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How To Use Shakespeare In A Sentence

  • Back in our world, custom has perhaps staled Shakespeare's infinite variety a bit.
  • A year later, in ‘L' Allegro ’, the delphic element had disappeared, and Milton's cheerful man heard ‘Sweetest Shakespeare, fancy's child Warble his native woodnotes wild’.
  • Shakespeare with practical axioms and domestick wisdom. Preface to Shakespeare
  • Despite first appearances, it adheres closely to Shakespeare's play.
  • Shakespearean tales of love as sacrifice, conquest or unrequited passion are beyond reason.
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  • In spite of all this, there is something about Shakespeare and something about performance without walls; in combination, they make magic.
  • The Shakespeare Garden is planted with herbs referred to by Shakespeare in his plays, including mint, camomile, marjoram and lavender.
  • This is a faithful interpretation of Shakespeare's original text.
  • Shakespeare is the greatest English writer that ever lived.
  • The major difference is that in Shakespeare the symbolic opposition between the world of sober morality and that of holiday freedom is normally made internal to the play.
  • Shakespeare to say: "Let the sky rain potatoes, hail kissing comfits, and snow eringoes. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • I have a chapter on Shakespeare and Macbeth; there's the chapter about Ancient Greece, a chapter about Delphi and sibyls in Grecian-Roman times.
  • Shakespeare often wrote in iambic pentameter, meaning five iambic "feet" per line, each "foot" being a soft-hard syllable pair … da-DUM da-DUM da-DUM. -
  • This was achieved by 1876 and the property vested in the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust in 1891.
  • She could recite large portions of Shakespeare.
  • He amassed similar collections of American advertising of the 1920s, plus grangerized Shakespeare, Burns, etc.
  • In _Coriolanus_, Shakespeare makes Volumnia the mother, and Virgilia the wife, of Coriolanus; but his _wife_ was Volumnia, and his _mother_ Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama, Vol. 1 A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook
  • Obviously, at some point in his life Shakespeare fell in love with the language, the acting, the exhilaration of the theater; in a phrase, he became stage-struck.
  • Save for the line from Shakespeare and the terms from the episode, I guess the rest of the verse is a series original (is it?). Eden of the East – What mystery dost thou holdeth? « Undercover
  • And that the children of the unwanted should be those that returned to the old world in convoys and troops ships to liberate Italy and France and Holland and the countries which didn't want their ancestors is an idea that's almost Shakespearean. The Canadian Experience: Lessons from the Canadian History Project
  • In Shakespeare's "Henry IV," the rotund, free-living Falstaff character was known as Plump Jack, famous for his speech defending jovial indulgences--"banish plump Jack and banish all the world. To Ski Or Not To Ski
  • Take all the Latin words in Shakespeare, for instance - in Victorian times, educated people had studied Latin in school - not so today, so they need to be carefully glossed.
  • In one of his early sonnets, Shakespeare wittily turns such "unthrifty" wasting into economic malpractice: Me, Myself, and I
  • The site of the Shakespeare, on the corner of Lionel Street was home to a coopery or barrel maker when most of this area was then part of the Colmore estate.
  • The Kindle itself has about 1.5 Gb of space; Shakespeare occupies about 5 Mb, so space is not a big problem. My Kindle, a review
  • The real fireworks are provided by Shakespeare's poetry.
  • That said, the story lacks the classic satiric or thematic bite of a Shakespearean or Molierian work.
  • It was a homemade Shakespearean tragedy being played out among our own pasteboard pavilions.
  • The obscurities of literary theory are mercifully avoided, frequently by such witty contemporary reference and colloquial language which bring Shakespeare into the world of today's reader.
  • He was happy to set Shakespeare, Herrick or Christina Rossetti to music that was clearly expressive of Victorian or Edwardian English taste.
  • This ancestry may also account for the difficulty of explaining the motives of Shakespeare's villains.
  • Walsingham assigns assistant secretary and chief intelligencer John Shakespeare to investigate the scheme and quickly concludes the Drake plot is tied to the murder of a relative of the Queen Lady Blanche Howard, whose corpse mutilated with numerous stabbings was found in a London fire. Martyr-Rory Clements « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
  • Kelly: On a similar note -- why did you feel the need to Italianize the names of the Shakespeare characters in you book? Archive 2007-08-01
  • What really means a lot to me is how encouraged I've been by the Brits, in terms of doing Shakespeare.
