How To Use Shelled In A Sentence

  • It is no more a sign of weakness to change leadership in wartime if success depends on it than it is to remove a baseball pitcher who is getting shelled in order to prevent the game from becoming hopelessly lost.
  • Serves 2-4, depending on hunger4 raw, unshelled tiger prawns90ml olive oil3 cloves garlic, finely chopped500ml good-quality fish stock150g sustainable monkfish, cut into chunks1 onion, finely diced1 tsp smoked paprika200g chopped tomatoes50ml dry white winePinch of saffron soaked in 1 tbsp hot water200g Calasparra or other short-grain rice150g baby squid, cut into rings150g broad beans150g mussels, scrubbedHandful of flat-leaf parsley to garnish½ lemon, cut into wedges 1. Shell the prawns and put the flesh aside. How to cook the perfect paella
  • She was sleeping deeply, her tentacles curled gently about her shelled torso.
  • Fish eat snails in their shells and hard-shelled crustacea as well as invertebrates with exoskeletons.
  • And, if they don't like it, people are likely to be far less irritated and unsolicitous having shelled out only $2 than being out $8 and have five beers they don't like. Archive 2007-09-01
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  • We do have pages on the Solenogastres and the worm-like Caudofoveata, as well as the chitons and some early shelled mollusks, the Rostroconchia.
  • Outside, under the flame trees, women sipping milky tea shelled beans and sold Nile Perch broth or a peanut sauce to go with a starchy-green banana mush called matoke. Richard C. Morais: The Poetry of Pork
  • One of the main dishes was a soup - soft shelled turtle soup.
  • Clams reproduce sexually and like most mollusks they are hermaphroditic, although some soft shelled clams are dioecious, meaning they have distinct genders. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • If the hen doesn't have enough calcium, the eggs may be soft shelled and egg binding is more likely.
  • These chemicals prevented normal calcium deposition during eggshell formation, and caused females to lay thin-shelled eggs that often broke before hatching.
  • This prevented another bombardment of Henderson Field by the Japanese battleships, but that night their cruisers shelled it heavily.
  • The recall affects certain bulk roasted inshell and roasted shelled pistachios shipped on or after September 1, 2008. FDA to consumers: Stop eating pistachio nuts
  • The complaint against them, it seems, is that they supplied the troops around Sarajevo who shelled and sniped at civilians.
  • Four ships, two of them Clyde-built, were shelled heavily by communist forces during the episode, and 45 Royal Navy and Royal Marines personnel were killed.
  • At the end of the aisle Chief Marcett waited, dressed in ceremonious white robes and shelled necklaces.
  • It is difficult to know whether to laugh at, or cry for, the unfortunates who shelled out up to $500 each for ringside seat at the ‘fight’ last Saturday night.
  • At first, the Steller's jays availed themselves of the birdseed and unshelled peanuts on the grass, as well as a few kernels from the tray.
  • One of the main dishes was a soft-shelled turtle soup.
  • The thicker shelled species often carry a distinctive sculpture, which is also important in identifying fossil species.
  • Nuts, shelled or unshelled, retain their freshness when kept in the freezer.
  • Store unshelled walnuts for up to three months in a cool, dry place.
  • He was shelled in his final outing, lasting less than two innings, then missed the play-offs with a freak knee injury.
  • The fans shelled out $200 for a ducat to the game.
  • Specific will tell, can choose freshwater shrimp, crab, soft - shelled turtle .
  • Substitute shelled pistachios for nuts in any recipe you fancy.
  • The eggs are misshapen, rough-shelled, and contain watery albumen.
  • To demonstrate that monarchs have an internal clock and that the clock is set by daylight, the researchers examined the time of day when adult monarchs emerge from their hard-shelled pupa, called the chrysalis.
  • Crabs also slough off their old-age; this is generally allowed with regard to the soft-shelled crabs, and it is said to be the case with the testaceous kind, as for instance with the large ‘granny’ crab. The History of Animals
  • Having shelled out fifty pounds for the tickets, I wasn't going to miss the show.
