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How To Use Shelf In A Sentence

  • She is also part of a large group of oceanographers and taphonomists of the SSETI project (Shelf / Slope Taphonomic Initiative) examining carbonate preservation and destruction across the shelf and slope regions in Gulf of Mexico and Bahamas using submersibles.
  • Lowered sea levels exposed the shallow continental shelf beneath the Bering Sea.
  • Other products include extended-shelf-life and aseptic products in single-serve containers sold at convenience stores and multipacks at club stores.
  • The shelf is so high it is well out of / beyond my reach.
  • As the author repeatedly points out, the pornographic material he seized wasn't simply more explicit than 18-certificate films or top-shelf magazines.
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  • Medications may range from allopathic drugs to alternative medicines to kitchen shelf remedies.
  • We chuckled together as she stood and reached up to the top shelf of a grand bookcase in the corner.
  • In the northern Bering and southern Chukchi Seas, primary production occurs over a shallow shelf (50 to 200 m) and as the zooplankton and bacterioplankton cannot fully deplete this carbon source, it is either transferred to the benthos or advected downstream [17]. Carbon cycle and climate change in the Arctic
  • I strongly recommend you pick up the book next time you spy a copy on someone's bookshelf.
  • I took the pint mug of white earthenware from the shelf behind her. Prisons and Prisoners: Some Personal Experiences
  • Love the idea of a cake stand but can't spare the shelf space? Times, Sunday Times
  • At first, she did odd things like rearranging her shoes and alphabetizing the books on the bookshelf in her office.
  • He reached down the atlas from the top shelf.
  • Factories are using the top-shelf blade steels, leading-edge frame materials, and state-of-the-art synthetics to make knives that used to be reserved for the work of a custom knifemaker.
  • The album stayed on the shelf for several years, until it was finally released.
  • I'm used to Emily saying things like that, so I don't take any notice, just nod and pick up a bottle of peach nectar off the shelf, slosh it around, wrinkle my nose.
  • To broaden mass appeal, the shelf-stable milk, packed in 32-oz. cartons, will be merchandised in refrigerated sections.
  • On a shelf beneath he spotted a photo album.
  • Sure enough, hidden in a corner there was a shelf dedicated to the previous school years' yearbooks.
  • For example, many shorefaces - the dynamic zones between the continental shelf and the beach - are not simply surfaces of sand but rather are underlain by rock or mud.
  • Off to the Charity Ball is a firm favourite, with its livid pastels against bright white, the skulking figures throwing dark, tactile shadows onto the projecting shelf below.
  • Its balance of financial and armed clout should give it a longer shelf life than the Soviet Union, whose military establishment bled its command economy to death.
  • Balance the shelf on this bracket and position the second bracket. Times, Sunday Times
  • The dash is nicely finished in silver metal effect and there are plenty of cubbyholes for storage, even a shelf above the driver's head, although the glovebox is tiny.
  • The bath was enormous, shiny white and surrounded by a wide shelf of polished mahogany.
  • And while the discounters sell a handful of branded items, most of their shelf space is for own-brand goods. Times, Sunday Times
  • All goods should be put in order on the shelf before the supermarket opens.
  • He laid the book on the book shelf a moment ago.
  • In the recent retrospective of Nan Kempner’s wardrobe at the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute, the late socialite’s closet was re-created in breathtaking detail — all 354 jackets and 362 sweaters — but her surprisingly undistinguished collection of handbags was relegated to a high shelf and mostly hidden. Carried Away
  • He found some disagreeable remnants — a watery stew, cold and sodden; a basin half-full of some kind of tinned soup; a chill suet pudding put away on a shelf. The Unpleasantness At The Belladonna Club
  • When she discovered they were also out of half-fat coconut milk, the red mist descended and she let rip at the nearest shelf-stacker. Home | Mail Online
  • The shelf is beginning to yield under that heavy weight.
  • The sediments are finely laminated mudstones, formed in an outer shelf detrital belt, in quiet water environments.
  • I then crosscut the shelf to the width of the shadowbox and attached the bat to the shelf using galvanized wire.
  • She accidentally knocked the tea tin off the shelf.
  • Then, I sit up, with my hands pressed to a bottom board of the shelf, pushing myself upwards.
  • bottommost shelf
  • Turning suddenly, she crossed her arms on the mantelshelf and hid her face in them. MURDER MOVES IN
  • He has a shelf full of things, each of which has associations for him.
