How To Use Shaping In A Sentence
The finishing line may be in sight but the final lap is shaping up to be an epic battle.
Times, Sunday Times
We synthetically discuss charactesistic of the candy shaping mechanism and the cooling unit.
Shaping provides a way to reinforce approximations of the final desired behavior or result of behavior.
Though unconscious of them, such memories are claimed to be significant causal factors in shaping conscious thought and behavior.
The media play a pivotal role in shaping American perceptions of events in Korea.

This paper describes the tooth forms of an external toothing and chamfering gear shaping cutter and chamfering gear shaper cutters designed by old routine.
The results show that, as fluid passes through each rib, a trumpet-shaped vortex is generated from the upstream vertex of the rib, shaping a region with high value of heat transfer coefficient (HTC).
The family is shaping excellent personality life textbook, is to stimulate the spirit of power source, is the emotional rain nourishes the soul.
Carefully trimming, shaving and shaping one's facial hair can achieve a never-ending multitude of looks, such as handlebar moustaches, goatees and designer sideburns.
The Company's line combines machine a number of advantages, with the precision manufacturing can play its full production capacity, high precision, productive sector of the production is shaping tool.
Although she was not a professional politician, her views were influential in shaping government policy.
As somebody whose world is constantly reshaping itself, you'll enjoy this.
Times, Sunday Times
The accident is already shaping up as a significant environmental disaster.
They were thus capable of rapid and radical reshaping.
Times, Sunday Times
But hypercompetition, saturation coverage, and decreased objectivity weren't the only changes shaping the new media environment.
The family is shaping excellent personality life textbook, is to stimulate the spirit of power source, is the emotional rain nourishes the soul.
In our own solar system, the solar wind is responsible for shaping comets' tails and producing the Aurorae Borealis on Earth.
What role do state institutions play in shaping identities and constructing beliefs about deviance that privilege some groups and pathologize others?
Once you understand the role of darts in shaping a garment, you will be glad to have them in all your clothing.
Our country has all of these things because vigorous, misguided liberals succeeded in reshaping the nation.
Matthew Yglesias » Kristol Complicates Napoleon Metaphors
The Company's line combines machine a number of advantages, with the precision manufacturing can play its full production capacity, high precision, productive sector of the production is shaping tool.
We use a special lotion to make hair follicles grow faster, but we advise clients to visit us once a month for shaping.
The Sun
In airbrushing the brutality of slavery, we make it possible to ignore the tremendous power that race had - and continues to have - in shaping this society.
As an oral tradition, Druidry does not anchor itself with scientific or historical facts; instead it breathes, shaping itself through stories ancient and modern.
The issue of race and skin colour also had a major importance in shaping the politics of migration in Britain.
Her gift for melody, her insistence on shaping almost every piece as a song, gives her work a stamp of individuality.
Plans are shaping up
The central aim of our study was to demonstrate that both natural and sexual selection have been important in shaping the tail streamer of the barn swallow.
Boost velocity control is achieved by burning all boost propulsion stages to burnout, shaping the trajectory to use all the energy, without thrust termination.
Several of the men show great dexterity in shaping stones into implements, a process known as stone or flint knapping.
He first took to the turntables at 11 years old, and ever since, Paul has remained the hip-hop scene's most adventurous producer, shaping and reshaping the music according to his gonzo sensibility.
As the leader of the majority party in the House, the Speaker also plays a major role in shaping and implementing party decisions on forthcoming legislation.
The same year that the shaping machine was invented - 1871 - the Company introduced the world's first testing table for bias of bowls.
The law is an incredibly powerful tool for shaping social perceptions, as well as controlling behavior.
The study seems to show that nurture is more important than nature in shaping a child's character and future prospects.
These included a sale, financial restructuring or radical reshaping of the business, according to highly placed sources.
Times, Sunday Times
Leaders were celebrated for their courage and risk-taking when shaping corporate strategies.
Others, shaping to play defensively, were beaten by turn and Steve Kirby was disconcerted by a ball that spun the other way.
They resort to dubious methods of shaping public opinion by planting unsourced stories in the media, which are not only unverified, but also unverifiable.
