How To Use Shapeless In A Sentence
It is a cruel fashion irony, but a shapeless dress looks good only on a shapely body.
Times, Sunday Times
There are chocks of assorted age and make, battered into shapeless bashies, as well as many fine #1 Friends, sunk and overcammed deep into fingercracks which refuse to give up their dead.
The plain green dress was a good few sizes too big for her and hung off her petite frame like a big shapeless sack.
Emma's miniskirt formed an incongruous addition to this parade of shapeless sack dresses, zip off trousers and sandals.
I'm not much of a fan of thick chunky knitwear, it just makes you look fat and shapeless.
Times, Sunday Times

Laid out on the bed was a long sleeved, shapeless, faded black dress with patches at the bottom.
The mitraille vanished in shapelessness; the bombs plunged into it; bullets only succeeded in making holes in it; what was the use of cannonading chaos? and the regiments, accustomed to the fiercest visions of war, gazed with uneasy eyes on that species of redoubt, a wild beast in its boar-like bristling and a mountain by its enormous size.
Les Miserables
The former were drabby-looking creatures, stained in face with oil and dust, clad in thin, shapeless, cotton dresses and shod with more or less worn shoes.
Sister Carrie
I'm not much of a fan of thick chunky knitwear, it just makes you look fat and shapeless.
Times, Sunday Times
Emma's miniskirt formed an incongruous addition to this parade of shapeless sack dresses, zip off trousers and sandals.
Ferran has cropped the images and displayed the women anonymously: shapeless, uniformed midsections reflecting stolen identities.
Finally, you have assemblages of lines that do not draw anything, even cubes or triangles; and we are assured that there is now a newest school of all, called Orphism, which, finding still some vestiges of intelligibility in any assemblage of lines, reduces everything to shapeless blotches.
Artist and Public And Other Essays On Art Subjects
This jumbled exercise by Bulareyaung Pagarlava amounts to a shapeless sampler of miscellaneous moods and shticks, from the cloyingly cute to the utterly arbitrary.
A Cautionary Tale in Dance
Dull, padded beige jackets and shapeless viscose dresses will go, in favour of the sheepskin gilets and long woollen cardigans sported by the rest of the high street.
But a shapeless pigmy that walks asleep in the mist searching for its own awakening.
The girl felt it in every nerve; it was as though some soft-footed, noiseless, shapeless creature, whose presence she only dimly divined, was approaching nearer -- _nearer_.
Stories by English Authors: The Orient (Selected by Scribners)
Marius then recognized the fact, that what he had taken for a shapeless mass was a very well-made rope-ladder, with wooden rungs and two hooks with which to attach it.
As the risk investment fund has gradually been away from the investment track of the new undertaking, it is replaced by the informal (ishapeless) personal risk investment (Angel Investment).
The backless gown was flattering; she was not a very voluptuous woman, but she was certainly not shapeless either.
I feel nothing; the nothingness I feel is complete, roundish, and heavy, not entirely shapeless.
Now or Something Very Similar
The only exceptions were shapeless jersey dresses.
Times, Sunday Times
He looked slightly scruffier than usual, his hair untidy, a battered, shapeless leather jacket over jeans with holes at both knees.
When I washed the jumper , it just turned into a shapeless mass.
Her hair was plastered to her skull, there were lines of mascara running down her cheeks, and the bright shapeless red ... thing she was wearing looked like it had come straight out of a washer's spin-dry cycle.
Sully's Kids
Everyone, including the characters, are better served by the hard bop than this bluesy, shapeless jazz, with its rare but painful false notes.
The town was snow-covered, too, and the frozen river, and wherever one went, the air was full of the gay jingle-jangle of countless sleighbells, while the streets were thronged with a motley collection of equipages, from the luxuriously upholstered double sleigh with its swaying robes and floating plumes, down to the shapeless home-made "pung" with its ragged, unlined buffalo skin snugly tucked in about the shawled and veiled grandma, who smilingly awaited her good man while he purchased the week's supply of groceries.
Half a Dozen Girls
We found, besides, a few cores of felsite and some shapeless flakes and several fragments of large metates.
Unknown Mexico, Volume 1 (of 2) A Record of Five Years' Exploration Among the Tribes of the Western Sierra Madre; In the Tierra Caliente of Tepic and Jalisco; and Among the Tarascos of Michoacan
Baggy, shapeless, colorless, they were as unprepossessing as a shroud.
