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How To Use Sharper In A Sentence

  • Of the multitool's blades, the inch-and-a-half one is sharper than the three-inch one.
  • The supporting stories have a much sharper bite, including a return to his painfully confessional autobiographical style.
  • But sharper than all these impressions rang the words of the worldly-wise Higbee: _ "She's hunting night and day for a rich husband; she tries for them as fast as they come; she'd rather marry a sub-treasury -- she'd marry me in a minute -- she'd marry_ YOU; _but if you were broke she'd have about as much use for you .... The Spenders A Tale of the Third Generation
  • We aim to be sharper and smarter. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sharper the edge the farther they fly. Times, Sunday Times
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Master English with Ease
  • Talking may aggravate women, but can hardly make knives sharper or fire hotter.
  • Reading makes minds sharper and writing helps you stay mentally active, experts say. The Sun
  • On the gnomonic projection, the landing site is approaching and the surface features become sharper.
  • Tastewise, it's a little more "goaty", slightly sharper in taste, though still extremely creamy in the mouth with an appealing tang. Udder Delights
  • We aim to be sharper and smarter. Times, Sunday Times
  • In some of the open squares of Cuzco, ricocheting lines seem to lead from box to box, while in others the arrangement of lines is a little sharper, denser and more closed, like an outlined star.
  • The team, led by Professor David Cumming and Dr Tim Drysdale from the University's department of electronics and electrical engineering, will take advantage of a phenomenon called plasmon resonance in their efforts to create a microchip for cameras and other imaging equipment that will produce sharper, more colourful images. Nano Tech Wire
  • Admitting that the sharper declivity of the Kanab would enhance its power of corrasion, nevertheless we should expect to see it approach the Grand Canyon by leaps and bounds, like the The Romance of the Colorado River
  • This refreshed model already sports funky LED rear lights, sharper bumpers and stylish chrome additions to the interior. The Sun
  • WATSON: We're going to see more what I call gut punches, meaning that the ads are going to get sharper. CNN Transcript Oct 18, 2004
  • She will be sharper today and has the plum draw to help. The Sun
  • He publicly aired his opposition to the plan, saying it would turn the road over to sharpers.
  • At daybreak a slight haze hangs over the city, throwing all the colours into sharper relief. YELLOW BIRD
  • A sharper contrast with the beer-gutted and unbeautiful GG could not be imagined.
  • One of _The Times_ correspondents mentions that the German guns have a heavy sound "boum," and the French a sharper one, "bing"; but neither of them is very pleasant to the ear, and it requires a cultured military taste like that of the French to enjoy the full harmony of the music when the British "bang" is added to the general cannonading. Tommy Atkins at War As Told in His Own Letters
  • The steering is tauter, the brakes sharper and the whole car more grippy and planted.
  • His early dash is still there and the return to this sharper course should do the trick. The Sun
  • The fortunes of the two clubs could hardy be in sharper contrast. Times, Sunday Times
  • She had angled blonde hair in a similar cut to mine, but hers had sharper angles.
  • The furlong shorter distance and sharper track are in his favour so he has a decent chance. The Sun
  • The acetic acid reduces the slight solubility of the silver chloride produced during the titration, providing a sharper end-point.
  • Talking may aggravate women, but can hardly make knives sharper, fire hotter, or rifles sartain.
  • Not only will mezzotinting give you stunning effects, but you'll also get more detail and a sharper image.
  • Thank goodness Dave Letterman is in my life again - the gap-toothed jokester returned to the tube this week, touting impressive guests and sharper punchlines.
  • The company's restructuring is designed to give a sharper focus on key growth markets.
  • And new 19 - inch units offer such tantalizing features as sharper and more colorful displays.
  • Then again sharper finishing from Higuain could have seen Real win 56-2. Real Madrid v Milan – as it happened
  • Very faint, but in the air: a scent close to frog or toad except fishier, the fishy part sharper and more thinned out than the scent of an actual fish. To Fetch a Thief
  • And some of them are much sharper and far better stylists than many newspaper opinion writers.
  • Jamie Sharper led a solid defensive effort with seven tackles, a sack, and a forced fumble.
  • The icy Marion slowly comes into sharper focus as we also learn the true horror of what really happened in the accident that took her sons' lives.