  • He was reading the plays of Shakespeare when I met him in the library the other day.
  • But an individual in Shakespearean England who firmly believed that all tomatoes are Killer Tomatoes was not being unreasonable or irrational, as we would be apt to judge someone who held that belief in modern America. Am I a Relativist? Well, It Depends.
  • Clearly a lyric like ‘To-morrow is Saint Valentine’s Day’ could not be satisfactorily translated, but in Shakespeare’s major work there is something describable as poetry that can be separated from the words. Lear, Tolstoy and the Fool
  • the first folio of Shakespeare's plays
  • Our comic play was a burlesque of a Shakespearean tragedy.
  • And once their fairytale officially ended, relations between them became the stuff of Shakespearean drama, with intrigues, infidelities and fights for centre-stage.
  • Of Byron the passional man, we know nearly everything, while of Shakespeare's inwardness we know nothing. Pilgrim to Eros
  • Should we see them as dreary drudges, blind to the creativity of the Shakespeares and Hemingways who are taking the test?
  • Her career has included stage roles in plays by Shakespeare, Chekhov and Ibsen.
  • Shakespeare chooses names for them that are similar almost the the point of interchangeability: Hermia, Helena, both trisyllabic, beginning in 'He' with the stress on the first syllable and ending in 'a'. Shakespeare
  • I chanced on a copy of the collection of Shakespeare's poems in the library.
  • Tennyson, in a "far off divine event, toward which the whole creation moves," or with Shakespeare when he said "There's a divinity that shapes our ends, rough-hew them how we will. Church Cooperation in Community Life
  • Not exactly this have they got at nor the meaning of flowers—O flowers, flowers slung by a dancing girl—in the saddest play the inkfish, Shakespeare, ever wrote; They All Want to Play Hamlet. II. People Who Must
  • In 1632, two of Shakespeare's fellow actors published the First Folio, a posthumous collection of his works.
  • With his dark curly hair and atypical looks, he was cast as Shakespeare's Richard III.
  • Shakespeare market a very good one through tackle dealers at a price that will not break the bank.
  • The upholders of the Stratford-Shakespeare superstition call _us_ the hardest names they can think of, and they keep doing it all the time; very well, if they like to descend to that level, let them do it, but I will not so undignify myself as to follow them. Is Shakespeare Dead? from my autobiography
  • Again, there are echoes of Shakespeare, who liked to coin words such as vasty, steepy, and plumpy. On useful tautology
  • The artists built the city of Boston on stage, and I wrote a kind of heroic Shakespearean text in blank verse and rhyme (which two characters recited) about the city's history.
  • Shakespeare has established that Mercutio is a rather dirty-minded young rogue, cynical about love and sex, and inclined to find ways to ridicule and embarrass everyone he deals with, including his best friends, when he thinks they're being foolish or self-destructive or pursuing pleasures that don't include Mercutio. Did Viola, Rosalind, and Portia wax?
  • Later mythologizers would try to legitimize the family's regal pretensions by claiming descent from the Banquo of Shakespeare's "Macbeth"—which was nonsense, as Mr. Massie explains: The name "Stewart," as it was rendered before Mary Stuart adopted the French spelling, indicated the family's original status, as stewards of the royal revenues. Servants To Masters
  • Made famous, or rather infamous, by Shakespeare, Richard is put ‘on trial’ for murdering two of his nephews.
  • The actor was recently seen at the Minerva Theatre in Chichester playing William Shakespeare in the Edward Bond play Bingo. Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business » Blog Archive » Patrick Stewart Knighted By Queen Elizabeth II
  • There are two Shakespeare plays appearing at this year's Fringe.
  • Shakespeare coined the word "inauspicious," riffing on the Latin auspicium, the art of telling the future by observing the flights of birds: "And shake the yoke of inauspicious stars. The Nation: Top Stories
  • But for the most part, the second half of All the World's a Stage put aside serious concerns in favor of laughter and ribaldry, and showcased the intelligence and heart of Shakespeare Behind Bars veteran Jerry Guenthner.
  • In Shakespeare's time, one of the treatments for syphilis, inhalation of mercury vapor, was worse than the disease.
  • The medium and the message coincide in Shakespeare's work at many points.
  • He turned to the study of Shakespeare.
