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How To Use Sheathing In A Sentence

  • Setting the crossbow on the counter and sheathing his sword, he moved with surprising speed and agility to replace the bar across the door.
  • He released her wrists and slowly stood, sheathing his sword.
  • There are some who consider that the greatest scene in history -- the hero sheathing his sword "after a life of spotless honor, a purity unreproached, a courage indomitable, and a consummate victory. American Men of Action
  • Olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs), found in the olfactory bulb and olfactory lamina propria, are special glia cells in the olfactory system.
  • Do not nail the edge rafters where the sheathing meets until the adjoining sheet is in place.
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  • Hunt constructed these lightweight volumes from thin ribs of spruce or balsa wood before sheathing them in layers of silk paper and metal leaf.
  • There are many new products on the market that will provide inlet air at the eave of the roof by bringing in the air from behind the gutters, through the roof sheathing, and under the shingle materials.
  • Kerra paused at the edge of her driveway, fear sheathing her heart in ice.
  • For best results, a water vapor-permeable, water-resistant building paper (like tar paper) is first attached to the sheathing.
  • Pocketing the stone and sheathing the sword he stood.
  • The lower leaves, with very short, sheathing footstalks, are large and spreading, reaching more than a foot in length, broadly triangular in outline and tripinnate.
  • CHARLESTON - The Dow Chemical plant in Charleston recently became the first and only production source for a new brand of insulated sheathing that the company has launched nationwide. Undefined
  • He understood wood completely: sheathing, siding, clapboard, cord; walnut, ebony, hickory, beam. BEHINDLINGS
  • The power cable has some UV-reactive blue mesh on it, while the shorter lengths of cable are covered in a UV-reactive blue plastic sheathing.
  • They walked outside, unsheathing their swords, then got into position.
  • With a combination blade in your saw, set the depth of cut just to cut through the sheathing.
  • Inside of this sheathing 2x4 inch studs placed flatwise, sheathed on the inside with Trees, Fruits and Flowers of Minnesota, 1916 Embracing the Transactions of the Minnesota State Horticultural Society,Volume 44, from December 1, 1915, to December 1, 1916, Including the Twelve Numbers of "The Minnesota Horticulturist" for 1916
  • Houses had thatched roofs - thick straw piled high with no wood slats or sheathing underneath.
  • They leapt off their horses, tied them to the wooden fence and made their way up the steps, unsheathing their weapons.
  • Military engineers would choose the site, but specialists known in the British army as ‘tin boatmen’ because of the metal sheathing of the pontoons would construct it.
  • ‘That's what you think,’ Alex said unsheathing his sword.
  • The name volva is particularly given to that part of the universal veil which remains around the base of the stem, either sheathing it or appressed closely to it, or in torn fragments. Among the Mushrooms A Guide For Beginners
  • He understood wood completely: sheathing, siding, clapboard, cord; walnut, ebony, hickory, beam. BEHINDLINGS
  • The carpenter and his men were meanwhile hard at work at the copper sheathing, making such progress that they were busy with their saws, dividing plank and trenail and working their way round the hole by the time the tide had risen sufficiently to drive them back, and then the The Ocean Cat's Paw The Story of a Strange Cruise
  • As he cuts away the tentorium, where the membrane sheathing the brain gathers and parts, he sees it as ‘a pale delicate structure of beauty, like the little whirl of a veiled dancer’.
  • Kip chose oriented strand board for the subfloors and sheathing, with floor joists made of a similar material.
  • It turns out that the bacterium that causes leprosy directly damages a protective sheathing, made of the protein myelin, around many nerve cells.
  • As he cuts away the tentorium, where the membrane sheathing the brain gathers and parts, he sees it as ‘a pale delicate structure of beauty, like the little whirl of a veiled dancer’.
  • His arousal was a potent force beneath the black silk barely sheathing its powerful rigidity, and she felt her insides clench in anticipation of his possession. Purchased By The Billionaire
  • One day, as he was walking the quarter-deck, he lifted an attaghan (it might be one of the midshipmen's weapons), and unsheathing it, said, contemplating the blade, '_I should like to know how a person feels after committing murder_.' Lord Byron jugé par les témoins de sa vie. English
  • After sheathing his sword, Robert struggled to catch his breath.
  • In a fracture of a long bone, that which surrounds the fragments is called the _external_ or _ensheathing callus_, and may be likened to the mass of solder which surrounds the junction of pipes in plumber-work; that which occupies the position of the medullary canal is called the _internal_ or _medullary callus_; and that which intervenes between the fragments and maintains the continuity of the cortical compact tissue of the shaft is called the Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • I slowly approached it, unsheathing my swords at the same time, the sheath being slipped under my belt behind me.
  • I followed shortly after him after sheathing the knife, and Monique, after having a brief word with the bartender, returned last.
  • For example, sheathing and unsheathing swords gets a nice, reverberating ring as the blade enters or exits the scabbard.
