
How To Use Shared In A Sentence

  • Rows of brick garden apartments all backed onto a massive common garden: a shared backyard for children to play, dogs to gambol, and families to eat picnics together. Day of Honey
  • The exchange continued for a little over a year, until both men became absorbed in other projects, but while it lasted, Mr. Neumeyer says, "we were both sparked into spurts of vivifying and shared creativity. Gorey's Flights of Fancy
  • During our exchanges there were plenty of glares and stares, and maybe even a couple of opinions shared.
  • Even the en suite bathroom of the bedroom she shared with Emily could be described by no other word than glorious!
  • The Last Supper. The final time that the apostles shared a meal with Jesus.
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  • So, we've learned now that this information was shared with spies.
  • With the Shared Model architecture, changes made in one process element are (depending on access privileges) immediately visible and accessible to other process elements.
  • In Burns, the mother had full custody of two children and the parents shared custody of a third child.
  • I had mixed feelings when I learned of your new assignment. Although we will miss you, we have to admit that management has made a wise choice in placing you where they can benefit most from your talents. We will long remember the hard work and happy moments we have shared. You have been a great team member. Best wishes and keep up the good work.
  • They shared the joy and burden of editing for the next thirteen years, the longest period of any coeditorship in the journal's existence.
  • If it should be objected by any that though he did not himself burden them, yet, being crafty, he caught them with guile, that is, he sent those among them who pillaged them, and afterwards he shared with them in the profit: "This was not so," says the apostle; "I did not make a gain of you myself, nor by any of those whom I sent; nor did Titus, nor any others -- We walked by the same spirit and in the same steps. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • Dozens of families lived in each building, shared toilets with neighbors and bathed in the kitchens.
  • In addition to the unique single vascular system, these new specimens exhibit a distinct six ridged external shape, and an integumentary morphology shared by no other medullosan ovules.
  • My watermill in the Dordogne is shared with a family I have holidayed with for 25 years.
  • Twitter users shared video clips of his blunder. The Sun
  • I have to say I know we shared the same trepidation about being mums to boys, but mine arrived on Monday morning and we've never been happier in the 'shwa. High-Low
  • Likewise, among Christians it has long been conventional to use uppercase Orthodox as a term distinguishing the Christianity that shared forms of liturgy and theology rooted in the Byzantine, or Greek-speaking, part of the Roman Empire from those who took a separate path in the West. Jewschool
  • It seemed completely unreal, the kisses we shared and how he said he was falling in love with me.
  • In 1986 engineers of the two companies tried to reach agreement on a shared transmission.
  • Uncle Shim shared these thoughts both as a courtesy to our family and as instruction to me.
  • I had mixed feelings when I learned of your new assignment. Although we will miss you, we have to admit that management has made a wise choice in placing you where they can benefit most from your talents. We will long remember the hard work and happy moments we have shared. You have been a great team member. Best wishes and keep up the good work.
  • I argue that the relationship between past success and convergent thinking may depend on the attributions that groups generate to explain their shared success.
  • One of our daughters might one day want to take out a mortgage of her own and buy it from us outright, or as a parents-financed ‘shared equity’ scheme.
  • It was a celebration of community through shared storytelling and of the human ability to create art.
  • Unlike the kisses we shared in the past, this kiss was rough, hard, and I could smell and taste the alcohol on his breath.
  • In the past six years, 41,000 shared ownership homes have been built and the new scheme will more than treble this number. The Sun
  • The first uses what AirTight now alternately refers to as a "vulnerability" or a "limitation" in the 802.11 specification: a shared encryption key called the group temporal key (GTK), shared by all clients connected to the same access point, can't detect an address spoofing attempt (the pairwise keys, which are used to scramble data between a given client and the access point, can). AirTight defends Wi-Fi WPA2 'vulnerability' claim
  • And it is precisely this intangible element - a sense of shared values and community - that is the legacy that seems to be the driving force sustaining and vitalizing this collection.