  • He was having his first start of the year there, against two race-fit rivals, and should be sharper today. Times, Sunday Times
  • We aim to be sharper and smarter. Times, Sunday Times
  • At most ski resorts, large and small, there has been a sharper focus on day-care facilities and staff.
  • For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Villaraigosa And Nunez Cut And Run - Video Report
  • Some Western leaders are drawing a sharper distinction in the debate of freedom of speech.
  • Yep ... sharper is better ... but yes, a bit pricey? The Scariest Hooks Ever?
  • This French import should be much sharper today. The Sun
  • Let your character be more self-reliant, sure-footed, sharper.
  • Then the road got worse, the shade diminished allowing the sun to beat down mercilessly, and the gradient steepened as the corkscrew twists became sharper and sharper.
  • Bulgarian cheese is like feta but sharper and far more salty.
  • A sharper-than-expected slowdown, however, would increase pressure on Mr. Sarkozy's government to announce large, unpopular spending cut.
  • The Sharper Image catalog is a mother lode of men's gadgets and toys.
  • It showed in the contact situation, where Bedford just had the sharper hunger at the breakdown, and they were able to protect a hard-won lead with a slice of good fortune favouring them on the day.
  • The acetic acid reduces the slight solubility of the silver chloride produced during the titration, providing a sharper end-point.
  • The _first glume_ in the awnless spikelets is coriaceous, oblong, cuneate, very sparsely hairy or glabrous, shorter than the second glume, 7-nerved, 5-toothed at the apex, two teeth being broader and shorter and three sharper and longer. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • Tom's evil genius did not lead him into the dens of any of those preparers of cannibalic pastry, who are represented in many standard country legends as doing a lively retail business in the Metropolis; nor did it mark him out as the prey of ring-droppers, pea and thimble-riggers, duffers, touters, or any of those bloodless sharpers, who are, perhaps, a little better known to the Police. Martin Chuzzlewit
  • Venovsky, who had lost that sum to a cardsharper in Vronsky's presence. Anna Karenina
  • Lastly, in 1571, the Settlement gained teeth sharper than the Act of Uniformity, when a Subscription Act required the beneficed clergy to assent to the Thirty-nine Articles.
  • The furlong shorter distance and sharper track are in his favour so he has a decent chance. The Sun
  • The main difference between polycarb and acrylic is; acrylic is a much more dense material which equates to a sharper and more crisp tone quality. I am going to buy a new duck call this year.
  • The proximity of the wealthy suburb to the squatter camp throws the plight of the squatters into even sharper relief.
  • Cycling is a sport obsessed with numbers and as the countdown to next year's Commonwealth Games gathers momentum, such figures come into sharper focus.
  • Berlin is sharper still on his own thin-skinned self. He belittles his large philosophical gifts, finds publication an agony and worries to correspondents that his work is rot.
  • Some of her sharper observations in the sometimes profanity-laced blog, titled "Where are we going & why are we in this handbasket," did raise eyebrows. Blogging high school teacher has no job -- and no regrets
  • The debate's exchanges at Drake University were a bit sharper and pricklier than in this year's previous Republican debates. GOP hopefuls set selves apart from Bush in Iowa clash
  • Sheet metal screws are threaded completely from the point to the head, and the threads are sharper than those of wood screws.
  • Or – it might drive most of it underground but not too deeply, so that whatever occasionally surfaces will stand in sharper contrast to a street scene with fewer prostitutes and abusees. Sigh
  • In every case, Mozart was sharper, unhackneyed, and always threw in a little surprise.
  • Your mind is sharper and your mood optimistic. The Sun
  • The hoarse grating sound of the saw, the whistling of the plane, and the stroke of the mallet denoted the presence of the carpenter; and the sharper clink of a hammer told of old Fogy, the family "milliner," being at work; but it was not on millinery Fogy was now employed, though neither was it legitimate tinker's work. Handy Andy, Volume 2 — a Tale of Irish Life
  • Such debts amounted to about four thousand: one thousand five hundred for a horse, and two thousand five hundred as surety for a young comrade, Venovsky, who had lost that sum to a cardsharper in Vronsky’s presence. Chapter XIX. Part III
  • The company's restructuring is designed to give a sharper focus on key growth markets.
  • The soft-edge checkerboards from the early 1950s turned sharper over the course of the decade, and the 1960s paintings displayed a new interest in color relationships.