  • The Nazi artillery dutifully shelled without mercy, and the Luftwaffe bombarded the streets relentlessly.
  • Besides the salad there were two shelled crab pincers, without any seasoning but still tasty.
  • At the height of the battle on the Western Front during World War 1, the Germans shelled Allied front line positions at the rate of 3000 per hour.
  • Before being relived by the 94th Infantry later that day, the 5th Ranger Battalion was shelled one more time with some casualties taken.
  • 1 iron wheeled open cart (1943) stolen by Germans.1 complete forrager 4m loaded, shelled in barricade. WHITE LIES
  • Most shelled opisthobranchs I know of are a translucent white in colour.
  • Select unshelled pecans with clean, uncracked shells that don't rattle when shaken.
  • Before long, customers were lining up, which forced the brothers to distribute free, unshelled peanuts to placate waiting customers. Fast-growing Five Guys burger chain sticks to basic, fresh food
  • Hard shelled nut of North American hickory trees especially the shagbark hickories .
  • I put no flavorings in the cakes, because I like the main taste to be the tender, succulent crabmeat, which is why my favorite food in the world is sauteed soft-shelled crab. Maggie's Farm
  • They are soft-shelled, halfformed, you can bring them crashing down with a single word. Times, Sunday Times
  • This voluntary recall affects certain bulk roasted inshell and roasted shelled pistachios shipped on or after September 1, 2008. Undefined
  • He was a huge disappointment this year, getting shelled this spring and then at AAA.
  • The shelled serpentine walks were bordered with low, closely clipped cassina hedges; clusters of white and rose oleander, scarlet geraniums, roses of countless variety, beds of verbena of every hue, and patches of brilliant annuals, all looked up smilingly at him. Beulah
  • After you have shelled and trimmed scallops, give them a good wash in sparkling water for a few seconds.
  • Each egg was carefully marked, in pencil, with the date of laying so, when the rubbery shelled orbs were extracted, a memory of summer days was present.
  • Steamed soft - shelled turtle shape - ----- integrity, nutrient - rich, intense flavor.
  • The numerous Italian varieties of almond are almost all hard-shelled.
  • The evolutionary result of this is that sinistral species or closely related species with oppositely coiled shells are more common among tall-shelled lineages than among wide-shelled ones. How snails mate: Oxyloma retusa
  • The battalion was shelled intermittently with high explosive and shrapnel.
  • There are a few others who aren't quite weird enough, such as Cantor's Giant Soft-Shelled Turtle, the Long-eared jerboa, or Pink fairy Armadillos, but they're definitely strange. Archive 2008-08-01
  • They would hand freshly boiled unshelled eggs from one to the other and eventually you would have to eat it.96 Let the Swords Encircle Me
  • One of 1,500 Canadians who lost their lives in the Falaise Gap, Steele died instantly when his tank was shelled by the Germans.
  • The kernels are available shelled or unshelled, toasted or raw.
  • Peter told me that Perocette was an officer in the French Navy back in World War 11. The American fleet shelled the French Navy at Oran. CORMORANT
  • You go down to the beach in a group after dark and wait patiently until the turtles turn up - big, lumbering, shelled shapes, dragging themselves over the sand.
  • However, in great spotted cuckoos thick-shelled eggs have not evolved for the same reason because this species parasitizes large birds that do not need to puncture the parasitic egg because they can easily grasp it.
  • The shelled reptile's measured, oblivious promenade is representative of the world in which we are being immersed.
  • Fish eat snails in their shells and hard-shelled crustacea as well as invertebrates with exoskeletons.
  • At the siege of Metz in 1944, during the liberation of France, for example, heavy coast artillery pieces and field guns shelled the fortresses there.
  • • Energy Club of Pacoima earlier Tuesday announced the voluntary recall of Energy Club and Mucho Sabor branded in-shell salted pistachios due to potential contamination with salmonella as a follow up to the voluntary recall of roasted shelled and inshell pistachios announced by Setton Pistachio of Terra Bella Inc. Undefined
  • If you must reach for high-fat snacks, pick ones that require a little legwork, such as shelled peanuts or air-popped popcorn you have to make yourself.
