How To Use Shellfish In A Sentence
Moray eels, nudibranchs, stingrays, shellfish, sea urchins and sea stars were out and about, while the polyps of black corals and other gorgonians were feeding.
Waitrose, for example, has made a real and commendable effort to source sustainable fish and shellfish across the board.
Times, Sunday Times
Particularly good dusted over fish and shellfish, or with couscous salad.
Times, Sunday Times
Tightly wrap or store in covered containers all cooked meat, poultry, and fish and shellfish and refrigerate them promptly.
For at least 40,000 years, they gathered shellfish and peacefully slept under the stars.

A good combination is salmon, a white fish and shellfish.
They winter in open, coastal environments, favoring bays and inlets with sandy shores and shellfish beds.
These were used for storing shellfish after they had been collected from nearby saltmarsh creeks and before they were taken to markets.
Seafood ingestion syndromes such as diarrhetic shellfish poisoning, ciguatera poisoning, and scombroid poisoning also can cause diarrhea in travelers.
In contrast to soba, which tastes distinctly of buckwheat, the flavour of udon is neutral, allowing any number of variations in the additional ingredients, such as vegetables, seaweeds, eggs, fish, shellfish, poultry.
Also avoid raw fish, especially shellfish such as oysters and clams.
And so it went, verses new and old, verses without end, all in glorification of the succulent shellfish of Carmel.
I had never heard of it, but a little research indicated that it is traditionally served with clams in Sardinia, and can be used in shellfish broth, in soups, or like regular pasta.
After retiring as Natural Resources Director in 1982, Mr. Ranta remained active in conservation, serving on the Sandy Neck Governing Board and donating his time and knowledge to benefit the town's shellfishery.
The Barnstable Patriot
Their day-to-day diet is a mix of worms, lugworm, white rag, smashed up shellfish like razorfish, cockles and sand clams, small crabs, shrimps and even small fish, for they, like most sea fish, are a predator in their own right.
Cocktails are a bit more, but the shellfish is fresh.
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Tightly wrap or store in covered containers all cooked meat, poultry, and fish and shellfish and refrigerate them promptly.
Lift the fish and shellfish out of the pan and place on the toast.
Times, Sunday Times
It also does fresh and smoked shellfish.
Times, Sunday Times
Excellent as an aperitif. Grilled fish, shellfish and goat cheese.
Since last December, all products must state on the label that they contain any of the eight main food allergens (milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, soy, and cereals containing gluten), plus sesame seeds and sulphites.
Foods that have been linked to outbreaks include milk, shellfish, unpasteurized apple cider, raw and undercooked eggs, fish, raspberries, strawberries, and ready-to-eat meats.
Such an effect could trigger a chain of reactions through entire ecosystems, from whales to fish and shellfish, with huge implications for economies and wildlife.
Times, Sunday Times
I think I could go a long time without boring myself, though I deeply regret the absence of fishes and shellfishes, beans, apples, mushrooms, olive oil, garlic, herbs, sugar, peppers and spices.
Desert Island Potato Salad
Most of the glucosamine on the market at the moment is derived from shellfish.
Times, Sunday Times
In Korea they're called hong hab hohng hop, "red shellfish", the same type that are around Newfoundland, and they were really cheap and easy to get when I first got here but I haven't seen them in quite a few months.
Archive 2009-05-01
Fish restaurants do sometimes serve them, but only as a garnish on the side of assorted shellfish platters.
Times, Sunday Times
Even the rope leading down was covered in barnacles and the wreck itself was festooned in soft corals and shellfish.
In a pinch, try buying rockweed from your fishmonger; it's used to pack shellfish and is often abundant where seafood is sold.
Happy as a Clambake
Many people choose to eat shellfish at this time of the year, especially after acquiring a taste for them on holiday.
Times, Sunday Times
The canal offers a rich array of shellfish, including oysters, clams, mussels, and Dungeness crab, which can go from water to table in less than two hours.
There was a very healthy respect for game, and fish, and shellfish.