These include shaping the long-term jurisprudential reputations of Roberts and his colleagues. Homepage
His role even extends to shaping the brand's advertising campaigns and the look of its global network of stores.
We use a special lotion to make hair follicles grow faster, but we advise clients to visit us once a month for shaping.
The Sun
Threads formed flowery designs on the material, shaping leaves, mountains, and other natural landscape.
Your daughter is an adult now and responsible for shaping her own life.
The Sun
If free blown, the bulbous glass is attached to a metal rod, called a pontil, for further shaping after reheating in the furnace.
The finale to the show is shaping up to be something spectacular.
The Sun
We should be fully aware of the significance of television in shaping our ideas.
Moreover, official forecasts of the economy play an important role in shaping those expectations.
Times, Sunday Times
However, as I was shaping them, the doughs seem to have a mind of their own, and some decided they should be piggy and bears,some wanted to be a hybrid of piggy+ bears, and the rest, hybrid of dog + piggy...
Archive 2008-02-01
While it is imperative to have an overarching policy framework that comprehends the fundamental factors shaping our world, in practice, foreign policy typically is local.
Immigration is shaping up as a major issue in the campaign.
In women. this was followed by eyelid reduction , tummy tuck , nose re - shaping and breast reduction.
A new sense of temporality gave human consciousness a decisive role in the shaping of history.
Jenks believed international organizations were not mere conference secretariats, but should be active participants in shaping the postwar world.
Moreover, official forecasts of the economy play an important role in shaping those expectations.
Times, Sunday Times
The places that we see, these slow tonic muscle fibres, are almost the exact places where the muscles are shaping the surface of the tongue, and shaping them to do the shapes that we know are producing our speech.
We should be fully aware of the significance of television in shaping our ideas.
He started shaping the future of car design by sculpting models from clay instead of wood, which allowed for dramatic curves and swooping rooflines.
The men matter in reshaping this kind of corporate culture, and simply having a woman's initiative or having nice work-family policies that look really great on paper, they don't ultimately change that corporate culture, which is what leaves women so embattled.
Citigroup Slammed With Lawsuit By Former Female Employees
He left the path along the water and stole under the trees, along the deep shadow of little plantations, where the boughs of chestnut trees hung their great leaves low, and there was blacker refuge, shaping his course in circles which had for their object a stealthy inspection of chairs side by side, against tree-trunks, of enlaced lovers, who stirred at his approach.
The Man of Property
Many of them are headquartered in the Shapingba District, where higher education institutions are concentrated.
Instead of shaping the frame using costly stamping components, the metal is molded using ultra-high-pressure water.
Their presence provided the basis for population permanence, and matrilocal or uxorilocal residence patterns featured strongly in shaping the contours of settlement.
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Such thinking puts Kodak in the vanguard of a movement reshaping the computer industry.
Many of the fears and misconceptions shaping our options and influencing our choices are by-products of this fallacy.
As for “degraded performance all over the place”, enforced net neutrality and a ban on traffic-shaping for whatever reason would concentrate the “degraded services” to those which are time-sensitive, such as streaming video and remote stuff like telesurgery, AND put the State in a position to mandate how fast/slow packets are “permitted” to travel.
DPI is GOOD for you: ‘Um – crap’
The club has spent wisely on the course recently in reshaping the fairways, re-designing bunkers and spinneys and treating the fairways and greens.
Breast augmentation, liposuction and tummy tucks to suck the fat, facelifts, nose reshaping, and eyelid surgery are the most popular surgical procedures.
From one humbling experience pressing patties for more than 50 guests the next day, and a little research, I’ve found that the most common mistake when shaping patties is to press too hard in a quest to get discs as consistent as you’d get at a drive-thru window.
Household Objects That Can Shape Hamburger Patties | Lifehacker Australia
When prison air and prison influence have succeeded in incasing a man with the sort of moral hardbake that renders him callous to those feelings which at first so gall the raw spots, he finds himself watching with curiosity the shapings of newcomers.