  • Rolled out from semolina flour and local eggs, and layered with tangy tomato sauce and winy beef short ribs, the dish is served in a portion that suggests it be shared. Tom Sietsema on Casa Nonna: Latest Italian offering lands in Dupont Circle
  • A trouble shared is a trouble halved. 
  • Responsibility for the perioperative care of patients with chronic kidney disease is shared by the family physician, nephrologist, anesthesiologist, and surgeon.
  • Tilbury attributes the success of their friendship to a shared sense of fun. Times, Sunday Times
  • they shared an identity of interests
  • For all their differences and ambiguities, empires have shared in common a will to power that should make us skeptical of their most optimistic self-assessments.
  • Those who admitted taking coke said they might take some at a dinner party - shared with other guests - and also at house parties. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are some who argue that sovereignty or ultimate authority can be sliced up and shared around.
  • Running costs will be shared between licensed premises. Times, Sunday Times
  • Eight men shared a tiny windowless area of the fish hold with four cardboard "bunks" resting on planks. Modern-day slavery: horrific conditions on board ships catching fish for Europe
  • The problem is that some of these shared assumptions are loaded with inconsistencies and contradictions.
  • But what we all also shared was a guiltless love for what our parents were into. The Sun
  • The group then brainstormed new ideas and shared them.
  • These microbiologists, plant physiologists, soil scientists, and geobotanists shared an interest in pursuing experimental investigations of energy, matter, and life.
  • That sentiment is shared by 23 percent of all registered voters.
  • Eva would want to know, but the kiss was too private, too perfect, too wonderful, too pure and chaste to be shared.
  • At the end of a long driveway, shared with the neighbouring farm. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a shared space and has heathers, ferns, gorse and many wild flowers (not at this time of year) growing on it.
  • The cost savings paid for the SUV's independent rear suspension, which can be shared with the pickup should the market demand it.
  • The love affair was company-wide, although not necessarily shared by the grunts, as one former grunt writes.
  • For dessert we shared a crème brulée and a rhubarb and ginger crumble with ice cream.
  • It is not a mere matter of citizenship; it is a birthright and a shared inheritance.
  • Our holiday rituals form our shared identity as a family and allow us to pay homage to our history. Christianity Today
  • Last week the frustration was shared from the top deck of the bus to the foredeck of the luxury yacht. Our dependence on new technology has its scary side | Observer editorial
  • In the past six years, 41,000 shared ownership homes have been built and the new scheme will more than treble this number. The Sun
  • This enables a broadband internet connection to be shared out among wireless users.
  • The Two And A Half Men star allegedly shared a night of passion with party girl Sara Leal, 22, at the Hard Rock Hotel in San Diego.
  • This emphasis upon a shared European cultural and biological heritage allowed Anglos to claim the social privileges of whiteness for their Mexican spouses.
  • Siamese twins died Friday night due to a complex congenital cardiopathy (a badly formed heart that both shared and which was incapable of pumping blood), according to Radio Programas del Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • You get a sense of shared solitude, conveyed subtly but precisely, with masterly delicacy and without ostentatious ‘acting’.
  • The market garden is managed on a shared basis, as are the bees, whose honey is sold in the shop.
  • Against this backdrop one can begin to understand the lack of ecumenism among these movements, despite their shared goal or commitment.
  • After Julius Caesar's assassination, the triumvirs was formed, consisting of three determined men, Octavius Caesar, Mark Antony, and Lepidus, who shared the rule of the Roman Empire.
  • The system will allow multi-access from anywhere in the world to individual and shared diaries, schedules, emails and stored files.
  • If climate was the culprit, then people and proboscideans should have shared some of the same territory, at least until climate change shrunk proboscidean habitat.
  • It is shared by religious believers and non-believers of very different social backgrounds and in very different countries.
  • Conflict transformation avoids allocating blame or dwelling on the past, no matter how painful, in order to try to achieve shared futures.
