How To Use Shallow In A Sentence
This was followed by a level stretch of grassy scree which leads to the crux, a steep shallow chimney, well marked by crampon scratches.
Many of the bays and inlets are simply beautiful and consist of rock or sand, sometimes dropping away dramatically into 50 feet of water, at other times sloping gently in to shallows of just a few feet.
Architecturally they incorporate the low roofs, polygonal towers and shallow, semicircular domes of the Byzantine mode.
Place in a shallow dish and squeeze over lemon juice, then drizzle over oil.
They waded the river at a shallow point.

Crank baits trolled parallel to the shore or over sand flats in the DIRTY water where wind is blowing waves into the shore or shallows is good too regardless of the depth.
Whats a good bait to use for walleye? ive never caught one but we now have land at a lake that is stocked with some.
In the northern Bering and southern Chukchi Seas, primary production occurs over a shallow shelf (50 to 200 m) and as the zooplankton and bacterioplankton cannot fully deplete this carbon source, it is either transferred to the benthos or advected downstream [17].
Carbon cycle and climate change in the Arctic
He'd probably dismissed her altogether by now as fickle, shallow and all too easily swayed by other people.
He dug the blade deep into the shallow indent that had been made and flung the dirt into a pile to his left.
Where the water is shallow, no vessel will ride.
You should feel proud of yourself for not being shallow and liking someone for social status or looks.
The search for a replacement cause brought with it shallow opportunism, the honing of public relations skills and a ragbag of nostrums, some of them purloined from its political opponents.
By night they roost in the gently flowing shallows of the Platte, shin-deep in cool water, or else on sandbars, giving them warning against any predator that might come splashing out.
Heavy equipment or materials such as pallets of payers can squash a tree's shallow surface roots.
If that were so, there would be no need to keep its constantly moving location a secret or to hold it only when the moon is down, during that time some call the shallows of night.
Beneath an opal moon
The shallowness of the space is just one of the elements that form parts of a larger, more complex content.
Judging from these movies, Mark Wilkinson is evidently some kind of caecilian-hunting guru genius: with just two lazy, shallow strokes of a spade, he was able to discover two caecilians in their native habitat.
ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
The physical part made up for the shallowness of verbal communication.
The conclusion flag corneal transplant may effectively treat, the shallow layer fungus keratohelcosis.
With the floor of the channel shallowing from 200 metres to 60 metres and at the same time a rock pinnacle, like a finger, rising up from the sea bed to 29 metres from the surface, there is no surprise that the whirlpool was once described as a 'conflux so dreadful that it spurns all description.
Found While Looking for Something Else
Mediocrity is not the lack of effort, but the lack of goals; dream is not without action, but the action is too late; the poor is not hard, but the lack of expertise; lazy not pace, but the pace is too shallow.
I got to know her pretty well and realized that she wasn't really shallow.
We sit cramped up at a desk and breathe little shallow breaths with the top of our lungs.
Repetitive Strain Injury
The hall is shaded by a shallow half-hat of a roof which leaves a crescent-shaped interstice between it and the edge of the big carapace.
The mallards, golden-eyes and trumpeters were still there, working the shallows of the river for aquatic plants.
To the west a tree lined hedge screens the site from Stantyway Road, which passes the site in a shallow cutting with tree lined hedges on the banks on both sides.
They threw the bodies down a mineshaft, only to discover that it was too shallow.
Times, Sunday Times
These were flat-bottomed craft with a shallow draft, and were lowered from the davits of larger troop-carrying merchantmen, like lifeboats.
We were talking about something deep then you went back to the shallow end.
Times, Sunday Times
On the other hand, a vine with a small and/or unhealthy root system, be it due to shallow soil, drought, root pests such as phylloxera, or diseases such as armillaria root rot, will support only low-vigour growth.
To get around logjams, around dams and around shallow places, they unload their gear and carry the boat to the next put-in; then they backtrack to get the gear.
