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How To Use Shedding In A Sentence

  • If we don't save the rich people today they might be extinct tomorrow just like the dinosaurs. * shedding a fake tear for the plight of the rich* knixphan Says: Think Progress
  • Other politicians are also shedding the pounds.
  • And evidently this time apart allowed the two to approach their partnership rejuvenated and ready for some serious woodshedding, as they reportedly recorded dozens of tracks before pruning down to these relatively lean 14 songs.
  • Floored with glass, the terrace is also a skylight shedding luminance into the building and down the stairwell.
  • The hair of coastal wolves also appears to be coarser and better at shedding water, perhaps to cope with the heavy rainfall on the west coast.
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  • But the great-hearted Odysseus he found not within; for he sat weeping on the shore, racking his soul with tears and groans and griefs, and he would look over the unresting sea, shedding tears.
  • The boys move through the house, opening cupboards and shedding socks, leaving a Hansel and Gretel trail of chocolate coin foil, crumbs, used tissues and satsuma peel. Diary of a separation
  • The last of the turkey has been demolished, the new toys lie in a corner and the Christmas tree is shedding its needles at a rate of knots.
  • We did some, not enough" in shedding holdings in response to the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico's Macondo field, he said. Energy Fund Largely Passed Oil-Spill Test
  • If you have evergreens, perhaps the plants are just shedding older leaves to make way for new.
  • One mechanism often proposed to explain how encrusting algae can inhibit their potential competitors is thallus shedding, which is well documented among nongeniculate coralline algae.
  • I was a reverse chameleon, shedding my inner self while my skin remained intact.
  • There is no doubt that summer is one sexy season full of people shedding tensions and clothes.
  • Photosynthetic gain in a plant is maximized by shedding older leaves only when photosynthesis by retranslocated nitrogen in new leaves exceeds the photosynthesis of the leaves lost.
  • I send my miss to the scattering stars and wish you a sweet dream under the light shedding through your window.
  • The trails we went to work on had literally become streams thanks to massive run-off from a new building's parking lot shedding water straight into this watershed area.
  • Land and water resources departments all over Australia have been shedding their developers' clothes and putting on shiny new green ones.
  • Poor Dolly is having a really bad moult, shedding great wads of fine grey hair.
  • I don't see anyone shedding any tears about this kind of disincentive although as the article pointed out, there is plenty of gnashing of teeth, name calling and outrage. Targeting Hugo Chavez
  • The trees seem to be worst hit - I've heard experts describe the trees as being ‘in distress’ - and are now in process of shutting down, shedding leaves well before they are frosted.
  • If the discovery of the moons is confirmed, scientists say it will further understanding of how the Pluto system evolved, as well as shedding new light on other Kuiper Belt objects with satellites, and the Kuiper Belt region in general.
  • Why is my new gardenia shedding its flower buds? The Sun
  • The rate of shedding is much lower for infections caused by herpes simplex virus type 1.
  • Infection is often subclinical, manifested as asymptomatic viremia or shedding of virus in the respiratory tract or urine.
  • ‘What is going on in Najaf and the rest of the Iraqi cities is a violation of sanctities, an aggression on holy sites and shedding of innocent blood that could lead to a vicious civil war,’ he said.
  • Time to re-roast an old chestnut, a column I wrote several years that has become fresh in my mind due to the successful completion last night of Operation Dress-the-Tree (to be followed in a few weeks, of course, by Operation Curse-the-Tree as the needle-shedding skeleton is hauled out to the alley). O Tannenbaum
  • Well, after archery today (I shot pretty well for somebody who is probably a quarter of a diopter off in the prescription for her dominant eye, currently) and dinner, I went after the poor shedding GRD with an undercoat rake. Skin as white as a cuttlefish bone
  • This gave engineers the option of either creating a stiffer frame without adding heft or shedding weight without sacrificing strength.
  • It was outside the shelter looking even more peculiar than ever with a tight waterproof hood enclosing its head, shedding water as if it were oiled.
  • With the help of a non-invasive method of monitoring human activity, doctors and researchers at Columbia University Medical Center are shedding new light on a syndrome affecting nearly 40 percent of older adults with heart failure: anergia. - latest science and technology news stories
  • nor silver-shedding tears could penetrate her uncompassionate sire
  • Their fur is also excellent for shedding water, usefully reducing the risk of your clothes sticking to your skin.
