
How To Use Shamed In A Sentence

  • I've seen it a hundred times: an oafish fan shamed out of F-bombs by kids sitting with their parents. You Brought a Child to an NFL Game?!
  • He had a bank balance that a senior merchant banker would not be ashamed of.
  • I peered over. There stood Sir Henry doing nothing less than a 11)tribal war dance of sheer unashamed 12)ecstasy.
  • [42] Of such ministers and counselors, the holy king said that they who were confounded and ashamed should remove themselves far from him: _Avertantur statim erubescentes, qui dicunt mihi, "Euge, euge! The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 25 of 55 1635-36 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing t
  • She shamed him into making amends
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  • And Polly ran into her own room, to prink also, fearing that her friend might be ashamed of her plain costume. An Old-Fashioned Girl
  • I felt shamed for being called crybaby and a fraidy cat by family members and others. Undefined
  • He was embarrassed and even ashamed of his indiscretion, but then he realized that there was no way he could have been heard above the roar of the boisterous crowd.
  • Masked, they were dynamic, varied, and hilarious, so that their masks actually seemed to become their faces, despite their grotesqueness; unmasked, they were slow, hesitant, and awkward, as if ashamed of the material.
  • He explained that often recently single people are ashamed of their new status and need help relearning the social scene from a single person's perspective.
  • Today's pop quiz is in honor of an actress for whom I once had precious little respect and whose casting over any number of other performers got me feeling dischuffed to the point of, if not beyond, churlishness until one day I found myself inexplicably fond of her and ashamed of my earlier thuggish disrespect. Who Goes There - Pop Quiz
  • He said things he knew perfectly well he did not mean, and he was not at all ashamed of owning this strange character trait.
  • She was ashamed of her humble background.
  • We feel ashamed and guilty,' he said. Times, Sunday Times
  • His jaw dropped, and I felt ashamed of my answer, for who was I to so speak to a Brother, even if he be a solitary?
  • Her husband felt ashamed at her behaviour.
  • Tate Modern, SE1, Thu to 5 JunSkye SherwinS1 Artspace continues to establish itself on the contemporary art-world map with this unashamedly spaced-out show of Jennifer West film installations. This week's new exhibitions
  • And the men controlling the most powerful countries in the world ought to be ashamed.
  • When Ann gets home, she's ashamed, haunted by her moment of kleptomania.
  • While theoretical academics and self-conscious modernists shy away from the sentimental pitfalls of such subjects as love, sex and death, the country and western crooners would give the human tragi-comedy full unashamed voice. This week's new exhibitions
  • Grace ought to be ashamed of herself , hurling herself at that boy so openly.
  • It is completely illogical to assume that being ashamed and having your school "excoriate" you will be motivational in any way. The Reality Check
  • And she was from Basingstoke, which is nothing to be ashamed of. Excerpt: The Big Over Easy by Jasper Fforde
  • I behaved badly yesterday and I am ashamed now.
  • Behaving badly to those we love always makes us feel ashamed. Times, Sunday Times
  • A 16-year-old boy who carried out two knifepoint robberies after smoking cannabis has been named and shamed by a judge.
  • The defendant was ashamed, sorry and had written the victim a letter of apology.
  • She saws away at her pancake, looking a little ashamed.
  • Pure coincidence or unashamed public flirting? The Sun
  • The Coens unashamedly celebrate and aggrandize American culture and sense of place, using it to enhance stories that convey and explore love, betrayal and ambition.
  • They have been spoonfed lies and distortions about the British Empire, so that they bleat about how ashamed they are of it, forgetting that for all its faults it gave parliamentary democracy to the world (or tried to), and abolished excesses such as suttee and thuggee. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • They should be ashamed of themselves that even the rumor that his job was in danger got out.
  • They and helicopter pilots risked their lives on numerous occasions to save our butts and they were heroes in our eyes, but not to manny garcia gump, no sir, he was the only hero in his racist filled eyes, and you people all of you should be ashamed of yourselves for being taken in by this liar and thief of real honor. Manny garcia
  • You should be ashamed of yourself.
