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How To Use Sharp In A Sentence

  • There are some sharp lines and a couple of catchy songs but there's also a lot of turgid stuff. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some spring from immediately below the earth, and may more properly be termed suckers; the others grow on the visible part of the stem or caudex, often close to the oldest leaves; these should be cut off with a sharp knife, in early summer, and if they have a little of the parent bark attached to them all the better. Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
  • To be back and be sharp takes a bit longer. The Sun
  • This antimodernist nativism pervaded the 1920s, but it was particularly visible in the scientific racism of the eugenics movement, the xenophobia of the "100 percent American" movement, the sharp resurgence in the Ku Klux Klan, the post – World War One Red Scare (directed primarily at immigrant radicals), and in a series of draconian immigration restriction acts. 11 Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
  • The scene near the Chennai Kaliappa Hospital, on Tuesday was supremely ironical, and drew sharp reactions from tree lovers who were passing by.
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  • The results were disastrous, plunging the country into deep depression, with high unemployment, sharply falling living standards and serious political unrest.
  • Sharp may have been the victim of a gangland revenge killing.
  • This knife needs sharpening.
  • The trails should provide a skiing flow so there aren't too many long uphills or sharp turns at the bottom of steep downhills.
  • She tugged sharply on his sleeve to get his attention, then gestured to the tin. THE DEVIL'S DOOR
  • The lower mandible, which is powerful, and is indented at its point to receive the hook, has a very sharp edge, which, with that of the upper mandible, constitutes a pair of formidable shears. Scientific American Supplement, No. 829, November 21, 1891
  • Of the multitool's blades, the inch-and-a-half one is sharper than the three-inch one.
  • It's probably good to keep some of the nonverbal aspects of my mind sharp.
  • Eleanor, out walking, wheeling the wicker perambulator in the sharp October sunshine. THE GOLDEN LION
  • The disciplines of science and engineering are not always sharply separated.
  • The TVs, which have edge LED backlights, sport a 240Hz frame rate, Sharp's Aquos Net online service with access to streaming movies from Netflix and Vudu. CEDIA: Sharp launches first 3D TVs, 3D Blu-ray players
  • Blue chip issues were sharply higher, but the rest of the market actually declined slightly by the end of the day.
  • As he professorially cleared his throat ( "Well, you know, I …"), a sharp laugh erupted from Hillary, who exclaimed, "I want to hear this! How He Did It
  • As the match flared in his hands, something needle-sharp sliced through his jacket to touch his spine. THE KEYS OF HELL
  • Galbanum is also a apparent, though more coumarin-like than the sharp green I am accustomed to find in this interesting resinoid. Villoresi's Vetiver
  • Sharpening his rhetoric, what they call contrasting himself with Senator Clinton before she started fighting back. CNN Transcript Dec 20, 2007
  • Make sure that all sharp implements, such as scythes, have covers.
  • A blunt knife may be sharpened on a stone, but if a man is stupid there is no help for his stupidity. 
  • These need to be kept tight, sharp and limited, because the woollier they get, the more endangered. Times, Sunday Times
  • With each soft shadow and sharp crimp exquisitely rendered, the act of painting serves to overwhelm the subject.
  • The supporting stories have a much sharper bite, including a return to his painfully confessional autobiographical style.
  • You, young man,” she proceeded, addressing Roland Graeme, and at once softening the ironical sharpness of her manner into good-humoured raillery, “you, who are all our male attendance, from our Lord High Chamberlain down to our least galopin, follow us to prepare our court.” The Abbot
  • He was sharply perceptive and had an earthy, sly humour which put an edge on his nice irony.
  • The entire knife feels solid and well made, and the blade is amazingly sharp.
  • A tall, impenetrable wall with barbed wire and sharp metal spikes on top surrounded the entire complex.
  • Across the room, a pane of glass in the window cracked with a sharp pop.
  • While I am sharply critical of American unilateralism and realpolitik masquerading as the defence of liberty, at times I find our own moralizing irritating.
