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How To Use Shave In A Sentence

  • He wanders around Manhattan, unshaven, unbathed, and smoking and cussing a lot.
  • It will probably make you look distinguished and will certainly save you a great deal of time not having to shave. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was clean-shaven, in his early 30s and wearing a dark blue t-shirt.
  • He shaved, got dressed and took the elevator to the breakfast-room.
  • In a 1983 ad, the Gillette man was depicted as the tiny weakling on a basketball court full of giants; his shaver, he said, helped him even the odds.
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  • As the family mourns and close relatives shave their heads, the body is transported to the funeral ghat (bank along a river), where prayers are recited.
  • They had barely been fed and their heads were shaved. The Sun
  • Yes the win in Riesa was pleasing as I was wearing a normal costume and was unrested, unshaved and untapered so that's always a confidence boost
  • Did you know that Muslim men shave their pubic hairs?
  • Nevertheless, he was clean-shaven, his hair was cut and his ears were clean. Stephanie Gertler: Vanishing in New York City
  • Unlike most men I was accustomed to about me, he was smooth-shaven. Chapter 13
  • Preacher was standing up over his writing table, unshaved, wearing an unironed white shirt. Rain Gods
  • When you think of a classical music composer, blokes with gold teeth and a shaved head probably don't spring to mind! The Sun
  • In a particularly bold move, I decided to shave less often.
  • He is described as white, about six feet two inches tall aged in his mid to late 30s. with a large build, a shaved head, a ruddy complexion and a distinctive Liverpool accent.
  • I looked him up and down, taking in the unshaven cheeks, the missing button on his shirt, the ratty cuffs on his jeans. NO BODY
  • The pubic hair is occasionally shaved as a play.
  • It is such a mouth as we can imagine some remorseless inquisitor to have had -- that is, not an inquisitor filled with holy zeal for what he mistakenly thought the cause of Christ demanded, but a spleeny, envious, rancorous shaveling, who tortured men from hatred of their superiority to him, and sheer love of inflicting pain. Andersonville — Volume 1
  • Some tweeze, wax, or shave hairs they don't care to have, whether they are in the axillary area, the legs, or on the face.
  • The job cuts will shave tens of millions of pounds from the company's annual budget. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was a little unnoticed "shaver" -- the errand boy of the house -- not quite ten years old. My Own Life Story
  • The pecten is shaved either without or after using depilatories, of which more presently. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • A friend there tells me his image is everywhere, flogging anything from sunglasses to after-shave, underwear to sunscreen. The Sun
  • Oh, and let me tell you… I already did my hair, brushed my teeth, shaved, plucked, primped, deodorized, sprayed myself with cologne and got dressed before he even picked out the underwear he was going to wear.
  • So instead I started using an electric razor to shave closely, but gradually got tired of that and just started razoring it again.
  • The nurse washed and shaved the patient.
  • These threaded, plucked or shaved young soldiers are proving befuddling to an older generation of bushier warriors. About-Face: Soldiers Target Stray Eyebrows in Afghanistan
  • It is a good idea to have a razor available to shave off any hair that may prevent the Band-Aid from sticking.
  • She's already shaved four seconds off the national record for the mile.
  • Some fabulously original singer-songwriters rose to sudden popular prominence… and were arrested, jailed, and sent into exile with shaven heads.
  • His eyes were sunken, his chin unshaved and his hair and even his clothing looked disheveled.
  • They are indescribably charming, John with his round, open face and close-shaven hair and Leo with his rascal grin and an explosion of curls pulled into a ponytail. Washington teens John and Leo Manzari have all the right dance moves
  • He'll have to stomach the invasion of his small little Baraboo in Sauk County as the uncleansed, the unshaven, the Communists, the Marxists, and the all out who-knows-what come for "Fighting Bob Fest. Archive 2005-09-01
  • Nadler turned out to be about my height, trimly built, clean-shaven, and wearing a gray glen plaid suit and a striped tie. HOPE TO DIE
  • Most of its residentshave fled for better opportunities, says Cao Zheyun, another ethnic Korean,looking at quiet Namyang across the Tumen River through his binoculars.