Times, Sunday Times
Domoic acid is produced by the diatom Nitzschia pungens and has been isolated in shellfish from Prince Edward Island, Canada. 10 This toxin is responsible for amnestic shellfish poisoning (ASP) in humans causing symptoms of gastroenteritis and neurotoxicity.
Fish poisonings and envenomations
Then add the shellfish and simmer for just another 5 minutes, no more or the fish will be overcooked.
The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure
When a fish or shellfish is served in a generous quantity of its cooking liquid, however supplemented with other ingredients, the French fittingly call it a preparation à la nage, or “aswim.”
On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
Twelve popular shellfish gathering beaches in Auckland, Bay of Plenty, Northland and Waikato are being surveyed to see whether current levels of cockle, pipi and tuatua harvesting are ecologically sustainable.
Latest Massey News
Chopped shellfish and shrimp are recommended for feeding when beef is consistently refused.
It becomes a battle of life and death as the star uses its suckers and all the brute force at its command to force open the shellfish.
Spoon some shellfish meat and vegetables into six small soup tureens and cover with some of the bisque.
Beef, mutton, pork and venison were common meats, and communities close to the coast could expect to widen their diets with fish and shellfish.
The shellfish are cooked when shells have opened, discard any that are closed.
The Sun
Other foods to stay clear of are tree nuts (such as almonds, cashews, Brazils, hazelnuts and walnuts), sesame seeds, fish, shellfish, eggs and dairy produce.
The shellfish stands alongside a pair of spicy romesco-sauced toasts atop lean, flavorful weakfish and pale, delicate, almost liquid skate, along with strips of fennel and red peppers.
Guests were able to help themselves to platters of shellfish while waiters proffered metal buckets full of ribs.
Times, Sunday Times
The crew continued to trawl for whitefish long after many others abandoned the traditional catch and diversified into shellfish.
As of May 2007, the partners involved agreed that UBC food service would avoid: shrimp products that were not from local trap fisheries, wild bivalve shellfishes and non-native farmed species, snapper or rockfish, tuna caught via long-line fishing, rainbow trout and steelhead reared in net pens or floating cages, swordfish, monkfish, and sevruga caviar.
ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
The emphasis is on local fish and shellfish while salads, sandwiches and simple pasta dishes make up the rest of the summer menu.
Not surprisingly, fish and shellfish dishes are much favoured along the coast.
Cheap Eats Guide to Europe 1994
Jews are bound by a set of dietary laws called kashrut, which, among other restrictions, forbid the consumption of pork and shellfish, as well as the consumption of both meat and milk products at the same meal.
A Canadian study of 200 people found that a mixture of shrimp and shellfish could help lower cholesterol.
The Sun
Sure enough, at nine o'clock sharp, a man who looked very much like a fisherman walked in bearing assorted calamari, shellfish and prawns on a large plastic tray.
Consequently, hydrogen sulfide accumulates, provoking a large increase in the mortality of macrofaunal species including farmed shellfish.
Coastal lagoon
Cholesterol is found in foods such as eggs, shellfish, meat and dairy products.
And spring, the scientists say, is the time of year the shellfish have their greatest aphrodisiac quality.
Collection Sauvignon Blanc as an ideal partner for shellfish and delicate fish such as plaice, sole and skate, and also goes well with asparagus and avocado.
Rss news feed for Morning Advertiser
Puffer fish grown in culture, for example, do not develop tetrodotoxins, and it is possible that the puffer fish, in addition to synthesizing tetrodotoxins, may serve as transvectors of either tetrodotoxin or ciguatoxin, a different chemical that originates in a dinoflagellate and causes paralytic shellfish poisonings.
The Serpent and the Rainbow
Oysters, clams and other shellfish thrive in bays and inlets, as do many species of crabs and fish.
They are usually served as a garnish or on a platter of mixed shellfish with mayonnaise.
Food Watch
There was a very healthy respect for game, and fish, and shellfish.
Times, Sunday Times
To avoid illness, travellers are advised not to eat shellfish or raw foods such as salad that have been washed in unboiled or unclean water.
For three showerless weeks he and a team of researchers surveyed, observed and catalogued the rock, camping under the stars and subsisting on an unlikely diet of cabbage and canned shellfish (nonperishable food items not being a staple of Omani grocery stores).
