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  1. any of several Australian trees of the genus Casuarina

How To Use she-oak In A Sentence

  • Known as swamp she-oak in its native Australia, Casuarina glauca grows in difficult, saline sites inhospitable to many other trees. Chapter 20
  • The road becomes a strip of bitumen flanked at first by banana trees, then by an array of she-oaks.
  • And then simultaneously arose all the choral songs of the wilderness, -- creatures whose voices are heard at night, -- the loud whir of the locusts, the musical boom of the bullfrog, the cuckoo note of the morepork, and, mournful amidst all those merrier sounds, the hoot of the owl, through the wizard she-oaks and the pale green of the gum-trees. A Strange Story — Volume 07
  • It sits amid eleven hectares of tropical gardens on Mai Khao Beach, a 17-km skein of sand and she-oaks.
  • On hillocks trailing she-oaks, olives, myrtle and prickly pear, circular ruins rise up, like razed windmills.
  • They were the only things not making a racket behind the beach today, because the she-oaks, ti-trees and a few other things are in full flower and the circus has come to town.
  • I recrossed Batman's Creek, and travelled over thinly-timbered country of box, gum, wattle, and she-oak, with grass three of four feet high. A Source Book of Australian History
  • Toby: it's the one called "she-oak" though that term is not in colloquial usage in Hawaii. HACKMATACK.
  • They had chummed together on the seventy-odd-mile tramp from Melbourne; had boiled a common billy and slept side by side in rain-soaked blankets, under the scanty hair of a she-oak. Australia Felix
  • Here and there stood a solitary she-oak, most doleful of trees, its scraggy, pine-needle foliage bleached to grey. Australia Felix
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