  • Is it like pruning shrubs, so the more I shave my face the faster it will sprout on top? Times, Sunday Times
  • I used to love trotting out of a morning to potter about the wilderness in my gown and pyjamas, all unshaved and generally unkempt.
  • You'll see backsaws, carpenter's saws, braces, spokeshaves, gauges, drawknives, squares and of course planes of every kind.
  • The chin and under lip will be shaved, but not the upper lip. Times, Sunday Times
  • I bring the weight up so close under my chin that if the barbell had an edge, I could shave with it.
  • Davis thinks the Wizard may also suffer from skin irritation -- he noticed a bit of a rash during Arenas's cleanshaven days. Gilbert Arenas and his crazy new beard: Barbers tell us what it means
  • Some time about the year 1827, two sturdy lads, tall and well proportioned but clad in homespun and barefooted, came to "Dryden Corners" from the South Hill neighborhood, driving an ox team and bringing to market a wagon load of pine shingles which they had shaved by hand. Living in Dryden: June 2004 Archives
  • Moving up his cheek, she could feel some rough stubble of his unshaven face.
  • Do place a shaving mirror close to the shaver socket.
  • It was because my dad used to shave my hair in this forceful way. Times, Sunday Times
  • I cuddled up to him and caught the clean, fresh tang of his aftershave, buried deep in his clothes and skin.
  • The next day, officers searched his home discovering three Ecstasy pills, seven wraps of cocaine and cannabis resin hidden in an aftershave box.
  • They shaved off some of the bone and removed the bobble. The Sun
  • Heleniumshave a longer and more showy flowering period if rejuvenated from year to year.
  • The man was dark-eyed and smooth-shaven all except his mustache, which was so iced up as to hide his mouth. A DAY'S LODGING
  • As he walks past me I am hit by the power of his aftershave.
  • The pitch looks dry, with tufts of white grass, the green layer so prominent three days ago shaved close. Times, Sunday Times
  • He wore indigo jeans and a brown corduroy jacket, and I caught a faint but pleasant hint of aftershave. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rather than make the top an ordinary rectangle, I put some mild curves on the sides which give it a ‘butterfly’ shape and spokeshaved some chamfers on the underneath of the table
  • He was stout, well past middle age, and his round cheeks were pink in the winter air as though they had just been shaved.
  • His once bouffant hairdo had looked lank and stringy, and the perfectly unshaven designer stubble could not hide the lines on his face.
  • if your slave may be so honoured as to speak in your presence, a vizier should be a person of great tact; he should be able to draw the line as nicely as I do when I shave your sublime head, leaving not a vestige of the hair, yet entering not upon the skin. The Pacha of Many Tales
  • Apparently, he hadn't shaved for a few days and his thick dark hair was in desperate need of a haircut.
  • If you do, they'll know it somehow, and it would be wise to keep an eye out for big guys with shaved heads wearing trench coats and driving big black cars with Georgia tags.
  • A nonpermeable patch containing 2 ml/kg body weight of Margosan-O@ was placed over small shaved areas on a group of albino rabbits. Chapter 15
  • Buddhist monks shaved the heads of ceremony leaders, while many other Dalits arrived having already tonsured their heads.
  • As with all my ablutions, the shave follows a definite and predetermined pattern.
  • In other words: nowadays no one shaves himself, but everyone is shaved by a barber.
  • I candy it or shave the fruit on a mandoline and sprinkle it raw on salads.
  • That the Faroes would not be easily subdued was clear early in the second half when an exquisite Borg free kick from 25 yards out shaved the junction of Scotland's bar and post.
  • The coble, so called because it was clinker-built in the manner of a Scotch fishing dinghy, very flat-bottomed, glided across the reef without grazing itself and stroked the mere 150 yards across the lagoon to the straight beach, where some of the surviving members of the community stood waiting: six women, one—the oldest—big with child, and five men whose ages, if their faces reflected their years, varied between shaveling young and grizzled old. Morgan’s Run
  • The smell of aftershave is palpable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Market forces would have led carriers to tighten security and shave waiting time to lure back passengers.
  • The only outward indicator of his age is the whisper of gray on his close-shaven head. One wild ride to the mainstream
  • We frosted the panes using white paint, and shaved a little off its length.
