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[ US /ˈʃɛkəɫz/ ]
[ UK /ʃˈɛkə‍lz/ ]
  1. informal terms for money

How To Use shekels In A Sentence

  • Which is fine but then the bank will only give you a mortgage for how much it values the house at - leaving you in the dwang for at least another 100000 shekels or maybe more. English-writing Israeli-bloggers
  • [22] This sum of twelve millions of drachmae, which is equal to three millions of shekels, i.e. at 2s. 10d. a shekel, equal to four hundred and twenty-five thousand pounds sterling, was Agrippa the Great's yearly income, or about three quarters of his grandfather Herod's income; he having abated the tax upon houses at Jerusalem, ch. Antiquities of the Jews
  • Gedalya also found a million and a half shekels as well as dollars - all counterfeit.
  • Knafo, a part-time cook in a day-care center, received a monthly income supplement of 2,500 shekels.
  • Does 150 shekels represent a lot of money for you?
  • Mighty princes can afford to pay four hundred shekels for a cave and a field.
  • They received five shekels [about £0.60] in order to throw them.
  • The judges deliberated and condemned Belit-litu to (pay) fifty-five shekels (by way of fine), the highest fine that could be inflicted on her, and then gave it to Babylonians and Assyrians, Life and Customs
  • Price: $8 USD for overseas orders, 20 shekels in Israel, including airmail postage.
  • How he got money from them to bear the charges of his pretensions (v. 4): They gave him seventy pieces of silver; it is not said what the value of these pieces was; so many shekels are less, and so many talents more, than we can well imagine; therefore it is supposed they were each a pound weight: but they gave this money out of the house of Baal-berith, that is, out of the public treasury, which, out of respect to their idol, they deposited in his temple to be protected by him; or out of the offerings that had been made to that idol, which they hoped would prosper the better in his hands for its having been consecrated to their god. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume II (Joshua to Esther)
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