How To Use Shew In A Sentence
Full well it _shewn_, he _thoughten_ coste no sinne.
The Rowley Poems
Unroasted nuts such as almonds, cashews, pecans, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts and walnuts make an ideal snack food.
He grabbed a fistful of that lush cashew-colored hair that made Pink Jenny so popular, twisted her arm behind her in a vicious half nelson, and dragged her up to my face.
The author, who seems to intend the character of Bonvolio as good, meant perhaps to shew, how the best minds, in a state of faction and discord, are detorted to criminal partiality.
Notes to Shakespeare, Volume III: The Tragedies
Interestingly the manna did not fall on Sabbath, but the shewbread was renewed each Sabbath.
_ It has been shewn by Dr. Priestley and Mr. Ingenhouz that the green matter at the bottom of cisterns, and the fresh leaves of plants immersed in water, give out considerable quantities of vital air in the sun-shine; that is, the perspirable matter of plants (which is water much divided in its egress from their minute pores) becomes decomposed by the sun's light, and converted into two kinds of air, the vital and inflammable airs.
The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
But my imagination, like Elstir engaged upon rendering some effect of perspective without reference to a knowledge of the laws of nature which he might quite well possess, depicted for me not what I knew but what it saw; what it saw, that is to say what the name shewed it.
The Guermantes Way
Scoop in piles of cashews, almonds, macadamias, walnuts, pumpkin seeds or whatever you please.
Behaviour with which she treats me, her faithful Lover, shews, that it is the prudent, vertuous, chast Galesia.
The Amours of Bosvil and Galesia
This is a thick, nutty curry of chicken with cashew nuts, grated coconut, garlic cloves, fresh ginger, coriander, onions & green chillies.
They gave the officers to understand that far from wishing to act as enemies, they were willing to afford the shipwrecked people all the assistance in their power; but these barbarians shewed, on all occasions, a perfidiousness which is peculiar to the inhabitants of these climates; when the brig had sent biscuit on shore, they seized the half of it, and a few moments after, sold it at an exorbitant price, to those from whom they had stolen it.
Naufrage de la frigate la Méduse. English
I armed her against the censures of the world, shewed her that books were sweet unreproaching companions to the miserable, and that if they could not bring us to enjoy life, they would at least teach us to endure it.
The Vicar of Wakefield
It's got dates, fruits, almonds, walnuts and cashews in it.
The state officials figures indicate that the yield rate of cashew in Orissa is around 550 kg per hectare, compared to the national average of 650 to 700 kg per hectare.
Need to boost cashew business units in Orissa
But because conscience is a relative term, and so must refer to something which it is to be conversant about, I shall shew, that men are commanded a subjection to, and dehorted from a resistance of the civil magistrate, by two things.
Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. III.
For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
There were almonds, peanuts, cashews, hazelnuts, pecans and Brazil nuts.
The punctured part on a boy's arm (who was inoculated with fresh limpid virus) on the sixth day, instead of shewing a beginning vesicle, which is usual in the cow-pox at that period, was encrusted over with a rugged, amber-coloured scab.
The Harvard Classics Volume 38 Scientific Papers (Physiology, Medicine, Surgery, Geology)
And that may men prove, and shew there by a spear, that is pight into the earth, upon the hour of midday, when it is equinox, that sheweth no shadow on no side.
The Travels of Sir John Mandeville
And get iron from cashews, tofu and legumes.
The Sun
The prices of jute, potato, soyabean, cashew nut, pepper, rubber, green tea leaves, coconut, groundnut and coffee have fallen sharply.
And as for those Greek words anastenai and egei'rein, they endeavour to shew, by other like places of scripture, that they signify no more than the bare suscitation, raising, or giving being to a thing, without its having fallen or perished before.
Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. III.
Prior to the show, he sat down with Buzzineover Pad Thai and cashew chicken totalk abouthis new musical direction.
Buzzine » AM Interview
Corey shewed his house and his wife and children to some of our people, his dwelling being at a town or _craal_ of about an hundred houses, five
A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 09 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
At current exchange rates, everything's a bargain - covetable leather goods and heavy Karnataka silk, handwoven carpets, temple carvings and spices, cashews, tea and coffee.
Mango, cashew and baobab trees also encourage the production of honey which is sold to provide an income for the five villages involved in the project.
Further tests indicated the presence of resin from the terebinth tree, a Middle Eastern member of the cashew family.
Not that I regard the foregoing as articles of faith, or as all true; -- I have implied the contrary by contrasting it with, at least, by shewing its disparateness from, the Mosaic, which, 'bona fide', I do regard as the truth.
Literary Remains, Volume 2
She would have been quite willing to shew to her mother all these expressions of her lover's love; but she felt that it would not be fair to him to expose his allusions to the "beastliness" at the stations.