  • This was a label that dominated musically as well as attracting and nurturing top-shelf vocal talent.
  • Adjacent coastal states have sovereign rights over the seabed mineral resources of the shelf.
  • This night, the turtle was laying her eggs on a low shelf of sand near a line of dune scrub and low palms, not far from dense jungle that is home to the deadly fer-de-lance snake, caimans, howler monkeys and sloths.
  • These unsaturated hydrocarbons are readily oxidised and polymerised, which can reduce the oil's shelf life.
  • No," she said, a word abrupt and uncommon to her, putting the ka’athyra back on its shelf with finality. Dwellers in the Crucible
  • Ten minutes later, while attempting to spread peanut butter on crispbread, the packet leaped off the shelf and a thousand wholemeal arrows hailed down on me.
  • He worked as a shelf-stacker and eventually a postman. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the far right corner there was a bookshelf stuffed to the brim with books on history and folklore and legends.
  • At a recent graduation ceremony I attended at Monash, the Dean of Arts told the assembled graduands that their newly awarded degree only had a short shelf life and would need to be updated through further study within a few years.
  • He adds that there has been a push for extended shelf life, driven primarily by the flavored milk category.
  • Cloaks, sashes, jerkins and gloves lined the very top shelf that went the width of the wardrobe.
  • The tall bookshelf shown at right is a hidden door leading to an office known as the 'sanctum.' Waterfront in Long Island
  • I say, Kink, don't forget the saleratus on the corner shelf back of the stove. Too Much Gold
  • He took it off the top shelf and put it back in the same place.
  • We thank B. Pelletier for fruitful discussions on the origin of the shallow submarine shelf, and G. Wadge and S. J. Day for their careful reviews.
  • The remaining wall was home to a huge bookshelf, with files lining the top and bottom half.
  • Measure the depth of the cupboard/shelf.
  • The plates on the upper shelf were beyond my reach.
  • Some titles, once made, sit on the shelf; others, released, deserve to sit alongside.
  • Off the shelf is fine, just make sure it's cold-pressed and organic. The Sun
  • Anne looked on the second shelf of the room pantry but there was no bottle of raspberry cordial there. Anne of Green Gables
  • The book fell off the shelf.
  • I went to the butchers the other day and I bet him 50 quid that he couldn't reach the meat off the top shelf.
  • The lingual root arises directly from the base of the lingual shelf, is slender, and extends obliquely medially as well as vertically.
  • During the Miocene the shelf was intermittently emergent, and the submarine canyons were extended to the shelf area through headward erosion.
  • I squeaked in surprise, flinging my hand sideways and knocking half a dozen books off the shelf.
  • I can't get at the tool on the shelf.
  • With mute excitement I quickly snapped it up, paid and exited the store - only to suddenly realise that Durgnat wasn't the author I had in mind when I whipped his book off the shelf.
  • And chemical and biological weapon toxins have a certain shelf life.
  • Yes, and in telling about it I'll show my naive ignorance: 4, 5, 6 (?) years ago on a vacation through much of New England, we stopped at a bookstore and I noticed a "local" author shelf with some mass market pbs with "woodcut" - style black and red covers depicting Sleepy-Hollow-like scenes. A Touch of Genius
  • He placed the books in order on the shelf.
  • The most important species group in terms of shelf catches are pelagic fishes, representing on average 52% of the total catch, and cods, hakes and haddocks, representing more than 30% of the catch. Faroe Plateau large marine ecosystem
  • Across the intertragical notch is the prominence known as the antitragus, part of the stiff cartilaginous shelf from which hangs the fleshy auricular lobule earlobe. Archive 2009-06-01
  • My black file of readers' complaints is always dominated by grumbles featuring the supermarkets' failure to get the right wine from the right vintage at the right price on to the right shelf at the right time.
  • Around Britain a series of deep seismic traverses has revealed many of the structures produced during the Caledonian orogeny and other earth movements that are continued out over the continental shelf.
  • Therefore, anastrozole is essentially 'sitting on the shelf', he said. Times, Sunday Times
  • What he clearly wasn't counting on was what his girlfriend, the young, hedonistic supermarket shelf-stacker, would do next. Times, Sunday Times
  • She ran her finger along the dusty shelf.
  • Those that routinely forage on the continental shelf rarely strand. Times, Sunday Times
  • She stretched up to reach the top shelf.
  • Can you count the books on your shelf?