  • The Company's flagship product, the Sharps Disposal by Mail System (R), is a cost-effective and easy-to-use solution to dispose of medical waste such as hypodermic needles, lancets and any other medical device or objects used to puncture or lacerate the skin (referred to as "sharps"). Undefined
  • Unemployment rates for railroad conductors, logging workers and metalworkers fell sharply — seven percentage points or more — in 2010 while jobless rates among construction laborers and roofers rose, according to new data from the Labor Department. Manufacturing, Logistics See Job Gains
  • The judge was also shown sharpened branches and wood used to torment the youngsters. The Sun
  • He replied, “I know not; but thou art better able to judge, being acquainted with the ways of thy man, more by token that thou art one of the sharpest-witted of women and past mistress of devices such as devise that whereof fail the wise.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Now the economy is teetering on the brink of recession, stocks are down sharply and the Fed has stated that rates will remain ultralow well into the future. Not Dead Yet: What to Do With Your Bets on Rising Rates
  • Strategic policy during the War was vitiated because of a sharp division between "easterners" and "westerners".
  • The two sides remain sharply polarised, and periodic attempts to bridge the wide gulf between them have fizzled out.
  • Tuesday morning, 8 sharp I was back at the hospital.
  • Infection control policy An infection control policy should be available to staff, emphasising he importance of the safe disposal of sharps.
  • Alan Krans, an analyst with Technology Business Research, said the restructuring announced last quarter should help the company avoid being "pummeled," as it was during the last economic downturn, when it had huge losses on sharp sales declines. EMC Says Tech Outlook Is Murky
  • To make matters even worse, sharp needles of pain were shooting across her eyes and the soup felt like lead in her stomach.
  • Someone should snap her up just for the sharpness of her headlines, one-line squibs, and nifty asides.
  • This came from the xray: One finding not mentioned above, is of a 3.6 x 5. 6CM sharply marginated sclerotic rimmed area in left proximal femur, near lesser trochanter. Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • While not hefty, this double bill offers two sharp little splinters of wit. Times, Sunday Times
  • Amosite, fibrous anthophyllite, fibrous tremolite, fibrous actinolite, and crocidolite are amphiboles, double-chain silicates, which observed microscopically look like sharp needles.
  • As it was, his expression hardened, the catlike sharpness of his pupils glinting dangerously.
  • He looked young, dark and sharp-featured, with hollow cheeks.
  • Often had little Emit heard the sounds at night - sharp sounds that pricked at his ears and his temples.
  • Consumers remain hunkered down, and the Federal Reserve is nearly tapped out in providing monetary stimulus, so it can't replicate the sharp cuts in interest rates that gave the economy a big lift in the 1980s. Lessons of Reagan's Rebound
  • He thought the highs and lows of the business cycle would be far more extreme and short-lived than in the past, with sharp spikes up and down.
  • His features were, in the manner of his Faerie-born race, as sharp as chiseled stone, and his ears were acutely pointed.
  • It is surprising that so sharp-sighted a historian of architecture would neglect to mention the role of screens as monumental platforms.
  • The unemployment rate plunged sharply.
  • He heard the sharp crack of a twig.
  • The fins have strong leading rays, which form a row of sharp spines along the dorsal fin.
  • At the moment when she makes her entrance into this history which we are relating, she was an antique virtue, an incombustible prude, with one of the sharpest noses, and one of the most obtuse minds that it is possible to see. Les Miserables
  • I'm a bleeder, someone just has to speak to me sharply and I'm gushing pints, so no blood means hopefully no big deal.
  • The fighting in the area has intensified sharply.
  • He wrote in a highly individual, sometimes obscure, way that was in sharp contrast to the compressed intellectual style of T. S. Eliot, W. H. Auden and other contemporary poets.
  • She took the pupil up sharply when he had a slip of the tongue.
  • It completed her expression; it was as a very halo of Yankee saintship crowning the woman who in despite of poverty and every discouragement had always hated, to the very roots of her hair, anything like what she called a "sozzle;" who had always been screwed up and sharp set to hard work. A Summer in Leslie Goldthwaite's Life.