An Eye for an Eye
Walke with me (deare sal heart) into my Chamber, and there at a secret little window, I shall shew thee what he doth, that drove thee to such a suspition of me, and we shall heare beside, what answere he will give my maide Ancilla, whom I will send to comfort him in his coldnesse.
The Decameron
Edinburgh, which no other city has to shew; a college of the deaf and dumb, who are taught to speak, to read, to write, and to practice arithmetick, by a gentleman, whose name is Braidwood.
A Journey to the Western Isles of Scotland
I wish to acquaint your love in Christ that the very zealous brethren who have been commissioned by your reverence to act for you in this good work have won praise for all the clergy by the amiability of their manners; for by their individual modesty and conciliatoriness they have shewn the sound condition of all.
NPNF2-08. Basil: Letters and Select Works
Cashews are high in protein and carbohydrate as well as being rich in vitamin A.
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
Independence Day (Blog for Democracy)
Poison ivy belongs to the Anacardiaceae or cashew family, which includes many other rash-causing plants such as poison oak and poison
Sometimes food is barbecued bananas or goat satays, maize or cashews, all purchased through the bus window as we pass through small villages of thatched-roofed mud huts.
And so much in answer to this objection; which being thus removed, I come now to shew, that the mysteriousness of those parts of the gospel called the credenda, or matters of our faith, is most subservient to the great, important ends of religion; and that upon these following accounts:
Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. II.
Bellville, does not the very word indulge shew the sensation to be pleasurable?
The history of Lady Julia Mandeville
Born in Stratford in 1889, John Edward Shewry grew up on a backblocks farm at Tahora.
The raw nuts are then cooked, giving off a horrible odor and cracked open to reveal what we know as the pale tan cashew nut.
Archive 2005-09-01
The brave and the wise can both pity and excuse,when cowards and fools shew no mercy.
The brave and the wise can both pity and excuse,when cowards and fools shew no mercy.
Other foods to stay clear of are tree nuts (such as almonds, cashews, Brazils, hazelnuts and walnuts), sesame seeds, fish, shellfish, eggs and dairy produce.
He knows it is his most profitable crop, and he is planting 300 trees every year, but he also grows coffee, cashews, star fruit, oranges and coconuts.
He can not elect before advice is received, of the loss: and if that advice shews the peril to be over, and the thing in safety, he cannot elect at all; because he has no right to abandon, when the thing is safe.
The obvious objection is that the shewbread was eaten only by the priests.
My Birthday, on Monday, was brilliant - the kids got me cashews and Belgian chocs and were so excited and pleased with themselves that I felt all loved and snuggly.
As a strow will shaw she does the wind blague, recting to show the rudess of a robur curling and shewing the fansaties of a frizette.
Finnegans Wake
Peanut flour is a cheaper alternative to almond or cashew nut powder and I know that many take-away outlets are now using it.
A robin red-breast dropt from the frosty branches of the trees, upon the congealed rivulet; its panting breast and half-closed eyes shewed that it was dying: a hawk appeared in the air; sudden fear seized the little creature; it exerted its last strength, throwing itself on its back, raising its talons in impotent defence against its powerful enemy.
We hiked up steep switchbacks between ancient samaan and banyan trees and clambered down gullies where razor grass spikes up high along the trail and mango and cashew trees form a fruitful canopy.
Reliques he had left behind him, I meane the Friars hood and Cowle, which shewing to their sister, and sharpely reproving her unwomanly behaviour: they left her in no meane discomfort, returning home to their owne houses, with their conquered spolle of the forlorne
The Decameron
Nuts can be eaten in moderation, but not cashew nuts as they are rich in carbohydrate.
Let the honest heart shew itself, and reason teach passion to submit to necessity; or, let the dignified pursuit of virtue and knowledge raise the mind above those emotions which rather imbitter than sweeten the cup of life, when they are not restrained within due bounds.
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
You'll be rewarded with deep flavor and candy that sets up perfectly every time, as in the case of our classic buttery almond toffee and our pretty cashew brittle.
Native-grown breadfruit, mango, soursop, pawpaw, and cashews are regarded by some locals as less desirable food.
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
The Declaration of Independence
The next time that you bake a cake, or if you are going to make some homemade candies or serve some of those delicious ice cream sundaes, add all the chopped walnuts, pecans, cashews, almonds if you wish.
Then, despite not really understanding what was going on half the time, I managed to flukily win the first game while monkeyssk8 stumbled around between the toilet, the front garden and the internet (here is her blow-by-blow audio account of the game, kindly hosted by shewho).
Amuchmoreexotic: I think monkeyssk8 and I are the worst p
The golden sisirum and the delicately-wrought nabla, the strings of which had long ago been broken, testified to her taste for music, while the broken spindle in the corner, and some unfinished nets of glass beads shewed that she had been fond of woman's usual work.