  • The doohickeys that you cherish are, of course, totally pathetic in my eyes, revealing you as a ‘sharper image’ slave to self-defeating, fashionable mechanisms.
  • a long period of life: those later, in sharper afflictions. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • There was never a better citizen, nor more affected to the welfare and quietnesse of his countrie, nor a sharper enemie of the changes, innovations, newfangles, and hurly-burlies of his time: He would more willingly have employed the utmost of his endevours to extinguish and suppresse, than to favour or further them: His minde was modelled to the patterne of other best ages. Of Friendship.
  • Sharper than the most finely whetted blade, this tooth can slice through an unwary pioneer's fingers in an instant.
  • The tip can be ground to a much sharper edge to cut smoother and faster.
  • The cardsharper lays down the twenty-four cards shown in the illustration, and invites the innocent wayfarer to try his luck or skill by seeing which of them can first score thirty-one, or drive his opponent beyond, in the following manner: -- The Canterbury Puzzles And Other Curious Problems
  • His early dash is still there and the return to this sharper course should do the trick. The Sun
  • Lovel knew him for one Bedloe, a led-captain and cardsharper, whom he had himself employed on occasion. The Path of the King
  • He had no other subject of conversation with this hybrid: and being equally disposed for hot discourse or for sleep, the deprivation of the one and the other forced him to seek amusement in his famous reading of character; which was profound among the biped equine, jockeys, turfmen, sharpers, pugilists, demireps. The Amazing Marriage — Volume 2
  • Over the course of the campaign, though, her speechifying grew sharper, more forceful.
  • I know there were chad problems in Florida in 2000, but wouldn't better maintenance on the punch card apparatus - sharper styli, chad clearing from the holes and ballot verification have been a cheaper and simpler solution? A Call For Dumping Diebold Machines — From A Republican
  • The higher the resolution, the smoother the curves and the sharper the lines become.
  • The fortunes of the two clubs could hardy be in sharper contrast. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tip can be ground to a much sharper edge to cut smoother and faster.
  • A higher, sharper sound reverberates down the hall.
  • His job sometimes included actually working the fiddle, as with crooked roulette tables, to remove suspicion from the obvious source, the sharper himself.
  • If anything, the beats seem more muscular, the cuts and plucks sharper, the overall sound more persuasive.
  • The is sharper, it's eager to turn in more responsive to a quick push on the to chop direction. The Sun
  • We aim to be sharper and smarter. Times, Sunday Times
  • An apochromat is corrected for three specific wavelengths of light -- usually red, green, and blue -- and brings those three wavelengths to the same focus, providing slightly sharper images than an achromat. MAKE Magazine
  • Lenses with larger maximum apertures provide a brighter viewfinder image but are not necessarily sharper or better than slower lenses.
  • Their legs ache less on the second day and their awareness of the skiers and boarders around them is sharper. Times, Sunday Times
  • He says he hit the ball better and his swing was sharper than it was during his hot streak, but too often he simply hit balls that didn't fall in.
  • He called his throw ‘the old Army Blanket Roll ‘and it was widely used by sharpers among the Servicemen in World War II and, afterwards, on the back streets and in the illegal casinos in New York City and elsewhere.
  • The Burmese F is sharper than F natural, and yet is not the true F sharp; while B is also sharper than the European B natural.
  • The sharper the edge the farther they fly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Do you know, it seems that if I really had been born a cardsharper I should have remained a decent person to the day of my death, for I should never have had the boldness to do wrong. The Chorus Girl and Other Stories
  • He thinks it would have been more "moral" if Mme. de Clèves had actually succumbed as a punishment for her self-reliance (certainly one of the most remarkable topsyturvifications of morality ever crotcheted); is, of course, infinitely shocked at being asked and induced to "interest himself in a prostitute and a card-sharper" by _Manon Lescaut_; and, equally of course, extols Richardson, though it is fair to say that he speaks well of _Tom Jones_. A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 From the Beginning to 1800
  • They looked the sharper and more inventive side as Instonians appeared to lose momentum after conceding their early lead.
  • But when I got a better grasp of biblical teaching, I saw worldliness in sharper perspective.
  • I pitched quickly, threw strikes, and the defense was sharper.
  • Camera phones and camcorders from Samsung Electronics may be able to take even sharper images soon.
  • Readers with even sharper eyes spotted the buttons of his jacket were on the left; his lanyard was on the left; his beret badge was on the right, and the trooper beside him had her name-tag on the wrong side.