It was certainly entertaining and one could not help but feel sorry for him for being involved with such a grasping, shallow woman of the sort portrayed here!
Therefore, they had shallow drafts and rode low in the water; while they were more seaworthy than many of the northern ironclads, their weatherly qualities were dubious.
Masses are deposited in tidal channels or shallow pools that retain water at low tide, and are secured in place by a long sand-mucus tether buried firmly in the substrate.
Several different species of fish inhabit these turbid shallow waters.
She got washed over a shallow reef and severely corked her thigh.
A laser beam that has a very shallow penetration depth and will perforate calcified plaque is the excimer laser.
There are those who scoff at the school boy, calling him frivolous and shallow.
Gadwalls forage mainly while swimming, either taking items from the surface or dabbling in shallow water, or diving, which they are more likely to do than most other dabblers.
I simply place 100 cases in a shallow cardboard tray, and use a spray-on lube before running them through the progressive cycle.
Then what sounded like tennis shoes swishing through shallow water (I never had the courage to swim in water more than a foot deep) startled me.
Laterally, a shallow groove borders the lingual side of the tooth from the laterocone to the laterobasal cusp.
Charlie followed the shallow imprints in the ground, until the tracks came to a flat rock.
He knew that a shallow illuminism had no correspondence with the deepest longings of the human heart.
The Theology of Schleiermacher: A Condensed Presentation of His Chief Work, "The Christian Faith"
The shallows lashed themselves to white foam over the limestone boulders of the valley floor.
Considerable amount of thin interbedded limestones and shales was deposited in a subtropical and shallow-marine epicontinental sea during the Cincinnatian Epoch.
Offshore, breakers swelled in the whitecaps and then crashed in the shallow water, strong enough to body surf for twenty yards.
It is only an ass like Justice Shallow, who would pitch upon the over-scutched tunes, which the carmen whistled, and try to pass them off as his FANCIES and his
Chronicles of the Canongate
These fish prefer shallow water and are commonly found in bays around eelgrass, oil platforms, pilings of wharfs and piers, and in back waters.
He poured a measure into a shallow quaich, but took thought; and held out to Lachlan the whole bottle.
At first they saw only the little hand - the fist, decomposed but stretching out of the shallow grave.
The wounded were trampled and drowned in the shallow waves.
Some designs fit neatly into circles and would be suitable for, say, small turned boxes, coasters or shallow platters.
Transparent species are susceptible to detection by reflections from their body surface, particularly at shallow depths.
Excavation has shown that instead of removing the peat which was shallow at this point, a thin layer of sand was spread over the top of the peat, and gravel with some sand was heaped over to form a low agger.
There is a shallowness to the culture there that can make you question the authenticity of anything coming out of the place.
Through numerical comparison, it reveals that the paraboloidal shell of second degree i. e. the shallow spherical shell is a most favorable design among all under this particular loading.
He believes he blacked out at least five times before he regained consciousness in the shallows by the river bank.
First, place your ice cream or sorbet in a shallow container in the freezer for an hour.
Times, Sunday Times
The calm, shallow waters around Marco Island will relax even the crankiest traveler.
Visiting Marco Island
reefy shallows
The thermal currents in this part of Turkey mean you can spend most of your time lolling around in the shallows under the warm sun.
Times, Sunday Times
Ascending along this road, you open a valley broad and shallow, a wide green trough of pastures and hedges merging inland into a vista of purple tints and flowing lines closing the view.
A portage is a place between lakes and rivers where the waters become so shallow or rapid that they cannot be navigated, and the boats have to be lifted ashore and carried overland until it is possible to take to the water again.
The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 41, August 19, 1897 A Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls
About their bared legs the shallow water plashed in palest blues and greens over the gold of sand, and the sky above them was blue almost to whiteness, with a scatter of whiter clouds diaphanous as feathers.
His Disposition
Manatees live in shallow waters - slow-moving rivers, estuaries, saltwater bays, canals and coastal areas, especially where seagrass beds flourish.
