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shed light on

  1. make free from confusion or ambiguity; make clear
    Clear up the question of who is at fault
    Could you clarify these remarks?

How To Use shed light on In A Sentence

  • It has also shed light on how the rhodium metal surface adsorbs and removes carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide gases in car exhaust converters.
  • Both approaches will shed light on the adaptive significance and functional morphology of asteroids.
  • I spent a few hours scratching my head and looking for a cryptic code which might shed light on where this maverick genius is getting his ideas from.
  • The seven science instruments on the piano-sized probe would shed light on the bodies' surface properties, geology, interior makeup and atmospheres.
  • A two-day mini-meeting on the special topic of Biological Anthropology (April 26-27) will include four symposia, a platform session, and a poster session¬, all designed to shed light on cranial and postcranial functional anatomy, adaptations in soft-tissue anatomy and fossil evidence for human evolution. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • These “contradictory tensions,” as poet Christian Bök points out, also shed light on the chasm between the “romantic tradition that depicts nature as a pantheistic avatar of a benevolent deity” and “the scientific tradition that depicts nature as a subdivisible continuum of objective phenomena.” Christopher Dewdney
  • Evidence on the relative contributions of crop insurance and the new disaster (SURE) payments to overall crop revenue could shed light on the role of farm programs in land conversions.
  • Therefore they shed light on the comparative institutional questions with which we are concerned.
  • Mauriac remains unequalled in conciseness and expressive force of language; his prose can in a few suggestive lines shed light on the most complex and difficult things. Nobel Prize in Literature 1952 - Presentation Speech
  • In the March 2005 Atlantic, Paul Starobin profiled Putin, and managed to get behind that exterior to shed light on the interior life of one of today's most inscrutable and powerful leaders. Russia's Would-Be Masters
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