Bidwell's Travels, from Wall Street to London Prison Fifteen Years in Solitude
The non-spherical lens is another shaping system that is used to collimate the beam of LD, and the theoretic performance could be perfect.
Parenting doesn't just reimmerse you in this transformation: It gives you a front row seat to the daily revelations of forming and shaping a life.
Melissa Lafsky: In Defense of Having Children
Wandering into a copse by the road – side — but not in that place; two or three miles off — he tore out from a fence a thick, hard, knotted stake; and, sitting down beneath a hayrick, spent some time in shaping it, in peeling off the bark, and fashioning its jagged head with his knife.
The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit
Since much of the Vivaldi repertoire is concerti, I wondered at first how this one-on-a-part ethos would affect the shaping of contrasts between soloists and ripieno.
We are confident that effective government has an important role in shaping our society to the good.
Times, Sunday Times
The family is shaping excellent personality life textbook, is to stimulate the spirit of power source, is the emotional rain nourishes the soul.
Various groups were influential in shaping public policy.
The power of thoughts is a mighty power that is always shaping our lives.
What was relevant, however, I think, is that if the leading and most influential Catholic weekly in Poland, which has close ties with the Church hierarchy and which has been shaping public opinion of the Catholic community since 1945, can be qualified as "idolatrously philo-Semitic," it gives — I presume — some kind of evidence that something did substantially change in Poland as far as the Catholic attitude toward the Jews is concerned.
'Shoah' and Poland
Lips shaping words that Althia didn't recognize, Morgana closed her eyes and retreated several steps so that her arms were stretched as far as possible while she continued to grasp Althia's arms.
The path gently rises, coming to three Ceratopetalum apetalum, coachwoods, the wood suitable for shaping coach wheels and tennis racquets in the past.
The Yaogangxian, Shizhuyuan, and Huangshaping deposits are an integral part of the important Nanling nonferrous metallogenic zone, an area long known as the richest tungsten province in the world.
This summer is shaping up to bring record amounts of money in ticket sales.
The issue of privacy is also shaping technology itself, with many devices having built-in privacy features.
They also provide a way of shaping the meaning of what people do.
Times, Sunday Times
The job, located in an established, upscale residential development, required reshaping 150 ft of the eroded banks of a creek and armoring the site with riprap.
It is shaping up to be a smart bet, as receivers get better: first-generation models handled ghosts that lagged the main signal by no more than 10 microseconds and were no stronger than half the main signal.
As for “degraded performance all over the place”, enforced net neutrality and a ban on traffic-shaping (for whatever reason) would concentrate the “degraded services” to those which are time-sensitive, such as streaming video and remote stuff like telesurgery, AND put the State in a position to mandate how fast/slow packets are “permitted” to travel.
DPI is GOOD for you: ‘Um – crap’
Al Hayat is important in shaping political, social and cultural views among the elite in the Arab world.
At least that's how it appeared to be shaping up last night, as writers and audience alike talked and tippled late into the night, long after the speeches in the Arms Hotel were finished.
Or it may take the more material form of the exudation of a strange white evanescent dough-like substance called the ectoplasm, which has been frequently photographed by scientific enquirers in different stages of its evolution, and which seems to possess an inherent quality of shaping itself into parts or the whole of a body, beginning in a putty-like mould and ending in a resemblance to perfect human members.
The Vital Message
Whether justly or unjustly acquired, various forms of wealth can become our master, shaping and filling our lives in a godlike manner.
Topiary was originally defined as ornamental gardening, so you could say, to be technical, that arborsculpture is a branch of topiary, but the word topiary is more commonly used to describe the shaping of foliage.
Boing Boing: July 23, 2006 - July 29, 2006 Archives
The family is shaping excellent personality life textbook, is to stimulate the spirit of power source, is the emotional rain nourishes the soul.
The more think tanks become concerned about shaping the political agenda, the less time they can focus on pure research.
We now learn that two of the great shaping forces of humanity were responsible for her disappearance.
Times, Sunday Times
He delivered newspapers and worked at a steel firm, shaping girders for bridges for a little while.
The fact that power politics predominates does not mean that norms, values, and even legal rules are not also relevant in shaping both the ends to which the powerful give priority and the means by which they choose to pursue them.
