouetted thighs of a kindergarten aide named Diana Spencer.
  • I am to be Queen of England and sign my name Margaret Regina: Margaret R. But there is no opportunity for me to address them, to shine. The Red Queen
  • The door to my cell was flung open and a bright light was shined in.
  • Gaily bedight,/ A gallant knight/ In sunshine and in shadow, . . . Archive 2010-01-10
  • Her musicality shines forth in her lyricism and she made an enchanting peasant Giselle and an ethereal but warm-blooded spirit.
  • His name meant ` starshine "; surely this man would understand that? KARA KUSH
  • The asphalt ground was a gleaming with a glint of gray, and it seemed to shine incandescently.
  • While I am enjoying the sunshine, I browse the second hand bookstall.
  • Christmas is the most human and kindly of season,as the month of June with sunshine and the balmy breath of roses.
  • As the sun climbs higher and shines directly down on the earth, these thermal contrasts become more intense.
  • All winter I have been aching for sunshine.
  • ‘Rise and shine, sweetheart,’ I opened my eyes, feeling groggy and tired.
  • A mourning cloak butterfly flew up from a tree trunk in the sunshine where it was basking.
  • Rain or shine, every morning he walks down the fishing harbour jetty to feed the crows.
  • It's not a particularly bright colour, nothing like the sunshine intensity of gorse, or a male brimstone's wings, not even as showy as the palest daffodil. Country diary: Claxton, Norfolk
  • Guy ironed his shirt and shined his shoes for the interview.
  • Devil killer body, a large wavy golden hair shine, slender legs wearing a yellow goose miniskirts, show figure of the perfect.
  • Atv quad power racing 2 (amazing game) £5 sx superstar £6 james bond nightfire £6 worms 3d was £9 now £7 sonic mega collection (amazing game) £3 super mario sunshine £6 james bond everything or nothing £6 super smash bros.
  • He had a little dread of the magnitude and corners of this dwelling that was to be his in the future, and of the old men who sat in it all day saying nothing, but it was strange indeed (thought he) if with Miss Mary within, and the sunshine and the throng and the children playing in the syver sand without, he should not find life more full and pleasant than it had been in the glen. Gilian The Dreamer His Fancy, His Love and Adventure
  • May your birthday be filled with smiles,sunshine,love,and laughter.
  • The colour of edition of set limit to makeup combined smooth shadow and idolum creation to give infinite daydream, let any the people long to be shined by her glamour place.
  • In their urge to smirk and wink, they make it impossible for the profundity of any work in the show to shine through. Times, Sunday Times
  • It will become as bright as all the other stars in the galaxy put together and shine like a beacon halfway across the universe. The Sun
  • It's hard to say this, but just at the time we hoped you would shine under the bright lights of NBC, ESPN, and ABC, you choked.
  • Avoid shampooing every day (even mild shampoos can increase dryness), and rotate shampoos every week or so to prevent a body- and shine-busting accumulation of any one type of cleanser.
  • I have some free time. I ought make hay while the sun shines.
  • He might have kicked off life from humble beginnings on the tiny sunshine isle of Madeira off the coast of Africa. The Sun
  • Shine your torch into the drawer.
  • One day I will shine elegant.
  • We shouldn't blame, laugh at and envy anyone. We should be colorful in the sunshine, run in the winds and rains, dream your own dreams and go your own way.
  • No doubt you will both treasure your choice of a vintage engagement ring for a long time to come as they ooze character with a wide variety of styles, shapes, stones and carats that will certainly bedazzle, shimmer and shine. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1031
  • Industry insiders suggest a mixture of greed, overexpansion and simple overfamiliarity has knocked the shine from certain formerly invincible megabrands.
  • An hour out in the wuthering wind and rain and sunshine would soon unravel any problems I had with writing.
  • I will be bright, and shine in pearl and gold, To wait upon this new-made empress.
  • The shine is being taken out of Ulverston because of dirty streets cleaned by street sweepers who have become strangers to brooms, the town council agreed this week, reports Jennie Dennett.
  • Among the violence, there are also moments of empathy and humanity, which shine out like a beacon.
  • Brilliant fall sunshine and a return of light breezes from the south allow for a rapid warm up. Forecast: On and off sun with mild temps today
  • It was warm, with hazy sunshine. Times, Sunday Times
  • Exposing prints to direct sunshine, but also artificial light from bulbs is one of the worst and most frequent mistakes.
  • It is said that imitation is the sincerest flattery; and if Isabel was sometimes moved to gape at her friend aspiringly and despairingly it was not so much because she desired herself to shine as because she wished to hold up the lamp for Madame Merle. The Portrait of a Lady
  • He goes jogging every morning, rain or shine.
  • At opposition, a planet also comes closest to earth and shines at its brightest for the year.
  • White nectarines and peaches are fine, but the yellow nectarine is really something else - smooth-skinned and warmly sweet and the color of sunshine.
  • In the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts. May the kind of New Year outshine all the rest.
  • Despite some issues with blacks, it shines with the right HD content and will be a future-proofed investment as more next-generation video comes on the market.