  • In short, we had to pander to the general belief that drifters were losers who were ashamed of their personal histories.
  • Restaurants, cafés and pubs will be named and shamed unless they make food portions smaller or less sweet, the government has said. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was too ashamed to confide in friends from university. The Sun
  • She then felt ashamed and disgusted with herself. Trauma and Recovery
  • Martin walloped me on the back and poured me a double and, ‘shamed as I am to admit it, I started bawling and wailing.
  • Failing health bodies will be named and shamed when the cancer data is officially released this month. The Sun
  • I was ashamed by my ignorance of soil, vine orientation, geology and earth sciences. Times, Sunday Times
  • I also wonder what sort of topsy-turvy world we live in where being fat cannot be shamed but being slim is criticised with such freedom. The Sun
  • I'm ashamed of the state of the litter-strewn waysides and wonder what visitors to this country must think of us.
  • His daughter looked such a mess that he was ashamed of her.
  • He has kept it all in until now but he feels ashamed that it was somehow his fault. The Sun
  • The Register has shamed itself by printing this and should publish an immediate retraction.
  • Did they feel he was a voyeur, peeking in windows, watching their naked bodies, making them feel ashamed?
  • The court heard that she was ashamed and embarrassed and realises things are over with the dad. The Sun
  • I refused, humiliated and ashamed that I even had the chutzpah to belay Bean, let alone allow him to fall on my watch. Adrian Margaret Brune: Patagonia Climber Bean Bowers: 1973-2011, He Always Picked Himself -- And Others -- Up Again
  • Offenders will be named and shamed over public address systems. Times, Sunday Times
  • The color in Isabella's cheeks rose as she grew increasingly ashamed of her mother's behavior.
  • Be not ashamed women, ... You are the gates of the body, and you are the gates of the soul. Walt Whitman 
  • Look, voting is a privilege as well as a right and if you don't vote, you should be ashamed of yourself.
  • It’s a sad state of affairs in America when someone on national teevee is not ashamed of showing how ignorant he/she is of his/her fellow citizens’ lives. Think Progress » Chris Matthews on Obama during SOTU: ‘You know, I forgot he was black tonight for an hour.’
  • If we used Messiah, the Disciples, and the first followers of the risen Savior as our examples we may find ourselves ashamed at our actual lack of "Christlikeness". Latest Articles
  • They should be shamed into changing this policy to reflect common decency. The Sun
  • While embarrassing moments are unavoidable and nothing to be ashamed about, dishonest, vicious or sleazy behavior is well within your control.
  • The following instance is known to _The Christian_ as true, and to a remarkable degree indicates how thoroughly God knows our minutest needs, and how effectively He makes those who ever reproach his name ashamed of their unbelief. The Wonders of Prayer A Record of Well Authenticated and Wonderful Answers to Prayer
  • I felt so bad, so ashamed of the person I am today, so worthless, so empty, so useless.
  • It was unashamedly nostalgic and very enjoyable. Times, Sunday Times
  • They should be ashamed of themselves calling some one a muck raker, even in jest. Blogger(s) triumph.
  • All us Volunteers are really ashamed of Ashley ... she needs to sell her house in Williamson County and move to Hollyweird where she belongs ... why anyone would even listen to this moron who has done nothing but ride to fame on her mom and sister's coattails is beyond me. Update: Sarah Palin Vs.
  • Henceforth, men and women are prone to view each other as objects, which is why they are now ashamed of their nakedness.
  • In this slowlight, as the hermetics of memory cast their animation on my lids, I see your mouth (such a mouth makes me ashamed to smile) but it is there, on the rug, smiling. THE BOOK OF SUCH ~ a suite of poems
  • I feel almost ashamed that I've been so lucky.
  • * It never occured to me, that she did not have any time to organize them, I just assumed it was some kind of neglectful lazy oversight on her part, and felt genetically ashamed that a) she could not seem to keep her coupons organized and b) that we were the kind of family that needed to use coupons. Wendchymes Diary Entry
  • She felt ashamed that her mind synapsed so quickly to this conclusion. GUARDIAN OF THE VEIL
  • She talked openly about her unashamed love of money.