Grotesque ideas, but masterful ideas, masterfully shaping the child mind wherein they germinated; burrowing in clutchy roots; pressing up in strong young saplings.
This Freedom
The shaping of the timbers was accomplished mostly by the use of a variety of adzes, and broadaxes, each one especially designed for a specific purpose.
They are considerations which can scarcely be shut out, and should be taken in determining the weight of our obligation, in shaping the selection of our duties, in stimulating the zeal and sedulousness with which we do what we know to be right.
Expositions of Holy Scripture Second Kings Chapters VIII to End and Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah. Esther, Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes
She had a leading role in shaping party policy.
Yet even now the usual cavalcade of naysayers, spoilsports, and harbingers of doom are mustering their forces to oppose this latest face of the technological revolution that is rapidly reshaping society.
If the sleeve had pleats or tucks for shaping over the cap, you have marked those lines in Step 2.
The favourite shaping material of stays was whalebone, cut into thin strips and sewn in a fan pattern to make the torso appear rounder.
The handle (also known as the haft or helve) of the axe, like the carpenter, has a neck, shoulders, back, heel, foot, and toe, propelling the tool into the physical act of shaping a piece of material.
As a conversationalist, Birkin is a whirlwind, skimming over subjects, lifting them up, reshaping them utterly before throwing them back down.
And that's 4 weeks cutting, shaping and piecing together in the workshop using techniques, both old fashioned and up to date.
If integrative medicine is to transform itself from a puer aeternis into a responsible participant in shaping U.S. policy, this strategic plan under the Affordable Care Act needs contributors, more Partners for Health and deeper pockets.
John Weeks: Help Wanted! IHPC Stakeholder Report Details Integrative Medicine Opportunities in the Affordable Care Act
Now a new orthodoxy is shaping comment and analysis about events in the country.
Only recently have Americans begun to shake themselves awake, but the Bush administration\'s residual success in misshaping U.S. opinion was underscored again when a poll found that 85 percent of American troops in Iraq believed they were there to avenge the Sept. 11 terror attacks. '
OpEdNews - Quicklink: America Anesthetized
Instead, explore the changes reshaping arrangements.
Times, Sunday Times
One coolly abstracted the city, taking what he wanted and discarding the rest, reshaping it to his liking with emphatic yesses and nos.
At the present time we can only speculate about the implications of such ‘experience-dependent shaping of neuronal circuits’ for facilitating the deep psychobiology of therapeutic hypnosis.
The accident is already shaping up as a significant environmental disaster.
My only quibble with this fine book is with the way in which it which it casually ascribes ultimate influence on the shaping of genres to the power of commerce and its supposedly attendant sensibilities.
The stock looked like it was whittled from a plank instead of a blank, so I purchased another "95% completed" stock and did the outside shaping myself, but another fellow inletted the barreled action.
A Brief Guide to Feckless* Rifles
It opened dramatically, with a huge sheet of dark polythene reshaping itself from sea, to chiefs, to land and then figures of the Treaty protagonists.
It is increasingly apparent that the context of an election is important in shaping its result.
For the purposes of this assessment, lotic ecosystems include rivers, streams, deltas, and estuaries, where flow regimes are a dominant hydrologic feature shaping their ecology.
Freshwater ecosystems in the Arctic
If you decide to paint the surface, it is wise to paint both sides in order to equalise the surface tensions, which will aid the shaping of the blockboard.
Intriguingly, Bilton and Menston meet on the final weekend of the season in what is shaping up to be a championship decider.
We of the Never-Never was extremely influential in shaping urban Australia's view of the outback - more than a million copies have been sold, it was adapted for schools, and a film version appeared in 1982.
This is shaping up to be a classic confrontation between the big server against the master returner.
Speed refers to observing and shaping developments in the area of operations.
Kaizen appears particularly successful in shaping commitment once the immediate threat to jobs has disappeared.
But the company sees state regulatory rules shaping up unfavorably for it, as a would-be competitor for residential customers.
It's shaping up to be a terrible winter.