  • Franklin shared the family's scorn for his wife's new friends.
  • As we crossed the Baltic in a shared ship's cabin, my mother watched to make sure I brushed my hair and teeth morning and night and chastised me for wearing clothes that were too creased or skirts that were too short.
  • Accounts of life there come from a variety of viewpoints - a schoolboy home for the holidays, a man employed on the project, a woman who shared memories of schooldays and of working in the office, and a district nurse.
  • Given this shared commitment to material equality, do socialists and liberal egalitarians share the same account of justice?
  • She was able to take centre stage, providing comic relief while Zephyr shared intimate moments with her special friends.
  • The survey instrument was then shared with attendees at a regularly scheduled faculty meeting.
  • Imagination is not only the uniquely human capacity to envision that which is not, and therefore the fount of all invention and innovation. In its arguably most trans formative and revelatory capacity, it is the power to that enables us to empathize with humans whose experiences we have never shared. J. K. Rowling 
  • The couple shared similar goals and both had parents who married young. The Sun
  • By the time they had shared an ad hoc hot tub together, it was clear our host had gone completely feral. Times, Sunday Times
  • More controversially, the resource accounts are shared, with electronic statements produced for the street as a whole, leading to self-policing peer group pressure to achieve the targets and so receive rebates.
  • In the end, James concedes that modern Celts exist as a legitimate ethnic group on the grounds that they are self-naming and have a shared sense of difference and history.
  • The universally-shared human motive of rational self-interest makes human action predictable, generalisable and controllable.
  • The love they had shared, the love that renewed with each passing day and moments of togetherness had coalesced into a raging fury of hatred and contempt.
  • She refused the offer of a lift back to the house she shared with three other students on Argyle Street.
  • I shared the joke, wondering just what fate might befall me later in the morning.
  • Just five years ago they shared a record 50million divi. The Sun
  • This experience is shared by other relatives of the bereaved. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is not true that domestic chores are shared. Times, Sunday Times
  • These are put on show alongside her own recent and new pieces that deal with such shared themes as loneliness, longing and unrequited love. Times, Sunday Times
  • Contrary to what may be inferred from the comment, although Ayn Rand's villains may have shared a basic belief in "man as means", they were not unidimensional. When Ayn Rand Villains Ruled the Earth, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • And I'd even go so far as to say that nothing was more political than this sovereign and slightly unreasonable decision, qualified by some we shall be kind enough not to mention here as an "inanity" or a "crime" or a bet that was "lost in advance", to craft something European through the shared efforts of two national workshops. Bernard-Henri Lévy: Arte Is Twenty
  • However, a shared care, multidisciplinary approach has many advantages.
  • And he concludes, after referring to the fortuitous duty-free shopping interlude I shared with Bashar en route back to London from Damascus, by remarking: By this time, Michael, whos a very engaging personality, is a friend of the family! A Question of Honour
  • I envisioned play would be a static simulation of the boisterous on-the-floor rivalries I shared with my siblings.
  • Shared inventory model structure, which contains the input and output sample.
  • He did not mean a sclerotic tangle of shared sovereignties. Times, Sunday Times
  • A scholar or a particular work by a scholar may locate him / her in larger circles of shared collective life.
  • One was a joint venture project, where another organisation shared the capital and operational costs.
  • His 1984 novel "Neuro­mancer" popularized the term "cyberspace," describing the hacker-scripted fantasies of a shared digital realm. NYT > Home Page
  • The war booty was shared between a rebellious prince of Toungio and the king of Arakan.
  • This type of access has allowed many rural women who do not have the possibility of individual access to use a shared plot and work in several sectors: gardening, aviculture, and arboriculture. AllAfrica News: Latest
  • The lists are shared with fraudsters who run bogus lotteries and timeshare rip-offs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those that are shared can only be viewed by people given a direct web link. Times, Sunday Times
  • A playroom with ping-pong table and pool table is shared with a neighbouring property. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not only did the new grande signore treat them well, he shared their pleasures. THE FAMILY
  • I made a mistake: the detailed, similar snout anatomy present in both suids and peccaries is more likely shared, not convergent. More on what I saw at the zoo
  • The times I was just having a beery laugh with my friends, times when we shared in each other's extrovert abandon, each other's dippy oblivion.