An Egyptian Princess — Volume 10
How she loved to crunch them; dry roasted peanuts, macadamias, cashews, pistachios, walnuts and Brazils.
She shewed us plainly, that, though she permitted us to assign her laws and subdue her apparent powers, yet, if she put forth but a finger, we must quake.
Private inlets bookended by rough limestone headlands and edged by round-leafed cashew trees or palms are hidden behind unmarked turnoffs.
There are even agricultural islands solely for growing crops - yam, cassava, mango, cashews, coconut, sugarcane, sweet potato… just a tremendous variety.
For when the drastic purges are taken by the mouth, they excite the lacteals of the intestines into retrograde motions, as appears from the chyle, which is found coagulated among the fæces, as was shewn above,
Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
Thuriot shews himself from some pinnacle, to comfort the multitude becoming suspicious, fremescent: then descends; departs with protest; with warning addressed also to the Invalides, -- on whom, however, it produces but a mixed indistinct impression.
The French Revolution
On the cashew tree outside the bedroom window, ‘the bell-shaped yellow fruits hung lazily, drawing buzzing bees that bumped against my window's netting.’
Do thou, O most holy one, with thy honourable supplications both shelter and preserve, and unto the enemies -- as fearful and unsubduable shew those that make a festival of thy (name of the event), that we may call unto thy Son: O
The General Menaion or the Book of Services Common to the Festivals of our Lord Jesus of the Holy Virgin and of Different Orders of Saints
It is related of Alfred the Great, that at the age of twelve years, when he had not even learned the alphabet, his mother once shewed him and his brothers a volume adorned with versicolored letters and other embellishments.
The Young Maiden
Crackling crisp squid is surrounded by the unexpected zip of ginger, cashews, and papaya.
Daughter decided this creamy curry with a cashew nut base looked more tempting than the meal she ordered but a mouthful later, decided otherwise. The extra dish had been prepared ‘hot’ and nearly sent her sky high.
The ships being four, appointed themselves in the best order they could, for the best shew, and shott off all theire ordinance to the value of twenty marks in powder.
An Account of Timbuctoo and Housa Territories in the Interior of Africa
And ye shall understand, if it like you, that at mine home-coming, I came to Rome, and shewed my life to our holy father the pope, and was assoiled of all that lay in my conscience, of many a diverse grievous point; as men must needs that be in company, dwelling amongst so many a diverse folk of diverse sect and of belief, as I have been.
The Travels of Sir John Mandeville
Mangoes come in hundreds of varieties and a wide range of shapes and sizes, and are distant relatives of cashews, pistachios, poison oak and poison ivy.
As many as goe out to warfare doe prouide all things of their owne cost: they fight not on foote, but altogether on horsebacke: their armour is a coate of maile, and a helmet: the coate of maile without is gilded, or els adorned with silke, although it pertaine to a common soldier: they haue a great pride in shewing their wealth: they vse bowes, and arrowes, as the
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
[Chronicon Hierosolymitanum, eodem libro 9.cap. l2.] continueth this historie of these two hundreth saile of ships, and sheweth how by their prowesse chiefly, the multitude of the Sarazens were in short space vanquished and ouerthrowen: The words are these; Ab ipso verò die tertiæ feriæ dum sic in superbia et elatione suæ multitudinis immobiles Saraceni persisterent, et multis armorum terroribus Christianum populum vexarent, sexta feria appropinquante.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 08 Asia, Part I
The painting bears the inscription ‘Presented to C. Hilton Green, Esqr., M.F.H., by subscribers and farmers of the North Cotswold Hunt as a slight appreciation of the excellent sport he shewed, 1927-1929.’
In North America the flora consisted of a mixture of subtropical elements, such as cashews and lychee trees, with temperate trees such as roses, beech and pine.
As for all other pretences, they are nothing but death and damnation dressed up in fair words and false shews; nothing but gins, and snares, and trapans for souls, contrived by the devil, and managed by such as the devil sets on work.
Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. II.
In such a work the library shewn requires what I may term generalised fittings.
The Care of Books
Think Marjolasian, layers of dark chocolate, white espresso mousse, cashew nougatine, with milk chocolate glace.
Jay Weston: The Best Chinese Meal of My Life... Again!
These terms rid Natura of a great part of that insupportable constraint he had been under, but gave not the least satisfaction, as to his jealousy of honour; he doubted not but she would be guilty of many things, injurious in the highest degree to their public character, and which yet it would not so well become him to exert his authority in opposing, and these reflections gave him the most terrible inquietude; which shews, that though _jealousy_ is called the child of _love_, it is very possible to feel all the tortures of the
Life's Progress Through The Passions Or, The Adventures of Natura
Tree nuts include walnuts, pecans, almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, pine nuts, pistachios, and more.
There were almonds, peanuts, cashews, hazelnuts, pecans and Brazil nuts.
