[ UK /ʃˈiːð/ ]
[ US /ˈʃið/ ]
  1. cover with a protective sheathing
    sheathe her face
  2. enclose with a sheath
    sheathe a sword
  3. plunge or bury (a knife or sword) in flesh

How To Use sheathe In A Sentence

  • A guttural sound broke from his chest when he felt her sheathe tugging him deeper, its slick clench undeniable. Dreams of a Dark Warrior
  • People who have pledged their lives to fighting Islamic extremism, when asked about Charles Johnson now, unsheathe a word they do not throw around lightly ... The Volokh Conspiracy » Comparing Left and Right Blogospheres
  • Vertical circulation is primarily via lifts just inboard from these stairs, in a bull-nosed service tower sheathed in stainless steel.
  • It's an olive branch sheathed like a blade, but it draws the largest applause of the night.
  • The rest of his person was sheathed in the complete mail of the time, richly inlaid with silver, which contrasted with the azure in which the steel was damasked. Count Robert of Paris
  • Clumsily, he sheathed both of his swords and turned to get Vincent and Emma.
  • Realizing the sound was made by a cat, the guard sheathed his sword.
  • His beautifully sculpted body was sheathed in tan breeches and a white lined shirt, half opened at the neck.
  • The hands have been cantilevered to feel light, so one moment they are delicate as butterfly wings, the next they're as terrifying as unsheathed claws.
  • The swords have a simple crossguard and most have a languet, a short central extension towards the blade that fits over the scabbard when sheathed. Archive 2009-08-01
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