Energy Bulletin -
Small mammals, turkeys, fish, and shellfish were important foods, as too were hickory nuts.
The development of sewage systems by Victorian engineers meant human effluent was discharged into the sea, contaminating many shellfish beds.
Chopped shellfish and shrimp are recommended for feeding when beef is consistently refused.
Elsewhere in the issue we visit Washington's spectacular South Puget Sound, a kind of briny Burgundy where every cove and waterway seems to grow its own distinctive shellfish -- each with its own connoisseur following.
Editor's Note
As soon as they berthed, the boxes of fish and shellfish would be transferred to Fred Hall's freezer sheds near the quay.
Mainly using source material and so on pebble, ceramic tile, shellfish, sheet glass, beaded glass , after the cutting, carries on the creativity combination again.
The significance of this is that other species such as shellfish and crustaceans feeding in plankton could be affected.
Also applying to shellfish are dexiotropic and laeotropic, where the shell's spire turns to the right and left, respectively.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IX No 3
The marine shellfish along the East London coastline also show consistent non-compliance with SA Water Quality Guidelines for mariculture.
Gastroenteritis is caused mainly by viruses, such as the rotaviruses commonly found in infected shellfish.
Particularly good dusted over fish and shellfish, or with couscous salad.
Times, Sunday Times
In today's Highlands, the march of the modern means that the hills support unsaleable sheep and the shores inedible shellfish; salmon are caged and deer without number pollute the bens.
But is it sweet and fitting to turn that sacrifice into a smarty-pants shellfish starter?
Times, Sunday Times
Closed shellfish beds have been reopened and eelgrass have been potential long-term sources of contaminants, such as acids, solvents, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and oxygen-demanding biological wastes.
The seafood and shellfish dishes are probably the best in France.
Collins Traveller, Brittany
The highest proportion of cholesterol is found in egg yolk, offal, shellfish, red meat, butter and cream.
Always a sucker for shellfish, I chose king prawns in a Mediterranean sauce as a starter at £5.
The vomit contains the remains of dozens of belemnites - squid-like shellfish that lived in abundance in the seas around what is now Britain.
What makes it worth it here, in what A Geography of Oysters author Rowan Jacobsen calls Washington's "oyster nirvana," is the belief that these waters, and these skilled farmers, have something singular to offer shellfish gourmets.
The American Oyster Paradise
The vertical plane along which we dive is completely smooth and only a few anemones and shellfish have been able to make themselves fast.
If MCM inspectors catch anyone fishing or collecting bait or shellfish in these areas they will issue fines.
The hard component was often formed from calcium carbonate, as found in shellfish, but other durable defences were provided by chitin (a complex carbohydrate) in crustaceans and insects.
The report said that by 2100 the oceans could be more acidic than they have been in millions of years, leading to the death of creatures that secrete skeletal structures like coral, shellfish, and calciferous phytoplankton.
The Whale Warriors
Not surprisingly, fish and shellfish dishes are much favoured along the coast.
Cheap Eats Guide to Europe 1994
They are usually served as a garnish or on a platter of mixed shellfish with mayonnaise.
Food Watch
It's an enormously creative act for a shellfish, don't you think?
Although the tempura-battered shellfish involved are popcorn-size chunks, they taste important in their spicy chipotle sauce.
They are usually served as a garnish or on a platter of mixed shellfish with mayonnaise.
Food Watch
Guests were able to help themselves to platters of shellfish while waiters proffered metal buckets full of ribs.
Times, Sunday Times
I have been drinking it ever since, in addition to watching my diet and cutting out shellfish.
MANY fish and shellfish stocks in Scotland are in trouble.
Times, Sunday Times
Add any available shellfish or molluscs - abalone, sea snail, Moreton Bay bugs.
Those who are allergic to shellfish have to avoid words even like bouillabaisse, fish stock, seafood flavoring, and clam extract.
His Taylor Shellfish Farms raises a half-dozen varieties of oysters, plus clams, mussels and even giant geoduck clams two feet long that it sends to China and Japan.
