

  1. full of submerged reefs or sandbanks or shoals
    shoaly waters
    reefy shallows

How To Use shelfy In A Sentence

  • Just like me shelfy shelf at home and I got a terrible twang in my terrible stomach and I missed my dark slips. Magic X
  • Smooth water, sandy coves, and shelfy landings tempted comfortable jobs; and any man owning a boat that would carry a sail as big as a shawl might smuggle, with heed of the weather, and audacity. Mary Anerley
  • So away she sped by a lonely little foot-path, where nobody could take from her contagion of bad morals; and avoiding the incline of boats, she made off nicely for the quiet outer bay, and there, upon a shelfy rock, she sat and breathed the sea. Mary Anerley
  • I just need to get some storage for under the desk I tried Ikea and found nothing suitable, but I think I'll try again - if I can't get a little shelfy unit thing from Ikea, where can I go? Archive 2008-07-01
  • So that was Larie's third world -- an island with a soft rug of bright-green grass, and big shelfy rocks of red and green and gray, and rugged dark-green trees, with white gulls resting on the branches, and a lighthouse with its signal. Bird Stories
  • Glides by the Sirens’ cliffs, a shelfy coast, 1125 The Fifth Book of the Aeneis
  • While he was speaking, his flies alit on the glassy ripple, like gnats in their love-dance; and then by a turn of the wrist, he played them just below the surface, and let them go gliding down the stickle, into the shelfy nook of shadow where the big trout hovered. Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern — Volume 5
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