  • While its obverse is sharper than that of the Husak S-12, its strike and surface quality are not quite as impressive as the Husak S-12 1793 Liberty Cap. Even so, as it is so difficult to find 1793 Liberty Caps that grade Fine-15 or higher, this Very Fine grade Holmes S-12 is particularly appealing for a 1793 Liberty Cap and I would recommend it. All-Time Most Complete Collection of Early Large Cents to be Auctioned: Incredible Accomplishment of Dan Holmes : Coin Collecting News
  • The banning of the annual sea dump brought the issue of nuclear waste disposal into even sharper focus.
  • He knows a Tula cardsharper, but ask him whether he knows The Schoolmistress and other stories
  • We're going into games a lot sharper, a lot fitter. Times, Sunday Times
  • The type of Gorgonzola required is the creamy, almost runny, cheese called dolce, not the drier sharper variety. How To Cook Italian
  • It could have been a little better with some scenes edited for length as it gets a bit draggy in parts and the script's comedy could have been a little sharper but overall I'd recommend it.
  • It was Julie who had the sharper, more ambitious business mind and Tim is proud that it should have been so.
  • Seated on it, against no more romantic object than a blackened chimneystack over which some bumble creeper had been trained, they both pored over one book; both with attentive faces; Jenny with the sharper; Lizzie with the more perplexed. Our Mutual Friend
  • The proximity of the wealthy suburb to the squatter camp throws the plight of the squatters into even sharper relief.
  • You see, I knew something of his ways, and I was aware of that part of the mechanism which he and all such sharpers use consists of an elastic down the arm with a clip just above the wrist.
  • In the meantime, Britain's transport infrastructure has slowly rotted to the point where it is now an antiquated relic compared to many of our rather sharper European and transatlantic rivals.
  • We have guys with sharper teeth who are being more confrontational.
  • E.g. some users would prefer a sharper 'blockier' picture, while others would prefer a smoother, etc. CD Freaks News
  • For images that would otherwise be printed with a coarse screen ruling, mezzotinting can yield greater detail and a sharper image, while adding beauty and reducing file size.
  • A sharper fall in the dollar would hurt the competitiveness of our exports.
  • When Christ with a word felled the aggressors, he showed Peter how he should be armed with a word, quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, and with that, not long after this, he laid Ananias and Sapphira dead at his feet. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • The acetic acid reduces the slight solubility of the silver chloride produced during the titration, providing a sharper end-point.
  • Air tries to move from high pressure to low pressure areas and the sharper the pressure gradient the faster it moves. Times, Sunday Times
  • There could never be an apropos moment to suffer such an appalling episode, but the timing in his case serves only to highlight his misfortune in even sharper relief.
  • The trend is going to be sharper tailoring,’ the designer forecasts.
  • Over the weekend, Mr. Kerry showed a sharper edge, blaming House Republicans for blocking a broad deficit-reduction deal that would have included tax increases and using the term tea party downgrade'' to describe a credit firm's decision to strip U.S. debt of its triple-A rating. Reid Names First Debt-Panel Picks
  • For years, you could find them regularly in the halls of Shorecrest High School, medals shining, black shoes agleam, trouser creases sharper than a regulation haircut.
  • Menissier favors rounded contours and smooth musical lines; I tend to prefer sharper-edged and more angular interpretations.
  • Furthermore, I have an impression (needs further research!) that A. alternata typical form is the dominant form among older museum collections, while the modern specimens I find are more carinate and even slightly keeled (to me carina means corner - so a sharper part of the curve - while keeled means an actual bump outward like the keel of a ship). Anguispira alternata angulata
  • But having thus disburthened himself of this short history of his adventures, he turned round upon me in a sharper manner than he had even done before, and said, ‘But Hajji, my friend, in the name of the blessed The Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan
  • As children grow older, their cognitive processes become sharper.
  • Each week, it seems, the writing gets a little sharper, pithier, wittier. STATE DINNER: Here's the animated Obama/Hu Jintao party you DIDN'T see...
  • I substituted Pecrino, which might have been a tad sharper and salter than Manchego, but still had the good muskiness of a sheep's milk cheese. The Dangers of Faux Risotto
  • How sharper than a serpent's tooth is to have a thankless child. 