  • I am shedding youthful pursuits that don't mean that much to me anymore.
  • Androgens are also responsible for the increased growth in body hair and an increased shedding of keratin, a protein that can block pores and the flow of sebum.
  • Canalis, like Nodier, enchants the reader by an artlessness which is genuine in the prose writer and artificial in the poet, by his tact, his smile, the shedding of his rose-leaves, in short by his infantile philosophy. Modeste Mignon
  • Turkey and Christmas pudding took their seasonal toll on newspaper circulation in December, with most dailies and Sunday titles shedding tens of thousands of sales.
  • French did both, and took all of this part of the world they could find unseized by Europe, and tamable, at not too great a shedding of French blood. Mystic Isles of the South Seas.
  • I can't avoid shedding the load.
  • He was a bit of a porcupine to the last, still shedding darts; or rather he was to the end a bit of a schoolboy, and must still throw stones, but the essential toleration that underlay his disputatiousness, and the kindness that made of him a tender sicknurse and a generous helper, shone more conspicuously through. Memoir of Fleeming Jenkin
  • All I got was a red scaly scalp and the hair shedding continued.
  • Vaccine, the immunity induced by a single dose of the vaccine resulted in reductions of viraemia, viral shedding and viral load in tissues in vaccinated pigs as compared to controls. ThePigSite - Global Pig Industry News Feeds
  • ‘These are accounts of people's lives,’ she said, vital for shedding light on foregone times.
  • The new chairman of the airline may be remembered as the axeman who presided over the shedding of 3,200 jobs.
  • The ouroboros snake of architecture, that's been chasing form with function and function with form, is once again shedding its skin. Pavel Somov, Ph.D.: The Bilbao Effect: Architecture of Pattern Interruption?
  • But the transplant gives him a 95 per cent chance of shedding the syndrome and leading a normal life.
  • Waving Iranian flags and pictures of Ahmadinejad, the crowd crushed into the restraining bars, some of them shedding tears at the presence of their scruffily bearded hero. Let the Swords Encircle Me
  • Whenever the lad bespake him, he answered him kindly, trembling the while and would turn to him groaning and crying, and thus he did till supper was brought in, when he fell to eating, with his eyes on the boy but refrained not from shedding tears. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • It might require taking classes or it might require just "woodshedding" for a while Christian Science Monitor | All Stories
  • But then she was splashed all over websites and gossip mags after shedding an astonishing 3st in a matter of months. The Sun
  • During the funeral he referred to “diamond merchants” considered a code word for Hasidic Jews [11] [12], for shedding “the blood of innocent babies” leading marchers shouting “No Justice No Peace”. Matthew Yglesias » What’s the Joke?
  • It's from "ecdysis," a word for the process of shedding one's own skin, snake-style. NPR Topics: News
  • I send my miss to the scattering stars and wish you a sweet dream under the light shedding through your window.
  • In addition to shedding light on an age-old riddle involving a plant Charles Darwin called ‘one of the most wonderful in the world,’ the discovery has implications for biomimetic systems.
  • It was dark again, save for Callie, who continued shedding her halo of light.
  • There will be no empty nest, no shedding of familial responsibilities and expense.
  • I remember my tongue shedding its skin like a snake, my voice in the classroom sounding just like the rest.
  • Many students may need to be introduced to effective practice methods such as repetition, playing with a metronome, woodshedding and visualization.
  • They are actually shedding off in the wash and going straight out to sea. Smithsonian Mag
  • As the larva feeds and grows, it molts, shedding its cuticle.
  • It means not shedding flakes that are visible to other people from a distance of two feet.
  • It is the land of lakes, glaciers and waterfalls shedding their endless charm forever.
  • He took it with him into the streets, galleries, beaches and bars he frequented, shedding the uptight decorousness that verse in the 1950s and '60s was expected to have.
  • He flagged the driver down and jogged over to him, shedding his stolen gear as he went.
  • Selkies are able to shapeshift by shedding their seal skin, a risky endeavor because they must reapply the same skin in order to return to seal form. VAMPIRES, ZOMBIES, WEREWOLVES & STEPHEN KING..OH MY! | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • Hot new ocean crust forms at midocean ridges, cools, and sinks back into the mantle, shedding heat and driving the plates.