  • I hung a sharp left, sharp right, sharp left -- that car birddogged collision close. Hollywood Nocturne
  • Since then theatre and cinema owners claim that attendances have declined sharply. Times, Sunday Times
  • This new circuit will allow for the testing of braking system performance in snow and ice conditions on sharp corners and twisty turns.
  • I took out the tuner, and began tuning it just a smidge sharp, because I like the sound of it better that way.
  • The bus swung sharply to the left.
  • It was natural that writers interested in medieval history and culture should react sharply to the deni - gration of their period by Burckhardt and scores of lesser men. IDEA OF RENAISSANCE
  • Discard the lancet into a biohazard sharps container.
  • Another example is the overworked ‘Prelude in C sharp minor,’ where he avoids extra-added stringendos in favor of a steadier tempo throughout.
  • The next meeting takes place on Wednesday, May 14, at 8pm sharp and will be the annual general meeting.
  • This has created a crisis in the armed forces with high desertion rates, poor morale and a sharp drop in military recruitment.
  • Witnesses said Yuwono was dragged from his house by a number of people brandishing machetes and other sharp weapons, who later stabbed him.
  • But its impact on class inequality ... is to sharpen class division.
  • During an earlier scene of cooperative fruit picking with Cambodian and Laotian refugees, we are offered an opportunity to meditate on a pan-Asian Thailand of agrarian-pastoral well-being, and a move away from the tense border security of the 70s when refugees from Cambodia and Laos led Thailand to turn sharply to the right. Michael Vazquez: ON THE 48TH ANNUAL NEW YORK FILM FESTIVAL
  • A blunt knife may be sharpened on a stone, but if a man is stupid there is no help for his stupidity. 
  • Their reaction contrasts sharply with the stiff upper lip of the English.
  • Seigi saw Drew glance at him sharply, putting two and two together, but the bowman pretended he hadn't seen the look, and continued to watch Lillandra.
  • Paul watched carefully the vagaries of her excitement, and kept his sharp hawk's-eye upon everything; he had quite made up his mind not to dangle for two years, as he had round Colette de Rosen. The Immortal Or, One Of The "Forty." (L'immortel) - 1877
  • I assumed that I would be bowled out of that fairly sharpish, as presumably all the best players would have made it through.
  • From his lofty perch, hanging over the slopes of Kilimanjaro under a parasail with razor sharp rocks below, Judge Bryan Pope gives this DVD a thumbs up.
  • Hart has attracted some sharp criticism, especially from Otago and southern parts of the South Island.
  • I found it intriguing that he used his sharp intellect and self-confidence for the wrong ends. Times, Sunday Times
  • After the business failed, he had to draw in his horns pretty sharply.
  • At the end of the abdomen is the telson, which bears a bulb-shaped structure containing the venom glands and a sharp, curved aculeus to deliver the venom.
  • High-definition TV means watching a picture so sharp you can count the hairs on an anchorman's nose.
  • Inflation advanced sharply during the 1980s.
  • A friend, he explained, had promised to meet him in that place; and though the shopwoman plainly doubted his veracity, and kept a sharp eye that he did not take to his heels with the cairngorm, she did not go so far as to suggest his removing himself from the zone of temptation. The Ashiel mystery A Detective Story
  • But sharper than all these impressions rang the words of the worldly-wise Higbee: _ "She's hunting night and day for a rich husband; she tries for them as fast as they come; she'd rather marry a sub-treasury -- she'd marry me in a minute -- she'd marry_ YOU; _but if you were broke she'd have about as much use for you .... The Spenders A Tale of the Third Generation
  • Actual punishment should only be used as a last resort; a sharp tap with a cardboard strip is quite sufficient.
  • She pulled a fresh pile of paper from her desk drawer, sharpened her pencil and got down to work.
  • We aim to be sharper and smarter. Times, Sunday Times
  • The amount of money protected if your bank or building society collapses drops sharply. Times, Sunday Times
  • The handle was just a sharply carved crescent moon shape, crudely cut from a tarnishing piece of bronze.
  • The book begins with sharp social commentary, elucidation of concepts, and critiques of research methods typically used in the field.