  • This improved separation efficiency gives sharper peaks that give better resolution, or faster separations, compared with conventional HPLC separations.
  • The etiology of most anxiety disorders, although not fully understood, has come into sharper focus in the last decade.
  • The increases were even sharper than the rise in bankruptcies nationwide (which jumped 31 percent in 2008 and 32 percent last year.) Chicago Bankruptcies Soar Despite New Laws, Stiffer Filing Fees
  • With the help of a trusty pair of tweezers (the sharper, the better), pluck away at the hairs you want to eliminate.
  • Even after the visitors took the lead with their first real chance, Callum McManaman converting the rebound after Ben Watson's penalty struck the post in the 34th minute, Swindon showed themselves to be sharper and more incisive, and all the while showcasing the slick and enterprising interplay that Di Canio encourages. Paolo Di Canio returns to centre stage as Swindon Town knock out Wigan
  • Improved performance was matched by sharper handling and better steering feel. Times, Sunday Times
  • Soft silk georgette and organza graphic floral prints give the line a feminine touch, whereas some pieces present a more sculpted interpretation of the 60s mod trend, giving the line a sharper kick.
  • The sooner that they rose, the sharper was their appetite and the barkings of their stomachs, and the gnawings increased in the like proportion, and consequently made these godly men thrice more a-hungered and athirst than when their matins were hemmed over only with three lessons. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • I have NOT purged for quite some time. .maybe more than a month and my face looks a little sharper, which is such a good news! Miss her loads!
  • His patented miserabilist lyrics are sharper than ever - ‘I wrote your name with fireworks in the sky / But you never turned up to see it’ he intones on ‘Serenade’.
  • Even so, Harnoncourt delivers one of the most rhythmically incisive accounts of the scherzo, sharper even than Szell's.
  • The split rock is slow to fall, the gravitational force being lower and the angle of fall correspondingly sharper.
  • Spire angle is between 105-115 degrees with the apex markedly sharper.
  • I did not have any queso fresco, but I think French feta is an ok sub and it tasted fine (any feta would probably work but the Greek is much sharper). Bacon, Pork & Potato Tinga Tacos
  • 7 In the words of Mauriac, it is this risk of death that would bring Malraux's experience of life into sharper relief, even to a state of exaltation.
  • Her eye teeth were longer and sharper than before.
  • One in my possession is adorned with the following, – I am sharper than the wit of Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia
  • Your mind is sharper and a job or training course that had seemed tough is now perfect. The Sun
  • I love the interplay of the sweeter ginger and sharper, more fiery coriander in the beginning, and the way spices enliven the dry resinousness of cedar and elemi. Archive 2009-06-01
  • And there was, to dulcify for her the bath of this evening, the yet sharper contrast with the plight she had just come home in, sopped, shivering, clung to by her clothes. Zuleika Dobson, or, an Oxford love story
  • The sharper the edge the farther they fly. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sharper the edge the farther they fly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since he had sated his hunger he found that his senses were even sharper.
  • We'd always corresponded regularly, but now the correspondence changed; it became sharper, wittier, more affectionate. ULTIMATE PRIZES
  • Ofsted is bringing a sharper focus to literacy in its inspections but there is a lot more it could do yet. Times, Sunday Times
  • Add mustard to give the dressing a sharper taste.
  • Better optics make for sharper images, with richer contrast and colour saturation. Collins Complete Guide to Photography
  • The sharper the edge the farther they fly. Times, Sunday Times
  • His teeth, bright in the starlight, were sharper by far than any human's. ABHORSEN
  • The straight ended in a long curve left which was sharper than it looked. LOST SUMMER
  • A crescent moon, with much sharper and longer points than could be considered usual or aesthetically pleasing. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • But with the advent of more sophisticated techniques, firstly with thermoluminescence and now with optically stimulated luminescence, our ability to define the limits of that chronology is much sharper.
  • And when he said this, it seemed as if the voices of Mr. and Mrs. Skratdj rose higher in matrimonial repartee, and the children's squabbles became louder, and the dog yelped as if he were mad, and the maids 'contest was sharper; whilst the snap-dragon flames leaped up and up, and blue fire flew about the room like foam. Snap-Dragons: A Tale of Christmas Eve; and Old Father Christmas: An Old-Fashioned Tale of the Young Days of a Grumpy Old Godfather
  • Hebrews 4:12 NKJV says: "For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Archive 2008-08-01
  • She was sharp-eyed and even sharper of tongue, but the bond of affection between them was unbreakable.