  • Graying now, its veterans approach the Vietnam Veterans Memorial (aka “The Wall”) in reverence, some shielding their eyes with their hands, lest they be seen shedding tears for comrades (and perhaps their own youth) lost. Honor is due
  • I was saying, 'Look, the Silver Jews are shedding outsiderhood, ­coming inside where it's warm.' The Guardian World News
  • They will never stop shedding the blood of their enemies
  • The body politic is shedding bodies all over the place. Times, Sunday Times
  • Under them 18-pounder shrapnel, shedding sparks of burning fuses, tore screaming away east.
  • Durable Abrasion resistant Resilient Nonpilling Nonshedding Nonstatic Ultraviolet light-resistant—nonfading Colorfast Flame resistant HOME COMFORTS
  • The model makes the calculation simper than load-shedding strategy by neighbor.
  • The canvas-sided milk wagon toppled onto its side, shedding part of its load, completing blocking entry onto the motorway at junction 7, and exit from junction 8.
  • A world away from dry accounts of historical events, it succeeds in shedding much new light on the 1905 Russian Revolution in an accessible and exciting way.
  • Such applied animal behavior research, though fairly new to U.S. agriculturists, is shedding light on other aspects of cattle behavior, too.
  • I want karakia to be said, because I don't think the shedding of blood should be taken lightly.
  • I might add hereunto the mutual inbeing that is between him and believers by love; for -- the way of the communication of his love unto them being by the shedding of it abroad in their hearts by the Holy Meditations and Discourses on the Glory of Christ
  • The model makes the calculation simper than load-shedding strategy by neighbor.
  • But the sardar is in a changing room, shedding his uniform for a civilian suit. Who Are Iran's Revolutionary Guards?
  • Another thing, I am irritated to the boiling point with the term shedding jobs. Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • I send my miss to the scattering stars and wish you a sweet dream under the light shedding through your window.
  • The only way out is to downsize the company, shedding extraneous staff and departments. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mornings, when the sun slopes through their east-facing window, she runs grateful words through her mind-mill, shedding husks, seeking the one that means “surprised happiness.” Husks
  • Protestantism, as well as her mother Romanism, has been guilty of shedding innocent blood; and as the term Babylon includes both these divisions, when the great city is thrown down with violence, Romanism and Protestantism will sink together, and then this awful treasure -- the blood of prophets and of saints -- shall be brought to light in that last great day of God Almighty. The Revelation Explained
  • In the new art, men became gods by shedding triviality…
  • Massage into affected areas twice a day to encourage the natural shedding process. Times, Sunday Times
  • Second, it is a valuable historical document, shedding light on the history of Marlborough and Nelson, the whaling industry, and the relationships between the whalers and the Maori in the area.
  • The electronics sector is shedding jobs, and life sciences is set to become the bigger employer in the near future.
  • After repeated setbacks in fixing the problems, the company has made major changes to its board and started a restructuring plan that includes job cuts and shedding noncore businesses. Genzyme Makes Case Against Sanofi
  • What was found is that the atmosphere has been shedding increased amounts of IR to space in the downflow regions of the Hadley-Walker cell. Bill Gray Presentation « Climate Audit
  • Shampoos that contain jojoba oil or tea tree oil help eliminate oily deposits and reduce shedding.
  • Leaf fall The shedding of leaves , usually associated with a fall in AUXIN concentration.
  • Instead of shedding a light on the wheeling and dealing surrounding player payments and transfers, they actually make it more opaque. Times, Sunday Times
  • We all lose hair cyclically, but we don't usually notice because the shedding phase for individual hairs varies, so while some are shedding, others are growing.
  • I send my miss to the scattering stars and wish you a sweet dream under the light shedding through your window.
  • Platinum, which is used in catalytic converters for cars, rose by 24 per cent to $2,100 in the weeks after load shedding began. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Judges Say: The judges all fawned over the fact that James was emotional, even shedding a tear or two at the end of the song. American Idol Episode Recap: The Top 9 Perform
  • Against a back ground of lemon-coloured sky, with the stars shedding their spiritual lustre through the purple twilight, these gorgeous creatures, each ensphered in her beatific bubble, floated tremulously upward on the balmy breeze. The War of the Wenuses
  • Hardly a day goes by without news of some corporation shedding huge numbers of workers in the name of productivity.
  • Graven in its surface is a lightening bolt, a cloud shedding rain, the crescent moon, the all seeing eye.
  • The cities of refuge provided protection for the one who accidentally killed another, and they helped to prevent blood guiltiness for the shedding of innocent blood (19:10).