_ Thay saye the same of the holy crosse, whiche is shewyd in so many places bothe openly, and pryuately, that if ye fragmentes were gathered apon one heape, they wold apere to be a iuste fraghte for a shipe, and yet Christe dyd bere all his crosse hymselffe.
The Pilgrimage of Pure Devotion
These foods top the list (in order of magnesium content): bulgur wheat, sunflower seeds, tofu, almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, white beans, broccoli, artichokes, and milk.
Trice, who in short shewed me a writt he had ready for my father, and I promised to answer it.
Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 13: November/December 1661
But sith he continued his extremitie euen to his last daies, we may rather beléeue, that although from his childhood he shewed some tokens of clemencie, bountie, and liberalitie; yet by following the wars, and practising to reigne with sternenesse, he became so inured therewith, that those peaceable vertues were quite altered in him, and in maner clearelie quenched.
Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6) England (1 of 12) William the Conqueror
On the road, Ms. Lo learned to cook with items such as green papaya, which is currently served with duck and cashews at Annisa.
Braised Escarole With Seared Bay Scallops
When you tell me that an estate is now of small value to its life-owner and unget-at-able for any public purposes, in consequence of a will made by a man who died twenty years ago, it appears to me that you shew me convincingly that we have not Free
Speculations from Political Economy
The bulk section was easy: four different choices of cashew nut, priced by the kilo.
But it shewed her how reasonable and just my expectations were; and that I was no encroacher.
Clarissa Harlowe
How she loved to crunch them; dry roasted peanuts, macadamias, cashews, pistachios, walnuts and Brazils.
That the two contemplative ways have some resemblance with the old parable of the two moral ways, the one beginning with incertainty and difficulty, and ending in plainness and certainty, and the other beginning with shew of plainness and certainty, and ending in difficulty and incertainty.
Valerius Terminus: of the interpretation of Nature
No one pretends that for a moment, indeed the sharpness of enemy reprisals will certainly decrease as the Allied poundings itself is magnified, but the sting of the Stuka, the jeer of the Ju. 88, the drone of the Dormer, and the mischief of the Messerschmitt, have all been measured by the flying men of the United Nations, who have once again shewn themselves the salt of the earth.
The Plans Unfold
Many natural- and gourmet-food markets also carry almond, macadamia, Brazil nut, pistachio, cashew, pumpkin seed, hazelnut and sunflower seed butters.
Men who were before this age, who kept themselves in soothfastness, and spoke nothing idle, won from GOD what they prayed for: and that was shewn to a holy hermit
The Form of Perfect Living and Other Prose Treatises
Further tests indicated the presence of resin from the terebinth tree, a Middle Eastern member of the cashew family.
The overseer was asked to construct a frame ‘for ascertaining the proper form of the Road’ and the trustees requested that the contractor should ‘make a small Part of the Road shewing three different Slopes, when the same would be fixed’.
The glory of your auncestours and predecessours, acquired and wonne by sheading of so much bloud, kepte by so great prudence, conserued by so happy counsell, haue they no representation, or shew before your face?
The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1
Garnish with the chopped cashew nuts and dust the salad with a little cayenne pepper.
The next day the miraculous body was shewn to the multitude, though it is honestly stated by the chronicler that the whole of it, including the face, was covered with linen, the only flesh visible being through a chink left in the cerecloths at the neck.
Which when they are so great and arduous, that they seem even to call out for help from Heaven, and to exceed all possibility of redress but by the interposal of a miracle, why then miracles come in season, and shall be shewn, as being the rarities and reserves of
Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. VI.
KJV Sing unto the LORD, bless his name; shew forth his salvation from day to day.
If you wanted to impart extra flavour to the cashews, you could roast them beforehand, and don't worry if you haven't got a wok, just do it in a roasting tray on top of the gas-ring burners.
Accordingly it fell to my lot to assume the appearance of madness, which made greatly for my purpose, as they consider mad men to be holy, and they therefore allowed me to go much more at large than before, until such time as the hermits might determine whether I were _holy mad_, or raging mad, as shall be shewn hereafter.
A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 07
Cashew nuts are rich in carbohydrate.
His bed of iron is shewn, which is in Rabbath of the children of Ammon, being nine cubits long, and four broad after the measure of the cubit of
The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Complete The Challoner Revision
{77} Here is the head of a Frenchman [_shews the head_], all levity and lightness, singing and capering from morning till night, as if he looked upon life to be but a long dance, and liberty and law but a jig.
A Lecture On Heads As Delivered By Mr. Charles Lee Lewes, To Which Is Added, An Essay On Satire, With Forty-Seven Heads By Nesbit, From Designs By Thurston, 1812
She only wished that it were less openly shewn; and once or twice did venture to suggest the propriety of some self-command to Marianne.