It may be a rather shallow and increasingly unrealistic kind of pash, but it's still there, still cooking away against all sense of reasonable expectation.
Joe Cole has the talent and stage for a late-career flourish at Liverpool
When it is spread close to a stream or on shallow soil over bedrock, what is the threat?
Without an exception these hangers-on are a shallow, mean-spirited bunch of bourgeoise no-counts, who mistake philosophical declamation for conversation and obsequiousness for love.
Eleven species of bichirs inhabit shallow floodwater areas in tropical Africa rivers, where they feed on worms, insect larvae, and small insects.
One of the strangest fish you might encounter in spring is the male lumpsucker, which is left in shallow water guarding and nurturing his egg clutch after mating.
Basically anything that works for walleye will work for sauger, they just tend to suspend shallower.
The shallow planting resulted from the planter not adequately cutting through heavy corn and soybean residue and properly placing the seed in the furrow.
It is a great sight, with ant-like streams pouring across long pontoons over the river's shallow sandy banks to innumerable craft moored midstream.
A modified hypsometric curve can be used to help describe the relationships between drainage, alluvial and shallow marine basins.
From Pliocene time the shallow emplacement of intrusive bodies resulted in thermal metamorphism (forming, for example, biotite, cordierite, andalusite, K-feldspar and corundum in pelites) and hydrothermal activity.
He's a completely loathsome and utterly shallow creep and I look forward to a swift garotting moment in the very near future.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
The aircraft would have crossed this jet stream at a shallow angle which would have resulted in considerably reduced ground speed.
Down by the water, kids are playing tag on a long, sandy beach and splashing in the brisk, gin-clear shallows of Redfish Lake.
We thank B. Pelletier for fruitful discussions on the origin of the shallow submarine shelf, and G. Wadge and S. J. Day for their careful reviews.
Water normally moves more slowly at shallower depths.
If you're going on a mainly pole venue you will generally need more shallow drawer space to store your winders.
Looking down, Belloc found it lying in a shallow pool of water.
Sculpted of polyurethane resin and acrylic paint, the tableau rests on a shallow platform about 23 feet long and 14 feet wide.
Sporting thin, jagged leaves upon a succulent, fleshy stem, the herb is easily uprooted and replanted due to its shallow root system.
On the water, meanwhile, the last White Lilies are sinking beneath the surface, the last gay Pickerel-Weed is gone, though the rootless plants of the delicate Bladder-Wort, spreading over acres of shallows, still impurple the wide, smooth surface.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 62, December, 1862
Once, she said, as she stood in shallow water in her high-necked, skirted, black bathing suit, a long-nosed garpike swam across her toes and startled her.
As the thaw begins, look for open water between ice sheets and the shoreline, particularly in shallows adjacent to deep water.
The Nine Best Places to Fish a Pond During Ice-Out
She noticed that his skin was a pale, dusty white and his breath was shallow.
The profound neglect of psychological, social and political considerations renders such treatments shallow and incomplete.
A roomy soapstone sink - Tom's idea - took the place of a shallow stainless-steel model; the soapstone complements the honed granite on the countertops.
But most agreed that many of the items were neither insipid nor shallow.
A frog leaps off the bank into a shallow pond just as a hummingbird pauses for nectar from a flaming red salvia plant.
We waded a shallow river.
Erosion then typically moves in a headward direction along the pre-existing shallow channel system.
Scientific Frontline by SFL ORG Educational News Network
Selenite mostly formed in shallow marginal settings and was redeposited into a small remnant basin with a depocentre near the present synclinal axis.
Sometimes you discovered a fresh shallow grave topped with a wooden cross or a boltless rifle stuck muzzle-down into the mud with a helmet on top of it.
Although there are no data showing the connection between the two magmatic systems at shallow crustal levels during the eruption, the petrochemical data point to a common parent magma derived from a unique deep source.
That way, shallow rooted weeds like foxtail and bluegrass will be unable to grow until the alfalfa has a head start.