  • It began a system called load shedding, which involved rolling blackouts across parts of the country. Times, Sunday Times
  • After struggling to keep airborne, the Wellington went into a steep dive, shedding pieces of fuselage on the way before hurtling into the ground.
  • After ‘shedding’ his ego in favor of Socrates, after rejecting all his old friends, he is no more than a shadow of his old self, and of Socrates.
  • Many non-geniculate coralline algae have been suggested to actively inhibit colonization of epiphytes by shedding epithallial cells.
  • They then took off for real, shedding armfuls of bitten plums.
  • JIBRIL RAJOUB, PALESTINIAN PREVENTATIVE SECURITY: I think that there are, indeed, various groups who have only one target, to destroy everything through bloodshedding and killing. CNN Transcript Dec 3, 2001
  • What is it about the rich and famous, shedding relationships and personas as fast as a snake sheds its skin?
  • The management has tried to keep the operation going by cutting costs and shedding thousands of jobs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The farmers showed naked ambition when they opened up luxury holiday cottages for sun-seekers who like shedding their clothes.
  • I was hanging out in The Village at that time and woodshedding on the guitar and meeting people. Mike Ragogna: The Return of the Blues Wanderer: A Conversation With Dion, Plus Anthony Green's Beautiful Things Album Streamer
  • They also, evidently, spent a lot of woodshedding to bootleg Hendrix and Led Zeppelin cassettes. In concert: Tinariwen
  • Gonococcal and chlamydial urethritis increase shedding of HIV - 1 in semen, therefore increasing the risk of HIV transmission risk.
  • The traffic jam was caused by a lorry shedding its load.
  • Who's going to bother with a couple of years of guitar lessons and woodshedding if he can go to a store and grab a couple of turntables for less than the price of a nice tweed guitar case nowadays?
  • Besides shedding rain, these hoods also protect small ink frescoes on the plaster surface above the window.
  • Or earn a few extra pounds while shedding a few more windsurfing? The Sun
  • The truck came to rest on its side in the car park, after demolishing a telegraph pole and shedding half its load of soya.
  • But then she was splashed all over websites and gossip mags after shedding an astonishing 3st in a matter of months. The Sun
  • The great snake was shedding its skin, revealing glorious pearly scales hidden under the rock cover.
  • The country is entering its third consecutive week without any load shedding. The Star (South Africa)
  • Their idea blossoms gradually into the film's central story, which has the womanly girls shedding their skivvies for the shoot.
  • There was no harm in him — he had a great aversion to shedding blood: which was something — but, he was a weak, silly, helpless young man, and a mere shuttlecock to the great lordly battledores about the Court. A Child's History of England
  • This was effectively a load-shedding protocol. The Star (South Africa)
  • Spend the summer eating properly, drinking less and shedding some lard if you need to. The Sun
  • For individuals being revaccinated, the viral shedding period may be shorter.
  • A layer of tension fell off like a snake shedding its skin.
  • In shedding the weight, equivalent to more than 40 bags of sugar, Christine overcame a sweet tooth, which saw her balloon to a 26 dress size.
  • To me this is symbolic of the effect of the book - shedding light on what otherwise might be passed by unnoticed.
  • He shivered as his bare arms were exposed to the damp air and quickly made his way to the bath chamber, shedding his clothes as he went.
  • Temporary hair shedding like this is quite common. The Sun
  • Old restrictions seemed to slip away, and the country stepped into the future like an animal shedding its winter coat. DOT.CON
  • He said the economy was not creating jobs but was retrenching workers, shedding and ‘casualising’ jobs.
  • Accordingly, many of them banded together, and some declared they were being wronged and others made known some other grievances against their masters, thinking they had secured an opportunity for accomplishing without bloodshedding all that they wished. Dio's Rome, Volume 1 (of 6) An Historical Narrative Originally Composed in Greek during the Reigns of Septimius Severus, Geta and Caracalla, Macrinus, Elagabalus and Alexander Severus: and Now Presented in English Form
  • The difference between 59 and 52 vote majorities is largely immaterial, especially when the Senate is shedding people who often voted with the opposition. Matthew Yglesias » Evan Bayh to Retire
  • Finally if you do not die, your loving wife -- who has not slept during the whole three weeks of your illness (a fact of which she will constantly remind you) -- will fall ill in her turn, waste away, suffer much, and become even more incapable of any useful pursuit than she was before; while by the time that you have regained your normal state of health she will express to you her self-sacrificing affection only by shedding around you a kind of benignant dullness which involuntarily communicates itself both to yourself and to every one else in your vicinity. Youth
  • The lorry, carrying gallons of orange juice, broke down just after 11 am yesterday, shedding its entire load on to the carriageway and triggering a nightmare tailback of traffic.
