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[ US /ˈʃiˌaɪt/ ]
  1. a member of the branch of Islam that regards Ali as the legitimate successor to Mohammed and rejects the first three caliphs

How To Use Shiite In A Sentence

  • When you hear the terms imam and ayatollah, these refer to Shiite religious leaders. CNN Transcript Nov 24, 2006
  • the majority of Irani are Persian Shiite Muslims
  • Shiites of this branch believed that the Prophet Muhammad's successors or vicars were his cousin and son-in-law, Ali, and the eleven lineal descendants of Ali and the Prophet's daughter, Fatima.
  • Although the oil-rich kingdom has escaped the sort of unrest unleashed in Egypt, Libya or Tunisia, there have been signs of domestic discontent over high unemployment, as well as some nervousness that Saudi Arabia's Shiite Muslim minority could be inspired by the protests of their co-religionist neighbors in Bahrain. Saudi King to Return Home as Turmoil Sweeps Region
  • In the Shiite branch of Islam, a high-ranking religious authority regarded by his followers as the most learned person of his age.
  • Mr. Sistani, the true hero of Iraq's survival and incipient renaissance, is the standard-bearer of the traditional Shiite view of politics called "quietism," which rejects the clerical rule invented by the Ayatollah Khomenei in Iran. Coming to Terms With Iraqi Democracy
  • Iran has Revolutionary Guards stationed in Lebanon and it, effectively, holds sway over extremistShiite Moslem terrorist groups, such as Hezbollah, the Party of God.
  • The generous outreach to Sunnis is widely viewed as a profound betrayal by Bahrain's rulers and feeds Shiite perceptions of second-class status and being under siege from what they call a "mercenary" security force. The Seattle Times
  • Qassem Zein/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images ASHURA FESTIVAL: Shiite Muslims carried candles outside the Imam Ali shrine during an Ashura ceremony Sunday in the Najaf, Iraq. Today's Photos: Jan. 5
  • A military interpreter before he switched to journalism, he was streetwise; a Shiite who lived in a Sunni neighbourhood; a survivor.
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