  • Undine was almost ashamed that the unwooed Mabel should be the witness of her own felicity, and planned to send her off on a trip to Denver when Peter should announce his arrival; but the weeks passed, and Peter did not come. The Custom of the Country
  • Five or six minutes later -- by which time, I'm not ashamed to admit, my arms screamed in pain and I was trembling from the unaccustomed exertion -- the EMTs arrived and took over. Altered Realities
  • The methods of punishment would not have shamed the most cruel barbarians in history.
  • British racing should be ashamed. The Sun
  • They," that is, both the makers and the idols, are witnesses against themselves, for the idols palpably see and know nothing (Ps 115: 4-8). that they may be ashamed -- the consequence deducible from the whole previous argument, not merely from the words immediately preceding, as in Isa 28: 13; 36: 12. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • In regard to speech a man may study all that which may make him suasive, but if he go beyond that he will trench on those histrionic efforts, which he will know to be wrong because he will be ashamed to acknowledge them. The Duke's Children
  • I guess this is the point where I should be contrite and say I was ashamed of myself, but I wasn't.
  • He didn't look shifty or ashamed. Times, Sunday Times
  • They seemed rare round there from the time he took; and I was just casting about in my mind as to what method would be best to employ in getting up the smooth, yellow, sandy-clay, incurved walls, when he arrived with it, and I was out in a twinkling, and very much ashamed of myself, until Silence, who was then leading, disappeared through the path before us with a despairing yell. Travels in West Africa
  • He felt ashamed to let her see him in this state.WHICH WORD?
  • Revel, my bearded guide, is so unashamedly laid back his tall, lanky frame spends most of the time in the horizontal.
  • It is a spangly piece of tuneful easy listening, a record unashamed of a simple chorus and a driving rhythm.
  • AND when Sir Launcelot saw King Pelles and Elaine, he waxed ashamed and said thus: O Lord Jesu, how came I here? for Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • I wouldn't have to describe to you how terrible these experiences were, because you know that whenever we are publicly shamed we feel we are exposed to the world and that we are in danger of becoming a nothing, a non-person.
  • By mixing unashamed rock with Mexican music and throwing in accordions and honking saxophones, Los Lobos create a sound that endures.
  • My kids are too young to have shamed the family by becoming MPs.
  • But it made her too ... not frightened -- she wasn't _frightened_ -- too _ashamed_ at the very thought of giving up, going back home empty-handed, blocked by a wizard who used cattle like these as his servants. Enchantment
  • You wouldn't be ashamed if you were caught skanking to this.
  • The Director of the Red Cross was forced to resign in shamed because they (Red Cross) scimmed several millions from donations to the victims to replace their communication system. Think Progress » “Embattled FEMA head Mike Brown
  • He is an unashamed technophile whose first love at school was engineering and science. Times, Sunday Times
  • She lifted the bouquet from the ground, and then, as if inwardly ashamed at having stepped aside from her maidenly reserve to respond to a stranger's greeting, passed swiftly homeward through the garden.
  • But one of the driving reasons Dubai is taking centre stage as the world's forceful new holiday destination is its unashamed consumerism.
  • He was shamed into admitting his guilt.
  • Mr. Satterthwaite floundered wildly in Italian interspersed with German -- the nearest he could get in the hurry of the moment to Spanish - He was desolated and ashamed, he explained haltingly. Autumn Maze
  • Bollinger and the rest of the Columbia administration had to be shamed into setting up the committee in the first place.
  • I felt so ashamed and so guilty, and I almost just wanted to die because of what I had done to my kids.
  • Everyone knows who the scumbags are and until the police stop trying to be all things to all people and go back to unashamedly harassing the felons and the feckless we WILL all go hell in a handcart. on October 2, 2009 at 7: 28 pm | Reply Christopher Chantrill IPCC To Investigate Barwell Deaths « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Local complaints rumbled on until the city was shamed into taking action by Towton, a tiny village near Tadcaster, which was said to have outshone York in 1997.
  • The firm is apologetic, and clearly ashamed at the turn of events.