  • But in the nineteenth century women were difficult to save: their voluminous clothing was a dead weight in water, and modesty usually prevented their shedding their apparel, even when in danger of drowning.
  • My dog is shedding more hair than usual.
  • Combing rugged mountain slopes near Cusco, they are discovering thousands of previously unknown sites, shedding new light on the origins of the Inca dynasty.
  • The burger started shedding lettuce shreds and tomato seeds down my shirt front.
  • Massage into affected areas twice a day to encourage the natural shedding process. Times, Sunday Times
  • Did you know (he declaimed triumphantly, shedding the opera-cloak to reveal an anorak) that during WWII there were a number of accidents (all crown-sheet failures) in American locomotives in use here which were caused by the inability of British footplatemen to read their modern and sophisticated Klinger reflex-type water-gauges? Libertarian Blog Place
  • Today's commentary will rehash some old ‘stuff’, while also hopefully shedding some new insight.
  • Many students may need to be introduced to effective practice methods such as repetition, playing with a metronome, woodshedding and visualization.
  • I ran for my life in platforms in Phoenix after the Yankees lost while shedding my Yankees tee shirt for safety, as did every other Yankee fan at the game. Norma Kamali: Jeter, Posada, Mariano and Pettitte Are My Yankees
  • In addition, the structure of the foliage favors the use of nutrients by a long active life, the retransport of certain nutrients before leaf shedding, and a high polyphenol content and coriaceous nature which reduce herbivory.
  • The languorously limbed trees droop into the water, often shedding their prodigious fronds, providing a sheltered habitat for fish.
  • It's unusual for a band that's still woodshedding material for its first album to fill a club the size of the Black Cat. Wild Flag sells out Black Cat, even before first album
  • The traffic jam was caused by a lorry shedding its load.
  • But as she gritted her teeth and urged husband Nick to take the photo, she knew posing in her cossie was her best chance of shedding the weight that was ruining her life. - News
  • I arrived at home at last and, after shedding my formal clothes and settling into my pajamas, snuggled into bed.
  • As the emotional heat turns up, they unlace their hearts and their consciences, shedding their wigs and letting their hair down.
  • ‘Matt is the biggest douche bag in the world,’ Lily confirmed, shedding her coat and draping it over a chair.
  • I send my miss to the scattering stars and wish you a sweet dream under the light shedding through your window.
  • Have you noticed that the trees have already started shedding their leaves?
  • Taylor notes that some insects swallow air to inflate their bodies when shedding their shells, but it's unknown whether they also use the air for skeletal support.
  • Exposure to a metabolite of the environmental toxicant trichloroethylene attenuates CD4+ T cell activation-induced cell death by metalloproteinase-dependent FasL shedding. The Autoimmune Epidemic
  • Marr acknowledges that, in shedding pivotal players and considerable sums from both the playing budget and debt, his club must also shed expectations.
  • After reading the piece, the MRC was weeping, boohooing and shedding big tears.
  • The children did indeed find a snake skin; the discussion that followed about snakes shedding their skins added depth to the study.
  • In every industry and every segment, Xers are shedding the psychographic and behavioral certainties that were supposed to define them.
  • No sooner have people been successfully corralled into shedding a few pounds, they are hectored about the possible dangers of dieting.
  • Conoco this year said it would begin shedding its nearly 20% stake in Lukoil as part of a major restructuring program, marking an end to one of the premier international investments in Russia's oil and gas sector. Lukoil Buys Back Shares From Conoco
  • When I was finished, I stood up, shedding water off my body, and wrapped myself in a towel.
  • The season premiere's ‘plot’ revolved around a pet cat, which caused conflict by getting into all the apartments and shedding hair and pooing on furniture and leaving fleas.
  • Novalis's 15-year-old fiancée Sophie von Kühn had died, and the hymns were inspired in a moment when he was "shedding bitter tears" beside her grave, "which in its narrow dark bosom hid the vanished form of my life". Love in literature
  • My fig tree is shedding fruit, what's wrong? The Sun
  • I give myself away through my music, my true feelings, shedding all inhibitions.
