ingratiate oneself to; often with insincere behavior
She is playing up to the chairman
How To Use shine up In A Sentence
- I believe that teaching of the Master, so often regarded by men in this world as impracticable and unpractical, is not only morally the highest, but in actual practice it is the most effective, as the experience of men and of nations so abundantly proves; and the higher you and I rise in the direction of chivalry, the more do we reveal our kinship with our Heavenly Father Who allows His sun to shine upon the evil and upon the good, and sends His rain upon the just and upon the unjust. Chivalry in the British Empire
- Providence itself to a kind of nonplus, to attemper any dispensation of it to an universal acceptance; any more than that glorious fountain of light, the sun, can shine upon all the corners of the earth at once. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. V.
- And the sun did shine upon them, perhaps a bit too strongly, and the heaving throng had a most excellent time.
- They need to shine up over the next few weeks.
- He tried to shine up to us when he realized that we were friends of his boss.
- The early inside line is that he's ready to do something that doesn't involve waking up at two in the morning, and Klein's official eulogy does little more than pump the requisite amount of platitudinal sunshine up the ass of the soon-to-be dearly departed without really shedding any light on why Ed is out. Chez Pazienza: How to Lose a Job in 13 Days?
- Nor yet will the sun shine upon the earth, nor the stars send down any good influence, because the terrestrial globe hath desisted from sending up their wonted nourishment by vapours and exhalations, wherewith Heraclitus said, the Stoics proved, Cicero maintained, they were cherished and alimented. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
- Ill shine up the old brown shoes, put on a brand - new shirt.
- Two beams of light continue to shine up from New York City until dawn this morning.
- Two beams of light continue to shine up from New York City until dawn this morning.