  • And the sharp crease lines down the side are expected to be softened. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lorry swerved sharply to avoid the child.
  • The lack of sharp focus in this field is a serious obstacle to comparison of analyses and to proper explanation.
  • ducktail" was barely visible from the cabin, standing in sharp contrast to the GT3's rear spoiler that dominates - and obstructs - the rearward view. Autoblog
  • Note however, that your tailbone is, after all, located in your duff and a hard fall at too sharp an angle will either bruise or fracture the tailbone.
  • The sharp wind cut through his shirt.
  • Behind the easy-going persona is a thoughtful man with a razor-sharp football mind. Times, Sunday Times
  • Domestic policy is drifting leftward, but there are sharp limits on how far it will go.
  • Again, always use a very sharp blade to make any cuts.
  • The igneous contacts are sharp and are commonly concordant with the bedding and/or foliation in the host rocks.
  • This incident has sharpened public awareness of the economic crisis.
  • Inspector Rajaram Pardeshi, in-charge of the Junnar police station said the suspects in Shivneri cut three iron grills of the temple window with a sharp object and decamped with a mangalsutra and a nath (nose ring) and some money (totalling Rs 10,725) by breaking open the donation box sometime between Monday night and early Tuesday morning. Are We Losing Our Faith in Tough Times?
  • But, soundly as Tom Tallington slept, the scriggly legs of a beetle were rather too much when they began to work in his ear, and he started up and brushed the creature away, the investigating insect falling on the floor with a sharp rap. Dick o' the Fens A Tale of the Great East Swamp
  • The skin is not only tough but also loose, allowing it to squirm free from its attackers, and fight back with long claws and sharp teeth. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the windows, curtains of heavy white jaconet muslin, not too full, hung in sharp parallel plaits to the floor -- just to the floor. The Sorcery Club
  • The only time we sharply disagreed was over the children's education.
  • The sharp downturn in the US economy has brought a rude awakening to many in the IT sector.
  • The strands of barley's beard can get stuck in an animals mouth because it is sharp.
  • A pickpocket can cut through the straps with a sharp knife.
  • This is where a drawing is incised into cardboard using a sharp point.
  • At sharp five o'clock th 'rivolution begun. Th' sthreets was dinsely packed with busy journalists, polis, sojers, an 'fash'nably dhressed ladies who come down fr'm th' Chang's All Easy in motocycles. Mr. Dooley: In the Hearts of His Countrymen
  • She is particularly sharp on the us-and-them dualities of her childhood. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘No’ she said sharply ‘but there is no reason for me to talk to brainless dimwits like you, I am after all your prisoner’ she said, and she scowled.
  • City residents also condemn migrant workers for the sharp rise in the urban crime rate.
  • She has a razor-sharp mind and a forceful, determined personality. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead of throwing the club from the top by unhinging your wrists immediately, you want to add lag by sharpening the angle created by the clubshaft and forearms.
  • The crash occurred on a sharp bend.
  • This dish is delicious with rice and a sharp green salad. Times, Sunday Times
  • An elderly monk presented with a sharp thoracic back pain of sudden onset and shortness of breath.
  • The tongue like a sharp knife... Kills without drawing blood. Buddha 
  • The sharper the edge the farther they fly. Times, Sunday Times
  • M'wali's voice was sharp and clear across the intervening vacuum. Bloodhype
  • Yet a sharp recent retreat in commodity prices, which has seen oil prices plunge some $20 in just three weeks to around $68, suggests the disinflation trend is likely to persist.
  • To Slegge's annoyance, he very soon found that if the prestige of the school was to be kept up Glyn and Singh must be in the eleven, for the former in a very short time was acknowledged to be the sharpest bowler in the school, while, from long practice together, Singh was an admirable wicket-keeper -- one who laughed at gloves and pads, was utterly without fear, and had, as Wrench said -- he being a great admirer of a game in which he never had a chance to play -- "a nye like a nork. Glyn Severn's Schooldays
  • Fronted by Alan Donohoe, they specialise in creating angular working class anthems that are packed with sharp, edgy guitars and socially relevant lyrics.
