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How To Use Shari In A Sentence

  • Food sharing with nonkin reduces the costs to kin of child rearing, but also reduces the resources recaptured by kin after an infant death, so evolved infant mortality is lower. Archive 2008-06-01
  • The program design is based on bus time sharing and interrupt servicing. It can renew the speeds and the directions of every motor at real time.
  • He grinned at me, as if sharing a secret joke.
  • Indeed, the schemes of co-determination in Germany constitute functioning examples of shareholders sharing control with one other stakeholder group, namely the employees.
  • In principle, file-sharing is hardly different from tape-to-tape recordings that we all made when we were kids.
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  • In the last cliffhanger, downstairs lover Tony Head was caught sharing his Gold Blend nightcap with a mystery lady.
  • Sharing the tiny apartment were one of his grandmothers and a spinster aunt. Times, Sunday Times
  • For €848, per person sharing, fly from Dublin to Leipzig and stay three nights in four-star accommodation in the Dorint Hotel in Halle.
  • They are sharing, in a companionable silence somehow caught on camera, a moment of profound reflection and thought.
  • Cluster groups of schools could conduct a joint review, sharing their experiences.
  • The price includes flights, accommodation and is based on two sharing. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has a sizable business section with two writers sharing the job of keeping readers abreast the news.
  • Other rules would account for glide insertion and consonant sharing.
  • It will make those around you more open and accessible to sharing themselves with you.
  • Sharing ideas can help heal a family rift. The Sun
  • Two visitors at a time can poke their heads into his inflatable textile construction, sharing the air they breathe in the enclosed pod-like space.
  • Racegoers attending this years Galway festival could come away winning or sharing in one of the big Tote Jackpot pools.
  • If hydrocarbons are discovered, a separate production license or production-sharing agreement is usually drawn up before development can proceed.
  • The supreme law enshrined multi-racial power-sharing in Fiji's government.
  • Under Sharia law gay sex illegal, with penalty of death as young as 14 years old.
  • So essentially antagonistic class interests sharing the same region find themselves allying with each other in their mutual self-interests.
  • And I can hear the clump clump clump of the three posh post-university flatsharing chums thumping about their flat upstairs, slamming doors, shouting to each other and walking heavy-footed across my dream-flat.
  • Ross drove aimlessly through the outer suburbs, sharing the wide, wet road with the occasional noctambulant alley cat, a carload of cheering carousers, and electric mini-van delivering milk.
  • The programme will explore how angry exes have destroyed lives by sharing explicit images of their previous partners. The Sun
  • Thanks for sharing such a simpel and delicious recipe. Irish Beef and Guinness Stew
  • Out goes the barbarian; in comes the caring, sharing new man. Times, Sunday Times
  • Horsemen compete for a goat carcass during a game of Buzkashi to celebrate Nowruz in Mazar-i Sharif in northern Afghanistan on March 21.
  • Their major claimed benefits may overplay the importance of sharing knowledge and expertise and underplay issues such as social conflict, cultural difference and opportunism.
  • Fair Syndication Consortium says that in a recent 30-day period, more than 75,000 sites "reused" a newspaper article without sharing ad revenue with the original source. PaidContent
  • Self-regulation can work if there is both a default rule urging for its fine tuning (via contract), and a common sharing of values upon which to build the needed exceptions and safe harbours.
  • Sharing ideas can help heal a family rift. The Sun
  • The authors specifically exclude the neo-fascist movement in the west, which they describe as sharing few of the progressive and internationalist values of the other social forces. Undefined
  • Note 61: CS 1601; Proto-Mashariki * - pung - "to winnow, to fan"; PNECB * - pung "to winnow, to fan, to exorcise"; e.g., Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
  • The C-Cl bond is polar covalent, Na-Cl is ionic, and the C-C bond is pure covalent with each atom sharing the bonding electrons equally.