  • Behind, on a shelf, stands a magisterial cash-register, which looks as if it has been ringing up the pounds, shillings and pence since the dawn of time.
  • The figures were for regular shelf prices, with special offers excluded.
  • A motley collection of ornaments jostled for space on the crowded shelf.
  • He opened a door of the ambry, pulled out a drawer, and, pressing some spring, revealed a narrow, secret shelf. Foes
  • Whatley described a similar age structure as characteristic of low-energy biocoenosis, considered extremely rare in marine shelf environments.
  • You cannot just buy it off the shelf. The Sun
  • It's always frustrating to watch an artist with top-shelf talent reach that inadvertently satiated moment when there's really nothing important to say, nothing to add.
  • Every industrial X-ray analyst should have this reasonably priced book on his / her shelf.
  • She isn't one to ask to spend time looking at old pictures, so stowing them on a high shelf requiring a stepladder to reach won't be a problem.
  • The other one had been taken out of its wrapper and put down on the mantel shelf. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • The book I wanted was on the top shelf.
  • Then, construct your hero as you might order a drink at the bar of the Four Seasons, ignoring the well brands and calling for top-shelf bottles.
  • The room was very still; its ordered comfort, the measured ticking of the carriage clock on the mantelshelf, the insistent thudding of the sea, all heightened the sense of outrage, the crudity of destruction and hate. She Closed Her Eyes
  • It's really shortened the shelf life," says Mr. Dalzell, who is considered to be a real "big noise," or a very important person, among word whizzes like Jesse Sheidlower, editor-at-large at the Oxford English Dictionary. As Slang Changes More Rapidly, Expert Has to Watch His Language
  • Finally, a man sits down, bringing more books from his reader's shelf, and begins paging through all of the volumes he's amassed.
  • He hefted his right arm and took away a gun from the bookshelf.
  • Dickens then visits a workroom, featuring coloured prints, a china shepherdess on the mantelshelf, carpets, stuffed chairs and an open fire. Bedlam
  • We do not need numbers to back up the fact that your Martin DM uses less electricity than your stereo that takes up the same amount of shelf space as a bullmastiff. Jenna Woginrich: Stop Making Fun of My Banjo
  • The milk a dairy cow produces is worth far more on a supermarket shelf than in the stomach of her newborn.
  • There's plenty of technology on the shelf and in the fertile minds of garage-mechanic rocketeers around the world, especially in North America.
  • On a shelf set in the bulkhead was a chart, a telephone receiver, speaking tubes, dials with red and black hands, an array of electrometers, pressure gauges. The Cruise of the Dry Dock
  • I like two-tone colours because they look good on the bookshelf and help it to sell. The Sun
  • It's important to apply research in a practical way and not leave it on the shelf.
  • Who could have failed to see that there were no manufacturer's name or address or ingredients or shelf-life on the packages of the phoney milk powder?
  • Besides the standard dictionaries, encyclopedias and almanacs, I have shelf upon shelf of volumes that perhaps even a professional librarian wouldn't recognise as reference books.
  • Seaward of Ward Hunt Island, they did not report any basement ice: Outer part of Ward Hunt ice shelf consists of a 15-18 m thick platform of sea ice conformably overlain by approximately 25 m of iced firn and interstratified lake ice. Ward Hunt Ice Shelf Stratigraphy « Climate Audit
  • Other commodities for which memes compete are radio and television time, billboard space, newspaper column-inches, and library shelf-space.
  • Researchers found a simple solution that can double the shelf life of proteas and can especially benefit the export market.
  • He placed the book on the shelf.
  • On the upper shelf is the figure of Hercules after the statue in the Palazzo Farnese.
  • now and again she would take her favorite book from the shelf and read to us
  • Awn to boddum shelf ob teh CCC is teh Nyn Essenshul Wiskees, as slected bai Paws4Thot, an a infinit sply ob martoonees – perfect fore AWL occayshuns! Rwar? - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • That new shelf in the bathroom is too low - I just hit my head on it.
  • The spy is shy of tsimilarg shelter on the shelf of the shell-like shed.
  • I banged into the shelf so hard that I got an ugly purple bruise on my hip.
  • And the company has hired a top-shelf lobbyist to press its point.
  • Cloaks, sashes, jerkins and gloves lined the very top shelf that went the width of the wardrobe.
  • I don't think the shelf will hold if we put anything else on it.
  • Over the years, he's studied a considerable amount of information about supplements, and he's very stingy with his shelf space.