  • The researchers studied two young males that shared the same dialect, a set of calls unique to a particular social group of whales. Times, Sunday Times
  • Breakfast was an excitement shared in peculiarly by the Ancient CHAPTER XIV
  • Red, the grandmother, and the brave hunter sat down and shared the basket of goodies.
  • This was a heavily populated region of numerous towns and nucleated villages, with dispersed patterns of landholding, small parishes and manors, and political power shared between the nobles, rich merchants, and a prosperous gentry.
  • This strategy is grounded in a clear and achievable goal shared by the Iraqi people and the American people: an Iraq that is sovereign, stable, and self-reliant.
  • They all shared glances of astonishment, and sprinted around the back to loop behind the last supply ship.
  • Stuffy" -- though one was tempted to think that he shared his fruit not so much from choice but rather because he disliked the hard work that was sure to follow a refusal of the pressing invitation to "go halvers. Their Yesterdays
  • There's also integrated Bluetooth, which can be used to connect to other Zodiacs for shared whiteboard applications, messaging, and wireless multiplayer gaming.
  • Both had an interest in Bulgarian folklore and noticed on their travels that this was shared by people in many other parts of the world.
  • The one quality that they all shared, in the end, was stickability - the determination to cling to office with the tenacity of barnacles clinging to a crumbling wreck.
  • It appears, worryingly, that these misconceptions are shared by many of our politicians.
  • Just a warning for light eaters, the generous portion should be shared by at least two persons as this particular dish will quickly sate your appetite as it is incredibly rich.
  • Within its government, power is shared between a directly elected president, a prime minister, and a bicameral legislature (Parliament).
  • They shared the cake between them.
  • Not only because a number of the flavors and aromas are not shared between cultures, but also because many of the actual names of fruits and other foodstuffs in Japanese utilize somewhat obscure Kanjii characters, and are better rendered using more modern Hiragana characters. Vinography: A Wine Blog
  • They shared Chamberlain's passion for efficiency but, unlike him, were in principle opposed to private ownership of the economy.
  • She shared none of his growing absorption in politics but was attuned to him in the world of magic.
  • The vocals are shared alternately between the two singers; both sound like fragile pixies, trapped in a lyrical world of jealous lovers and murderous intent.
  • And other black arts organizations had willingly shared their patron lists.
  • Over time you shared how your medication had ruined your kidneys, meaning dialysis three times a week. Christianity Today
  • The value of five bowlers was highlighted again as the wickets were shared. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was as if he was pleading a kind of freemasonry because the pair of them shared idiosyncrasies of language. DISPLACED PERSON
  • They all shared a big bedroom near the cheese room.
  • In the normal course of events, by punishing the guilty and not punishing the innocent, a system of criminal law affirms shared values and supports social cohesion.
  • On that trip, I shared a lift with three French men jabbering away in this language I had been learning in class and I couldn't follow a word.
  • Rosetti, the founder of the Pre-Raphaelite painting movement shared the tenancy.
  • Prosperity and economic success remain popular and broadly shared goals.
  • Earlier this afternoon, Henry Louis Gates, Jr. delivered a stirring commentary on NPR's All Things Considered (originally written for TheRoot. com) in which he compared today to the day after Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, and shared the reaction of Frederick Douglass, Erik Ose: Yes We Can, Said Barack Obama, And We Did
  • As students of economic historian Charles Kindleberger know ("Panics, Manias, and Crashes"), financial manias throughout history have shared one trait: the excessive expansion of credit.
  • The group shared their remembrances of life at school.