  • Soft-shelled clams, quahogs, American lobsters, striped bass, tautog, black-backed flounder, and sea trout are abundant in the waters around Hope Island. Narragansett Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Rhode Island
  • Beyond the village, Eastern Shura forces advanced up a narrow, forested valley, while the tanks shelled the hilltops a mile away.
  • Soft-bodied squid replaced the hard-shelled ammonites as the leading molluscs.
  • In June, midget submarines went on to attack inside Sydney Head while beachside suburbs were shelled by larger submarines
  • The site would be the Olympic stadium, which was heavily shelled but still stands.
  • We paid for the two rope/wooden toys and went on to a garden centre that has a good pet section where we got some parrot food that looked quite tasty and some unshelled peanuts.
  • Shelled invertebrates also have a home in the collection, including a giant marine isopod (pill bug) from the deep sea below.
  • Personally I think that it was due to the house only being indicated on the map, whilst the stables, 200 yards off, which were perpetually being shelled, were marked in heavy black, and were a cockshy for the The Doings of the Fifteenth Infantry Brigade August 1914 to March 1915
  • Steamed soft - shelled turtle shape - ----- integrity, nutrient - rich, intense flavor.
  • She dove under and looked at the muddy bottom, stirring it up and watching the little shelled animals run for cover.
  • Soft-shelled clams, quahogs, American lobsters, striped bass, tautog, black-backed flounder and sea trout are abundant in the waters around Hope Island. Narragansett Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Rhode Island
  • The tanks, their allies, which had almost turned on them, spilled their fire and shelled positions beyond the thin clump of woodland.
  • These are dry, shelled legumes, like those found in split pea soup.
  • The productive Paleozoic era gave rise to hard-shelled organisms, vertebrates, amphibians, and reptiles. February 2009
  • Breck continued research in herpetology, studying the natural history of Manitoba toads and spiny soft-shelled turtles.
  • Fisheries are mainly tilapia, crab, soft-shelled turtle, quality carp, white butterfish , white shark, fish, catfish, the United States to fish, Macrobrachium nipponense, eel, loach, such as mussels.
  • The research is based on a dinosaur pelvis that contains a single pair of shelled eggs inside the body cavity.
  • Food proteins causing acute reactions in patients are few in number such as peanuts, walnuts, filberts, eggs, fish, crustaceans (shelled joint-legged aquatic animals), cotton seed, kiwi and lastly milk, and wheat (rare in adults).
  • But Sydney harbour, in New South Wales, was attacked by midget submarines and further north Newcastle was shelled by their bigger brethren, although with few casualties.
  • The images of true poverty gave our tiny congregation a glimpse into the everyday life in Ethiopia, a time of famine when a bucket of unshelled peanuts would be considered a feast.
  • The scientists used cores of ocean sediment containing fossils of microscopic shelled organisms called foraminifera to reconstruct past water temperatures in the strait. NYT > Home Page
  • April 6th, 2009 12: 50pm phil - those wot 'ad hens in the yard during the war knew that Light Sussex produced white - shelled eggs and Rhode Island Reds and Buff Orpingtons produced rust-coloured shells. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Imagine the nerve of that bloody minded Abe, calling for volunteers just because a US military instillation was shelled Matthew Yglesias » Politics and Investment Bias
  • Many who had shelled out thousands for tickets seemed uninterested in the specifics of the game.
  • Alongside them were long, unshelled prawns, their black-and-white striped bodies set against white scallops, still very much alive, judging by their whitish shells.
  • Since practically every Missouri farm contains some waste land upon which the native walnut and other nut trees may be growing, it is believed that it is possible to topwork these seedling sorts to improved kinds which will not only supply a larger quantity of thinner shelled, more highly flavored nuts for home use, but a surplus for the market. Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Fifteenth Annual Meeting New York City, September 3, 4 and 5, 1924
  • He shelled the pitcher for eight runs in the first inning.