Hal is indeed shallow, smug, chubby, in love with himself and in thrall to his late clergyman father's last piece of advice that he should chase only the hottest totty.
The results show that the distribution of the velocity of shallow flow along the downslope show as waves, but the straight line.
There was a kind of a mosh pit occurring in the much smaller, much shallower kidney-shaped swimming pool to our right.
Here you can swim among stingrays and nurse sharks in shallow, 8-to-10-feet-deep waters.
Such rivers have cavernous deep pools fed by turbulent rapids at the head and a shallow tail leading to the next rapid.
Once the water reaches fifty degrees and above, and the sun starts to stay out longer and longer, these large females will begin roaming the shallows and looking for food that will build weight and is easy to catch without expending a lot of energy.
Is This The New World-Record Largemouth?
Secondly, we are all aware that we should try kit out in shallow water before gradually building up our depth and experience and undertaking more adventurous dives.
If you can not detect even the shallowest of breaths, attempt artificial respiration making sure the chest starts to rise.
The silt shallowed the canal
It is a shallow subsidence flash, no more than a metre or two in depth at most.
Just where Faceman was ice-cool, desperately shallow and slightly horny all the time, Dirk Benedict also appears to be ice-cool, desperately shallow and slightly horny all the time.
Big Brother Celebrity Hijack Betting Odds: Can John Win?
Adopted from Native American tradition, the drum beats represent the slap of the female coho's tail as she scrapes out a shallow gravel nest called a redd.
The Seattle Times
People who have a G6PD deficiency have the following symptoms: pale skin fatigued and tired rapid and shallow breathing abnormal/rapid heartbeat enlarged spleen yellowish tint to eyes galactosemia which is found in babies.
CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
Beneath the cliffs a flock of birds were diving, their hurtling bodies dotting the pale green shallows with circular patches of white foam.
Other migratory birds observed in the shallow waters were bar headed geese, open bill storks, northern pintails, gadwalls, curlews, black tailed godwits, spoonbills, green shanks, red shanks and so on.
Others, called volcanic earthquakes, are usually shallower and can be precursors to volcanic eruptions and intrusions of magma.
The horses slithered down the shallow bank and onto the glassy surface at a rapid trot, but the black was mistrustful of the insecure footing and jibbed skittishly.
There's no point shilly-shallying about the shallows, you've got to wade into the deep area.
Melt half the butter in a shallow pan and cook the onion till soft and tender, stirring from time to time.
But the damage it could do is spurring the Gulf states into unprecedented efforts to protect their shallow, near-landlocked waters.
We are obsessed with shallow outer shells.
The Sun
In lakes, similar cyprinids are abundant in the shallow littoral zone, even during storm conditions.
He sat as though paralyzed in the coracle, which drifted in the shallows a dozen ells away.
Half of us shallow breathe instead of breathing from our diaphragm.
It's well known that this school costs quite a sum of money to attend so only snot-nosed, shallow kids like Terry and Theresa could afford it.
His breathing was rapid and shallow and the sorrow and weariness in his eyes were very apparent.
The jaw is deepest in the adductor fossa region and shallow anteriorly as a result of a pronounced medially-directed twist of the ventral margin such that the splenial is exposed ventrally and mesially.
Natterjack toads have recently been established in a shallow pool dug on the heath.
A Guide to Britain's Conservation Heritage
Create a shallow puddle to attract swallowtails, blues, sulfurs and other butterflies that enjoy drinking at mud puddles.
She was floundering in the deep pool, the water getting steadily deeper instead of shallower, her meagre supply of strength rapidly sapping as she struggled.
Several different species of fish inhabit these turbid shallow waters.
After a few seconds - which seemed like hours - the aircraft started a shallow climb.
It's a shallow life that doesn't give a person a few scars. Garrison Keillor
With a steep L curve and a shallow I curve, the effect on aggregate demand will be much greater.
This may be satisfactory as long as you are content to bury your dead in shallow pits inserted into the desert sands.
But more than a shallow puddle could risk damaging the electrics.