In very short time after, those two infected parts were growne mortiferous, and would disperse abroad indifferently, to all parts of the body; whereupon, such was the quality of the disease, to shew it selfe by blacke or blew spottes, which would appeare on the armes of many, others on their thighes, and every part else of the body: in some great and few, in others small and thicke.
The Decameron
Book-fanciers now and then bid a few shillings, for a copy of the catalogue of his library; and some sly free-thinkers, of modern date, are not backward in shewing a sympathy in their predecessor's fame, by the readiness with which they bid a half-guinea, or more, for a _priced copy_ of it.
Bibliomania; or Book-Madness A Bibliographical Romance
And for as moche as to me there is not come any occasion to be able, to shewe the preparacions made of me, to reduce the servise of warre into his auncient orders, if I have not reduced it, I cannot be of you, nor of other blamed: I beleve this excuse shuld suffise for answere to your accusement.
Machiavelli, Volume I
He has climbed back onto the leaderboard, shewing he can be a contender again.
And thus much for the second thing considerable in the dehortation; namely, the thing we are therein dehorted from, which is that mean, sordid, and degrading vice of covetousness: the nature of which I have been endeavouring to make out, both negatively, by shewing what it is not; and positively, by shewing what it is, and wherein it consists.
Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. III.
Thought I'd really immerse myself in the culture of the town .... spent most of my time eating a heady mix of cashew nuts, grilled matoke (plaintains, raw banana) and having some serengeti beer. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
Certain seafoods, notably oysters, along with milk, wholegrain breads, dark-meat poultry, and nuts like cashews also provide this multipurpose mineral.
But all as in most exquisite pictures they vse to blaze and portraict not onely the daintie lineaments of beautye, but also rounde about it to shadow the rude thickets and craggy clifts, that by the baseness of such parts, more excellency may accrew to the principall; for oftimes we fynde ourselues, I knowe not how, singularly delighted with the shewe of such naturall rudenesse, and take great pleasure in that disorderly order.
Shepheardes Calendar
The older form "shew" appears only in the earliest editions.
Alonzo and Melissa The Unfeeling Father
We may therefore suppose this wig [_shews a large wig_] to be a huge quarto in large paper; this is a duodecimo in small print [_takes the knowing head_]; and this a jockey's head, sweated down to ride a sweepstakes.
A Lecture On Heads As Delivered By Mr. Charles Lee Lewes, To Which Is Added, An Essay On Satire, With Forty-Seven Heads By Nesbit, From Designs By Thurston, 1812
Here is the head of another Fashionable Foreigner [_shews the head_], a very simple machine; for he goes upon one spring, self-interest.
A Lecture On Heads As Delivered By Mr. Charles Lee Lewes, To Which Is Added, An Essay On Satire, With Forty-Seven Heads By Nesbit, From Designs By Thurston, 1812
This is a circumstance worthy of notice; for it clearly shews, that he was not unapprehensive of meeting with resistance from the natives, or unmindful of the necessary preparation for the safety of himself and his people.
Narrative of the Voyages Round The World, Performed by Captain James Cook
The letters which he addressed during this period to the Committee, shew how deeply he felt the disappointment, caused by the nonarrival of any caravan from the interior, by the return of which, he might have proceeded upon the ultimate object of his mission.
Travels in Nubia
Various coins shewed through the gold meshes of the one; the Russia leather of the other told no tales.
The Gold of Chickaree
There was nothing on it but a little scrub, some casuarinas along the fence near the beach, and one big cashew tree.
By referring to the notes we can learn that Davitt and Parnell were two Irish politicians of the time, and that a cachou was a popular cashew candy (the brushes aren't explained).
Christianity; and this necessarily draws on and engages them in a dispute of the particular points and differences betwixt us; which is the very thing they would avoid by this method, and which I have now plainly shewed they cannot do, because they cannot possibly prove their church to be the true church, with out shewing the conformity of their doctrines and practices to the doctrine and practice of the primitive and apostolic church; and this will give them work enough; and will, whether they will or no, draw them out of their hold and fastness, which is to amuse people with a general inquiry which is the true church, without descending to the examination of their particular doctrines and practices.
The Works of Dr. John Tillotson, Late Archbishop of Canterbury. Vol. 04.
_ Pray, Madam, do not thus suspend my doubtful Soul; but if you do design to insnare my Life, speak, speak freely: Or if the Constable be at the Door, let him shew his Staff of Authority, perhaps I may corrupt him with a Bribe.
The City Bride (1696) Or The Merry Cuckold
Abbey, and shew him the pastoral scenes that adjoin to it, the pure parent stream of Eden, and of Tweed, where Thomson first tuned his pastoral pipe, and I asked him to come to the Adelphi next day, to honour my sitting for the painting of my portrait.
Letter 178
I went to the bazaar, where I called a crier aside, and shewing him the necklace, told him I wished to sell it, and desired him to show it to the principal jewellers.