  • My biga and soaker sat in my fridge for 3 days -- you don't need to wait 3 days, 12 hours is the minimum, but I figured that the longer it sat, the tastier it would be, and I knew I wanted to serve the bread with a lamb stew I would be making (and will be sharing with you). Archive 2008-10-01
  • Sharing a genuine concern for the future of mankind? Times, Sunday Times
  • A power-sharing agreement will have to be reached. Times, Sunday Times
  • Crucially, twins can be identical, sharing all their genes, and nonidentical, sharing half. Times, Sunday Times
  • Share your obscure coolness with me, and gain strength from the sharing. Recharging
  • For the most part we are strangers sharing rooms.
  • Some hostellers and I are sitting on the grass under the Eiffel Tower sharing stories about the Parisians we've come across.
  • Further 1051 E, E. 1, E. 2 states the State of AZ, subdivisions, and agencies MAY NOT be prohibited in anyway from the sharing of a citizens info with theFeds. The Volokh Conspiracy » Immigrants and Nazis, Communists and Cardinals
  • His major concern is to strengthen his position and that of his clique in the French-orchestrated power-sharing deal.
  • Sharing the dog has thrown up enough teething problems. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said that although the Islamic laws fixed between 40 to 80 canings for alcohol consumption, which is recognised as an 'hudud' offence, the Shariah Court had no jurisdiction to impose such sentences, Bernama added. The Times of India
  • It's too late to rethink sharing your encounters, cupcake, because you've already done it.
  • The Chinese Buddhists for example were able to conceptualise a Godhead, that contained with it three entities, all sharing the exact same substance, none afore or after the other, none greater or lesser than the other etc, just as articulated in the Creeds of Christendom! Ecce Recensus: The Only True God Persuades A Skeptic
  • Research documents the significant productivity and real wage effects of gainsharing in firm case studies.
  • Christian spirituality provides many opportunities for ecumenical sharing.
  • But since then, legislation and changes in internal policies have made information sharing much easier.
  • Auf unserem SMS Handy Blog findest du immer aktuelle News über Handys. great article by benchen on November 26, 2009 - 10: 58pm nice article thanks for sharing china tour refine led lighting PdF Europe: Live Audio Stream at
  • The letters are by turns hilarious and tragic, highly inappropriate and oversharing.
  • Sharing the stage with representatives from tobacco giants, the men discussed how e-cigarettes were the future of nicotine consumption. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are good arguments for sharing her health data with the social care staff who look after her.
  • He was from Barker, she learnt, forced to go to the private school much like she was, sharing her hatred for the snobs of their area.
  • Murders are frequent in Dagestan, in parts of which Islamic sharia law is enforced.
  • Fares shown are per person based on two people sharing lowest twin-bedded cabin category available and include all applicable discounts. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sweetness of sharing a dream made for two is one life's greatest treasures. Wishing you both much happiness and a wonderful life.
  • I am sharing food and drink with gods, goddesses, and wights of the land, other spirits, and my spiritual and religious community.
  • Nowadays there is more sharing of domestic chores.
  • Those opposed to power-sharing wanted an arrangement to maximize the loyalist vote.
  • If the sharing of food fosters family and social ties, and strong family and social relationships are an integral part of civil society, statistics such as these should give us pause.
  • File sharing allows for the public or private sharing of computer data or space in a network with various levels of access privilege.
  • Unless he's staying overnight because of that mild concussion we're back to sharing a room.
  • My ideal holiday is sharing somewhere with a number of families. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although terns are closely related to seagulls, sharing a general black-and-grey pattern of plumage with their cousins, they have slim silvery bodies and deeply forked tails.
  • By sharing you don't become poor... You become rich. For the more you share, the more shall you receive. RVM 
  • An early prototype of the tablet was setup for sharing between family members where each person's customizations would be saved.
  • The article discusses the account of some constructive measures about information resource and various methods concerning the information resource-sharing under network.
  • Information resources construction develops toward networking, digitization, ass well as co - operation and sharing.