  • Set the needle to old-skool and spin into a sharper new year Times, Sunday Times
  • She was sharp-witted and sharper-tongued, able to skewer an idea or an opponent, a most unwomanly trait he found utterly exciting. PAINT THE WIND
  • Using the term historicism as a lens brings the shared cognitive assumptions that lay behind these formulations into sharper focus.
  • Ofsted is bringing a sharper focus to literacy in its inspections but there is a lot more it could do yet. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not that I do not say that to be 'good,' to be able to look your own ugly jowl in the face in a mirror, is pleasant enough; but, as I see the matter, it is all one to other people whether you be a cardsharper or a priest so long as you're polite, and let down your neighbours lightly. Through Russia
  • Air tries to move from high pressure to low pressure areas and the sharper the pressure gradient the faster it moves. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rutherford was essentially cuddly; Lansbury is far sharper with the dinner guests, and decidedly angular in motion, and delivery. Archive 2009-07-01
  • Old bird eyes that redbird, jumpy round rough blackbirds who have the sharper eye. 30x30
  • The Sharper Image catalog is a mother lode of men's gadgets and toys.
  • The is sharper, it's eager to turn in more responsive to a quick push on the to chop direction. The Sun
  • Into his post-prandial idyll stalks Steve Coogan; taller, sharper, slightly harried, he sits down heavily and scowls. Rob Brydon and Steve Coogan: 'We're not the big buddies people think we are'
  • By comparison to the sheer painterliness, richness and varied palettes of their East Coast Abstract Expressionist cousins (Joan Mitchell, Adolph Gottlieb, Ellsworth Kelly, Morris Louis and Helen Frankenthaler), the colors of the California painters seem brighter, their lines sharper, and their edges cleaner. What Postwar California Gave to Art, Design and Culture
  • It was Julie who had the sharper, more ambitious business mind and Tim is proud that it should have been so.
  • How sharper than a serpent's tooth is to have a thankless child. 
  • Although the picture is sharper and shows less speckling than the VHS release, throughout its running time it is plagued with smeary streaks; it actually looks as if it's being run through a projector.
  • Cairo is a sharper and a past master in knavery, and he will certainly slay the Jew and bring hither the dress.’ The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Some sharper cutting - the running time is more than two hours - might have made it really sing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since they last met the polls are tighter, the stump speeches sharper and election day, eight days closer.
  • Because prejudice is not personified I believe that it was not to be the object of Jane Austen's sharper criticism.
  • The world is a continual round of nauseous repetition: In the last generation, and this, young girls were mad for husbands, then mad to get rid of ` em; sharpers had their cullies, gamesters, their fools. The Beau Defeated: or, The Lucky Younger Brother
  • The proximity of the wealthy suburb to the squatter camp throws the plight of the squatters into even sharper relief.
  • The game looks sharper, and the gameplay remains as hectic as ever, but you'll get the most out of it if you own a gamepad, as the keyboard controls are quite clumsy.
  • Improved performance was matched by sharper handling and better steering feel. Times, Sunday Times
  • Any sharper and they would have reduced his unsheltered face to shreds.
  • Without any electron beam, back lighting or polarization, the image is sharper, brighter and undistorted from side to side.
  • He was probably engaged to be married or else a cardsharper. Letters of Anton Chekhov
  • Their legs ache less on the second day and their awareness of the skiers and boarders around them is sharper. Times, Sunday Times
  • His teeth, bright in the starlight, were sharper by far than any human's. ABHORSEN
  • How sharper than a serpent's tooth is to have a thankless child. 
  • For the gamblers, sharpers, and confidence men who exploited the wilder side of Gilded Age America, that critique required a fair amount of self-denial (especially coming from Barnum, himself a master of the con).
  • Aromatic Scent:Clove Leaf has the characteristic Clove smell, only it is much sharper than Clove Bud with woodsy tones.
  • The firmer suspension and sharper steering gives a ride that actually made me feel more a part of the car - something that I normally associate with manuals.
  • The proximity of the wealthy suburb to the squatter camp throws the plight of the squatters into even sharper relief.
  • This refreshed model already sports funky LED rear lights, sharper bumpers and stylish chrome additions to the interior. The Sun

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