  • The door opens, the shaven head behind it tilts pensively.
  • This shaves an impressive 4 oz of weight from the bantamweight pistol, which only tips the scales at 24 oz empty, with the mag.
  • If any barber is good enough to shave your neck, and then I am, too. CHAPTER V
  • He used his newly-acquired knife to remove his beard, leaving him clean-shaven.
  • But, remember, you will have passed the Rubicon, when once you have been shaven: if you repent, and let your beard grow, your mouth will by-and-by show no longer what Messer Angelo calls the divine prerogative of lips, but will appear like a dark cavern fringed with horrent brambles.
  • And when we shaved Oliver and painted him with Mercurochrome and took him to school and told everyone he had the bubonic plague? THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • She washed, moisturised, shaved, cleansed, toned, scrubbed and deodorised her skin, before putting on a deep-sea facemask, accompanied by the traditional cucumbers.
  • She banned daytime photos by the pool showing her shaven head. The Sun
  • Here you can still buy a deerstalker hat, be fitted for a pinstripe blazer, slip on some sensible footwear, sniff out some musky cologne or get your balding locks tended by a traditional wet-shave barber.
  • The hairdo also had a dollar sign shaved into the back of it. The Sun
  • Using a new razor and fragrance-free shaving gel, shave downward in the direction of the hair.
  • ‘Our chaplain attempted to teach me to write,’ he said, ‘but all my letters were formed like spear-heads and sword blades, and so the old shaveling gave up the task.’
  • He had spiky light brown hair,(Sentencedict) shaved at the sides and gelled on top.
  • Perfect if the mood takes you to have a wet shave or new hairdo while out shopping for designer clobber. Times, Sunday Times
  • We decided to go with the 12-pounder and the man cut its head off, cut its tail off, shaved off the scales, butterflied it and deboned it.
  • He took a bath and shaved before dinner.
  • The superciliary ridges are prominent, but as the hair of the eyebrows is constantly kept shaved, there is not such an impression of prominence as in the Christianized Mandáyas of the southeastern seaboard of The Manóbos of Mindanáo Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume XXIII, First Memoir
  • There's a reason why he only shaves once a week - mirrors are expensive.
  • Research suggests that people wearing perfumes and aftershave are more likely to be bitten, as are beer drinkers. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is clean-shaved; his lips are thin and sensitive; something rigid and monarchal in the set of his features lends a certain elevation to the character of his face.
  • With few options open to us, we bought from a street vendor roast chicken shaved from a spit and served on pita bread - shawarma.
  • I called on Cwasey, a shrimpy bespectacled boy with squinty eyes and a freshly shaved head. Dan Brown: The First Day of "The Great Expectations School" (Exclusive Book Excerpt)
  • So was shaved Shagpat, the son of Shimpoor, the son of Shoolpi, the son of Shullum, by Shibli Bagarag, of Shiraz, according to preordainment. The Shaving of Shagpat; an Arabian entertainment — Volume 4
  • I simply lathered my scalp, the started to shave from the center outwards. Hair
  • Consequently you end up with a load of unwanted, unnecessary tat like a novelty stand for your mobile phone, an after-shave that smells like cat pee, or a six-pack of socks in fluorescent, lime green.
  • Less forward-looking ones had slipped into a more valetudinarian mode, forgetting to shave or apply make-up. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • Unlike his usual clean-shaven hottie appearances, Ping Hui sported scraggly-looking facial hair for his upcoming Ch 8 CID/informant drama series with fellow MediaCorp artistes Chen Liping and Rui En. The man loves it and finds it a "manlier" look.
  • You can get a really close, smooth shave with this new double-bladed razor.
  • He is not explicitly called a Nazarite, nor is there any mention of the unshaven hair, but the severe austerity of his life agrees with the supposed asceticism of the Nazarites. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • Smear on a little and your razor just glides over your skin, giving you a super-close, super-silky shave.
  • Also round about this time fleas and body lice were rampant and so most people shaved their body hair.
