the code of law derived from the Koran and from the teachings and example of Mohammed
sharia is only applicable to Muslims
under Islamic law there is no separation of church and state
How To Use sharia law In A Sentence
- Yes the economy is the overriding issue, but should voters and commentators ignore Christine O'Donnell's career as a pro - abstinence advocate and her recent concern about cross-breeding mice-and-men ... and for Newt Gingrich to talk about Obama in the context of Nazi Germany and Sharia Law? HuffPost Radio: Both Sides Now w/ Huffington & Matalin: On Gingrich, the GOP, Gaga & Colbert
- Fresh religious violence has erupted in the north afterinthe introduction of Islamic Sharia law.
- Giving airtime to these kinds of people is part of how Fox reinforces the drumbeat of stereotypes that permeates the rest of its coverage, and how it ensures its viewers subscribe to what Greg referred to as the "self-sustaining, self-perpetuating alternate reality" where America is on the verge of establishing sharia law and where an anti-white hate group has influence in the White House. Fox News's parade of buffoons
- The National Assembly (NA, lower house of the parliament) of Pakistan approved the Islamic sharia law regulation, which is called Nizam-e-Adl Regulation 2009, with majority within two hours on April 13 without any debate. Spero News
- The burk, the Sharia Law discriminate the muslims who want to intergrate themselves. Giving evidence to the Chilcot inquiry, Tony Blair said: “I...
- After Dutch film maker and Islam criticaster Theo van Gogh was murdered by a Jihadist in the streets of Amsterdam, he was of the opinion that blasphemy should no longer be a dead letter, and a few years later he even said the Netherlands should introduce Sharia law if a two third majority would support it. RenewAmerica
- Fresh religious violence has erupted in the north afterinthe introduction of Islamic Sharia law.
- The BBC "helpfully" have an article that tells us that it is fine for Sharia law to be used in the UK after all those Jews have their own courts - take a look at this article. Archive 2008-02-01
- From this we note that the Guardian too does not regard support for sharia law – which involves of necessity subordinating English law and liberty to principles such as condign punishment for gays and adulterers, second class status and misery for women and the death sentence for apostates (including those to the Guardian’s favourite religion, atheism) -- as extreme. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
- Me thinks you've missed the point … Sharia law will usually be enforced above modern law …. that's not the case in the US. chiroptera toasterhead Says: aksarben60 Says: Think Progress