  • My first thought was he was an Arab/Muslim and despised women and wanted me put in my place, and I am ashamed I have thought that the reason rather he was just a power hungry misogynistic egomaniac… so the question is do some cultures and religions today still bread those attitudes and are we being racist or antireligion when we are offended by their attitudes and sexism against us? Identity insults and democracy
  • Anon still hasn't either learned to read or click through, greatly ashamed is what a conservative said he would feel as a member of VT. Easter Lemming Liberal News
  • The woman giving the backrub was a peer, an equal: someone else dealing with real or perceived staff judgments, someone with whom the patient didn't need to be ashamed. Archive 2006-11-01
  • Totally not ashamed to say that Jack/Sam Waterston's politics MAY have played a role in influencing mine, at least in high school. While everyone else was watching Lost...
  • This evening there was no sprinkling of locals to gaze at us unashamedly out of cunning, peasanty eyes. DEATH IN PURPLE PROSE
  • Having been poor is no shame, but being ashamed of it, is. Benjamin Franklin 
  • Englebert's own songs seem to emerge from the angst of a man who is unashamed of confessing he feels hopelessly miserable without love.
  • My boss was embarrassed and ashamed. Times, Sunday Times
  • He who is afraid of asking is ashamed of learning. 
  • I felt ashamed that I, a pre-med student, was nothing more than a meddling bystander during this life-or-death struggle.
  • Those afflicted by this syndrome rationalize their cold-heartedness to themselves by "externalization" (finding outside enemies to blame for their failures) and "splitting" (attempting to hide something in their background that they are ashamed of). The Full Feed from
  • Esclairmonde -- nay, after every glance towards her -- as though it were a blessed thing to have, like her, chosen the better part; he knew she would approve his resort to the home of piety and learning; he was aware that when with Ralf Percy and the other youths of the Court he was ashamed of his own scrupulousness, and tempted to neglect observances that they might call monkish and unmanly; and he was not at all sure that in face of the enemy a panic might not seize him and disgrace him for ever! The Caged Lion
  • The series was pure escapism and unashamedly exploited a fantasy.
  • After being publicly shamed, McCain acquiesced to Byrd’s request. Al Franken's senate shut down
  • Poor old men! how could they be cordial with their sore consciences and shamed faces? how could they bid God bless him with hearty voices and a true benison, knowing, as they did, that their vile cabal had driven him from his happy home, and sent him in his old age to seek shelter under a strange roof-tree? The Warden
  • Nothing can be finer for honest books than to stand unashamed and free to the air.
  • I walked across the floor and I felt ashamed of my thinness and my ugliness and _I know that he knew that I was ashamed_. The Dark Forest
  • Grace ought to be ashamed of herself , hurling herself at that boy so openly.
  • Do you remember their hair bands - knotted scarves pushing back unashamedly frizzy hair? Times, Sunday Times
  • A rip-roaring romance that she would later be slightly ashamed of, she had made it up to tell her younger brother, Boris, while he was ill in bed. On Georgette Heyer « Tales from the Reading Room
  • I know I had something else to be ashamed of, but I can't think of it right now.
  • Share your fears and do not feel ashamed of your ambivalence about your new role. Times, Sunday Times
  • He offers a handclasp that Fiedler can scarcely feel: ‘I stood there baffled, a little ashamed of how I had braced myself involuntarily for a bone-crushing grip, how I must have yearned for some wordless preliminary test of strength.’
  • The lender should also be ashamed that it took no effective steps to help the couple.
  • A man, though wise, should never be ashamed of learning more, and must unbend his mind. Sophocles 
  • No. We leave our childhoods behind by starting our periods in shamed silence or losing our virginity in the backseat of a boyfriend's car. Maid in Mexico - an excerpt from the book: Agave Marias
  • Schadenfreude is an unvirtuous emotion of which we should be ashamed.
  • Share your fears and do not feel ashamed of your ambivalence about your new role. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unashamedly promiscuous, Slater's ambition dictates that a quick bonk can often be indispensable to an upwardly mobile career.
  • The answer is you point out that plagiarists will be exposed and shamed in public - and this is exactly what happened two decades ago with the VC.