  • They will take part in activities like memory games, personality development modules and even stage a Shakespeare play on the valedictory function on Saturday, the organisers said.
  • There is no art to find the mind's construction in the face. William Shakespeare 
  • The plot is taken from Shakespeare.
  • Others, such as Shakespeare's inchmeal, still occasionally used, seem to have come into use in the 16th century: "unciatim inche by inche, inchemeale" (Cooper, 1573). Laudator Temporis Acti
  • Played with mercurial Elan by Joseph Fiennes, Shakespeare gets unlocked when he meets Viola de Lesseps (Gwyneth Paltrow, sizzling with sensual intelligence), a stage-struck young aristocrat who disguises herself as a boy so she can act in the males-only Elizabethan theater. Close-Up On Will
  • Perhaps Shakespeare felt that a judicious tactical retreat following rehearsal criticism was in order, but that does not brand the line a mistake.
  • O that Ben Jonson is a pestilent fellow! he brought vp Horace giuing the Poets a pill, [xi: 3] but our fellow Shakespeare hath giuen him a purge that made him beray his credit. Kemps Nine Daies Wonder Performed in a Daunce from London to Norwich
  • It is a wise father that knows his own child. William Shakespeare 
  • Where Brecht uses song or projected words upon a screen, Shakespeare is more likely to use choric characters who may utter highly wrought poetic speeches of some length only to disappear for the rest of the play.
  • “Thank me no thankings, nor proud me no prouds,” which was the first Shakespearean example to come into my head. The Volokh Conspiracy » “The Modern Practice of Making Certain Nouns into Verbs”
  • Students learn about the Adler technique, voice and speech, movement, scene study and Shakespeare.
  • Of the 42 books of the Bible that Shakespeare drew upon, Ecclesiasticus and Job seem to have been his favourites.
  • It was daring of Mr. Holroyd to take on a major writer, and for all his forcing of themes, the book thrives on sheer wit and, most important, on welcome asides, when he steps forward like a Shakespearean character to soliloquize about his modus operandi. The Biographers' Biographer
  • The labouring poor of Shakespeare's London, deformed by drudgery, illness, and accident, tormented by vermin, illiterate and unregenerate, must have presented a certain Calibanesque aspect.
  • But this again had been done "dispersedly," as the Shakespearean stage-direction has it. A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 From the Beginning to 1800
  • Most people think that William Shakespeare, who died in 1616, wrote three kinds of plays: comedies, tragedies and histories.
  • Bloom informs us that he wrote the monograph as a postlude to ‘Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human’.
  • Multiple writers later produced similar tales, including one set in Siena instead of Verona, but the tragic lovers became inextricably associated with Shakespeare in the early 1600s. Juliet has a history, a home and a inexplicable draw
  • Sir Ian McKellen and the members of England's Royal Shakespeare Company sat in rapt attention inside an inner-city Los Angeles classroom. Classroom Heroes: Rafe Esquith's Mission To Share Shakespeare With His Students
  • You could feel the magic of Shakespeare's poetry.
  • In Shakespeare's play, the king of Navarre and his followers take an oath to spend three years fasting, studying and abstaining from sex.
  • Shakespeare thus places himself between utopian totalitarians and libertarian fundamentalists.
  • For some time I have wondered why it is only Hollywood, and not our own film industry, that is riding the Shakespeare bandwagon.
  • This "foppery" of Shakespeare's day had, then, its really delightful side, a quality in no sense "affected," by which it satisfies a real instinct in our minds -- the fancy so many of us have for an exquisite and curious skill in the use of words. Appreciations, with an Essay on Style
  • Shakespeare, in _Midsummer Night’s Dream_, represents him as “a very Shetlander among the gossamer-winged, dainty-limbed fairies, strong enough to knock all their heads together, a rough, knurly-limbed, fawn-faced, shock-pated, mischievous little urchin.” Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook, Vol. 3
  • the dissertation was entitled, modestly, `Remarks about a play by Shakespeare'
  • At different moments in Jez Butterworth's play Jerusalem, the noted Shakespearean Mark Rylance sports a pickelhaube the spiked emblem of Great War-era German militarism, a knit cap with satanic-looking triangular points, and a searing cross burned into his back by vengeful hooligans. Eamon Murphy: Theater Review: Jerusalem
  • However much he might mock the pedantic generic confusions of the ‘pastoral, tragical comical’ theatre of his predecessors, Shakespeare was their heir.