  • As you might assume, it's shaped like an unshelled peanut. Going Nuts in Manhattan
  • The courthouse was shelled and burnt to cinders - along with all its documents.
  • Add 1 cup of frozen shelled edamame and continue to boil for 5 minutes.
  • We made bouquets from the great beds of horsemint with its tiny white blossom, and we shelled the milkweed pod and with the white silky hair stuffed mattresses for our dolls. My beloved South,
  • Clams reproduce sexually and like most mollusks they are hermaphroditic although some soft shelled clams are dioecious, meaning they have distinct genders CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • They can be perfectly combined with in shell Brazil nuts (shelled by hand, because the nuts are massively shelled through the use of either heat or quick-freezing, which also originates ‘dirty’ protein), for on-the-go.
  • Gudgeon love feeding upon copepods, tiny shelled invertebrates that form swarms just above the river bed.
  • The redoubts were shelled while I slept and one high explosive landed just behind the parados beside the bomb supply. The 5th Seaforth Highlanders in the trenches
  • Whether unshelled or shelled, peanuts scorch easily, so it's important to watch both the temperature and cooking time very closely.
  • The corn shelled
  • I personally saw this at work in 1969, when an unauthenticated transmission caused 69th Signal Battalion's base camp at Ben Hua to be shelled, producing produced several casualties.
  • Try to buy shelled hazelnuts (also called filberts) with the brown, papery skins removed as well. - Recipe Raves
  • A meal for two had been brought in by the equivalent of a chambermaid, some sort of claws from shelled creatures.
  • We finally decided on unshelled nuts, an agricultural product of the area and something that is both plentiful and inexpensive.
  • So here is some gyan on Koli dailect Kolbi (prawns) and kolbi once deshelled in called Sode and Vale means fresh/wet. Tallele Vale Sode
  • In fact, over the next hour, the Mexican jays collected any and all of the unshelled peanuts that I placed for them on the hopper feeder or threw out for them on the ground.
  • Shelledy did not know about the secret dealings, which he likened to drinking from a toilet bowl.
  • The combination of fossils and gouged marks created a metaphoric interplay between fossilized creatures and shelled victims.
  • We can speculate that this category consists of about 30 per cent thick-shelled hickory and 26 per cent other wild foods.
  • Maize can also be shelled (de-cobbed) and placed into bags and then into crocks, jars or tins. Chapter 7
  • Called shelled hempseed, the new product is simply hempseed with its outer shell removed so that the THC-containing adherents are removed and discarded with the shell.
  • Their eggs lost their hard shells first or, perhaps they never had hard-shelled eggs and then the apertural teeth came; 2. Archive 2008-07-01
  • Here in Baghdad I am writing next to a table lately sliced in two by a falling pane of glass, and am told by the seraphic ambassador that we could be shelled again at any time.
  • He now was within metres of the artillery piece that shelled him and his late friend.
  • Darting from in between the rusted hulks of shelled out transports they encroached further into the enemy's territory.
  • In the first place, a scrub jay is usually not content to take just one unshelled peanut and fly off, if there is more than one peanut lying around.
  • Steamers are soft-shelled clams that also have long siphons that protrude from their thin brittle shells.
  • Once a graceful, Caucasus-foothills city of 1 million, it has been heavily shelled and carpet-bombed in two ferocious wars in the past eight years.
  • The meats consisted of soft shelled crab covered in spices, tender roast beef and chicken.
  • Time to start working from the text, making from this trash and gimmickry of sex my aesthetic: a hip first, a breast, a slow shadow strip out of clothes that bushelled me asleep.
  • He would already be in double figures but he shelled a waist-high chance, arguably the easiest of the eight that have gone to him at second slip, when Stephen Moore, on 43, drove loosely at Keith Barker in the first innings. Rikki Clarke's fielding of dreams may be all in vain for Warwickshire
  • The fourth breath passed over the waves and called out the names of every scaled fish, shelled animal, and whale, male and female, and they all came to Being.