Hanley Black's wife, a stout-in-the-middle matron of 45, thinks "It's positively indecent" while her husband "surveyed his wife's criminal shapelessness and voluminousness of ante-diluvian, New England swimming dress with a withering, contemplative eye" and tells her in a sentence never uttered by a human before or since, "You appear as a creature shameful, under a grotesqueness of apparel striving to hide some secret awfulness.
“It was the Golden Fleece ready for the shearing.”
So PLEASE do not overstuff these bags making them lumpy and shapeless.
When we ventured into town to visit the souk, my cousin's wife was required to wear an abaya, a shapeless, full-length black cape.
She was dressed poorly in a tattered knit sweater and a shapeless skirt.
Even if this claim were true, which it virtually never is, why on earth should amoeba-like intellectual shapelessness be a good thing in a journalist?
She was wearing the most shapeless bag of a dress, more of a cloth sack, actually, and was pressing her books to her chest, humming as she walked to school.
Rather than modifying their ideas to fit their shapeless world, they try and modify the world to fit their precisely-shaped ideas.
The maculae consist of rather shapeless compartments known as the sacculus and utriculus.
George supped with her, and the two of them sat matily in the parlour behind red curtains, and with a baize-covered parrot between them on the table, when the meal was over, George smoking, and Mrs. Bradley knitting a shapeless garment slowly and very badly.
St Peter's Finger
He was clad in faded overalls and black cotton shirt, with hobnailed brogans on his feet, and on his head a hat whose shapelessness and stains advertised the rough usage of wind and rain and sun and camp-smoke.
All Gold Canon
The new download world will hopefully see an end to those shapeless 20-track CD monsters that seemed to equate quality with amount, as if you weigh music by the kilo.
In winter he also wears a shapeless anorak and fur hat.
Times, Sunday Times
In her bedroom Fleur had flung off her gown, and, wrapped in a shapeless garment, with the white flower still in her hair, she looked like a mousme, sitting cross-legged on her bed, writing by candlelight.
To Let
She looked into the bag and pulled out what looked like a shapeless blob.
A heavyset woman in the rough shapeless dress of a common country woman came out of the house as they approached, looking rather taken aback by them all.
This last point sounds almost absurd, but those who know will any day back the woman with dainty ankles, pretty feet, the glimpse of white lace and a plain face, against the really beautiful countenance up above the shapeless ankle-calf combine, and the foot that in two days gives a shoe the shape of the bows of a dinghey.
Desert Love
His sword continued to blaze, its hilt now a shapeless mass of brilliant glacial blue light.
It is a cruel fashion irony, but a shapeless dress looks good only on a shapely body.
Times, Sunday Times
In addition there was a fellow in a brown bowler hat, another in a shapeless cloth cap with a peak, and both added their encouragements, turning to Waistcoat in a laconic collusion.
a shapeless mass of protoplasm
But the detail is only around the neckline and on a dress this shapeless, the effect is just zero.
The Sun
The youngest was skinny and shapeless in a flowery dress.
He's slumped on the sofa, the lithe body swamped by a shapeless and shabby burgundy cardigan held together with a giant safety pin.
What were once their left thumbs became shapeless swollen lumps of meat.
Times, Sunday Times
She looked a frump in her shapeless skirt and flat shoes.
My clay pot ended up as just a shapeless lump.
And we definitely think she should go with it rather than hiding it in shapeless clothes.
The Sun
He includes much by way of circumstantial detail without allowing his central narrative to become shapeless.
Wind and rain have eroded the statues into shapeless lumps of stone.
For Sigmund Freud, childhood was a paradox in that one's identity emerges at the very time when one's morals and emotions are shapeless.
She was almost embarrassed by the plain, shapeless white dress she wore.
Wind and rain have eroded the statues into shapeless lumps of stone.
They admitted that the inherited structure was a crazy, shapeless jumble which the business had long outgrown.
MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
He wears shapeless old jeans and battered trainers.
Times, Sunday Times
Fetichism of the African, by the simplest and most shapeless objects, such as unhewn blocks of stone and by simple pillars or pieces of wood.
Museum of Antiquity A Description of Ancient Life
The sightings now seem to be coming from everywhere — Elizabeth Smart, disguised in wigs and veils, glasses and shapeless overclothes, at parties, at stores, walking a public street in broad daylight.
Why Did She Not Escape?
The entire middle portion of the show forms a shapeless slab.