  • How easily the untruths flow when one embarks upon a path of deception, she thought, ashamed of herself.
  • In this case men are shamed into silence, a form of abuse that few women today would tolerate.
  • Military spy technology is used to take thermal images of heat escaping from homes, so that homeowners can be shamed into improving insulation. Times, Sunday Times
  • His unashamedly feel-good tunes look set to have us smiling for a few more years to come.
  • She may feel embarrassed and ashamed. Times, Sunday Times
  • It shamed her - remembering the wonderful soughing trees rather than the boys.
  • Today they would receive treatment - but in the 1940s they were publicly shamed, stripped of their badges of rank in front of their comrades and ordered to carry out menial tasks on another station.
  • Yes I'm ashamed that I jumped to the former HOWEVER it is not bettered by the fact that Poornima, the maid who had been completely actively ignoring me, told me in a conversation I just had with her in Hindi that I am 'moti' i.e. fat! Recent Updates
  • At least these torturers will be shamed and punished.
  • Feisty and suitably boyish, Toyah's exuberance would have shamed performers half her age.
  • The people who did this deserve to be publicly shamed.
  • So traumatized by what he saw in China, and so ashamed of being a human, the man returns to his village thinking he is a snake, slithering on the ground, hissing at former friends and family.
  • Because I've had this argument a couple of times, and the semi-literate conservatives are always sheepish, a little ashamed, of their lack of writing talent.
  • Mrs. Lawrence, who had been suffering from the cruel malady known as a shamed and broken heart, sat by her husband, speaking words of cheer and tenderness. Betty at Fort Blizzard
  • Whenever you run across a name carded in this stilted fashion, "A. Thingumy Soandso", you may make up your mind at once that the owner is ashamed of his first name and is trying manfully to live it down and eventually forgive his parents. Man on the Box
  • We don't complain because we are embarrassed, bewildered and shocked, too ashamed to do or say anything.
  • Shamed by association, Kashua's relatives disowned her.
  • The court heard that she was ashamed and embarrassed and realises things are over with the dad. The Sun
  • Sick of feeling ashamed as you chuck yet another bag of limp salad into the bin? The Sun
  • Chu Zhong is some to deelpy ashamedly and literally quest causative, the words of heart this whether the fact actually says to don't let people's joke dead tin not.
  • During the last few months, I'd had visions of him running away, scared and shamed by my unnatural passion.
  • She was ashamed to ask such a simple question.
  • The regime was unashamedly deterrent and was based on military drill, physical exercise and hard work. The Prisons We Deserve
  • Its military has shamed America with the torture in Abu Ghraib.
  • By sheer force of self-assertion we have lifted ourselves from the dust where we once crawled as worms and no women; we no longer wither on the virgin thorn – we flourish on it; and ungarnished though we be with olive-boughs, we are not ashamed when we meet with our enemies in the gate. Marriage as a Trade
  • He looked at her with the dispassionateness which comes to men who have lived much in countries where nakedness offers itself unashamed to the sunlight, and said to himself, "I should like to see her run. The Judge
  • I was dismayed by these feelings, even ashamed, having always presumed that a good feminist would beat this rap.
  • I began to feel ashamed of my nosiness but I hadn't intended to be nosey: I was just curious.
  • He was ashamed and bitterly humiliated, and very lonely.
  • When I was identified as dyslexic, my parents sat me down, explained to me that this was how my mind worked and I should never be ashamed of it but I should also never use it as a crutch. "So, Refilwe, You're Retarded?!"
  • I was ashamed by my ignorance of soil, vine orientation, geology and earth sciences. Times, Sunday Times
  • Successive governments ignored appeals for recognition until public opinion shamed them into acknowledgement. Times, Sunday Times
  • I've never been as ashamed of my fellow countrymen as I was when I read this story.
  • The loneliest place on earth is looking in a mirror and being ashamed of who you see.
  • There is also the accent of his irresponsible courtiership, the facile and unashamed flattery he paid to such a woman as Princess Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 22, January, 1873
  • I am shamed over the disgrace imposed upon us by a degenerate murderer.
