
How To Use Sheet of paper In A Sentence

  • This brushpot typifies the pictorial quality characteristic of so many later vessels, which were often worked as if the surface of the jade were a sheet of paper or a scroll to be unrolled.
  • Stuck between the pages of the book was a loose sheet of paper, folded in four, and crisp and white, clearly not old like the book.
  • The application form was a single sheet of paper.
  • This one was a weedy little thing that couldn't put a hole through a sheet of paper.
  • Take a sheet of paper before going in to any negotiation and empty your mind on to the sheet of paper.
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  • Megan happily pulled out the sheet of paper that her timetable, class list and corresponding teacher list was printed on.
  • She has traced the touring map onto a sheet of paper.
  • In the lift I took to go home yesterday, someone had attached a sheet of paper which said ‘Propaganda is to democracy what violence is to dictatorship’.
  • Under the newspaper, atop a sheet of paper, lay an envelope.
  • Take away a sheet of paper or fold one in half each time to make the game more difficult.
  • In that profession you start with a blank sheet of paper and a concept or abstract idea.
  • Then I wrote down the necessary directions to my place on a sheet of paper from that notepad.
  • the lines on the sheet of paper are skewed
  • What do you get when you put a blank sheet of paper in front of the world's top multihull sailboat designers and tell them to let their imaginations run wild?
  • Under the newspaper, atop a sheet of paper, lay an envelope.
  • The full hand-written letter had originally been presented as just one sheet of paper but it is actually ten sides long.
  • After passing up their homework, the class took out a sheet of paper and their writing materials for their quiz.
  • The array consisted of each letter of the alphabet listed twice, once in lower case and once in upper case, displayed in random order on a sheet of paper.
  • Fig. 1 is a plan view of a sheet of paper on which has been impressed a revealable concealed identifier pattern in accordance with the invention.
  • I stared at the notebook that was opened to a clean white sheet of paper on my pillow.
  • Using a thick brush, cover a sheet of paper with a bright wash of watery paint.
  • There is also a great deal in that self-possessed extemporaneousness which a man carries in his pocket on a sheet of paper. Modern Eloquence: Vol II, After-Dinner Speeches E-O
  • The primary method of examination is to ask the patient to read and pronounce a standard list of words from a sheet of paper.
  • We must ensure Brian Wilson's blank sheet of paper is full of good ideas before too long.
  • Take a clean sheet of paper and start again.
  • Another method which the writer recommends is the following, due to Mr. Swan: Immerse a sheet of paper in a solution of India rubber, 4: 100 of benzole, and let dry, which requires a few minutes. Photographic Reproduction Processes
  • She punched two holes in each sheet of paper.
  • Along with the photo, my wife sent a sheet of paper and taped to it, a snippet of dark downy hair and a tiny handprint and a footprint no bigger than the end of my thumb.
  • Marco actually reached for the spare sheet of paper on Nick's otherwise vacant desk, but Nick brought his fist down hard onto Marco's fingers.
  • A sheet of paper coated with barium platinocyanide was fluorescing, even though it was shut off from the tube. Futures Imperfect
  • Walking over to her writing area, he picked up a sheet of paper.
  • Madison opens the unsealed envelope and removes the single sheet of paper inside.
  • All of his attention was there, on that sheet of paper, and it was shocking and sudden when a black brogan clomped down on it, pinning the sheet of paper to the ground. Far Beyond the Stars
  • Blood, flat like a sheet of paper, spewed from the split shoulder and the famous swordsman fell to the ground, his broken sword as dead as he.
  • The equipment projected the image of the sun through a periscopic lens and reflected it on a sheet of paper.
  • Reusing paper saves the energy used to make new paper (an average of 15 watt-hours of energy is used to produce a single sheet of paper), and it saves you the money of purchasing it.
  • Weakness and strength are not at opposing poles, but are adjacent to each other separated by a sheet of paper.
  • Under the newspaper, atop a sheet of paper, lay an envelope.
  • On the government side, the widely disbelieved big society and a relish in cost-cutting that would once have pleased an Aberdeen grocer; from the opposition, a blank sheet of paper. A new sense of possibility shines on Scotland – but what will really come of it? | Ian Jack
  • At a push, the bag itself could be constructed from a sheet of paper or small carrier bag tied up with an elastic band or bit of string.
  • Gilly ripped out a sheet of paper from her notebook.
  • It uses a frame supporting a screen that strains and filters the pulp fibers in an even layer to form a sheet of paper.