Oysterman Fought for Puget Sound, Reaped Its Bounty
However, owing to the harmful effect of fipronil on shellfishes and bees, the Chinese government has restricted the use of fipronil in China since 1 October 2009.
Business Wire Travel News
This might be a reason for the Mosaic laws against eating carnivores and shellfish.
Pasta dishes like linguine sometimes contain squid ink as well as shellfish and prawns.
There they drink a ton of excellent wine, eat the most exquisite shellfish-stuffed quenelles, and take a cab home.
The North Sea is a highly productive LME supporting average landings of 2.5 million metric tons of fish and shellfish every year.
North Sea large marine ecosystem
Any uncooked fruit or vegetable is best avoided and remember be careful of shellfish.
Even valuable shellfish beds around the coast are in danger because the Government has not implemented proper programmes to reduce pollution.
Does that satisfy you, you crossgrained old shellfish?
Kent Knowles: Quahaug
Remove the shellfish from the cooking liquid with a slotted spoon.
The records show how the price, adjusted for inflation, of fish and shellfish, including lobster, swordfish, oysters, halibut, haddock and sole, has climbed as stocks have collapsed.
Mussels and limpets are their primary food, but Black Oystercatchers prey on a wide range of shellfish and other creatures found along the rocky shore.
Seafood ingestion syndromes such as diarrhetic shellfish poisoning, ciguatera poisoning, and scombroid poisoning also can cause diarrhea in travelers.
Shellfish is a sustainable fishery and the trawlermen saw that, called it a day and are reaping the rewards.
Beef, mutton, pork and venison were common meats, and communities close to the coast could expect to widen their diets with fish and shellfish.
Are winkles the most underrated shellfish in the sea?
Times, Sunday Times
For more information on marine invasions, ballast water, marine toxins, harmful algal blooms and diarrhetic shellfish poisoning, see Cawthron research programs.
New Zealand Shelf large marine ecosystem
My main course, scallops cooked in a tomato sauce, looked marvellous, but the sauce was far too rich for the delicate shellfish.
The Ho Wong offers a stripped-down, credibly manageable menu: food with a palpable freshness to it, featuring a lot of lovely fresh fish and shellfish.
These marshes provide nursery habitat for fish and shellfish.
It measures 2.7 metres across and is built like a shellfish: its hard shell designed to protect its delicate instruments from the heat of entry into the atmosphere.
But they trapped and speared fish in inland rivers and lagoons, and collected shellfish along the coastline.
Indeed, the ancient purity laws of Leviticus in the Old Testament prohibit the activities of ingesting shellfish or touching a dead pigskin.
Some toxic marine species cause paralytic shellfish poisoning, particularly when forming red tides.
Fresh Atlantic fish and shellfish are invariably the star attractions here, presented with style and individuality.
Get down to your local fishmonger and try out some shellfish.
The Sun
In medieval times, shellfish and other seafood became popular as a takeaway in seaside towns and London.
The Sun
Hell, depending on my precise shade of Christianity, I could refuse to extend my medical skills to people who've been divorced, or who eat shellfish, or who wear polycotton clothing.
They are usually served as a garnish or on a platter of mixed shellfish with mayonnaise.
Food Watch
Artifacts discovered here included potsherds, some tuyeres, a clay smoking-pipe, oval-shaped pieces of chalk, shells of a variety of saltwater shellfish, and mammalian bones.
Its underside will become home to mussels and other shellfish, acting as a natural purification plant for the marine environment.
Times, Sunday Times
Future projects will include reef development in recreational and commercial shellfish harvesting areas and water quality remediation projects to improve impaired waterways.
Stars. Centennial, the moon, box, the Christmas tree. Snowflake, shellfish, fish-like, Butterfly, Maple Leaf, Titan, starfish, flower, sunflower and other stone.
Lift the fish and shellfish out of the pan and place on the toast.
Times, Sunday Times
All those years ago, for example, pot fishermen regarded divers as their deadliest rivals for the shellfish of the sea.
This poison, which affects humans, has plagued Scottish coastal waters for the last decade, resulting in 34 separate bans on catching shellfish.