Seated around a mass of black stone, a group of young Muslim men are shaping a Farohar - a winged angel from another time, and faith, than their own.
Whatever is shaping your story, must take heed of the Charles Darwin rule.
Did you ever stop to consider the interesting problem of shaping the depth of the bath along a radius to allow azimuthal propagating modes?
The family is shaping excellent personality life textbook, is to stimulate the spirit of power source, is the emotional rain nourishes the soul.
Many called for a radical reshaping of flood risk management practice.
Times, Sunday Times
Studying abroad is about so much more than improving your own future. It's also about shaping the future of your countries and of the world we all share.
Any rapid, major physical reshaping is accompanied by an equally sudden and drastic lifestyle shift.
Leona Palmer: The Long Run: Plus Models Run for Charity
The family is shaping excellent personality life textbook, is to stimulate the spirit of power source, is the emotional rain nourishes the soul.
Skills such as shaping of line, pedaling, wrist rotation, voicing and chord playing can be easily incorporated into the piano lesson.
I wonder how this winter, synoptically, is shaping is vs those of, say, 1988-89 and 1995-1996. jae
Road Map #3 « Climate Audit
Dewey was influential in shaping economic policy.
Meanwhile, the first steps towards reshaping the rules governing the co-op are being taken.
Nevertheless, our personal philosophy and artistic goals must always play their important part in shaping our destiny.
It is increasingly apparent that the context of an election is important in shaping its result.
We ask why particular families became dynasties shaping entire nations, and explore the myriad uses to which writers have put their family experiences.
Times, Sunday Times
The battle for this market is shaping up into a trash-talking dogfight.
Manicurists are skilled at shaping and filing nails.
The live coverage by the three channels, which experts estimate beams into tens of millions of Arab homes, plays a key role in shaping how this part of the world views a conflict.
These quotations highlight the role of culture and society in shaping the behavior of both men and women.
An organism is defined through the set of preferred codons shaping its genome.
Earth's albedo values are very important in shaping local and global climates through the radiation budget, determined as the difference between the amount of absorbed shortwave radiation (input) and the outgoing longwave radiation (output).
But the institution of the pope is steeped in overtly history-shaping doctrine that, in my humble opinion, has lead directly to planetary overpopulation.
Duh pookie
The clone would go through childhood and adolescence with the same life - shaping unpredictability as any kid.
Communication technology is reshaping communities, but the ability to have a conversation with somebody across the globe is not new.
For example, pugged clay may be suitable for shaping without tempering, and further processing stages may be added, such as the option of using a washmill as part of the clay preparation process.
Chapter 12
Such thinking puts Kodak in the vanguard of a movement reshaping the computer industry.
A war that ended 30 years ago still dogs us shaping our debates about fighting an entirely different war.
While the internet is changing the way we shop, it is also reshaping the marketplace.
We knew it would be a great place to bring a new boutique fitness concept that offers fast, body shaping results and long-term postural benefits.
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The occurrence of phenomena such as novae within the astronomer's universe, such as that Crab Nebula which does much, periodically, to combat the radiation of the Sun in shaping some of the leading effects experienced in our own Earth, presents us with evidence of the "mortality" of both Solar systems and the galaxies which they inhabit.
LaRouche's Latest
But where geography might be a useful factor in shaping where I will read or who will anthologize me, then my South Carolina status comes in handy and may play some role.
Here’s The Elephant : Kwame Dawes : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
Another huffy tantrum ensued, which some quick, timely clay-shaping and fast talking intercepted.
The shaping of syntonic personality of undergraduate is an important content of constructing harmonious society.
A knifemaker used a process called knapping, a throwback method of shaping stones into useful tools, to form it.
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It is able to build a palace out of a ruin; it is the shaping spirit of your narrative.
Despite her illness, she remains actively engaged in shaping policy.
We should be fully aware of the significance of television in shaping our ideas.
But new directions and designs help only when the people who must change behaviors engage in understanding and shaping them.
She had a leading role in shaping party policy.
We hoped that, by banding together and forming a group to take united action, we could take a hand in shaping the future of our own community.