  • The cleric's unshaven face is dotted with stubble, for he has been attending at the royal bedside for many hours. 1066: and the Hidden History of the Bayeux Tapestry
  • The Signor Conte kept us waiting twenty minutes, whilst he shaved and exchanged his dressing-gown for the suit of sables which is the correct raiment of the Latin race. The Romance of Isabel Lady Burton
  • We were so close I could smell the faint scent of his aftershave.
  • The dome of the skull, hollow and shaven of hair, has been sawn off in a neat line running just above the eyes and ears. GRACE
  • Cæsar was proud of his physical beauty, and, like some modern inverts, he was accustomed carefully to shave and epilate his body to preserve the smoothness of the skin. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 2 Sexual Inversion
  • Will better skis, more expensive wax or an extra helping of spaghetti help me shave a few minutes off last year's time?
  • He will have his hair ‘shaved’ to a ‘number two’ - the grading on hair clippers which leaves just 6mm in length.
  • You might also want to shave your armpits. Times, Sunday Times
  • Having already been shaved and powdered, he was now idling away an extra half-hour with a fresh news-sheet spread out upon his knee. MAN'S LOVING FAMILY
  • There were livid bruises on his shoulder, and chest, he was unshaven, and his hair uncombed.
  • Then he stands up and proceeds to shave very thin slices of cheese from a large wheel of Gouda.
  • As the barbers finished their shaves, the one who had Clinton in his chair reached for the aftershave.
  • He had grayish-black hair and a rugged unshaved look.
  • So just remember to shave off that last unnecessary word when using acronyms and initialisms, and you'll be fine.
  • Some people see cyclists as posers with their skin-tight brightly coloured Lycra jerseys, padded shorts and shaved legs.
  • The central bank shaved its benchmark repo rate by 0. 25 percentage point to 8. 75 percent.
  • One was, once again, the callow young subaltern, looking for somewhere to shave.
  • Slim, only five-feet-eight in height, with wavy brown hair, brushy eyebrows, and smooth-shaven face, he impressed one observer as a "delicate looking young man."
  • He beat two defenders before unleashing a powerful low ball that shaved the inside of the post for a brilliant goal.
  • In addition to this there is always room for extra shelves in the hot press and wardrobes to keep smaller items such as irons, hairdryers, electric shavers.
  • Silky smoked salmon is garnished with clabbered cream, shaved fennel, caperberries, microgreens, and a stack of warm, ethereal buckwheat blinis.
  • He was clean shaven, only a few small whiskers roughened his otherwise smooth chin.
  • The machine shaved off fine layers from the piece of wood
  • He is middleaged, puffy faced and unshaven. Times, Sunday Times
  • It appears Tom is on a mission to shave the world and with his determination and commitment, it looks like he's well on the way to achieving his goal of taking the pain out of shaving for all humankind!
  • At a moment when my students take on ever more debt because of steep tuition hikes which reflect years of education cuts, when our consumption of oil continues to grow because our public transportation is so terrible, when our assistance to poor and homeless people pales in comparison to what other modern societies provide, the Pentagon is forced to shave five percent off its pornographically bloated budget. Aaron Belkin: Planned Pentagon Cuts Are Trivial
  • I WANT to get my husband an electric shaver for his birthday. The Sun
  • Alexander did leave this time, a mixture of anger, fear and anxiety clouding his clean-shaven face.
  • He was dressed in floral shorts and had a shaven head. The Times Literary Supplement
  • That aftershave of yours is smelling out the whole house.
  • I always shave my legs in the bath.
  • i could make a hole turkey with all the shaved feathers i got but no rodin hoods or even a doulde .... good shooting bud Shooting a "Double Robin Hood"
  • He was shaven, and his coat was decent and his neat black, ready - tied four-in-hand had been presented to him by a lady missionary on Thanksgiving Day.
  • I looked at the unshaven chap's face. ARE YOU TALKING TO ME?: A Life Through the Movies
  • Rather than stand in awe of his suppressed and frustrated creative forces I'm more inclined to tell him, sharply, to have a shower and a shave and put some clean clothes on, for goodness sake.
  • Six Ceduna Bay oysters were chilling on a bed of ice, topped with a mixture of shaved leek, soy sauce, lemon juice, wasabi and delicately garnished with a thin sheet of nori.