  • The unnamed woman is also said to have shared police information in texts to pals and a pic of a crime victim with derogatory comments. The Sun
  • Most of the content gets shared on Facebook - 2011 saw this figure increase from 44 % to 52 % of all content shared online.
  • Hobbes and Cavendish shared pessimism about human nature, and an anxiety about ethical and linguistic relativism.
  • They held me while I cried and shared my highs and lows throughout all these years.
  • When we then shared carnitas, described as braised pork shanks with chipotle wine sauce, he added, "I can't remember a meal this bad. Evening Standard - Home
  • He shared private letters, conversations, and confidences.
  • Staff shared rumours that star complaint handlers were earning as much as 10,000 a month in salary and bonuses. Times, Sunday Times
  • Artwork and human remains indicate that some 40,000 years ago, our ancestors shared this landscape with rhinoceroses, bison, mammoths, aurochs, wild horses, and giant elks.
  • I have just shattered the widely-shared romantic vision of HBM seated, with her laptop, at a tidy secretaire in an oak-panelled library, clad in stylish loungewear and sipping tea from a china cup. How To Lose a Friend in 10 Months
  • They differ in almost every other respect, but in these shared interests they both belong to the ancient and always fascinating genre of the jeremiad.
  • But this brittle is still a hit and the batch I shared with my colleagues was gone in five minutes. Dr Pepper and peanuts | Homesick Texan
  • Clinch and Harris shared an opening stand of 69.
  • Laser pulses were used to put the two diamonds into a state where they were entangled with one another through a shared vibration known as a phonon. CBC | Top Stories News
  • Emma's vision is shared only by the narrator and is potentially ironized from that vantage.
  • Every culture has its own shared, socialized habitual responses, which are charming when on a holiday, but for immigrants trying to function on a daily basis they can be downright frustrating.
  • Both mains were around the $16 mark, and we shared some shoestring fries with a lemon pepper seasoning, with a side of coriander aioli (I know, bad for the arteries, but what the heck).
  • they shared a community of possessions
  • I have known Ted since the late seventies and during that time-shared many a laugh and an equal amount of pints.
  • The way she writes you might think that tantra is a solid, inescapable fact of true polyamorous living, and that every polyamorist is a spiritual yogi seeking enlightenment through the energies released and shared during intercourse, provided of course that one has taken the time to properly align one’s chakras. Poly people « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • That is to say, the push towards individualisation and learner-centredness has foregrounded individual differences over shared curricular goals. L is for Learning Styles « An A-Z of ELT
  • Mr. Marino said Mr. Aleynikov has been an active member of the open-source code programming community, which believes such nonproprietary computer code should be shared with the world. Goldman Code-Theft Trial Opens
  • There is only one bathroom shared between eight bedrooms.
  • The standard good advice on how to escape foot infections is to avoid shared towels and bath mats. Times, Sunday Times
  • Maybe I'm being a grump - perhaps it's good for our society to have shared community moments.
  • Now, at last, some of the knowledge we have gleaned from this experience can be shared. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pairs of electrons that are not shared in covalent bonds are lone pairs.
  • There is an intense personal commitment with others in a shared life from which all participants benefit.
  • Both bands still have a huge following and a shared fan base that assures it would be a sellout. The Sun
  • My friend and I shared the grilled shrimp torta and grilled steak tacos.
  • Heinrich Himmler was the chief architect of that nightmare, He shared Hitler's obsession with an Aryan master race, Together they manufactured the genocide of the Final Solution.
  • But there is no strangeness, only the familiarity of a shared past.
  • Workers and employees shared deep reservations about the wisdom of the government's plans for the industry.
  • While these languages shared phonology and grammar, they had entirely different vocabularies.
  • MIE is involved in onshore oil production under shared contracts with PetroChina in three oilfields in the Songliao Basin in Heilongjiang, which is a border province connecting China and Russia. FinanceAsia
  • The less electronegative atom will have a partial positive charge since the shared electrons spend less time near it.
