How To Use Shamelessness In A Sentence
In your descriptions of the personality of Moscow, you use the Russian word "naglost," which I believe translates as "an unseemly blend of arrogance and shamelessness.
Scenes From Russian Life
By evoking the shamelessness of the mythic trickster, the creative artist overcomes shame and breaks through the shackles of social constraint.
To what extent then, as a country and people, are we prepared to accept and tolerate shamelessness in public life?
All our examples share a common quality of utter shamelessness.
But the shamelessness of her ambition was nothing compared with Farin a's.

In those cases which are grouped together under the heading of 'political corruption,' where isolated interests have succeeded in imposing their will upon the community, the shamelessness of the exploitage has exceeded all bounds.
Freeland A Social Anticipation
The fact is that Pudentilla, knowing your changeableness and unreliability no less than your shamelessness and mendacity, rather than forward the letter preferred to keep it as clear evidence of your intentions.
The Defense
Parents will note with interest the satirical penny "pinchers" consistently getting the better of credit card, the allusions to Spinal Tap, and simply the shamelessness of the fart humour.
The real problem is the shamelessness of the self-promotion.
Doubtless her soul was brimming over with shamelessness, since she swerved so far from shamefastness, as without a blush to seek solace for her wrong in her daughter's infamy.
The Danish History, Books I-IX
Like with Romeo and Juliet, our audience knows there was miscommunication between Alicia and Will after a third party stepped in," says Margulies, referencing that game-changing moment when Eli Gold, Peter Florrick's campaign manager, played with lip-smacking shamelessness by Alan Cumming, deleted the message.
The Good Wife Exclusive: Who Will Alicia Choose?
A man cannot be without shame , for the shame of being without shame is shamelessness.
Even so, we may be sure that a young lady whose cheek burned not at sight of the letter she had sealed untidily -- 'unworthily' the Manual calls it -- would anon be blushing for her shamelessness.
Yet Again
Your fear-mongering and smearing has soared beyond the depraved, leaped over the humiliating boundaries of pathetic, teetered off the ledge of shamelessness, bounced off a steaming mountain of cynicism, and finally boomeranged back into your mouths where it incestuously mates with your desperation and hypocrisy only to be reproduced by your next, inevitable smear sound bite.
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