  • In contrast, the f CO2 profile of Atlantic-origin waters shows that waters below 50 m in the Eurasian Basin are undersaturated and will take up atmospheric CO2 if moved onto the shelf by upwelling [15]. Carbon cycle and climate change in the Arctic
  • A recommended addition to the bookshelf for reference purposes.
  • The first half-hour after the dishes were washed (a task performed to music, all hands joining in the choruses of "John Peel," "Blow, ye winds of morning," etc.) was spent quietly enough, four of the party at parcheesi, the others busy over crokinole and jackstraws; but by and by there was a cry of "Boston!" and instantly boards and counters were put away on their shelf, and the decks cleared for action. The Merryweathers
  • This image, captured by NASA's MODIS satellite sensor on February 23, shows the shelf mid-disintegration, spewing a cloud of icebergs adrift in the Weddell Sea.
  • An adjustable track system, a long strip of metal with a series of metal slots for shelf brackets, allows for flexibility. Times, Sunday Times
  • There were, broadly speaking, three tracts of relevant land: there is the rock shelf, which was tidal…
  • Olson also encouraged operators to treat spirits as food and to expand the ultra-premium shelf with such offerings as single village mescals and single vineyard Cognacs.
  • I'd hoped to do better having spent a good portion of my life in America, ingesting top-shelf propaganda.
  • The shop assistant guided me to the shelf where the gardening books were displayed.
  • He went to the bookshelf and removed the album and sat down at the kitchen table he opened to the page of her with the bob hair cut.
  • If you put too many books on one end of the shelf, it'll tip up.
  • He returned the album to its place on the shelf.
  • Who could have failed to see that there were no manufacturer's name or address or ingredients or shelf-life on the packages of the phoney milk powder?
  • The key was on a high shelf, just beyond her grasp.
  • The house stands on a shelf of rock among pines.
  • Place the parsnips on the middle shelf of the oven (with the potatoes on the top), and the chipolatas on the lowest shelf or floor of the oven.
  • The shelf is beginning to yield under that heavy weight.
  • There was a soiled and tawdry mirror above a massive metal and marble clock supported by a lion couchant on the mantelshelf.
  • I can't reach the top shelf unless I use a stepladder.
  • She dropped the book back on the shelf.
  • I tried to jump out of the bed and ended up slamming my head against the low shelf above me.
  • He bashed his head against the shelf.
  • For instance, I have a shelf-ful of electronic gizmos - bought and paid-for - that I have never managed to make use of.
  • There was a shelf of rock jutting out from the cliff and extending all along the sweep of the bay, providing a broken highway three to five yards wide.
  • I tried to bring some order to the bookshelf.
  • His kitchen is a filthy shelf covered in an assortment of pans and a camping stove. Times, Sunday Times
  • Balance the shelf on this bracket and position the second bracket. Times, Sunday Times
  • You select a book from a digital book shelf; the pages flip in 3-D, and there's a tool enabling you to increase font size or change the font.
  • Skyway's trails are easy, and its northeastern section provides a dramatic view of the Book Cliffs, deeply eroded shale walls that resemble taupe book spines lined up on a shelf.
  • In fact, shelf and storage units such as the "Random" bookshelves by MDF Italia £1,640 at Viaduct, were designed for the sole purpose of displaying books and objects as one sees fit, sideways or stacked or both. Knickknacks Move Off the Shelf
  • In recent months he has hired top-shelf talent to implement the company's transformation plan.
  • Just as important, it gives the tomato a four-week shelf-life.
  • He bashed his arm against a shelf.
  • The app in question is a popular book-reading app called Classics, which rounds up a bunch of public-domain titles in a slick-looking package that features a user interface with various titles perched on a bookshelf. article also suggests that the UI similarities extend beyond the top-level interface. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • On the chimney piece was an ornamental shelf, with a row of diamond-shaped mirrors Brian remembered his father making before the war. THE OPEN DOOR
  • Yet in the midst of all this I also have several shelf-fuls of gifts which he will not use.
  • Place on a baking tray lined with folded newspaper on the lowest shelf of oven.
  • He lifted the box carefully down from the shelf.
  • Do not confuse with evaporated milk, also known as dehydrated milk, which is a shelf-stable canned milk product with about 60 percent of the water removed from fresh milk, and with no added sugar. The Christmas Cookie Cookbook
  • Will you please hand down that book from the shelf?
  • I loan out shelf-fuls of DVDs to my friends.