  • I'd normally be ashamed of writing about a politician's appearance.
  • Looking unashamedly middle-aged at times, she portrays the 15-year-old Anna with relentless gusto and enthusiasm.
  • Ashamed of her unbased fright and furious that he had witnessed it, Lessa sat rebelliously down on the fur-covered wall seat, heartily wishing him a variety of serious and painful injuries that she could dress with inconsiderate hands. DragonFlight
  • Peter ought to be ashamed of himself.
  • We mustn't be afraid to experiment and mustn't be ashamed or disheartened by any mishaps along the way.
  • The good politician rolls his logs in public, and is not ashamed of his job.
  • For one middle-class gentlewoman who understands anything about cookery, or who really cares for it as a scientific art or domestic necessity, there are ten thousand who do not; yet our mothers and grandmothers were not ashamed to be known as deft professors, and homes were happier in proportion to the respect paid to the stewpan and the stockpot. Modern Women and What is Said of Them A Reprint of A Series of Articles in the Saturday Review (1868)
  • And finally it made me feel ashamed. Times, Sunday Times
  • My unashamed ambition is to work with others to make Glasgow one of the great cities of Europe.
  • I am ashamed of it myself, and for this reason I stoop to beg your pardon.
  • I was strong on the outside, but inside I was embarrassed, ashamed, and weeping.
  • On its own face their actions are ludicrous and the well-paid media honchos should be equally ashamed. Michael Russnow: Should Anthony Weiner Resign for Lying?: If So, Lots More Congressmen Should Go for Their Lies and Deeds
  • Like "Gone With The Wind" it's an unashamed epic romance.
  • It shamed Ruth to think of what he would see: a small, stuffy cottage, made even smaller by her three boys.
  • Like so many of your correspondents I too am appalled, aghast and ashamed.
  • He had a kind of wicker hat on his head, and under it was a face that would have shamed a gorilla -- huge flat nose, pocked cheeks, little yellow eyes and big yellow teeth. Flash For Freedom
  • Her underclothes is that stained up with it that I'm ashamed to hang 'em out. Tish
  • She ought to be thoroughly ashamed of herself - talking to her mother like that!
  • We mustn't be afraid to experiment and mustn't be ashamed or disheartened by any mishaps along the way.
  • She may be verbally abused, talked about negatively and/or publicly shamed.
  • This story is sordid and shameful, and everyone who was involved in producing it should be ashamed of themselves.
  • He instantly obeyed me -- came crouching up very much ashamed and lay down to beg my pardon. EMPIRES OF THE PLAIN: Henry Rawlinson and the Lost Languages of Babylon
  • I still feel so ashamed of myself. The Sun
  • Was there something about the unashamed glorification of personal achievement that made them feel uncomfortable?
  • I had a lot of respect for them but this stunt is ashamedly disgusting. Florida delegates file lawsuit to get delegation seated
  • I averted my gaze to the tarred road between us, beneath us, and restrained my feet from shuffling ashamedly.
  • Others may be too ashamed to seek help. The Sun
  • Although he crows endlessly about dating a younger woman, he often seems ashamed by her gaucherie.
  • Well neither party said the word ashamed, but she did said that a group vacation was not an option as homeland locals would be joining, and while I am welcome, my brother is not for those same locals would gossip. Rainandfire Diary Entry
  • Afterwards he spent five minutes with the President of whom he is an unashamed admirer.
  • As a former Michigan resident and proud to call myself a Michigander, I am ashamed that Rep Hoekstra is a member of the US House of Representatives for Michigan. Hoekstra compares Iranian protests to GOP effort
  • Eating it always made me feel ashamed and in need of an urgent dental appointment. The Sun
  • I turned the car off and looked at the floorboard, ashamed.
  • When a stupid man is doing something he is ashamed of,he always declared that it is his duty. 
  • The majority of victims are embarrassed, even ashamed.
  • 4 Because the ground is chapt, for there was no rain in the earth, the plowmen were ashamed, they covered their heads. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • I feel ashamed that I brought to you so much trouble.

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