  • The only way out is to downsize the company, shedding extraneous staff and departments. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pallas [39] and of the Titans, but imbruing altars with the shed blood of strangers, a pest unsuited to the harp, [of strangers] sighing forth [40] a piteous cry, and shedding a piteous tear. The Tragedies of Euripides, Volume I.
  • There was also a request "that all bond men may be made free, for God made all free with His precious bloodshedding. The Rise of the Democracy
  • So is this the nasty party shedding its repulsive past?
  • Old restrictions seemed to slip away, and the country stepped into the future like an animal shedding its winter coat. DOT.CON
  • The fragile wafer of February sun was directly overhead, shedding watery light but no warmth.
  • The hawk molted, shedding feathers as quickly as an illused feather duster. Slice Of Cherry
  • All of those outbursts of passion and pathos are mostly showmanship, and it is truly amazing how easily these individuals can break off an attachment or relationship without shedding a tear.
  • The yearning of the poor that the Independence of the country and the shedding of the yoke of an oppressive colonial past would bring wealth or at least a little more prosperity to them, still remain an unfulfilled dream.
  • Now he is a trim, fit male model after shedding six stone. The Sun
  • The bank is already shedding 680 jobs this year and may reduce its headcount further. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shedding Capri's $5 billion mortgage loan portfolio was the first step toward repositioning the firm for future growth.
  • So he returned to the pulpit and after shedding a few crocodile tears of repentance, he went right on preaching morality, chastising adultery and sermoning to others, how THEY should live a chaste life. Winds Of Jihad By SheikYerMami
  • The half moon pose and the warrior and star position also help in shedding the extra pounds.
  • [188] 'I will grant that everything has been done with justice, which cannot be punished without again shedding the blood of citizens;' that is, the cruelties then committed by the optimates in crushing C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
  • With both companies shedding hundreds of jobs, their shares looked increasingly worthless as the week came to a close.
  • Bank of America has been shedding what it terms noncore assets as Chief Executive Brian Moynihan looks to narrow the focus of the bank. Financial Briefing Book: Nov. 16
  • Someone -- somewhere -- has stepped forward, once again shedding the light on the classic adventure of a girl who stumbles upon a bustling rabbit and a strange little world. Archive 2009-05-01
  • What commenced is what history will record as Barack Obama's Big Jobs pitch, a rousing ding-dong wood shedding -- this president's finest in more than a calendar year and by far the most passionate a mostly dispassionate leader has given since taking office. James Campion: The Joe Cool Double-Reverse Hail Mary
  • This Afro-Caribbean poem for a Euromodernist traverses cultural, racial, and gender boundaries via intersections of place names - Sligo, Sligoville; mythical heroes - Ireland's Cuchulain, Jamaica's ex-slave rebels; and premodern magic - Yeats's mysticism, Jamaica's skin-shedding witches and neck-chained, calf-like ghosts.
  • Men were returning home in thousands upon thousands, shedding their khaki uniforms and slouch hats for civvies. THE THORN BIRDS
  • Or earn a few extra pounds while shedding a few more windsurfing? The Sun
  • Instead of shedding a light on the wheeling and dealing surrounding player payments and transfers, they actually make it more opaque. Times, Sunday Times
  • You get a taste of the frustration, the liquor laced woodshedding, the comfort Wilco had with it's finished product and the confusing world of audio technology.
  • The dim, yellow light each one was shedding cast shadows off the crates and barrels carelessly piled along the length of the alley, and occasionally a squeak and a scamper echoed throughout the area.
  • Suddenly, the drunken man gets up and starts shedding his clothes to reveal a well-dressed, handsome gentleman.
  • It knows that while volume production is mobile and has proved disposable, high-quality graduates in design jobs are harder to find and retain, and it doesn't look good to be callously shedding staff by the thousand.
  • Corporates are shedding their earlier aloof attitude and taking a more hard-nosed approach.
  • I have had had snakes shedding their skin in my house.
  • Tenderfeet, with ten pounds of Colt's revolvers, cartridges, and hunting-knives belted about them, wandered valiantly up the trail, and crept back softly, shedding revolvers, cartridges, and knives in despairing showers. CHAPTER I
  • In other words, the old guard is changing - not unlike a snake shedding its skin.

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