The Arabian Nights Entertainments - Complete
I believe it will not be necessary to employ many words in shewing the weakness of this argument, after what I have said of the foregoing.
Unroasted nuts such as almonds, cashews, pecans, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts and walnuts make an ideal snack food for would-be slimmers keen to get cracking.
Competing crops like maize and cashew, however, yield Rs 9,000 per hectare.
There were almonds, peanuts, cashews, hazelnuts, pecans and Brazil nuts.
« baron wormser | portrait of the artist vasko popa | shadow of a shewolf »
J.d. whitney | grandmother « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
As Booth was a sweet-tempered man, as well as somewhat of a philosopher, he behaved with all the good-humour imaginable, and indeed, with more than his companions; who, however, shewed him what they call civility, that is, they neither struck him nor spit in his face.
Amelia — Complete
None of the experiments cited seemed to me capable of shewing this more clearly than that according to the 10th paragraph, because this residuum, as already mentioned, consists of vitriolated tartar and alkali.
Discovery of Oxygen, Part 2
There is nothing upon the face of this agreement distinctly shewing that the plaintiff was contracting as agent for others.
Scatter over the chopped cashews and add some freshly ground black pepper.
[Sidenote: The Dogge passeth all creatures in smellyng.] smellyng, the nature of a Dogge passeth all beastes and creatures, whiche the historie of Plinie dooe shewe, and Ari - stotle in his booke of the historie of beastes, therein you shall knowe their excellente nature.
A booke called the Foundacion of Rhetorike because all other partes of Rhetorike are grounded thereupon, euery parte sette forthe in an Oracion vpon questions, verie profitable to bee knowen and redde
This bringer hath shewed me here very great courtesie, wherefore I pray you shew him what fauor you may.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
If the mere scene had been shewn without them, I should have prefer'd the view of the evening sky on the water, to the Fairies lamps, their grassless groves, and their publick tables.
Letter 35
Scoop in piles of cashews, almonds, macadamias, walnuts, pumpkin seeds or whatever you please.
And Ezechias rejoiced at their coming, and he shewed them the storehouses of his aromatical spices, and of the silver, and of the gold, and of the sweet odours, and of the precious ointment, and all the storehouses of his furniture, and all things that were found in his treasures.
The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Old Testament — Part 2
The heat of this water before it rose out of the earth could not be ascertained, as water looses all its heat above 212 (as soon as it is at liberty to expand) by the exhalation of a part, but the flinty bason which is deposited from it shews that water with great degrees of heat will dissolve siliceous matter.
The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
The line then pushes its way through a bewildering medley of tropical vegetation -- there are miles of cashew and breadfruit trees, of frangipani and jaks, and more than once a stately talipot-palm is discerned in full blossom -- for half a century the tree has stored its vitality for this one effort; and the burst of splendor spent, its career on earth is ended.
East of Suez Ceylon, India, China and Japan
Almonds, cashews and macadamias are full of monounsaturated fats, which help lower LDL cholesterol and raise HDL cholesterol.
But it was not to be avoided: he made her feel that she was the object of all; though she could not say that it was unpleasantly done, that there was indelicacy or ostentation in his manner; and sometimes, when he talked of William, he was really not unagreeable, and shewed even a warmth of heart which did him credit.
Mansfield Park
The master of the ceremonies is always a gentleman, and every body is eager to shew him every possible respect. '
Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
We hiked up steep switchbacks between ancient samaan and banyan trees and clambered down gullies where razor grass spikes up high along the trail and mango and cashew trees form a fruitful canopy.
This shewed a kind of fretful impatience; nor was it to be wondered at, considering our disagreeable ride.
Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides
And having imparted his minde to a very intimate friend, how he intended to deale with simple Calandrino: they went both very neere him, where he sate all alone, and making shew as if they saw him not; began to consult between themselves, concerning the rare properties of precious stones; whereof Maso discoursed as exactly, as he had beene a most skilfull Lapidarie; to which conference of theirs,
The Decameron
Kate, one of the make up artists had a Tupperware box full of cashew nuts and almonds.
On the hills are cashew nut plantations suited to this dry type of soil.
And I to Tom Trice, who in short shewed me a writt he had ready for my father, and I promised to answer it.
Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete
We be all come from one father and one mother, Adam and Eve: whereby can they say or shew that they be greater lords than we be, saving by that they cause us to win and labour for that they dispend?
Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)
She told her name, and was shewn, by a little shabby footboy, into a parlour.
Captaines, saying, you do not well that you make no more haste to take in your lading, you shall haue no better cheape wares, and withall shewed vs many other things: wherevpon the Portingalles hated him, and not long after he was murthered in his bed.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
To the end, that as in gentlenesse of minde we conferre with other; so by excellency in good manners, we may shew our selves not inferiour to them.