  • Objective:To deploy olfactory ensheathing cells(OEC) transplantation treating the sequel of myelitis, and to explore whether it would help to recover the spinal cord function.
  • The sheathing forms what is called the blood-thymus barrier, preventing antigen contamination of developing and programmed T lymphocytes.
  • It has protean ocular manifestations and may present with a spectrum of ocular signs, including anterior and posterior uveitis, retinal vascular sheathing, and optic disc abnormalities.
  • Even a home with functional attic ventilation can now develop molds on the roof sheathing cavities above these unsatisfactory ducts.
  • Iron-hard baulks of it, along with a few copper rivets, washers and sheathing, is all that remains of the ship.
  • He understood wood completely: sheathing, siding, clapboard, cord; walnut, ebony, hickory, beam. BEHINDLINGS
  • She then fastened her belt around her waist, sheathing her dagger in its pouch.
  • Over the next few years, they retrieved more of the now nearly complete skull along with skin plates, rib fragments, a vertebra and a possible limb bone from the dinosaur species. plant-eating dinosaurs that resembled nature's armored tanks as they walked about on four limbs and their bodies were covered with bony armor that may have been covered with a colorful keratinous sheathing (same as the stuff in bird beaks and turtle shells).
  • It turns out that the bacterium that causes leprosy directly damages a protective sheathing, made of the protein myelin, around many nerve cells.
  • Fixed an issue where Fist weapons were sheathing improperly.
  • In some areas, permanent wood or metal diagonal bracing may be required if you are not using plywood sheathing or siding.
  • She relaxed, sheathing her sword to show her compliance.
  • Hero and the other guardians stood in front of the royal quintet, unsheathing their weapons and creating a perimeter around their lieges.
  • Here we must mention first of all the numerous baptismal fonts of bronze, which are decorated on their outer sheathing with representations in relief and architectural ornament, next the seven-armed candelabra, door-knobs, water-vessels (aquamanile), lecterns, especially the beautiful eagle-lecterns. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • These are just heaps of noble materials sheathing insignificant forms and insipid patterns or inappropriate functions that could have been rejected.
  • We assigned scores of 0 to missing feathers, and scores of 1.0 to newly replaced feathers with flakes of sheathing at their base.
  • Parsons also illustrated the dermal armour of this new species based on the theory by Museum of the R.ckies paleontologist John R. Horner that there was an outer keratinous sheathing on it as found in modern turtle shells and bird beaks. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Water leakage may soak into the concrete masonry backup walls or into sheathing in steel stud backup walls.
  • The wooden pieces consisted of some side planks and a piece of a frame, while the metal pieces included bronze (copper) nails and pieces of the lead sheathing that would have protected the hull below the waterline from the wood-devouring teredo worm and rot. Interactive Dig Black Sea: Synopsis
  • The ‘edges’ are there because of the way the leaves meet each other along their edges, while the ‘round’ rushes usually have one leaf sheathing the stem.
  • Sometimes drywall is the only interior sheathing option for these wall panels.
  • The name volva is particularly given to that part of the universal veil which remains around the base of the stem, either sheathing it or appressed closely to it, or in torn fragments. Among the Mushrooms A Guide For Beginners
  • What that freezer needs is new insulation, a new compressor, new condenser, new ducting, new wiring, new motors, new mounts, new hinges, new sheathing.
  • I built it of 6 steel beams, with Densglass (gypsum and fiberglass) outer sheathing, which was stuccoed over. West Coast Building Materials
  • Plywood particle board or wafer-board roof sheathing is most commonly used, being low in cost and easy to apply.
  • The disclosed method of making a shape-stranded rope includes twisting large wires into strands by twining them in at least one layer about a core with a sheathing of a soft deformable material.
  • The square-edge diagonal board sheathing that seems so fabulous in memory is now grown so fast and harvested so young it is sapwood all the way through.
  • To meet this recommendation, most homes and additions constructed with 2 x 4 walls require a combination of wall cavity insulation, such as batts, and insulating sheathing, such as rigid foam boards.
  • ‘We'd have both died had that been a real match,’ the older man continued in a normal voice, sheathing his sword again.
  • He jumped up, unsheathing his own sword that hung at his waist.
  • ‘This is going to be most difficult,’ he explained, unsheathing his sword moments later.
  • The sheathing had beautiful carvings of the Heaven Dragon and Phoenix, flying around 2 characters in the middle, her own name.
  • She rushed at him, unsheathing her twin swords.
  • Inside the lead sheathing the rubber round the power cable has been scorched away. SAN ANDREAS
  • Now called Tatankacephalus cooneyorum, the beast is a type of ankylosaur, or a group of plant-eating dinosaurs that resembled nature's armored tanks as they walked about on four limbs and their bodies were covered with bony armor that may have been covered with a colorful keratinous sheathing (same as the stuff in bird beaks and turtle shells). AOL News
  • He stood up and brushed himself off, unsheathing his sword.