  • While not hefty, this double bill offers two sharp little splinters of wit. Times, Sunday Times
  • As he flew into sharp corners, it seemed the defending champion had taken leave of his senses. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite noticeable speckles, nicks and the odd scratch, the first reel of the film looks quite good with excellent contrast and sharp images.
  • Mr. Geary looked at her sharply, but she said the name glibly, and Marjorie at Seacote
  • We saw the engine had evidently refused to take a very sharp curve. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't see anything wrong with a handguard or any other safety feature on a knife sharpener. More on Plaxico and Christmas
  • Laila is blind, rambunctious, with a laser-sharp wit and a highly infectious laugh.
  • I was bobbing along in my father-in-law's small yacht with my wife and small baby when we were attacked by a jet-skier who raced at us at high speed before turning sharply, sending a wall of water over us in the boat.
  • An unexpected sharp vibration can cause the head to crash onto the surface of the disk, gouging it like a phonograph needle can scratch a record.
  • To repair the defect, first use a sharp knife to make two cuts at right angles across the blister.
  • He turned sharply racing through on goal only to be pulled down just short of the penalty area.
  • Even a lowly salad fork that needs lining up does not escape David's sharp eye.
  • Steven watched them walk away until he felt a sudden sharp whack in the shin.
  • Three of the Pucelle's heavy guns fired together, their sound almost stunning Sharpe, who was going from gunport to gunport and stabbing at the French with his cutlass. Sharpe's Trafalgar
  • All you will need is a sharp knife and a pot of glue.
  • Tech companies blame the sharp downturn in their industry for the big write-offs.
  • One day the boy we had looking after The Trickler fell in with a mob of sharps who told him we didn't know anything about training horses, and that what the horse really wanted was "a twicer" -- that is to say, a gallop twice round the course. Three Elephant Power and Other Stories
  • In Martin Hengel's judgment ‘there is hardly one logion of Jesus which more sharply runs counter to law, piety, and custom’.
  • Doing so will provide them with more leeway to loosen policy should global conditions take a sharp turn for the worse. Times, Sunday Times
  • Talking may aggravate women, but can hardly make knives sharper or fire hotter.
  • “Stop being such an old ninnyhammer,” chided Aunt Agatha, giving Hilda a sharp elbow. Chasing a Rogue
  • When the Boolooroo's people were armed with long, thin, lances of bluewood all sharpened to fine points at one end, they prepared to march once more against the invaders. Sky Island: being the further exciting adventures of Trot and Cap'n Bill after their visit to the sea fairies
  • I'm all for good satire, the sharp and perceptive deflating of pretense, pompousness or deceit.
  • What he has brought is a sense of urgency and ambition that has helped maintain a sharp focus.
  • It would be a Roman short sword called a gladius, about 27 inches long, 2 and a half inches wide, weighing three pounds, with a tapered point for thrusting and two sharp edges for cutting. Peacemakers:
  • They have been drained of meaning by their lazy overuse, dangerously sharp and potent concepts reduced to kitsch cliché.
  • Eventually, there was a sharp whistle and the boys looked around at the whistler.
  • They were in good wind now, and sent him slap up to the ceiling first time, against which his knees came rather sharply. Tom Brown's Schooldays
  • All of the medical expertise should be focused on getting tests that are sharp enough to catch even the most expert of cheats.
  • Our foreign policy was about to take a sharp unilateralist and militarist turn.
  • He was very lively, sharp-witted, and perceptive about many things - yet he could also be bitter, cruel in his observations, and reckless in his behaviour.
  • For keys with sharps, look at the last sharp in the series of sharps, and say the catch phrase ‘little step up, big step down.’
  • Accipitrids are diurnal birds of prey with broad wings, hooked beaks, strong legs and feet and sharp talons.
  • The Japanese language includes sharply divergent styles of speech for men and women.
  • His face blanched as he looked at Sharpe's blood-drenched uniform.
  • I hear a sharp indrawn breath and I look away from inside myself to see Sam looking anaemic, her colour is so pale.