The Decameron
A person charged with libel cannot defend himself by shewing that he intended in his own breast not to defame, or that he intended not to defame the plaintiff, if in fact he did both.
I would rather forgive pride in a poor body, than in a rich: for in the rich it is insult and arrogance, proceeding from their high condition; but in the poor it may be a defensative against dishonesty, and may shew a natural bravery of mind, perhaps, if properly directed, and manifested on right occasions, that the frowns of fortune cannot depress.
That is to say, such as shew themselves, not by the immediate self-evidence of the terms, but by consequences and deductions drawn from some known principle by human ratiocination or discourse, and the judgment which men use to pass upon things in the strength and light thereof.
Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. III.
You could also use hazelnuts, Brazils, cashews and pecans.
That's just 22 almonds, three tablespoons of cashews, 28 peanuts, 47 pistachios, or 14 walnut halves.
_to purfle_ survives in the contracted form _to purl_, and is cognate with profile = a front line or edge. ~shew~: here rhymes with _dew_; comp. l.
Milton's Comus
The ancients, who by many are thought best to have understood human nature, did not think tears unmanful, or disgraceful to a man of true fortitude; as might be amply shewn, if needful.
A Vindication of Three of Our Blessed Saviour���s Miracles: viz. The Raising of Jairus���s daughter, The Widow of Naim���s son, and Lazarus.
From this it proceeds, that many times when they rise, their wits run a wool-gathering, and they are more inclined to look crabbedly, grumble and mumble, then to shew each other any signs of love and friendship: for an empty purse, makes a sorrowfull pate.
The Ten Pleasures of Marriage and the Second Part, The Confession of the New Married Couple
All the counsels of Mrs. Arlbery upon this subject occurred to her; and imagining she had hitherto erred from a simple facility, she rejoiced in the accident which had pointed her to a safer path, and shewn her that, in the present disordered state of the opinions of Edgar, the only way to a lasting accommodation was to alarm his security, by asserting her own independence.
Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
Yet better were attonce to let me die, and shew the last ensample of your pride: then to torment me thus with cruelty, to proue your powre, which I too wel haue tride.
Amoretti and Epithalamion
Small-scale fences owned by individuals or co-operatives encircling irrigated crops or cash crops such as cashews and bananas are most likely to succeed.
These have been intersected by numerous small discontinuous lensoid bodies or larger dykes of gabbroid rocks, which shew considerable variety both in mineralogical constitution and texture, and are especially prominent on the western margin of Kerr Point.
Something debonnaire; which need not be separated from that awe and reverence, when they address a woman, which should shew the ardour of their passion, rather than the sheepishness of their nature; for who knows not that love delights in taming the lion-hearted?
Clarissa Harlowe
But now, as to be silent of men's defects and vices is a piece of flattery, and flattery a degenerous and unworthy thing; yet, that all people may not promiscuously think themselves called upon to reprove and declare against whatsoever they see amiss in others, and so mistake that for charity and duty, which is indeed nothing else but sauciness and impertinence, it will be convenient to shew,
Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. V.
Many natural- and gourmet-food markets also carry almond, macadamia, Brazil nut, pistachio, cashew, pumpkin seed, hazelnut and sunflower seed butters.
Whether this was the Octateuch of Moses it is neither certain nor much worth our inquiry; for Photius judgeth him a corrupt author: besides that it may be shewn by and by, that there was a twofold Octateuch besides that of Moses.
From the Talmud and Hebraica
These things thou wouldest wete of me; but, soothly, I cannot tell thee for a surety the soothfastness of this matter; nevertheless somewhat, as me thinketh, I shall shew thee in a short word.
The Cell of Self-Knowledge : seven early English mystical treatises printed by Henry Pepwell in 1521
Therefore it is no wonder if these things which are spoken by our Saviour are not found verbatim in the Jewish pandect; for they are not so much alleged by him to shew that it was their direct design to banish away all reverence and love towards parents, as to show how wicked their traditions were, and into what ungodly consequences they oftentimes fell.
From the Talmud and Hebraica
The coining is still to be carried on on the premises, as the contracts offered for doing the work out of doors were too high or too incompetent; the 'engraver or die-sinker' is no longer to be permitted to work on his own private account; and, what is still better, when a new medal or new model is wanted, the best artists of the country are to have the opportunity of shewing their skill in the requisite designs; and, last, dealers in bullion will no longer be allowed to refine their gold at the public cost, for all the metal sent in in future 'must not exceed the standard weight.'
Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 434 Volume 17, New Series, April 24, 1852
And there is the longish face; and the rather thin, stuck-out moustache, shewing both lips which pout a bit; and there is the nearly black hair; and there is the rather visible paunch; and there is, oh good Heaven, the neat pink cravat -- ah, it must have been _that -- the cravat_ -- that made me burst out into laughter so loud, mocking, and uncontrollable the moment my eye rested there!