Times, Sunday Times
The arc lights stopped me seeing anything other than a shapeless, heaving mass.
Times, Sunday Times
Russia is no longer the land of shapeless shifts and ill-fitting polyester shirts.
Both my grandmothers wore shapeless, listless, grandmotherly dresses with baggy bosoms and they donned sturdy black oxford-type shoes.
The arc lights stopped me seeing anything other than a shapeless, heaving mass.
Times, Sunday Times
She tied up her hair in a bun and jammed a shapeless felt hat down over it.
the dress hung shapelessly on her thin body
But you know how an international friendly in football goes all shapeless when there's a sudden raft of second-half substitutions?
Times, Sunday Times
Caroline smiles before reaching out to touch a shapeless shadow dancing on the wall, closing her eyes as the bumps in the primer serve brail to oncoming dreams.
My Love For You Is Real
In addition there was a fellow in a brown bowler hat, another in a shapeless cloth cap with a peak, and both added their encouragements, turning to Waistcoat in a laconic collusion.
There was the sort of sallow shapelessness about it that derives from simultaneous over-eating and under-sleeping.
a shapeless mass
All fearless in her virgin purity, she listened neither to the Goblins who eyed her hungrily from the shapeless trees and besought her to show them favour, nor to the warnings of compassionate Fays who bade her return to the Crystal Tower.
The Fairies and the Christmas Child
And Ariel Durant, who's wrapped in this kind of shapeless shmatte and there's this little old lady with gray hair, had the face of Madam
Another Life: A Memoir of Other People
If you are still using soft ceramics to produce shapeless clay jars or bowls, you are lagging behind the city's latest trend.
There's no word on when the Brits began to make their pj's out of tartan flannelette, but you can be sure that the Victorians will have approved of the entirely sexless, shapeless garments that left much to the imagination.
What Not to Wear in Bed
The only exceptions were shapeless jersey dresses.
Times, Sunday Times
All the fashion mistakes were there in bulk: combats elasticised at the ankle, shapeless shifts, murky colours, the wrong prints.
Archive 2007-09-01
In addition there was a fellow in a brown bowler hat, another in a shapeless cloth cap with a peak, and both added their encouragements, turning to Waistcoat in a laconic collusion.
The arc lights stopped me seeing anything other than a shapeless, heaving mass.
Times, Sunday Times
Aunt Mary wore shapeless black dresses.
The Osmia's larvæ, in fact, contrive to enclose themselves in an egg-shaped cocoon, dark brown in colour and very strong, which preserves them both from the rough contact of their shapeless cells and from the mandibles of voracious parasites, Acari, [5] Cleri [6] and Anthreni, [7] those manifold enemies whom we find prowling in the galleries, seeking whom they may devour.
The Glow-Worm and Other Beetles
She stood up and began to disrobe, folding each shapeless garment neatly.
She was a wiry haired woman, thin as a matchstick in her long tweed skirt and shapeless blouse.
His ideas are interesting, but they're rather shapeless.
My throat was sore and swollen for a day or two, and I felt so sorry for myself at times that I laughed to think how I must have looked: sitting on a stone, drinking a pan of tea without trimmings, that had got cold, and eating a shapeless lump of brown bread; my one "hank" drawn around my neck, serving as hank and bandage alternately.
In Flanders Fields and Other Poems
She loved the nights that were electrical, a static in the air and lightning in soft pulses, in great shapeless beats, you can almost read the rhythmic pattern, slow and protoplasmal, and maybe a Cinzano awning fixed to a table on a higher terrace—you can’t identify that gunshot sound until you spot the striped awning, edges snapping in the breeze.
I myself wore a shapeless dress that appeared to be yellowing with age, but was actually intended to be that colour.
And I'm not ready to wear elastic waistband polyester pants or shapeless granny housedresses.
Wind and rain have eroded the statues into shapeless lumps of stone.
Partly blocking the door of the larder there was a shapeless sofa upon which Mrs. Brooker, our landlady, lay permanently ill, festooned in grimy blankets.
The Road to Wigan Pier
She looked a frump in her shapeless skirt and flat shoes.
The specific epithet amorphophallus refers to the central spadix of the arum, and essentially means amorphous phallus, or shapeless penis.
Dull, padded beige jackets and shapeless viscose dresses will go, in favour of the sheepskin gilets and long woollen cardigans sported by the rest of the high street.