The Sun
Eventually, basin shallowing allowed in situ precipitation of selenite in shallow lagoons and ponds near the basin depocentre.
Place the meat in a shallow dish.
If he's only interested in your looks, that shows how shallow he is.
After a while, heather monoculture is broken by an intake field and our path leads to a shallow valley that is a mosaic of ground-cover greens and is curlew country.
Shallow men believe in luck or in circumstance. Strong men believe in cause and effect. Ralph Waldo Emerson
If the ground you are casting onto has areas of broken rocky ground or shallow reef, then fish will feed through the ebb tide as well.
Set slid to the ground without a sound, blood pooling around him and forming a shallow lake of red liquid.
Ten agonizing minutes later, she lay in a shallow pool of her own blood.
Changes in the lithosphere created major land masses and extensive shallow seas.
Geologic time
Every spring, female lemon sharks return to give birth in the shallow waters of a lagoon edged by a mangrove swamp.
The down was desolate, east and west, north and south; the road with its shallow ditches and white bordering stakes, ran smooth and empty north and south, and, save for that peewit, the blue sky was empty too.
The Invisible Man
I always use a few bamboo canes to mark the planting position so I don't damage the shallow - planted bulbs.
Among the debris in the buried concentration was a small, shallow side notched biface which has been identified as a hafted biface.
The diminutive florets on its flat disk are so shallow that lepidopterous and hymenopterous insects, with their long proboses, stand no chance of getting a meal.
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Considering filly the infection of water to jet and the structure characteristic of oil wells be disused in shallow sea. Design linear shaped charge cutters of answer for the fact.
Roll the pastry into a large rectangle and line a shallow baking tray.
Where the road was, the house seemed to be at the bottom of a shallow bowl of weeds and terrain.
Although I am not a fan of the huge oversized glasses commonly employed, I am happy to see the quality of the glassware has increased immensely, with clumsy, shallow glass goblets being replaced by more appropriate crystal stems.
Most of these infants did not crawl out on the cliff side, but were quite willing to crawl out on the shallow side.
The Developing Child (7th edn.)
He had tried to commiserate, assuring her she wasn't alone or useless or hateful or shallow or selfish.
A newly unearthed fossil is the missing link between land and marine mammals: Standing two to three feet tall on legs adapted to wade through shallow water, the 48-million-year-old Indohyus is the missing link between modern-day whales and their land-lubbing ancestors.
Science Is Nifty
Broad and shallow, each was set above a charcoal fire in a pit.
Indian Balm - Travels in the Southern Subcontinent
The word believe is a problematic one today, in part because it has gradually changed its meaning from being the language of certainty so deep that I could give my heart to it, to the language of uncertainty so shallow that only the "credulous" would rely on it.
Some edaphic associations are Chamise series on shallow soils, Leather oak series on shallow serpentinitic soils, Needlegrass grasslands on Vertisols, and Manzanita shrublands on silicic sandstones.
South Coastal Santa Lucia Range (Bailey)
Add the sea salt, pepper and parsley to the lentils, stir through, and serve in warmed shallow soup or pasta bowls.
Melt remaining butter in shallow flameproof dish, add apples and turn gently in butter until lightly browned.
Will you still contradict me if I maintain -- the Arno is a shallow, narrow stream, just fit to sail a boy's bark-boat.
The Burgomaster's Wife — Volume 03
In the shallows were many yellow egrets, while a _sarus_ crane stalked solemnly along the far bank, and everywhere bird-life, rare elsewhere in the State, abounded.
The Jungle Girl
This is a friendship with visible shallows and invisible depths.
Times, Sunday Times
Eventually he gets near the beach, and jumps out into water that's just about shallow enough to stand in.
In the warmer months of spawning season longear sunfish are generally found in shallower, warmer headwaters of streams which have numerous pools with permanent or semi-permanent flow.
They'd dug a shallow pit and left the bodies in it.
As they dug in their shallow pit, the signs were discouraging.