  • Over half the weight of the shelled and degermed cacao bean is made up of fat, or "cacao butter," a product, Gage noted, "I have seen drawn out ... by the Creole women for to oint their faces. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  •   The recall affects certain bulk roasted inshell and roasted shelled pistachios shipped on or after September 1, 2008. FDA to consumers: Stop eating pistachio nuts
  • At the H Street NE FreshFarm Market on Saturday, look for celery root ($4), unshelled lima beans ($5 per pint) and grapes ($7 per pint). Market Roundup: Sept. 16-23
  • They stand around the huge circular counter-height oak tables that bear giant bowls of unshelled peanuts.
  • The right-hander was desperately trying to figure out why he was constantly being shelled last season.
  • Thirty seconds after removing a previously boiled, unshelled egg from the microwave, the malicious little egg exploded in her face.
  • To preserve tamarinds for future use, they may be merely shelled, layered with sugar in boxes or pressed into tight balls and covered with cloth and kept in a cool, dry place.
  • The kernels are available shelled or unshelled, toasted or raw.
  • It was a place where gray mists hid the tops of low, deep-green mountains, where redbone and bluetick hounds flashed through the pines as they chased possums into the sacks of old men in frayed overalls, where old women in bonnets dipped Bruton snuff and hummed "Faded Love and Winter Roses" as they shelled purple hulls, canned peaches and made biscuits too good for this world. Excerpt: All Over But The Shoutin' by Rick Bragg
  • Solid timbers and struts took on the grotesque softness of a shelled oyster, as glass shattered, cloth rippled, and counters spewed their contents.
  • Therefore, an aberrant individual with a tall sinistral shell among tall-shelled dextral conspecifics is more likely to be able to mate and leave offspring than one with a wide sinistral shell among wide-shelled dextral conspecifics. How snails mate: Oxyloma retusa
  • Meat from half a roast chicken, cut into generous "filets" (I interpreted this to mean pieces of a size to serve with knife and fork), 3 oz. sliced raw mushrooms, 1/2 pound boiled new potatoes, 2 romaine lettuce hearts, 8 largish shrimp, shelled and cooked, 1/2 cup mayonaisse, with some horseradish mixed in, and the yolk of a hardboiled egg. Composed
  • They were also continuously shelled by 82 mm mortars.
  • “Leather Britches”—unshelled beans that were traditionally threaded together and hung to dry at which point they look like little britches on a clothesline—can be cooked slowly and can stay on the stove for several days, he says, and be eaten for lunch, supper, and lunch again the next day. One Big Table
  • After being shelled, wash them, drain them in a cullender, put them on, in plenty of boiling water, with a teaspoonful of salt; boil them till they become tender, which, if young, will be less than half an hour; if old, they will require more than an hour. A Poetical Cook-Book
  • For instance, the network has shelled out big bucks to snare Bill Cosby for a new sitcom in the fall.
  • Our gun-boat shelled the town (Rome) and the ad = jacent roads and quite a num ber of the rebs were killed. Franklin County: David R. P. Shoemaker to Henry A. Bitner, March 21, 1863
  • They are hulled, shelled, graded and inspected.
  • I would strongly recommend sticking to hard-shelled candies - whether they are chocolate-filled, peanut butter-filled, nut-filled or anything else - even though the candies are added on after the cookies come out of the oven. Easter Egg Shortbread Cookies | Baking Bites
  • Hospitals have been shelled and assaulted by gun fire and rockets.
  • Now, a raven can pulverize an unshelled peanut in two or three large pecks.
  • They're not picky about whether you plant them shelled or unshelled, as long as you don't damage the skin surrounding the nut.
  • Setton Pistachio of Terra Bella, Inc. announced yesterday that it is voluntarily recalling from nationwide distribution specific lots of bulk roasted shelled pistachios and 2,000 lbs., 1,700 lbs., 1,800 lbs. and 1,000 lbs. tote bags of roasted inshell pistachios sold to wholesale customers due to potential contamination with the Salmonella organism. Undefined
  • Served with shelled almonds and a grinding of sea salt, this is a breathtaking palate teaser.
