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[ US /ˈʃitɪŋ/ ]
[ UK /ʃˈiːtɪŋ/ ]
  1. fabric from which bed sheets are made

How To Use sheeting In A Sentence

  • The firm puts out 1000 bales of cotton sheeting every week.
  • Made chiefly from riveted stainless steel and copper sheeting, these free-standing works are occasionally complemented with wood.
  • At one end green plastic sheeting and hessian cloth provided shade from the desert sun.
  • Hundreds of civilians helped in the search, using hacksaws to cut away metal sheeting trapping survivors and ropes to pull bodies from the wreckage, witnesses said.
  • This can be distinguished by the diamond-shaped lattice separating the sheeting layers, and a ‘coarse’ grain to the microprisms.
  • Spanning just 21-ft 2-in, the wing structure was created using large pieces of balsa wood which were then covered with three-ply sheeting which was covered with doped linen.
  • One efficient method of covering the roof is to combine twin wall Lexon Thermoclear sheeting with Twinfix aluminium structural glazing bar.
  • Tents that house up to 10 people at a time are made of plastic tarps, metal sheeting, or bamboo - they provide shelter to refugees for months, or sometimes even years.
  • Pressing the unheated tool, the heated sheeting, and a substrate together results in cutting and edge sealing of the heated sheeting.
  • The shroud base is very wide, restricts sheeting angles and will contribute to reduced performance to windward.
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