  • Shampoo companies also realize that the sheer volume of bubbles a shampoo generates can prompt thoughts of freshness and cleanliness—bubbles signal that the shampoo is strong and invigorating just as the "sting" of an after-shave or the bubbles hitting our throat when we down sparkling water "inform" us that the product is fresh and uncontaminated. Selling Illusions of Cleanliness
  • It is paid not only for its participation in the program, but also based on the amount of power it shaves from its utility demand.
  • The recession shaved another $929 billion from the surplus projection, or about one-quarter of the loss.
  • Men 18-34 are more inclined to look beyond buying just a fragrance and aftershave; they're moving on to line extensions.
  • Our self-mocking domestic equivalent to America's invincible locomotive is the platoon of lawnmowers that shaved the Astroturf in the stadium during the opening ceremony of the Sydney Olympics.
  • He was smelly, dirty, and unshaven but pleasant and friendly. Christianity Today
  • Kurt guided them to a foothold, and the Prince, shaved and brushed and beeswaxed and clean and big and terrible, slid down into position astride of the door. The War in the Air
  • He was dishevelled, unshaven, his comb-over in disarray, and clouds of whiskey-fumes rose in a steady haze from between his chapped lips.
  • Or making a salad that I can pick up, by topping toasted flatbread with lemony avocado spread and shaved veggies. Anna Watson Carl: 6 Healthy Winter Salads... Hold the Lettuce
  • The girls' version adds a nail file, moisturiser, cotton buds and pads, and eye make-up remover, while the boys get a disposable razor, shaving cream, aftershave and hair gel.
  • He shaved off his beard but kept his moustache.
  • The clean-shaven gentleman on the couch, with the excellent posture, the pastel golf shirt, and that strangely chaste yet fiery look in his eye?
  • There are so many people who think that an agitator is necessarily an unwashed, unshaven man, in tatters, with a pamphlet in one hand and a bomb in the other who offers no other alternative except to choose between them. Is Quebec A British Province?
  • But lately he'd been concealing this whiff with his favourite aftershave, Rampage.
  • For this, he said, would be the last southern Arizona mountaintop to be shaved off in the name of science.
  • There were a lot of men who looked like they'd just failed auditions for after-shave adverts. The Sun
  • Some mornings I have a lot of beard growth to shave off, whereas on others there is very little. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most shaving creams contain a little moisturiser, but if a man needs to improve the general condition of his skin, then he should use an aftershave balm.
  • Forget the skin drying messiness of foams and lathery gels and the nicks, cuts, shave bumps and irritation.
  • In those days, Bryan kept himself well dressed and was always a clean-shaven fellow.
  • This is no old soldier's tale, but a reflection by a true ‘shavetail’ on his experiences in the profession of arms.
  • The legs were rough cut with a bandsaw and spokeshaved to final curve, lots of fun getting them all the same.
  • Guys are saying adios to the ‘thinning ‘look and going straight to the totally shaved (a hot look) or the horseshoe fringe look.’
  • He was clean shaven, had dark hair which was around one-and-a-half inches long with a slight wave, and was wearing a black hooded top with black jeans.
  • He was not clean-shaven, but in fact was sporting hints of a beard.
  • We know nothing ab out how many votes were simply shaved off the Obama total and added to the Clinton total in clost precincts, just to create the illusion of a sweep. NYT: Many New York City Precincts Initially Reported Zero Votes For Obama
  • Yeah, and calling it ‘post-hardcore’ makes it sound like some kiddie's genre where they've all not shaved for a month in the hope their cumulative bumfluff makes them look like they're grown up.
  • To apply a cup, shave the skin and oil it; then take a narrow-mouthed glass, rarify the air within it by introducing a taper in full flame for a second, withdraw the taper and instantly apply the mouth of the glass to the skin and hold it closely applied till the cooling tends to form a vacuum in the glass and to draw up the skin, like a sucker. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • When, however, the little insignificant figure we have described approached so nigh as to receive some interruption from the warders, he dashed his dusky green turban from his head, showed that his beard and eyebrows were shaved like those of a professed buffoon, and that the expression of his fantastic and writhen features, as well as of his little black eyes, which glittered like jet, was that of a crazed imagination. The Talisman
  • I normally shave at home , but on 15 August Independence Day I was invited by blind Ismail Chacha for the hoisting of our national flag , the chief guest was Rahebar Khan our municipal corporator.. Archive 2009-08-01
  • I used to love trotting out of a morning to potter about the wilderness in my gown and pyjamas, all unshaved and generally unkempt.