  • We had no more desire to be shelled by Allied than by German guns.
  • Therefore, an aberrant individual with a tall sinistral shell among tall-shelled dextral conspecifics is more likely to be able to mate and leave offspring than one with a wide sinistral shell among wide-shelled dextral conspecifics. How snails mate: Oxyloma retusa
  • The meats consisted of soft shelled crab covered in spices, tender roast beef and chicken.
  • The children refuse all human food until they are given newly shelled beans, upon which provender they subsist until they learn to eat bread.
  • Back in the fall of 1959, when I arrived in Boston as a college freshman, the universally acknowledged top of the heap was Locke-Ober, a Belle Époque pillar of elegance off the Common, with a men-only main dining room and a stuffy menu crowned by a pointlessly fussy treatment of decorticated and reshelled lobster called Savannah. Boston Goes Way Beyond Cod
  • Tonight, against a team that got shelled 7-1 last night, they come out flat, give up two goals in 2 minutes and then proceed to do NOTHING for a whole game.
  • Rinse large shelled prawns and wipe dry. Mix in ground white pepper, salt and corn flour.
  • Christmas starters are a mix of the pre-prepared and home-made; pre-shelled quail's eggs from Waitrose, shredded cos lettuce decanted into little bowls, a spoonful of ready-made prawn cocktail on top and, from M&S, smoked salmon and asparagus blankets and mini coquille St Jacques. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • The bulletin reports that relatively higher prices were recorded for most food items, including cereal products, fresh meat, fish, fresh vegetables, and shelled groundnuts.
  • But shoppers can avoid VAT altogether through some clever substitutions, according to grocery shopping comparison website mySupermarket., such as swapping shelled salted nuts, which are liable for VAT, to unshelled salted nuts like monkey nuts and pistachios, which aren't. Budget: VAT rise will add £33 to average shopping basket
  • (Once, Ken showed up with a bag of shelled pistachio nuts.
  • There is another variety which bears on the same tree differently shaped leaves, like the heterophyllous hornbeam; this tree is also remarkable from having pendulous branches, and bearing elongated, large, thin-shelled nuts. [ The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication, Vol. I.
  • Add one pound of cooked, shelled shrimp.
  • It was shelled later in the war by the Federal gunboats and rendered untenantable. A soldier's recollections : leaves from the diary of a young Confederate : with an oration on the motives and aims of the soldiers of the South,
  • The soft-shelled eggs have large yolks which are absorbed by the developing young, as with birds.
  • But tonight, I had shelled hazelnuts with raisins.
  • I figured the arboretum didn't want birdseed growing all over the place so I used shelled sunflower mixes in the feeders.
  • The committee strictly regulates the sale or use of shelled peanuts having above 15 parts per billion of aflatoxin.
  • The city was heavily shelled during the war in the early 90s and is still struggling to recover.
  • Thick-shelled turtle species lived with world's biggest snake, reveals fossil found in Columbian coal mine: Cerrejonemys wayuunaiki takes its genus name from Cerrejon, and emys -- Greek for turtle. Archive 2010-04-04
  • While the capital is filled with shelled ruins, the best of its h ousing stock includes colonnaded multistory buildings and historic villas. From Somalia's Chaos, Housing Market Is Born
  • The prawns are fresh straight from the fishing nets, they were alive and cooked unshelled. Dhulap Delicacies « bollywoods most wanted photographerno1
  • Seeds were shelled, frozen in liquid nitrogen, and stored at - 80°C.
  • Why were people going out in soft-shelled vehicles? Times, Sunday Times
  • However if he could have found a shoe shine boy he would have quite happily shelled out for a quick shine.
  • Brazil nuts are sold both shelled and unshelled.
  • Set to rejoin the Porsche Club Championship, meanwhile, is Mark Lillington in a 968CS that has been reshelled after a major shunt at Brands in September 2004.
