How To Use Sheet anchor In A Sentence
I have a small income from shares, which is my sheet anchor if my business should fail.
The European Union can act as a sheet anchor for emerging democracies.
The European Union can act as a sheet anchor for emerging democracies.
She played a sheet anchor role for the team when things were going badly.
I have a small income from shares, which is my sheet anchor if my business should fail.
Faith and hope in these doctrines as cherished by woman are the sheet anchors of our unknit civilizations.
Woman on the American Frontier
One of the most distinguished of my predecessors attached deserved importance to "the support of the State governments in all their rights, as the most competent administration for our domestic concerns and the surest bulwark against antirepublican tendencies," and to the "preservation of the General Government in its whole constitutional vigor, as the sheet anchor of our peace at home and safety abroad.
James Knox Polk: Inaugural Address