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  1. unworthiness meriting public disgrace and dishonor

How To Use shamefulness In A Sentence

  • Hopefully, the shamefulness of the result will ensure the Parliamentary benches are purged for the election to follow.
  • The prefix fi - adds the idea of shamefulness to what follows, thus producing this easily understandable result, synonymous with the more usual Esperanto term bordel (o). VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VII No 3
  • As an important component of conscience, concept of right and wrong is the foundation of the consciousness of compassion, shamefulness and humility.
  • On the part of sin, there are two things which may withdraw man therefrom: one is the inordinateness and shamefulness of the act, the consideration of which is wont to arouse man to repentance for the sin he has committed, and against this there is "impenitence," not as denoting permanence in sin until death, in which sense it was taken above (for thus it would not be a special sin, but a circumstance of sin), but as denoting the purpose of not repenting. Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
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