  • The children refuse all human food until they are given newly shelled beans, upon which provender they subsist until they learn to eat bread.
  • They grow to an impressive size and pass the time cracking open hard-shelled creatures like crabs and urchins between their fearsome teeth.
  • The meats consisted of soft shelled crab covered in spices, tender roast beef and chicken.
  • The following weekend, we ate unshelled Cuban peanuts and drank post-colonial African beer. Soviet
  • This three-foot-wide creature, which lives solely on hard-shelled mollusks, is a scourge of oystermen; a school of 3,000 rays can pick an oyster bed clean in an afternoon.
  • It is to the likes of constant Billy that Michael turns when he thinks that maybe his festival, his humanitarian dream of righteousness and virtue, is getting a little soft-shelled and modish, a bit too grand and deluxe, Glyndebourne on mild magic mushrooms, baby-boomer Butlins, an X and Y generation package holiday, an excuse for mere excursionist hijinks. Billy Bragg's Glastonbury tips
  • A chicken stuffed with rice, nuts, onions, spices, and shelled hard-boiled eggs is placed inside a whole, slaughtered lamb.
  • I managed to grab a few packets of 1 oz servings of walnuts - that's about 7 whole, unshelled walnuts. Riva Greenberg: Health Care Advice: The Problem of Health Information Overload
  • But among the ovipara (1) birds produce a perfect hard-shelled egg, unless it be injured by disease, and the eggs of birds are all two-coloured. On the Generation of Animals
  • This tree bore such fine thin-shelled easy-to-crack nuts and lent itself so readily to being propagated by graftage and had so many other good characteristics that we have selected it as representative of the black walnut varieties for the north and have named it the Weschcke walnut and patented the variety. Growing Nuts in the North A Personal Story of the Author's Experience of 33 Years with Nut Culture in Minnesota and Wisconsin
  • A good tree like those in my garden yields me eight _sacks of shelled fruit_ on an average every year; and a sack of walnuts fetches from a scudo to ten pauls (four shillings and sixpence) in the market. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 62, Number 361, November, 1845.
  • Additionally, Tokosh was found to be holding 12 different species - some threatened or endangered - including bog turtles, spotted turtles, wood turtles, stinkpot turtles, Blanding's turtles, smooth- and spiny- shelled turtles and timber rattlesnakes.
  • Warrigal used to get the lowan eggs -- beautiful pink thin-shelled ones they are, first-rate to eat, and one of 'em a man's breakfast. Robbery under Arms; a story of life and adventure in the bush and in the Australian goldfields
  • Edamame are delicious and come frozen shelled or unshelled - just pop into boiling water for a few minutes and enjoy.
  • Despite their unaesthetic design, Fortey fell for the hard - shelled creatures immediately.
  • Substitute shelled pistachios for nuts in any recipe you fancy.
  • Almost 200,000 men working more than 5,000 ships of all kinds shelled the beaches and transported five divisions to designated landing sites.
  • We are soft-shelled: we want to be liked, and have been trained to work on being likeable since infancy. Times, Sunday Times
  • But they do like their peanuts unshelled and unsalted.
  • Aoun refused to attend, and his troops shelled the Patriarch's palace hours before the meeting.
  • The generous heap of crawfish were shelled (for the lazy eater), but the dish was topped with three whole unshelled crawfish (for the adventurous), which I amateurishly tore apart.
  • Villages were bombed from the air and a town was shelled from a cruiser at sea.
  • But they knew our gun positions and they shelled us as they drew nearer.
  • They still sell 70 per cent of 160,000 pounds of shelled pecans to over 200 retailers nationwide.
  • He shelled out the drachmas he'd bought at the hotel exchange and took delivery of his first and only material clue. THE QUEST FOR K
  • I had once wondered how pistachio things got their pistachio flavor - it seemed unlikely that it was from grinding shelled pistachios - and a brief research led me to pistachio paste.
  • So when I saw this one I shelled out the moola and got it.
  • He approaches the task with the same zest with which he shelled the pistachios that came with the pre-lunch beers.

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