The Purple Cloud
Head for the Kabini River Lodge, a picturesque estate full of cashew and gulmohar trees originally owned by the Maharajas of Mysore.
These fewe exam - ples of their vanities and lies, doe shewe the feigned ground and aucthoritie of the reste.
A booke called the Foundacion of Rhetorike because all other partes of Rhetorike are grounded thereupon, euery parte sette forthe in an Oracion vpon questions, verie profitable to bee knowen and redde
The new begins his compast course anew: with shew of morning mylde he hath begun, betokening peace and plenty to ensew,
Amoretti and Epithalamion
Drinking rice, hemp, almond or cashew milk is not a step towards better health.
Times, Sunday Times
And Jesus in that word shewed me ghostly sight of her: right as I had seen her afore little and simple, so He shewed her then high and noble and glorious, and pleasing to Him above all creatures.
Revelations of Divine Love
Upon these un-Lady-like private consultations, whether the window shewed the signa or no; it is no matter belonging to my charge: I say, husbands are unwise, to graunt such ill advantages, and wives much worse, if they take hold of them, onely Judge you the best, and so the Tale is ended.
The Decameron
I. ii.32 (164,2) She's a good sign] [W: shine] There is acuteness enough in this note, yet I believe the poet meant nothing by _sign_, but _fair outward_ shew.
Notes to Shakespeare, Volume III: The Tragedies
- I4v - an affinitie in the wordish consideration, that I think this digression will make my meaning receive the fuller understanding: which is not to take upon me to teach Poets how they should do, but only finding my selfe sicke among the rest, to shew some one or two spots of the common infection growne among the most part of writers; that acknowledging our selves somewhat awry, wee may bende to the right use both of matter and manner.
Defence of Poesie
Add the cashew puree and stir.
The Sun
Unroasted nuts such as almonds, cashews, pecans, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts and walnuts make an ideal snack food for would-be slimmers keen to get cracking.
My speech is plaine, without any rhetoricall shew of eloquence, hauing rather a regard to simple truth, than to decking words.
Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6) England (1 of 12) William the Conqueror
Then only, it has been shewn, is a state free when it is governed by its own will.
Archive 2009-05-01
Hence, besides, it is doing no service to the interpretation of the Scriptures, to attempt to shew that in the passage of the Epistle to the Hebrews, [455] where the covenant is represented as a testament, either that the term διαθηχη there, must have only the meaning _testament_, or that it must be rendered _covenant_ exclusively throughout.
The Ordinance of Covenanting
&c. -- When persons of fashion are bled, their friends send them, as soon as it is known, little presents to amuse them all that day; for which reason, the women of easy virtue are often bled, that their lovers may shew their attention, and be _bled too_.
A Year's Journey through France and Part of Spain, 1777 Volume 1 (of 2)
(_Philippians_, pp. 171-178) has shewn with great fulness of proof that 'the household of Caesar' was a term embracing a vast number of persons, not only in Rome but in the provinces, all of whom were either actual or former slaves of the
Philippian Studies Lessons in Faith and Love from St. Paul's Epistle to the Philippians
The 60-year-old man, who had no history of nut allergy, suffered an anaphylactic reaction to a cashew nut just 25 days after he received the liver transplant.
‘freshman’ for proselyte; ‘mooned’ for lunatic; ‘foreshewer’ for prophet; ‘hundreder’ for centurion; Jewel ‘foretalk’, where we now employ preface; Holland ‘sunstead’ where we use solstice; ‘leechcraft’ instead of medicine; and another, ‘wordcraft’ for logic; ‘starconner’
English Past and Present
Golden dishes, in which the shewbread was carried, and golden lateral plates, further to protect it on the stand, are also mentioned by the Rabbis.
But since the apostle not only takes this "delighting" from the other part of him, but likewise attributes it to the power of warring against that inward man and overcoming him, it is evident that the restriction has been added on this account -- to shew that, in the man who is now the subject of discussion, "the inward man" has not the dominion, but is, in fact, the inferior.
The Works of James Arminius, Vol. 2
This ornament then is of two sortes, one to satisfie & delight th'eare onely by a goodly outward shew fet vpon the matter with wordes, and speaches smothly and tunably running: another by certaine intendments or sence of such wordes & speeches inwardly working a stirre to the mynde: that first qualitie the Greeks called _Enargia_, of this word _argos_, because it geueth a glorious lustre and light.
The Arte of English Poesie
This doubles the reward, by spreading their praise; but the backwardness parents shew in divulging their faults, will make them set a greater value on their credit themselves, and teach them to be the more careful to preserve the good opinion of others, whilst they think they have it: but when being exposd to shame by publishing their miscarriages, they give it up for lost, that check upon them is taken off, and they will be the less careful to preserve others good thoughts of them, the more they suspect that their reputation with them is already blemishd.
Some Thoughts Concerning Education. Sections 61-70