Relaxed into a postmodern shapelessness, however, the poetry lacks the form that gave high modern poets such magnificent bearing.
And indeed at the period when all the parts, like the heart itself in the beginning, are still white, and except in the veins there is no appearance of redness, you shall see nothing in the seat of the liver but a shapeless collection, as it were, of extravasated blood, which you might take for the effects of a contusion or ruptured vein.
On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals
The backless gown was flattering; she was not a very voluptuous woman, but she was certainly not shapeless either.
Those women who slob around in shapeless tracksuits and trainers, looking so grotesque that you can't believe they have the nerve to leave the house, are probably going to outlive us all.
She stood up and began to disrobe, folding each shapeless garment neatly.
It has that kind of sort of innocence, and that sort of shapelessness.
Her body was also shapeless, hidden under a long dress.
She stood up and began to disrobe, folding each shapeless garment neatly.
Mother took a week to pack, and unpack, to go panting down-stairs to the corner drug-store for new tubes of tooth-paste and a presentable sponge, to remend all that was remendable, to press Father's flappy, shapeless little trousers with the family flat-iron, to worry over whether she should take the rose-pink or the daffodil-yellow wrapper -- which had both faded to approximately the same shade of gray, but which were to her trusting mind still interestingly different.
The Innocents A Story for Lovers
Senior citizens may be happy taking out their knitted caps and heavy mufflers but for the younger and more trendy, putting away those short-sleeves and polo shirts need not mean bundling up in shapeless clothes.
Despite her efforts at "dressiness" she was in her best hour homely and nearly shapeless.
Susan Lenox: Her Fall and Rise, Volume II
Her clothing was shapeless and indistinct, a dark covering that did little more than drape over her shoulders.
There was little to admire in the opening exchanges, the game was a shapeless mass, undefined and indistinct.
Even those dim and shapeless monsters of notions which I have not been able to describe, much less defend, stepped quietly into their places like colossal caryatides of the creed.
Erdmute wore a striped woollen wraparound skirt, with a checked shirt, all covered by a large shapeless beige sweater or black cardigan.
The arc lights stopped me seeing anything other than a shapeless, heaving mass.
Times, Sunday Times
He wore a shapeless gray cap, coarse work clothes, and heavy clodhopper shoes.
When we made the passage (bound, although yet we knew it not, for Silverado) the steamer jumped, and the black buoys were dancing in the jabble; the ocean breeze blew killing chill; and, although the upper sky was still unflecked with vapour, the sea fogs were pouring in from seaward, over the hilltops of Marin county, in one great, shapeless, silver cloud.
The Silverado Squatters
Dave was a twenty-something, lanky-haired, shapeless youth sporting glaring red acne occasionally glimpsed through his stonewashed, open-necked denim shirt.
The result smeared the features of the image to such shapelessness that it was not recognizably human.
At the beginning of the film, she is a rather mousy secretary, given to wearing neutral colors and a bulky, shapeless winter coat.
Seaweed of strange varieties, and of every fantastic shape and texture, the round balls of fibrous grass, like gigantic thistledowns, which scurry before the light breeze, as though endued with life, the white oval shells of the cuttle-fish, and the shapeless hideous masses of dead _medusæ_, all lie about in extricable confusion on the sandy shores of the East Coast.
In Court and Kampong Being Tales and Sketches of Native Life in the Malay Peninsula
In the salty dark, we're moved by some shapeless desire-no barracuda lust for flesh, no migratory edict driving us to thrash and leap upstream.
What were once their left thumbs became shapeless swollen lumps of meat.
Times, Sunday Times
But the detail is only around the neckline and on a dress this shapeless, the effect is just zero.
The Sun
Her hair is hennaed to cover the grey and her figure was long ago permanently shrouded in a shapeless dress.
I dress in baggy, shapeless clothes that hide my figure.
The Sun
The arc lights stopped me seeing anything other than a shapeless, heaving mass.
Times, Sunday Times
It is tough to reform something that is shapeless and indifferent to improvement, like Jell-O in the hands of a carpenter.
It was the shapeless figure he had met in his dream, the man standing in the shadows of an ancient and dead coronation hall.
He adds: When one sees an ill- formed man, with great big feet and long shapeless shanks, built like a trestle.... hump- shouldered and skew- backed, and one wants to mock him, one says, 'Look, what an austringer!'
Archive 2006-08-01
It was shapeless and somewhat distorted (thanks to the relentless sun's rays), yet it was highly visible.