Fish and shellfish are still important foods in the current diet, as they were in the past.
The shellfish, especially the oysters and the whelks are just the best.
If you are surviving on fish and shellfish in northern Queensland, you’ve got to be mindful of a thing called ciguatera.
Surviving Australia
The significance of this is that other species such as shellfish and crustaceans feeding in plankton could be affected.
But the system of fines does not seem to be eliminating the hazardous shellfish from the local market.
However, some strains of Alexandrium tamarense produce very potent neurotoxins known as paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs).
Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
Shellfish usually attach themselves to rocks.
We didn't have time for three courses, but we enjoyed the zuppetta of local fish and shellfish and the very fresh East Neuk crab and pasta.
For the shellfish may carry an infection which causes severe stomach upsets in anyone who eats them.
If you're still hungry after the oysters, prawns and shellfish, for dessert there are a dozen varieties of cake, plus ice cream and shaved ice.
Think of molluscs and chances are it is shellfish such as limpets, whelks, scallops and mussels that spring to mind.
Priority will be given to trucks carrying livestock, fresh produce such as shellfish and meat, or hazardous goods such as explosives.
Times, Sunday Times
Red tide algal blooms - sudden, massive growths of algae - are known to cause massive fish die-offs, and often prompt authorities to shut down beaches and shellfish beds.
If one mentions the word aquaculture in Ireland, the first thing that comes to mind is most probably salmon or shellfish like mussels, oysters and scallops.
Researchers say that odd behavior by oystercatchers in Britain in the late 1990s indicated the collapse of shellfish beds in the Wash, off England's east coast.
So are corals and shellfish, which make calcium carbonates that end up in the bottoms of oceans.
Environmental health officer Ray Parle explained that shellfish like mussels, oysters, clams and scallops filter their food from the water like a sieve.
A Canadian study of 200 people found that a mixture of shrimp and shellfish could help lower cholesterol.
The Sun
Sear the assorted shellfish, brush with honey and place under the grill till cooked.
Since we have been banned there has been an escalation of poaching of shellfish and perlemoen.
These crisp, bracingly acidic white wines can be terrific with food (especially shellfish), but they also can be too herbaceous for many wine aficionados.
In today's Highlands, the march of the modern means that the hills support unsaleable sheep and the shores inedible shellfish; salmon are caged and deer without number pollute the bens.
Serve hot, spooning the broth, fish and shellfish into large, warm bowls.
Shellfish can remind us of treasured times - going clam digging with the family, slurping down oysters on the half shell at a raw bar with friends, or shucking them yourself in the hopes of finding a pearl.
Tests on 16 fossilised shellfish showed that acid dating is as accurate as carbon dating.
If I were to speculate on the shellfish and scavengers, I would tend to cite the same reasons for the proscription.
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Happy shellfish depurate,'' said Diane Regan, a bacteriologist at the state's Shellfish Purification Plant on Plum Island Point. Top Stories
The large selection of fresh shellfish includes dressed crab from nearby Lymington.
Times, Sunday Times
MANY fish and shellfish stocks in Scotland are in trouble.
Times, Sunday Times
Of all shellfish, prawns are still the most popular to cook at home.
Times, Sunday Times
The Turks are practically alone among Asian pilaf-makers in using fish and shellfish in pilaf, and, like their immediate neighbours the Syrians and Armenians, often make pilaf using bulgur wheat instead of rice.
Summer holidays, the English coastline and fresh shellfish - what a truly perfect combination.
Think of molluscs and chances are it is shellfish such as limpets, whelks, scallops and mussels that spring to mind.
The staple food, boiled or steamed, is served with a sauce of leaves, flavored with dried fish or shellfish, and vegetables.
In the sea, it was the same and in many areas we are now down to the prawns and shellfish.
Times, Sunday Times
Seaweeds also share the aroma of dimethyl sulfide, which is found in cooked milk, corn, and shellfish as well as in seacoast air.
On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
Women are abducted while gathering crabs and shellfish at night by torchlight.
Fresh Atlantic fish and shellfish are invariably the star attractions here, presented with style and individuality.