  • Then devote yourselves to relaxing together and maybe sharing a sensuous massage. The Sun
  • And it may dissuade you from sharing a snap on Instagram. The Sun
  • Kristoff is speaking conspiratorially, as if sharing a deep and disturbing secret, although it is well-known to anyone who has been following the emo-violence story that gay rights groups have called for tolerance. Down and Delirious in Mexico City
  • Towers agreed that harnessing internet file-sharing services and collaboration software can deliver a competitive advantage. Times, Sunday Times
  • Having spent a bit of time in Robinvale and sharing the odd hangi with some Tongans, it looked to me like a great Saturday night.
  • The only way of sharing their stories is with a pack of tarot cards. Times, Sunday Times
  • The internet might be slow on the ship and crew quarters are often small so you can't take much stuff and you'll probably be sharing a room. Times, Sunday Times
  • We know little of its holy days and less about its teachings, which embrace sharing this planet in peace with others.
  • I'd wager that car sharing makes petrol company bosses want to slap their foreheads very hard indeed. Times, Sunday Times
  • This video is of an incident took place after IMPOSITION of an insane shariat in Swat, after so called Pak Tea House
  • Then get into sharing sensuous all-over body massages. The Sun
  • Claire recalls sharing a silk-lined stateroom with two other Wrens, with two Wren officers installed next door.
  • The two men, who were once close allies but are now deadly enemies, are sharing the same hotel in Seoul.
  • You are stuck here sharing in the hopelessness and breathing the putrid air for the next seven days.
  • Users earn money by sharing products with friends through their existing social networks. The Sun
  • Armed with cheap satellite-tracking handsets, teams of civilian surveyors are out in the field recording casual journeys and sharing geodata with each other to produce their own maps.
  • Sharing space with the sweet and sugary stuff will be all kinds of inedible things from consumer durables and garments to furniture and lifestyle products.
  • Prices based on two people sharing a twin room and subject to availability. Times, Sunday Times
  • You can work out a way of sharing a family responsibility. The Sun
  • Yet power-sharing with a force that was operating outside the democratic process violated the purpose and spirit of democratisation.
  • And for what it's worth, I think the same things, but when sharing these thoughts with other people I do indeed try to "tiptoe", because I'm not just trying to share my thoughts -ultimately I'd like to persuade or at least challenge, make others reconsider and I think that's a lot easier with a more gentle form. Four Reactions to Charitable Requests, Plus One More to Charitable Demands, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The only discomfort was sharing space with at least a couple of passengers bound for the same destination.
  • Apart from anything else, it was felt to be a way of sharing a common humanity.
  • This can only be possible if there are entry and exit points recognised by countries sharing common borders.
  • Reading and writing did not become the predominant method of sharing information until the spread of universal compulsory schooling, which is much more recent than printing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Currently Muslims in Britain have an Islamic ceremony called a nikah (a non register office marriage) which, although it is guaranteed under Sharia law, is not legally binding and does not provide a woman with written proof of the marriage and of the terms and conditions agreed between the spouses. Landmark new Shariah law gives UK Muslim women rights
  • Time-sharing system With multiprogramming, the overall system is quite efficient. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Prices are per person for two people sharing a luxury room. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not that I was about to unburden myself to Miss M, either; but we'd be sharing something none the less. NIGHT SISTERS
  • Terms and conditions Prices are per person, based on two sharing a twin cabin. Times, Sunday Times
  • When he saw the look of longing in her eyes towards the kiss Blake was sharing with his girlfriend his jaw tightened and he felt a sharp stab of jealousy.
  • Furthermore, two or more applications sharing processor time could be issuing conflicting instructions to the hardware.
  • They can also be passed by touching the infected skin of someone who has strep impetigo, or by sharing towels, clothing or bed linen.
  • Gone are the days of meeting in the club bar and discussing cricket and learning the game from hardened club players and sharing in their experiences.
  • We need to form a progressive coalition that includes the religious groups sharing our morality.
  • And with a little adapter/switcher doohickey, it's easy to set it up as a second computer, sharing the same mouse monitor and keyboard.
  • Flights and self-catering accommodation for seven nights costs €400 per person sharing.
  • Indeed, the schemes of co-determination in Germany constitute functioning examples of shareholders sharing control with one other stakeholder group, namely the employees.