It is a cruel fashion irony, but a shapeless dress looks good only on a shapely body.
Times, Sunday Times
The entire middle portion of the show forms a shapeless slab.
Times, Sunday Times
Now, I am personally not into this particular attire, but it is a double knit polyester sort of a thing with a shapeless, collarless jacket, mid calf skirt, or straight legged pants, and a blouse worn underneath.
How to "pass" for a Mexican
In the morning he watched with unseeing eyes the headland come out a shapeless inkblot against the thin light of the false dawn, pass through all the stages of daybreak to the deep purple of its outlined mass nimbed gloriously with the gold of the rising sun.
Within the Tides
It is a cruel fashion irony, but a shapeless dress looks good only on a shapely body.
Times, Sunday Times
a shapeless hat on his head
They admitted that the inherited structure was a crazy, shapeless jumble which the business had long outgrown.
MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
The hat had become limp and shapeless.
The Temple of the Sun, where the beauty of Asenath beguiled the Israelite to forget his sale into bondage and banishment, lies in shapeless hillocks, over which canter the mules of dragomen and chatter the tongues of tourists.
Under Two Flags
It is plotless, shapeless, overlong and badly acted.
Times, Sunday Times
It didn't help that he wore shapeless clothes and old-fashioned shoes.
Times, Sunday Times
He wears shapeless old jeans and battered trainers.
Times, Sunday Times
He shuffles across the room, his blue eyes wide and staring, a shapeless grey shirt hanging over his stocky frame.
Times, Sunday Times
But you see employees as a shapeless mass, rather than real people with hopes and fears.
The Sun
As the risk investment fund has gradually been away from the investment track of the new undertaking, it is replaced by the informal (ishapeless) personal risk investment (Angel Investment).
I dress in baggy, shapeless clothes that hide my figure.
The Sun
The top of the shapeless bay into which this door shut was masked by a narrow scantling in the centre of which a triangular hole had been sawed, which served both as wicket and air-hole when the door was closed.
Les Miserables
In the pre-spring festival senators and slave owners would put aside their stately togas and kindred marks of rank and don shapeless garments known as syntheses.
Culture is, of course, yet another of those large, baggy, rather shapeless words which this story keeps stumbling over.
But you see employees as a shapeless mass, rather than real people with hopes and fears.
The Sun
When I think of flappers, I picture androgynous gamines in shapeless dresses and waggling beads sipping illegal hooch while the Charleston plays in the background.
And we definitely think she should go with it rather than hiding it in shapeless clothes.
The Sun
The religious 'right' whose theology I believe is often too shapeless, self-serving and undemanding to even deserve the term fundamentalist define the conversation in the eyes of of the media.
The President and Intelligent Design
She too was dressed in animal skins, a short dress which showed off the outline of her body in a way the shapeless dresses she had worn in the Village never could.
How to give shape to a shapelessness that presses against and expands into silence?
This is now an addition of a new idea; it is completely formless and shapeless.
He was still in his work clothes, namely, shapeless trousers and a rugby top that all the staff, male and female, had to wear.
She wears long skirts and a shapeless cardy, reads The Bible - her dad is the local minister - and doesn't care what people think.
My clay pot ended up as just a shapeless lump.
The term conceptual art has become so broadly used as to be all but shapeless.
NYT > Home Page
At last, however, in the comfortable post-prandial hours, they take up the drained morsel, chew it, rechew it and reduce it to a shapeless ball.
The Life of the Spider
The arc lights stopped me seeing anything other than a shapeless, heaving mass.
Times, Sunday Times
Even when it flowed out of the wrapper in a shapeless mass, I went into extasy that could have been best described as a romp in the hay with M Monroe or E Taylor.
Think Progress » “Not working well.”
And after that, the uncared for building itself would settle into shapelessness, buried under the ubiquity of the dust.
His lips were a contused, shapeless mass, and his mouth was full of blood and broken teeth.
Several other shapeless gray forms emerged from the tents inside the camp.
Alas, while Max Mara offers, in my opinion, the planet's most elegantly wearable designs, this assortment of shapeless knitwear looked like the reject pile from a Park Slope tag sale.
High Price for a Bargain
It didn't help that he wore shapeless clothes and old-fashioned shoes.
Times, Sunday Times
Yes, Macchio wore a prosthetic rear enhancer, aka Butt Booster, to turn his shapeless backside into a salsa-ready rump. Top headlines