  • He told me to double back the sheet of paper and tear it in half.
  • Taking out a small sheet of paper she wrote a short note and placed it under his hand.
  • She wrapped a sheet of paper around the book.
  • a queerly inscribed sheet of paper
  • He continued to stare blankly at the sheet of paper until Loflen brought him out of his daze.
  • As I shoved it into my bag, I had to be especially careful not to crumple the sheet of paper than had all my science notes on it.
  • Ian stared at the blank sheet of paper in front of him.
  • The essence of the technique is that a fine mesh screen, stretched tightly over a wooden frame, is placed above a sheet of paper and colour is forced through the mesh with a rubber blade called a squeegee.
  • Batteries and capacitors can be combined in any way desirable simply by controlling where the electrolyte is placed and where the second sheet of paper is placed. Scientists Create Paper-Thin, Flexible, Biodegradable Battery | Impact Lab
  • Black dashes dart across the screen, like grains of wild rice shaken on a sheet of paper.
  • Take a sheet of paper and draw a line down the middle.
  • Take a sheet of paper and draw a line down the middle.
  • You'll have to start again on a fresh sheet of paper.
  • Take a clean sheet of paper and down the left-hand side make a list.
  • I tried 'faxing' this morning, but no matter how many times I tried feeding my words into the machine, the sheet of paper just kept on coming back out the other side. Six Apart buys a fax machine - Anil Dash
  • Finally, Burrose finished typing, and his printer spat out a sheet of paper that he handed to Tom.
  • Some had mist-filled eyes while many a countenance went white as a sheet of paper.
  • Under the newspaper, atop a sheet of paper, lay an envelope.
  • When the type-bed and the frisket carrying the sheet of paper were in position under the platen, the latter was drawn downward to make the impression by means of a "toggle" joint which acted upon two strong rods, one on each side, and was then raised again by a counterbalance weight. The Building of a Book A Series of Practical Articles Written by Experts in the Various Departments of Book Making and Distributing
  • The application form was a single sheet of paper.
  • She tore a sheet of paper in two.
  • Take a sheet of paper and double it over.
  • First thing I did was to sit down with a blank sheet of paper and write up a ‘wish list’ of all the things I'd like to have in the campaign.
  • The ticket-seller handed her a white, laminated sheet of paper, and she perused the names.
  • She set the pencil to a blank sheet of paper and began to draw.
  • She slid her nail along the top to open it and pulled out a single sheet of paper with a drawing and a sentence hastily scribbled along the bottom.
  • Take a sheet of paper and draw a line down the middle.
  • This includes a handy option for printing multiple document pages on a single sheet of paper, so you can preview your finished results in miniature without wasting reams of paper.
  • Ian stared at the blank sheet of paper in front of him.
  • The application form was a single sheet of paper.
  • In case any prosodical alterations should seem appropriate, be kind enough to write them down distinctly in notes on a separate sheet of paper. Letters
  • folded the sheet of paper square
  • The application form was a single sheet of paper.
  • Taking a sheet of paper, he began to compose a letter.
  • They wrote various numbers on a large sheet of paper.
  • crisscross the sheet of paper
  • The biggest thing that we do differently is that we don't start from a totally clean sheet of paper.
  • The gold leaf is laid on the still wet edge, and when slightly dry is covered with a sheet of paper and rubbed down with a burnisher, and when entirely dry is burnished again with a smooth piece of agate or bloodstone. The Building of a Book A Series of Practical Articles Written by Experts in the Various Departments of Book Making and Distributing
  • A sheet of paper - the texts of new drafts soon to be debated by faceless bureaucrats - were pored over.
  • Our microprocessor isn't some tiny silicon die - it's the size of a sheet of paper, maybe two.
  • Traditionally, a sheet of paper was used to cast or register a vote.
  • Pulling a sheet of paper out of my binder, I started to make notes on different topics we could use.
  • Before every number, Stipe ripped a sheet of paper from a pad with camp theatrical flourish.
  • He told me to double back the sheet of paper and tear it in half.
  • Aiur eyed him, but she slit open the envelope and pulled out a thin sheet of paper.
  • The Director would have been well within his rights, and could not have been accused of discourtesy, if he had allowed a certain short, concise sentence at the left-hand corner of the official sheet of paper which he signed, to remain. The Castle Of The Shadows
  • Take a sheet of paper and draw a line down the middle.
  • In that profession you start with a blank sheet of paper and a concept or abstract idea.
  • They wrote various numbers on a large sheet of paper.