  • The Convention drew up a list of principles to guide the Parliament, including the aim to move away from the adversarial nature of Westminster and towards a model based on power-sharing and public participation.
  • It was a dodgy existence, sharing more with high-risk adventure sports than gentlemanly pursuits.
  • The right developer for this could build residual income in a profit sharing scenario if desired or just be paid straight cash.
  • It seemed worthwhile sharing some photos taken by Vernon Quaintance from St. Augustine's Abbey in Ramsgate, which shows a recent Mass there in the modern form of the Roman liturgy, which was celebrated on the occasion of the golden jubilee of the monastic profession of the Very Rev. Dom Benedict Austen, OSB this past March 21st, 2009. St. Augustine's Abbey, Ramsgate
  • Sharing data requires clinicians to trust one another, and non-clinical colleagues, far more than is common at the moment.
  • The link between Pluto and the sun leads to the sharing of secrets that add much excitement to family life. The Sun
  • But the strong tradition of upholding the clan makes for mutual support and a sharing and egalitarian instinct.
  • I hate sharing a bedroom - I never get any privacy.
  • Other forms of movement tracking can give rise to collective file sharing.
  • Service bureau: An organization that provides data processing and time-sharing services to its customers.
  • If beneficiaries in PFFS plans did not contact their plans before obtaining services to ensure that the service was covered, they may have had to “pay for the entire cost of the service if the coverage was later denied” and PFFS plans charged exorbitant cost-sharing to beneficiaries who did not “prenotify” a plan before obtaining services. Wonk Room » Administration Releases Regulations To Scale Back Unfair Insurance Practices
  • But he might have been better off sharing the secrets of his own diet with the chubby forward rather than feeding him fish. The Sun
  • As this description points out, Rubin suggests that in a hunter-gatherer tribe, goods are exchanged mostly through sharing and reciprocal altruism.
  • Reading about your lives and sharing the laughter, love, and daily irritations have made my life much richer and happier.
  • So it's not surprising that the Iraqi auction didn't include any production-sharing language.
  • The Pentagon can save $15 billion per year by reinstituting a fairer cost-sharing balance between military retirees and taxpayers, and reducing overutilization and double-coverage. Lawrence Korb: Open Letter to the Super Committee
  • The airlines have a code-sharing agreement on certain routes and no new agreements have been discussed. Globe and Mail
  • The surgery of Mujasim will be conducted by Dr. F. Sadruddin Shariff very soon inshallah!
  • An all-file-sharing environment would eviscerate the capital resources that make the technological development possible, and probably drive up the average cost to home-recorders considerably.
  • Sacramento, California, involved "gainsharing" -- allowing employees to pocket some of the savings they achieved through cooperative labor-management efforts to cut costs. National Performance Review Report Chapter
  • Sharing these views is what made the Internet in the first place; a medium to quickly share and distribute information.
  • Worker committees run the manufacturing plants and profit-sharing schemes are available to all staff members.
  • Haji Malang is like Ajmer Sharif, two distinct faith and a single river of Peace running through. Bawa Hindustani « bollywoods most wanted photographerno1
  • So many developers have asked us to build a marketplace, and we might do a revenue-sharing arrangement, " he said.
  • They were not the feathered wings of a bird or the leathery ones of a bat, but something in-between, sharing the features of both.
  • Prices based on two people sharing a twin room. Times, Sunday Times
  • We find ourselves in the invidious position of being partners in this German enterprise and as partners inevitably sharing the responsibility. Refugees in the Age of Total War
  • Tony Smith was third after a countback after sharing 37 points with Tom Sefton, Mick Addinall and Andrew Cooper.
  • This casts doubt on the view that organization-wide gain-sharing or profit-sharing programs as well as group-level reward programs are especially relevant in quality-driven organizations.
  • Community site imbeds tool for planned and spontaneous ride sharing via real time web interaction w/precinct community filter. Valerie Tarico: What Should Obama Ask of Us, the American People?
  • The mental strain of sharing an office with Alison was starting to tell.