Rapid ascent of hydrothermal fluids derived from shallow-metamorphic and deep-burial diagenetic settings is well known from many sedimentary basins.
The greenstone-hosted deposits formed in shallow water in association with basic and more silicic rocks; they have an underlying hydrothermally altered zone and contain abundant copper, zinc, and lead sulphides.
The airplane's nose dropped through the horizon and speed started increasing to a bit more than 150 knots, then the nose started climbing and the bank angle shallowed out.
Fry the onions in a shallow pan.
Homeward they sped in silence, with little to vary the monotonous pitapat of Lady Ringtail's hoofs in the shallow pools with which the storm had filled the level roads.
The end of an era,
An entire gopuram, a huge round ball carved intricately, lies forlorn in the shallow sea, surrounded by piles of slabs and bricks and more carvings and general debris from the temple.
At night - fall it grounded in shallow water at the foot of a wooded hill.
However, waves generated in deep offshore waters that eventually overtop in shallower water and break on the coast, creating a surf-zone with reversing undercurrents, are fundamentally different from the waves in shallow lakes.
a night of shallow fretful sleep
However, nourished by dew, the eastern Jidda 'is relatively well vegetated with a very open acacia woodland of small Acacia tortilis and Prosopis cineraria trees with shrubby A. ehrenbergiana growing in shallow sandy depressions, rock fissures and in drainage swales on the gravel plains.
Arabian Oryx Sanctuary, Oman
The network has detected quite a number of shallow earthquakes along the trough.
One-plant cultures of a single species developed vegetatively, occupying shallow brooks with a stony ground covered with sand, are typical.
Neither the shallowness of the illusionistic space nor the interlocking of forms has anything to do with the limitations of the 'optical track'.
Mediocrity is not the lack of effort, but the lack of goals; dream is not without action, but the action is too late; the poor is not hard, but the lack of expertise; lazy not pace, but the pace is too shallow.
Redraw the three diagrams of Figure 18.2 with a steeper L curve and a shallower I curve.
Scatter a shallow layer of horticultural grit over the top and leave the pots in a cold frame or cold greenhouse.
Times, Sunday Times
If, on the other hand, your feet are touching the inside of your opponent's inner thighs then they are usually too shallow.
She cavorted about in the shallow water.
A second call pealed forth, and the towropes were cast off, oars splashed into the water, and, with a wild exulting yell from their occupants, the boats dashed for the shore, the men in them hurling themselves into the shallow water as the keels ground into the beach.
A Chinese Command A Story of Adventure in Eastern Seas
I've joined in many peace vigils, rallies, and marches the past several months, and pardon me if this seems shallow, but where are the tunes?
Shortly thereafter we enter a stretch of shallow pools and channels cut into the rock by a millennium of erosion.
The anterior part is subdivided by shallow sulci into three or four short gyri, while the posterior part is formed by one long gyrus, which is often bifurcated at its upper end.
IX. Neurology. 4c. The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
I can hear the rain beating down on the roof like a meteor shower as our car lurches violently from side to side, rocking disobediently on its haunches, fat tyres chafing loudly over what appears to be a long, shallow pond.
On the downslope from the foreboding metal fence of the Camarones del Sur shrimp farm, known as Camarsa, a few fisherman stand half-submerged in the shallow waters.
The large crimson flowers of this rose are shallow cups, exuding a strong old rose fragrance.
Times, Sunday Times
The buoy floated back and forth in the shallow water.
This might be a typical presentation of acute hyperventilation caused by rapid shallow breathing during moments of high anxiety.
I personally consider anyone that thinks this is a joke to be too shallow to be called a philosopher.
A shallow gabled roof covered with translucent fiberglass shelters the area from rain and drizzle without blocking the light.
At the shallow end, with their hair in caps, the girls from Typing did the jitterbug in twos.
As adults our abdomens get tightened up from stress, and we get used to taking very short, shallow breaths.
That innate shallow streak of mine can be a godsend at times.