  • By eating my favorite Asian desserts-- shaved ice with taro, green bean and pineapple chunks; champagne mango over rice soaked in coconut milk; mochi; halo halo with ube and caramelized plantain, yum! Author Interview: Joyce Lee Wong
  • The rules bar anyone with tattoos, dreadlocks, shaven heads, facial jewellery or wearing denim and any men wearing earrings.
  • For example: Life like a razor can shave you clean Or it cuts in a moment to leave you to bleed Not too bad a simile (I guess), but it's lead off for the song Fly High seems a bit too stark -- I continually find myself chagrining my last battle with the morning razor, and missing the next 15 or so seconds of the song. Latest reviews @, the ultimate progressive rock music website
  • Maybe I should shave my head and wear an eyepatch.
  • "You haven't shaved in a while, " she said, tracing her index fingertip over the stubble.
  • Shave, haircut, fingernails, haircut and blow-dry, and not a molecule of detectable urine in the atmosphere.
  • He's got contacts, and he recently shaved off his brown hair.
  • Similarly, if you are a hipster and are sporting a whopping great beard, now might be the time to shave it off. The Sun
  • It has more attachments than a vacuum-cleaner, including a precision trimmer, a shaver and an epilator. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ricky Ponting, who gets up and scores centuries these days with the nonchalance of a man having a shave, was facing the press after his third ton in three Tests.
  • Instead of shaving cream, use lotion or hair conditioner to shave.
  • I used to have soft, downy hair on my legs when I was 13, but my peer group persuaded me to shave it off.
  • I carry waterproofed matches both in and out of screw cap case, regular stick matches in case, a knife/shave striker magnesium starter, and finally a DJEEP lighter, when I can find one. Strike Anywhere: The Best Matches for Survival Situations
  • Nineteen years old, her head shaven, surrounded by placards branding her a witch, idolatress, and abjured heretic, she invoked the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, and St Michael the Archangel. Jehanne la Pucelle
  • The shaved flanks of the galloping horses were flecked with foaming sweat.
  • Operations that shave jawbones to slim the face are also in demand throughout Southeast Asia.
  • Had dodgy hairstyle but has just shaved it off. The Sun
  • Forty-eight hours before UVB exposure, mice were shaved with electric clippers and chemically depilated.
  • We decided to go with the 12-pounder and the man cut its head off, cut its tail off, shaved off the scales, butterflied it and deboned it.
  • In June, Dayron Robles, a bespectacled Cuban, shaved one-hundredth of a second off of Liu's world record. The Chinese was going into the Beijing Olympics as the underdog.
  • Blanche scrutinised his round, bland face for any sign of insubordination but all she saw was a mask of ill-shaven skin.
  • The tallest attacker had a shaven head and a black eye.
  • Then he put on his aftershave and sprinkled some on me.
  • A short , shaven - headed youngster said jokingly into the silence.
  • It seems there's a perception that it's a girlie programme, unsuitable for a strapping bloke with a shaven head.
  • A small amount of hair may be shaved from your groin or arm where the catheter is inserted.
  • He shaved hairs from the back of his hand, glanced along the edge with microscopic acuteness, and found, or feigned that he found, always, a slight inequality in its edge somewhere. Chapter 9
  • The group of people there will almost certainly contain a number of men my age who are unshaven, whiffy, and wearing the same dirty tee shirt they slept in.
  • He was clean-shaven and also wearing a blue shirt.
  • Using a sharp knife, shave the kernels off the cob and into a bowl, then mix with the salad ingredients. The Sun
  • If it was the man who wanted a divorce, his wife could shave him and make him her slave.
  • There were a lot of shaved heads and tattoos. Times, Sunday Times

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