  • Post sharpener - puts a chamfered end on wooden posts. What Is It? Game 112 » E-Mail
  • But her unassuming demeanour masked a sharp intellect and powers of observation essential for the task of a secret agent. Times, Sunday Times
  • This form of spectatorship contrasts sharply with the interactive performances found in rural villages where most of these maskers normally appear.
  • Its downward trend was disturbed only by the uncertainty of the First World War and a sharp but transient post-war baby boom.
  • Matthew Risch, lately of "Pal Joey," is smooth and debonair as Sky Masterson, the high-rolling sharpie who wins the heart of Miss Sarah Brown Morgan James, the dishy Salvation Army doll who longs to save the souls of all the heels on Broadway. Joy in Runyonland
  • Prey is not chewed or ground in the mouth: once it is impaled on the sharp teeth, it is swallowed whole.
  • They are alert, hawk-eyed, sharp-witted, with lightning reaction times. Times, Sunday Times
  • She experienced a sharp pang of disappointment.
  • One Friday afternoon, en route to the medieval rectory that served as the family's country home, Javier suddenly veered sharply right upon hearing I'd never had horchata de chufa , a sweet milk made from tiger nuts. A Fish Tale
  • It is only in retrospect that we can see that the story is a kind of miniature and somewhat oversharp version of the allegory that the Glass family stories would enact. Justice to J.D. Salinger
  • Blue-chip stocks fell sharply yesterday, as nervy investors caught sight of more gloomy economic data on the US horizon.
  • . She could tear a character to pieces in three minutes with her sharp tongue.
  • Mr. Sharp took those into account when writing the piece "Occam's Razor" for the New York-based ensembles the JACK Quartet and the Sirius Quartet, as well as for his own solo guitar piece, which will be played acoustically. The 'East Village Nosferatu' Haunts Brooklyn
  • Reading makes minds sharper and writing helps you stay mentally active, experts say. The Sun
  • Use a smooth file or sanding block to take off the sharp edge with a few shear strokes (down and along the edge simultaneously).
  • He's developed this captivating narrative voice that mingles his own sharp commentary with Peter's mock-heroic despair. Michael Cunningham's "By Nightfall," reviewed by Ron Charles
  • Try 'sharpen', if available ('unsharp mask' is even better, as it subtly outlines edges). Times, Sunday Times
  • His phrasing is razor-sharp and should be served with relish and glee.
  • In Haptodus the canines are not sharply set off from the other dentition.
  • While walking he stubbed his toe on a sharp rock.
  • It has also sharpened up the driving experience. Times, Sunday Times
  • She destroyed my collages and stuck sharp objects through my notebooks when Susannah and me weren't around to stop her, which wasn't often, but often enough.
  • The anterior and posterior portions of the corpus callosum curve sharply downwards to form its genu and splenium, respectively.
  • On the gnomonic projection, the landing site is approaching and the surface features become sharper.
  • I was about to start drawing rhomboids and then stabbing the sharp part of the compass through the paper.
  • Mr. Lockhart shall furnish us with the brightest aspect a British Ferney ever yielded, or is like to yield: and therewith we will quit Abbotsford and the dominant and culminant period of Scott’s life: ‘It was a clear, bright September morning, with a sharpness in the air that doubled the animating influence of the sunshine, and all was in readiness for a grand coursing-match on Newark Hill. Paras. 50-73
  • Gingerly, she lets the sharp end of the ice glide over his jaw.
  • She was gritting her teeth, making frightful grimaces, snarling, uttering sharp and continuous cries that sounded like "kh-ah! kh-ah! CHAPTER III
  • He felt one wheel plop off the sharp edge of tarmac. Bomber
  • A sharp rap sounded on the door and Clara reached out to open it.
  • That's what it was like to sniff Silences, from the sharp but already layered opening through the dark green first layer and on into the galbanum earth to the very smooth remnants of extreme dry down. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Sharp, tailored pieces will leave you looking like an angel - and exuding calm and class. The Sun
  • Then, something making her turn her head sharply to the big bed with its red moreen curtains hanging straightly down beside its four carved posts, her eyes met the wide open eyes of the man lying there. Mrs. Day's Daughters

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