  • That copying something, that sharing something on - line which is infinitely duplicable and there right in front of you natural is different from taking, from going into a store and like sneaking out of it. CNN Transcript Aug 4, 2009
  • Last year the retired general pleaded guilty to mishandling classified information by sharing official log books with his biographer, who was also his mistress. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shorter, less frequent meetings might decrease depth of sharing. Christianity Today
  • The noise shocked Sharina into an unmeant scream, but the touch of Nonnus 'hand prevented her from lurching out of the circle and perhaps off the platform itself. Lord of the Isles
  • Price per person based on four sharing. The Sun
  • Both sides have agreed to a long-term constitutional review, once a political settlement is reached, but the opposition wants some constitutional amendments now to support a power sharing arrangement.
  • The profit-sharing plan is designed to motivate the staff to work hard.
  • The centralized management, dynamic maintenance and updating, and sharing of the spatial data of land resource has always been the nodus of the land resource management informatization.
  • Jeremy would sometimes get a solo in such cases, sharing them with Greg, the lead guitarist.
  • Previously, unacquainted passengers could find themselves sharing a ‘double’ berth of only eighty-eight centimetres in width.
  • And the music industry is about to crack down on the biggest file-sharing ringleaders.
  • When something sensational happens to us, sharing the happiness of the occasion with friends intensifies our joy. Conversely, in times of trouble and tension, when our spirits are low, unburdening our worries and fears to compassionate friends alleviates the stress. 
  • Ward councillors are also sharing in the triumph.
  • Lovers kissed, sharing their first smooch of the year.
  • The bulk of discussion around digital music has centered on MP3 file-sharing.
  • Our hearts ache, we count the days, we weep with her family, sharing their pain and sorrow.
  • Big hugs or strong handshakes while sharing the peace can be painful for people with arthritis or rheumatic conditions.
  • Sharing her first person hooping experience at SouthernLiving. com, Erin told readers, I visited Sunny Becks at her studio Hooprama, where I learned that yes, hooping is most definitely a workout. | Blog | Erin Shaw Street: My First Person Hooping Experience
  • A central plank of this policy is that the sharing of personal belief ‘must not include proselytising (seeking to convert) others about a particular faith’.
  • To those whom I have told this story since, some have disputed whether this was correct application of the sharia, primarily upon two grounds: (1) that she was not a Believer, and therefore sharia cannot apply, or (2) that the punishment for fornication is merely a hundred lashes, not the death by stoning required for adultery. The Parable of the Spider
  • This type of farriery brings the break-over point from which the horse pushes off to begin his stride farther back under the toe and helps provide load sharing through the back of the foot, as nature does, because the hoof is continually packed with dirt. The Last Chance Dog
  • This paper proposes a multimedia real - time sharing system - to - Peer ( P 2 P ) network
  • The two companies will form an integrated project management team, sharing risks and rewards but not revenue or regulatory risks.
  • In 1916, Lewis proposed that non-ionic, or covalent, bonds are formed by the sharing of electrons between the atoms which are held together by such a bond.
  • The Lab is working on futures in parallel processing, distributed data-sharing systems, transaction processing, graphics, multimedia and visualisation.
  • There has been a spate of cases in the U. S. in which people who run file-sharing sites or illegally share content have been ordered to pay fines.
  • They have already obtained almost 5,000 addresses after providing evidence that illegal file-sharing had taken place. Times, Sunday Times
  • The very word partner conjures up a similar sharing of the risks and a shared passion about the business.
  • Their basic presumption is that there is one correct way to believe (usually the one they share), and they presume that anyone not sharing that belief is aberrant, and legislate accordingly. The Volokh Conspiracy » Does the Supposedly Superior Expertise of Regulators Justify Libertarian Paternalism?
  • The profit-sharing plan is designed to motivate the staff to work hard.
  • Times of greeting and sharing in a public context, especially with strangers or distant acquaintances, are unnatural and sometimes painfully uncomfortable. Christianity Today
  • The skills needed for law enforcement - a clubby culture of sharing information among agents - often means disaster in intelligence work.