But no one since has taken on the formidable task of shaping a historical narrative out of the abundant prehistoric data now available for the Mediterranean.
The Times Literary Supplement
A record of the old hand processes of shaping a steel square section bar from the original billet taken from the furnace and thence to the yard where material was stored and transported by magnetic crane.
He was very influential in shaping the government's economic policy/strategy.
No doubt many redactors took a hand in shaping this chapter from stories in the oral tradition.
Instead the designers were instructed how to cleave a log with an axe and mallet, use a bowsaw, operate a pole lathe and wield a range of draw knives for shaving and shaping the timber. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
Our bodies, minds, and souls need shaping and preparing for any special infusion of grace.
It is important to clarify that it need not be taken as an absolute fall from purity to find subaltern groups quite consciously shaping their practices to the contexts of tourist audiences or state occasions.
This comprehensive chronology covers the events shaping Bill Clinton's journey from Little Rock to the Oval Office and during the eight years of his Presidency.
DRYING AND SHAPING Pare the green stave with a hatchet and a drawknife so that it's slightly larger than the shape of your intended design.
Make a Homemade (and Deadly) Bow in Five Easy Steps
The glassblower often can't see how the molten glass at the end of the tube is shaping.
The first step in any weight loss, body shaping or anti-aging program should be cleansing.
During this period of reconsolidation our memory is vulnerable to reshaping.
Times, Sunday Times
Was there a moral basis for rebuilding Western civilization and reshaping the world in its image?
Christianity Today
Liberal citizenship is a passive shaping of the citizen image, while republicanism is in contrast to shape the image of active citizenship.
The oval cylinder includes means for shaping the main focus lens to focus the three electron beams stigmatically near ground potential and to converge the outer beams at the center of the screen.
Nevertheless it has to be said that there have been some women who have stamped their mark on history so let's honour those women here and look at their significant role in shaping the world and made women what they are today.
Audio information hiding algorithm based on spread spectrum is generally detected by correlation threshold but the orthogonal of pseudorandom sequence is always destroyed by perception reshaping.
The Northrop/MDC YF-23 employed planform shaping with extensive blending, the latter technique used to advantage with the large B-2A.
Unthreaded #19 « Climate Audit
Al Hayat is important in shaping political, social and cultural views among the elite in the Arab world.
It looks like Safire is assuming a metathesis and then a reshaping to match other cular words, which would supply a/y.
But they were working within a classical philosophical tradition, reshaping it and making it modern.
The angular stem, integrated front brake - it's built into the 795 forks - and aerofoil shaping looks slippery enough, resistance-averse riders.
Times, Sunday Times
These included a sale, financial restructuring or radical reshaping of the business, according to highly placed sources.
Times, Sunday Times
Studying abroad is about so much more than improving your own future. It's also about shaping the future of your countries and of the world we all share.
Selecting the wood, cutting the layers glueing them and shaping of the airscrew is shown.
Internet service providers like Comcast don't like the idea of an open Internet because it would stop them from selectively blocking websites or using bandwidth shaping to slow down sies like YouTube or technologies like BitTorrent.
Archive 2008-03-01
Treatments include manicures, facials, eyebrow shaping and loads more.
The Sun
Some of them, namely, sculptors 'and potters' forms, are used for shaping the form we have called form C, whereas others, such as the tinctorial and printing forms, give objects color as well as shape, thus producing forms in the meaning of form A. History shows that the importance of form F in art is increasing.
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
I would really encourage you to spend the next couple of years shaping and defining the product or the service.
Shamuyarira said the government had distributed more food relief to Matabeleland, which is shaping up as a key battleground for the parliamentary elections, because it was severely affected by drought and added that the government was ready to release figures on food hand-outs.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Stephen Rice brings a sort of sensuousness to the shaping of each of the phrases that means the highly intellectual basis of much of the writing in terms of the adherence to the rules of stile antico part writingis always imbued with a directness of expression befitting to such a flexible voice as underlies this music.
Archive 2009-03-01
On the one hand, Australia's crackerjack fit with the Chinese economy is reshaping Australia's trade and investment flows, drawing the country into a China-centred Asian orbit.