Human harvesting of shellfish has raised concerns over ecosystem sustainability.
Satan Satanophobia scabies scabiophobia school (of going to) didaskaleinophobia scientific terms (complex) or Greek terms Hellenologophobia scratched (being) amychophobia sea thalassophobia semen spermatophobia sermons homilophobia sex (opposite) sexophobia sexual abuse agraphobia sexual feelings erotophobia sexual intercourse coitophobia sexual perversion paraphobia shadows sciophobia shellfish ostraconophobia shock hormephobia sin hamartophobia single (staying) anuptaphobia sitting down thaasophobia sitting still cathisophobia skin lesions dermatophobia skin disease dermatosiophobia
Pangsuan Diary Entry
Chopped shellfish and shrimp are recommended for feeding when beef is consistently refused.
Tyrian purple, from the shellfish murex, was a dye reserved for the emperor; this dye was worth several times its weight in gold.
The game is introduced: Beckham mainly gets a penalty on behalf of England, creates mythology of football circles with " shellfish type tulwar " another!
Today, the market is awash with seasonal greens, wild mushrooms, Melton Mowbray pork pies, smoked eels, fresh shellfish, potted shrimps, cider, venison and wild boar.
I love pretty much all shellfish, but scallop is way, way up there in my estimation!
Where has the summer gone? at
Scientists say the key is a natural compound called spermidine, also found in chicken liver and shellfish.
The Sun
More and more skippers swallowed their prides, converted their trawlers and diversified into shellfish.
The Shovel-Nosed Ray can reach two meters in length and is quite harmless, feeding only on small crabs and shellfish.
Although the mozzies can eat you alive, the mangroves are great for shellfish, which we cook on the fire and use sticks to pull out the meat.
A Canadian study of 200 people found that a mixture of shrimp and shellfish could help lower cholesterol.
The Sun
Cod, hake, whiting, mackerel and skate as well as shellfish were pulled from the sea.
For the non-fish eaters there's steak and pasta, for example, but most people come here for the fish, and the restaurant focuses on halibut, haddock, cod, pollock, salmon and shellfish, prepared in a variety of ways.
Jews are bound by a set of dietary laws called kashrut, which, among other restrictions, forbid the consumption of pork and shellfish, as well as the consumption of both meat and milk products at the same meal.
There are fish and shellfish.
Times, Sunday Times
The shellfish can do this thanks to the amino acid dihydroxyphenylalanine, also known as dopa. - latest science and technology news stories
There are fish and shellfish.
Times, Sunday Times
And it's moving toward a wildlife refuge, people's homes, and a lucrative shellfishery.
Grist - the Latest from Grist
Eat plenty of zinc - that means oysters or other shellfish, pecans, or even pumpkin seeds.
Geographic and bathymetric distributions for many commercially important fishes and shellfishes off the west coast of North America based on research survey and commercial catch data, 1912 – 1984.
Fisheries and aquaculture in the North Pacific (Bering Sea)
The famous five-star resort used to get its internationally renowned shellfish from local fishermen who brought in fresh supplies daily from local ports such as Girvan.
There are obviously plenty of shellfish and crabs, too, because I saw giant puffers and octopus and none looked short of a meal.
Tests on 16 fossilised shellfish showed that acid dating is as accurate as carbon dating.
Their operation has expanded to include a farm shop, where you can buy a variety of fresh fish and shellfish, a restaurant and a wine store.
The shellfish are cooked when shells have opened, discard any that are closed.
The Sun
Some of the same Gulf shellfish I had enjoyed in simpler recipes, while surfside at Galveston, here came in fancy dress.
Gulf Dining Bounces Back
These examples are fairly tame and recognizable; most people can swallow the idea of nutty mushrooms and earthy shellfish.
Daniella Martin: What Do Bugs Taste Like, Anyway?
Small window displays built into the outside walls show enticing arrays of fresh fish and shellfish.
He lived rough, eating off shellfish on the shore.
Gastroenteritis is caused mainly by viruses, such as the rotaviruses commonly found in infected shellfish.
Aquaculture is the practice of farming with fish and shellfish in both fresh water and seawater.