  • For the subset of participants who provided data at all three time points, rates of syringe sharing, syringe reuse, and indirect sharing decreased over time for both exchangers and nonexchangers.
  • They recommend the use of social media internally to break down communication barriers within the department - which they call inbound sharing - which would also include information and tips coming in from the public to the Defense Department. WFED / /
  • For example, when an offspring and parent share rare alleles, confidence in parentage is higher than when sharing common alleles.
  • The decision to introduce job sharing grew out of a general desire for flexible working hours.
  • Employees and managers alike are uncomfortable with distributing bonus payments under gain sharing without regard to individual contribution.
  • Bundles of nerve fibers serving a common function and sharing a common origin and destination are grouped together in tracts or fasciculi.
  • Under a leafless mulberry tree, we sat on a turfed bench sharing a mug of steaming chocolate with snow cream. Exit the Actress
  • States sharing a border with Mexico are declaring states of emergency - not for natural disasters, but to deal with the consequences of illegal immigration.
  • Out in all weather, bringing a friendly rat-tat-tat to many an isolated cottage door, sharing a bit of news, taking a message to a doctor or priest if someone was in trouble.
  • Latency would be another result of this — but latency is rarely an issue for file sharing, of course. DarkNets: not tomorrow, but here and now
  • The salaries listed are median, annual salaries for full-time workers with 5-8 years of experience and include any bonuses, commissions or profit sharing.
  • It's an ambience that fosters sharing; the best way to approach the enticing array of antipasti and snacks that precede the pizza and complement a voluminous all-Italian wine list.
  • After 10 minutes of frustrated rocking/pacing/sniping at each other we were jet-lagged too, and four of us sharing a room didn't exactly help with the general mood, Cam took control and fed the baby, to a chorus of "We'll never get her routine straight now" from her other two parents. Charlie Condou: The three of us
  • awww, that is an excellent logo! well done. very simple and charming. and you cupcakes always look wonderful too. thanks for sharing. Caution: Adult at Play!
  • Mike said, ‘When you do your math and figure in the gainsharing cuts, the wage increase is only 67 cents an hour and not $2.00 like the company said in the newspaper.’
  • While you’re crossing this beautiful site, you’re sharing the place with the iguanas, the freshness of the wind, and the magical sounds of the crashing waves.
  • Le Pont de l'Arc-en-ciel = The Rainbow Bridge (fictional place over which animals go after death); le petit animal à moustaches = the little whiskered animal (the cat); l'animalité (f) = animality; le partage (m) = sharing. Guetter - French Word-A-Day
  • And if we work with Muslim communities, we must understand that Islamic law, known as Sharia, prohibits the acceptance or payment of interest fees on loans.
  • He proceeded to send explicit messages and pictures before sharing her details with other men. The Sun
  • He opts instead for a consociational democracy: a system in which religious, cultural, national, and economic considerations will be balanced by mutual agreement, within a power-sharing government. Ami Kaufman: Israel: The One-State Solution Should be Taken Off the Table
  • The beauty of ubuntu is that it includes empathy, humbleness, compassion, mutual respect, sharing and caring.
  • The babies enjoy sharing a cot and seem to be happiest when side-by-side.
  • But it also offers an effective means of sharing positive messages. Times, Sunday Times
  • They would accept a coalition as a step toward absolute power but had no intention whatsoever of sharing power in a liberal democratic state.
  • We are hoping to set up a consortium of institute libraries with a standardised catalogue and a strong policy on resource sharing.
  • Sharing a dirty blanket in the freezing desert seems to bring people together. Times, Sunday Times
  • East Timor and Australia initialed Thursday a framework agreement on revenue-sharing for oil in the Timor Gap between the two countries.
  • The key take-away from Mark's post is that relationships develop over time, and given the importance and longevity of the VC/founder relationship it benefits from the cumulation of interaction and data sharing between the parties. Roger Ehrenberg: Speed Can Kill
  • When something sensational happens to us, sharing the happiness of the occasion with friends intensifies our joy. Conversely, in times of trouble and tension, when our spirits are low, unburdening our worries and fears to compassionate friends alleviates the stress. 

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