  • He pulled a blank sheet of paper towards him and began to write.
  • Sure enough, hidden beneath the bench is a 35 mm film canister containing two pencils and a sheet of paper.
  • Haverford took a new sheet of paper and continued to compose, undeterred.
  • He went into his room and pulled out a blank sheet of paper and pen and he began to write a reply letter.
  • Take a sheet of paper and draw a line down the middle.
  • The hand was cold, lifeless, like a crinkled sheet of paper. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • Alpha and beta particle radiation is lower energy and can often be blocked by just a sheet of paper.
  • The supervisor nods and continues to make annotations on a sheet of paper.
  • After ten minutes of drawing she still had a white sheet of paper with written on it in one corner in slightly wiggly letters. CORALINE
  • The sheet of paper was so long that i didn't bother filling out the 78 boxes but just the one.
  • We must ensure Brian Wilson's blank sheet of paper is full of good ideas before too long.
  • They wrote various numbers on a large sheet of paper.
  • I didn't realise we had to write each answer on a new sheet of paper.
  • This allows a GM to easily file the orders for a game in its folder without cutting or, in the case of two games on opposite sides of the same sheet of paper, going to the copy shop.
  • I tore a sheet of paper from the pad and began my message.
  • Before every number, Stipe ripped a sheet of paper from a pad with camp theatrical flourish.
  • At one point, he noisily rips a sheet of paper off his pad.
  • As guests including financier Ron Perelman and actress Renée Zellweger navigated the home's skylit hallways, Mr. Gagosian and his staff mingled with guests, discreetly passing a rolled-up sheet of paper between them like a baton. The Gagosian Effect
  • Brad was doodling on a sheet of paper.
  • That night she finished writing her short letter to James and copied her poem to him onto the same sheet of paper.
  • In Germany (and some other continental countries) there is a yellow plaque - not larger than a 'foolscap' (A 4 size) sheet of paper - displayed at the entrance to every building site. Irish Blogs
  • I start with a blank sheet of paper and I just write a sentence.
  • She has traced the touring map onto a sheet of paper.
  • He marked something down on the sheet of paper attached to his clipboard.
  • You'll have to start again on a fresh sheet of paper.
  • Some codes could only be understood by placing a sheet of paper punched with holes over the top so that just the relevant letters making up the message could be read.
  • Put the bell picture up on the wall with the blank sheet of paper next to it. 2.
  • She tore a sheet of paper in two.
  • I angrily tore off the sheet of paper from my plain notebook, and reached for a tissue, blowing my nose.
  • Take a clean sheet of paper.
  • I got a woggle and a sheet of paper with the words to scout song which I was told to guard with my life.’
  • Taking out a sheet of paper with lots of writing on it, Daria nodded, took a deep breath, and began her story.
  • Through my chorus teacher, I went for the NYSSMA Evaluation Festivals where I was to perform a song and sight-read notes that were relevant to my level of singing in front of a judge that gave me a grade and comments on a long sheet of paper. Sarah Yu: You Don't Have to Win 'American Idol' to be a Singer!
  • Black is my refuge, it is a line on a blank sheet of paper.
  • Put the bell picture up on the wall with the blank sheet of paper next to it. 2.
  • The backs of the information sheets may be used, but I found it easier to use a regular sheet of paper to record that kind of stuff.
  • Under the newspaper, atop a sheet of paper, lay an envelope.
  • Madison opens the unsealed envelope and removes the single sheet of paper inside.
  • For tranferring on any material, a sheet of paper is immersed in a solution of India rubber cement in 20 parts of benzole, dried, coated with the gelatine solution, sensitized, etc., by operating in the ordinary manner. Photographic Reproduction Processes
  • When police gave him a sheet of paper, he drew a grand piano.
  • Is there some kind of rule in origami that it should be made of a single sheet of paper? EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Extreme Origami
  • Tell them to look immediately at the middle of the blank sheet of paper.
  • On your desktop, it is represented by an icon of a folder with a sheet of paper in it.
  • She has traced the touring map onto a sheet of paper.
  • On a glass plate placed on a leveled stand, is laid a sheet of paper previously wetted, which is then flattened into contact with an India rubber squeegee, taking care to remove the air bubbles interposed. Photographic Reproduction Processes
  • Called suminagashi (floating ink), Japanese marbling was accomplished by gently floating sumi ink on the surface of water, then transferring the random patterns formed to a sheet of paper.
  • The agent flipped the paper over only to find that it was a blank sheet of paper.