  • It was not calculation but humility - together with his understanding that it is preferable not to rust unburnished but to shine in use - that gave him another lease on life.
  • Laughter without air and sunshine becomes morbid, decadent, demoniac. The House Beautiful
  • Gaily bedight,/ A gallant knight/ In sunshine and ... Archive 2010-01-10
  • Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.
  • He applies a lightweight gloss after blow-drying and before curling to help keep her hair's natural volume and fullness under control and to add shine.
  • Children that may not excel at other sports can really shine at swimming.
  • Monthly sunshine figures often show a close correlation with rainfall and this held true for January 1993.
  • The climate is exceptional, with sunshine, balmy temperatures and low rainfall.
  • However, don't think Queen Mary 2 is another clone for the lumbering, simpering, overblown jolly boats wallowing and waddling around the world's sunshine destinations.
  • But sunshine and grapevines have done nothing to ease his disaffection.
  • A bright light shines from behind and the silver armor is put on her.
  • The afternoon outing in the sunshine went some way to restoring my morale and supplied me with renewed energy to face the days that followed. THE LAST OF THE GENTLEMEN ADVENTURERS: Coming of Age in the Arctic
  • The ice will melt when the sun shines on it.
  • Not even dishonesty can tarnish the shine of profit.
  • We sit in the autumn sunshine completing the Proust questionnaire which seems to bring his mischievous side out from behind his establishment façade. Times, Sunday Times
  • Warm and welcoming sunshine has replaced the intense heat of high summer, and the gardens are returning to life. Times, Sunday Times
  • By causing only one group of colors to light, the electrician can secure all sorts of variations, and with the aid of "dimmers" permit the lights to shine brilliantly or merely to glow with faint radiance. Writing for Vaudeville
  • Whatever accompaniment you choose, tomato water lets its colors shine through but packs a wallop of supporting flavor.
  • Her honesty and sincerity positively shine out.
  • To dirt, chaos, maharajas, beggars, cows on the road, roaring rivers, fervid sunshine, unpredictability, and loud laughter.
  • The sheen of her black feathers overwhelms the shine of the moon.
  • Shine diamond decoration and shrink hemline perfectly show female's figure and charm.
  • What is one man's cloud is another man's sunshine
  • Such sublime simplicity shines through other aspects of this short but monumental work. Times, Sunday Times
  • Add nothing, and diminish nothing, let this lamp shine “till the day dawn, ’till the morning of the resurrection,” and walk ye in the light of it, and do not kindle any other sparkles, else ye shall lie down in the grave in sorrow, and rise in sorrow. The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning
  • The moon is not seen where the sun shines
  • On this meter 100 units would be relatively harmless, so today's sunshine measuring up to 140 units was capable of burning.
  • The shoe - shine boy who becomes a millionaire typifies the American Dream.
  • Jayne McKenna shines as her cynical unmarried sister, Sarah MacRae as her tarty daughter and Morven Christie as her magnificently selfish daughter-in-law. 'Men Should Weep' marvels
  • Early on, northwest winds brought in a mix of sunshine and scattered wintry showers. Times, Sunday Times
  • He wore a cloth skirt with grasses and leaves to cover the back and a belt greased in fat and oil to make it shine. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dry curly hair naturally for maximum curl and shine.
  • A light is observed outside the bedroom window and shines in filling the room, aliens generally, though not consistently are referred to as Greys, enter the room either through the doorway or walls. Entertainment magazine The Cheers
  • In blazing sunshine, punters packed the Berkshire racecourse sipping champagne and treating themselves to portions of strawberries and cream.
  • In summer, the meadow is in full bloom; in fall, asters and gentians shine, and the trees put on quite a display.
  • Know that you are ten thousand person of light which dare to expect you just shine for me.
  • His soft brown strands of silken hair shine in the fading sunlight, gently sweeping into his eyes and over the planes of his face.
  • It's as if the contestants really are in an enchanted land, one where the sun always shines.
  • From the shine atop his bald noggin to the curl in his waxed mustache, Perez strikes a remarkable pose when compared to the herds of button-shirted cowboys gathered around him.
  • As he sat in the sunshine he glistened all over, like an Ethiop besprent with silver; for his dark limbs and mighty chest had been oiled, and then powdered with antimony. To Have and to Hold
  • Life is all moon shine, a monstrous humbug, a grand suck - in.
  • Using tissue paper will produce an unusual iridescence, as some of the foil will shine through.
  • The differences in size arise from the amount of sunshine each plant gets.
  • To shine patent leather, moisten a soft cloth with white vinegar and wipe clean all patent leather articles.
  • They snorkelled, right, and she also surfed on her second sunshine break in a month. The Sun
  • Your confidence is through the roof but what shines brightest is your sunny personality. The Sun
  • How his bald head doth shine!
  • Her white polygonal eyes shined brightly through the faceplate of her black environmental suit. Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts of Empire
  • The setting is one of abject poverty and misery, yet the upbeat caption tells us that even victims of disaster need a good shoeshine.
  • A north-westerly breeze and periods of good sunshine continued throughout the day which made things pleasant for everyone.
  • Using a hard edge to apply the colour allows a hint of bronzer to shine through. The Sun

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