  • But Kenworthy did not know much more than could help him round a supermarket shelf. DISPLACED PERSON
  • The walnut box has a window through which we see three glass vials on a shelf lit from behind.
  • That mug of butterbeer, those curtains, that dusty bookshelf: they've all been carefully chosen to create an atmosphere for the films. Oscars 2011: Will the Brits win big in the technical categories?
  • An off-the-shelf public-key cryptosystem (e.g. RSA) would suit their purposes just fine. What Do Real Thugs Think of The Wire? Part Five - Freakonomics Blog -
  • On a shelf or cup of the declivity was a little clump of vegetation, and in the midst of it welled up a thin stream of water. The Golden Fleece
  • replace the book on the shelf after you have finished reading it
  • The seas are always big where the Atlantic meets the shallows of the continental shelf. Times, Sunday Times
  • pull the old soup cans from the supermarket shelf
  • She is on the shelf", a terrible shame and disgrace on the family. The Golden Thread - Asian experiences of post-Raj Britain
  • The medicine has a shelf life of six months.
  • Any off the shelf 150 or 165 grain Hornady, Remington Core-Lokt®, Federal or Winchester is plenty sufficient. I'm getting to start black bear hunting this year.
  • Eights don't have a very long shelf life and we just timed it perfectly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Everything had to come straight from the shelf or the freezer cabinet. Times, Sunday Times
  • They can be the first to discover a product sitting quietly, unadvertised, on a specialty retail shelf, or can decide to play with a mini-skateboard keychain or milk cap, and turn it into a runaway hit.
  • He fetched an extremely battered antique book from his bookshelf.
  • Data on a systemic boundary unconformity on the west Newfoundland shelf are more problematic.
  • He had a lot of books on his bookshelf, a small TV, and a computer in the corner of his room.
  • Of the walls, one was occupied by the window, the other by a draped mantelshelf bristling with Cupids.
  • Carefully tiptoeing around the edge, he finally touched the bookshelf.
  • He looked at him, mentally debating his public duty, then greed won and he took down a fresh unopened bottle from the shelf and pulled a couple of tankards of lager from the pump.
  • Selling becomes about land-grabbing retail-shelf space with the biggest, shiniest box. Times, Sunday Times
  • On a simple shelf affixed to the gallery wall near the figure he placed six large votive candles, each decorated with a photographic decal portraying the artist in the jester's costume.
  • She brought her piano from home and put it against one wall, right next to a bookshelf containing some board games, not far from shelves lined with books, their spines worn and inviting.
  • But if I was mounting them on the wall I would probably "hang" them on ordinary shelf consoles.
  • Fix the cosmetic shelf on the base with the M 5 inner hexangular set screw.
  • Her head came up so quickly that she banged it on the shelf above her.
  • Have you ever heard of a workaholic shelf-stacker, car park attendant or cleaner? Times, Sunday Times
  • Since a smart phone is always on me, either in my bag or back pocket, I use its camera constantly while my perfectly capable point-and-shoot sits on a shelf at home gathering dust. The Best iPhone, Android Photo Apps
  • I can't reach the shelf - it's too high.
  • This "imposture," in Rosen's opinion, has an intimate connection with bibliography, though he never explains how bibliography causes the editor to take down the 1850 Prelude from the shelf (an easy, objective choice, according to Rosen) instead of the 1805 model (an awkward, subjective motion). 'Romantic Originals': An Exchange
  • Discussing unusually large catches of red steenbras at this time, it was mentioned this was attributable to lack of current along the continental shelf.
  • A small wooden painted globe stands on a bookshelf. Times, Sunday Times
  • I wanted to get a photo of the Gram Parsons BBQ pit from a small shelf in the rock above.
  • Rotate products from the back of the shelf to the front during cleaning, and clear out cabinet castaways by using cookbooks that have food indexes in the back.
  • Just like me shelfy shelf at home and I got a terrible twang in my terrible stomach and I missed my dark slips. Magic X
  • Then I reached up for the pumice, which I keep on a shelf, above and to the left of the window. THE CALLIGRAPHER
  • At only $2.50 a plate, you can afford a top-shelf martini go-with.
  • depth of a shelf
  • Metalware and Wooden Ware, Candle Holder , Picture Frames , Racks , Wall Shelf, Metal Furniture, Home Decorative Items.
  • The Ross Ice Shelf is the main outlet for several major glaciers from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. Featured Articles - Encyclopedia of Earth

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