  • Sheathing his sword, he takes them by the arms and rushes them back down towards the shoreline.
  • Blaise pulled himself to his feet, unsheathing his sword and heading towards the door.
  • It was a pair of matching katanas, one edged swords sheathed in rusted hold sheathing with red ribbon tied around the hilt that dangled to the side.
  • The man dodged the swing easily, jumping back and unsheathing his sword in the process.
  • Does the roofing project include the replacement of underlayment sheathing, is there an allowance for it, or will it be a change order at the end of the job because the contractor specifically excluded it from his contract?
  • She wiped away her tears just before unsheathing her sword.
  • ‘We can't risk going slow,’ said Ben, sheathing his sword.
  • ‘Here's a pair I bought in the 80s for $500, which was an awful lot of money then,’ she says, unsheathing diamanté evening pumps.
  • We run each bit of riser through our fingers, checking visually and by feel for any cuts, snags or bumps which might indicate a problem with the Kevlar lines beneath their protective sheathing.
  • Next to these the largest masses are a circular tablet, forming part of the splendid sheathing of one of the ambones in the Church of San Lorenzo; and two elliptical tablets, still larger, engrafted upon the pilasters in front of the high altar of St. Paul's. Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
  • I laid cedar shakes over skip sheathing—1 x 4–inch boards nailed 5 inches on center across the roof rafters to allow the cedar to breathe.
  • She took the combat knife, turning it over in her hands and stroking curious finger pads along the rubberised waterproof sheathing.
  • He murmured softly, sighing and sheathing the sword.
  • Try to correct this problem; but if you are unable to, pop a chalk line across the rafter tails and trim them with your saw before attaching the sheathing.
  • Loose nails or inadequate nailing allow the wood (either the sheathing / underlayment panels or the finish flooring) to move.
  • In normal roof construction and roofing, plywood or waferboard sheathing panels are installed over the rafters and meet snugly at the peak of the roof.
  • I nodded, sheathing one of my swords to use my hand to wipe my face clear of tears.
  • Inside the lead sheathing the rubber round the power cable has been scorched away. SAN ANDREAS
  • Sheathing my sword I called upon my powers and a pair of dragon wings came from my back and I flew out of the way just in time.
  • Rigid foam board insulation is tacked onto the exterior sheathing, fortifying the thermal shield.
  • Do olfactory ensheathing cells exhibit unique migratory or axonal growth - promoting after spinal cord injury in rats?
  • Then, using 16-penny nails, toenail the curb through the sheathing to the frame.
  • The power, reset, and front LED buttons have all been wrapped neatly by clear sheathing.
  • Houses had thatched roofs - thick straw piled high with no wood slats or sheathing underneath.
  • In early wooden ships, a sheathing of metallic copper was used to protect the timbers from being invaded by shipworms known as teredos - worms that bore into wood and weaken its structure.
  • Wood composition sheathing may be glued to polyurethane and isocyanurate slabs of insulation in the same way as EPS panels.
  • Her eyes closed as her body gave, sheathing the rigid strength of his, gradually taking him in, accepting him. THE PERFECT LOVER
  • Where excess sheathing has been removed, a piece cut from another anchor installation can be used to cover the extra exposed strand.
  • But no more than a few strides towards the stationary cart, she yanked hard on the reins, sheathing her sword that had been loosened, partially drawn out into her grip.
  • Today the anchors and chain, piles of hardware that broke through as the vessel tilted, iron ballast, bronze pins, lead hull sheathing, tacks, musket and pistol shot, cannonballs and cannon - all lie scattered where the ship's bow struck.
  • Recent finds include copper pins marked with the broad arrow of the Admiralty, copper sheathing, pan weights, musket balls, cannonballs and a sounding lead.
  • I protect the cord with three layers of sheathing, a fluid bath to take up shock, plus a bony housing.
  • Glancing back, he nodded once to the dozen men hiding in various positions behind him and moved forward, unsheathing his sword silently as he did so.
  • The basic idea is to make an effectively airtight wall by sealing the exterior sheathing and the interior wall finish to the framing.
  • Make sure that only the uncut sheathing is clamped at this opening.
  • What that freezer needs is new insulation, a new compressor, new condenser, new ducting, new wiring, new motors, new mounts, new hinges, new sheathing.
  • Fifty dollar a plew!" he muttered, unsheathing his knife and stooping over the body. The Scalp Hunters
  • Its head was a mixture of shaggy hair and armour-plating, while behind its slender waist lay the great swivel-plated body, yellow and black, sheathing a lethal sting in its tail. HOTHOUSE
  • In all, 19 pages guide you - from locating and pouring of footings, to building the structure, sheathing the roof with cedar shingles, and topping it off with a decorative cupola.
  • ‘Don't worry about it,’ I said, unsheathing my sword and doing a few warm-up swings.
  • He dropped his arm, twisting away from her and sheathing it in one liquidy movement.

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