  • She shared his fascination for motorbikes.
  • Yet once they start dancing, the effect is pure gold: the thumpy rhythms of their feet on the wooden floor of a park pavilion, the couple's shared power and mutual athleticism, their whizzing quickstep that feels like the Earth's been knocked off its axis and the effortless, ecstatic, romantic joy of it all. Ginger Rogers at 100: Even with Astaire, always taking the lead
  • He shared her taste for a large gin and tonic and for champagne, and would lunch at the Ritz. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, by then we'd bunked on yachts and in shared backpacker dorms.
  • Designed to handle shared medium-access or point-to-point connections, Ethernet has recently taken a well-publicized leap into metro networking.
  • Democracy, so understood, arises out of mutual need, and finally points to the overarching necessity of a shared sense of democratic caritas, or charity.
  • The vocals are shared by two members of the band.
  • He did not hate this hot-tempered consort who shared his bed.
  • The touching scene speaks volumes about our shared lineage with great apes. The Sun
  • Those that are shared can only be viewed by people given a direct web link. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our mutual respect is born of the natural ties between mariners and a long and illustrious shared history.
  • The project is gathering information about the way understanding is achieved through the construction of shared meanings in primary classroom interactions.
  • As the camera the cinematographer is the gifted Andrew Reed moves around the table from one to the other, the warm light brightens their faces, pulling them out of the dark and toward shared discovery. NYT > Home Page
  • They shared a long, passionate kiss at the very end of the movie before the credits began to roll.
  • So many of the women he had been out with over the years shared common characteristics. LOST SUMMER
  • The symbolism carved out of flowers, the sun and elements of nature is surprisingly shared across the board of all three artists.
  • We shared two hot toasted crumpets and a cherry scone.
  • Two people shared a room and the entire floor shared a communal bathroom and shower room.
  • If anything changes in that shared data space on any of the nodes of the cluster, it's also changed on all of the other nodes in the cluster.
  • Twin doors approached via a shared driveway.
  • Humans and chimps split apart from a shared ancestor that lived about 8m years ago. Times, Sunday Times
  • All profits were shared between the sports hall fund and a chosen sports charity.
  • These programs are shared by public schools and community colleges and provide assistance through raceand gender-specific programs.
  • But the end result, and the shared understanding of everyone in the courtroom, is that the other person living in the house (be it parent, spouse, children) have to get rid of their guns. The Volokh Conspiracy » Father Must Remove All Guns from Home as Condition of Under-18-Year-Old Son’s Probation
  • A comprehensive study done a few years ago focused on what particular quality was shared by winning race car drivers.
  • But colleagues at the Grantham and Kesteven Hospital recall unpleasant happenings at the nurses' home which they shared with Allitt.
  • I hope you can find a little comfort in the knowledge that your grief is shared by so many friends who are thinking of you.
  • Her graceful neck rises higher than the trees, like a giraffe in slow motion, her liquid eyes staring curiously, then dismissively, at the gaping humans; she returns to her grazing as if these late-model mammals were no more worthy of note than their scruffy shrewlike ancestors, with whom she shared the Earth 130 million years ago. Here Come The Dnasaurs
  • In a vivid display of interreligious unity, the Muslim cleric shared the stage with the Vatican's papal nuncio, Pietro Sambi, as well as other senior clergy, Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant.
  • I was left with a suspicion that the majority shared the anti-military animus of the plaintiffs.
  • The practice of infanticide, for selfish reasons, was, as we shall see in later chapters, horribly prevalent among many of the lower races, and even where the young were tenderly reared, the feeling toward them was hardly what we call affection -- a conscious, enduring devotion -- but a sort of animal instinct which is shared by tigers and other fierce and cruel animals, and which endures but a short time. Primitive Love and Love-Stories
  • There's some shared soup somewhere in my head from which these two things are ladling. A life in writing: China Miéville
  • She shared her innermost secrets with him.

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