  • A meteorological screen or box was erected on a platform over the stern, right away from the living quarters, and in it were placed the maximum and minimum thermometers, the recording barograph, and thermograph — an instrument which writes every variation of the temperature and pressure on a sheet of paper on a revolving drum — and the standard thermometer, a very carefully manufactured thermometer, with all its errors determined and tabulated. South: the story of Shackleton’s last expedition 1914–1917
  • He pulled a blank sheet of paper towards him and began to write.
  • Churchill, early in the war, sent a memo to his top commanders asking them to deliver to him that same afternoon, on one side of a standard sheet of paper, their plans for prosecuting the war in Europe.
  • As an alternate method, if you choose a very thin paper, such as typing paper, you can actually press the entire sheet of paper down into the salad spinner for your spin art, and then lay the paper flat to dry and uncrumple. Salad Spinner Spin Art Tutorial
  • Nigel was installed in the office with a blank sheet of paper in front of him when Eleanor arrived.
  • In the lobby of the police station in Court Square, he looked up from his notepad, squinting at the gaslight after a long engagement with a sheet of paper.
  • Take a clean sheet of paper and down the left-hand side make a list.
  • The sheet of paper was placed upon the blanket, and the cylinder then turned forward, drawing the frisket frame down with it, while the tapes, kept taut by the reel springs, adjusted themselves to the curvature of the cylinder and held the sheet upon it. The Building of a Book A Series of Practical Articles Written by Experts in the Various Departments of Book Making and Distributing
  • The story was printed as a broadside - a single sheet of paper about 2ft x 3ft - with high-quality paper and elegant typography.
  • Gilly ripped out a sheet of paper from her notebook.
  • I grabbed a sheet of paper from my binder and ripped off a small part.
  • Answer the following questions. Write your answers on a sheet of paper which you can keep.
  • He plucked a sheet of paper from his notebook.
  • But Volvo's engineers wiped the slate clean and started with a blank sheet of paper in developing a new series of diesel sterndrive and inboard engines with just boating in mind.
  • A document handwritten with a special ink would be placed against a dampened, unsized sheet of paper and both would be squeezed in a copying press; the pressure transferred some of the document's ink onto the blank sheet.
  • And then, on the evening of August 11th, there suddenly occurred one of these dramatic turns of events that have become almost common in Iran: on a popular television program, the regime broadcast the so-called "avowal" of the young woman who, wearing a black chador which covered all but her nose and one of her eyes, holding a sheet of paper in her hands as though reciting a lesson she was having trouble learning, a voice over in Farsi covering her own voice as she expressed herself in her native Azeri, confessed her supposed "complicity" in the murder of her husband. Bernard-Henri Lévy: Sakineh Must Not Be Stoned
  • Don't you see in that sheet of paper a whole world of unexpressed ideas?
  • To put it simply, it is difficult to get beyond that first blank sheet of paper.
  • To put it simply, it is difficult to get beyond that first blank sheet of paper.
  • Here, you enter the product dimensions and compare it to a list of "presets" - objects everyone is familiar with, such as a credit card, a soda can, a sheet of paper, a door … Since the site has been around awhile, it has accumulated a ginormous database of user-generated product size comparisons; for example, here is Tweet Blocker: ResourceShelf
  • Theo thanked the man as he handed her a small white sheet of paper from the pad he was holding in his tired hands.
  • Neither is much longer than two sides of a single sheet of paper.
  • Tell them to look immediately at the middle of the blank sheet of paper.
  • Nigel was installed in the office with a blank sheet of paper in front of him when Eleanor arrived.
  • a fresh sheet of paper
  • ‘Don't tell me what to do,’ he demanded, as he pulled out a sheet of paper form his binder.
  • _Development. — _The carbon prints are developed either on a sheet of paper upon which it should remain (single or simple transfer), or on a provisory support to be afterwards transferred on paper or any other material Photographic Reproduction Processes
  • He took a sheet of paper from the typewriter and said, `I hope you dinna mind. AN OLDER WOMAN
  • Although the book is of the size called quarto, the method of printing must have been page by page, so it is doubtful that each sheet was folded twice in the usual quarto manner, but more probable that it was printed four pages to a sheet of paper approximately 9 1/8 by 14 inches, which was folded once. Doctrina Christiana The first book printed in the Philippines, Manila, 1593.
  • Take a sheet of paper and double it over.
  • He plucked a sheet of paper from his notebook.
  • He told me to double back the sheet of paper and tear it in half.

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