  • The third-person singular indicative ending in Shakespeare's verbs could be either s, as now, or the older th.
  • From the beginning of his career Shakespeare made use of low-life characters as moral commentators.
  • Satyam you brought up Shakespeare; let me add Joyce: much as I love Ulysses and Leopold Bloom, the novel does not "teem". NAACHGAANA
  • When this picture-perfect Cotswolds village inn was ‘new’, Elizabeth I was still on the throne and Shakespeare was just starting to make a name for himself.
  • I can only imagine this could make for some really compelling literature -- after all, it was the flexibility of the English language that gave Shakespeare such leeway for brilliance in his day -- but when daily news depends on clarity and brevity, overcoming a basic problem like an unstandardized language is no small feat. Victoria Fine: Why Can't Kurdish Journalists Write Well? A Look at Modern Media in Iraq
  • I. i.9 (230,3) [stays me here at home, unkept] [W: Stys] _Sties_ is better than _stays_, and more likely to be Shakespeare's. Notes to Shakespeare — Volume 01: Comedies
  • Pericles is without doubt a very silly play, probably Shakespeare's silliest (and the silly bits are shared evenly between the bits he wrote and the bits by brothel-keeper and part-time playwright George Wilkins). Susan Boyle
  • I was straightening up the teddy bears and long-stemmed red roses this morning at the Michael Jackson Eternal Moonwalk Memorial on what would have been The Gloved One's 53rd birthday when I heard this guy say “You'd think it was tupping Shakespeare who died—instead of an androgynous black man who overcame racial prejudice by turning himself into a white woman.” Who's Better: Michael Jackson or Shakespeare?
  • A ministering angel shall my sister be. William Shakespeare 
  • How Shakespeare loathed humanity — the putting on of clothes, the getting of children, the sordidity of the mouth and the belly! Mrs. Dalloway
  • Shakespeare is one of the immortals
  • The actor, striking an attitude, began to quote Shakespeare.
  • The Globe Theater was the home to one of the most honored writers of the time, William Shakespeare.
  • We can say with a high degree of probability that the poem was written by Shakespeare.
  • There's a new Royal Shakespeare Company production of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' at the Barbican.
  • My friend was an English major back in the day, and the ceremony was filled with extended readings — some in Middle English — from First Samuel and First Corinthians, Plato, Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde and William Meredith, as well as traditional and popular music from when the two of them were young. A wedding like any other
  • Meanwhile, in the interval, the audience is positive about this very different version of one of Shakespeare's most famous plays.
  • I appeal to every reader of feeling and sentiment whether the fictitious murther of Duncan by Macbeth in Shakespeare does not excite in him as great a horror of villainy, as the real one of Henry IV by Ravaillac as related by Davila?
  • Shakespeare will remain unread, except by a very few people. The Theatre as a Desirable Cultural Force
  • In her new book, she presents a practical guide for actors in approaching and performing Shakespearean texts.
  • Most of Shakespeare's plays are written in blank verse.
  • He has had a distinguished career in dramatics, having been the first post-war President of the Oxford University Dramatic Society, and Governor of the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre, and subsequently he achieved fame as Author, Playwright and Actor-Manager. The British Council
  • Freudian language has seeped into common parlance like that of no other writer since Shakespeare.
  • Forbear to judge, for we are sinners all. William Shakespeare 
  • I prefer Shakespeare's comedies to his tragedies.
  • To say that Shakespearean subjectivity is the governing model for subjectivity in literature after Shakespeare is not to say, at least not to say in any simple way, that this is the only instance or type of characterology that can be discovered in literature after Shakespeare. Yonder Shakespeare
  • There is plenty of Shakespeare's bawdy humour too and the sexual innuendoes come thick and fast.
  • Reputation is an idle and most false imposition; oft got without merit, and lost without deserving. William Shakespeare 
  • Its affinities and poetical style seem to lie rather with Shakespeare's later than his earlier work.
  • In Shakespeare's day the groundlings were a lot more unruly, and you could say that that actress wasn't being sincere or true to her Shakespearean traditions, taking umbrage at a harmless bit of tom foolery that wouldn't have caused Richard Burbage to drop so much as a single iamb from To be, or not to be. Lance Mannion:
  • There were what they called dower rights in the age, and the people who want to sentimentalize this will say, Well, there was no reason for Shakespeare or the lawyer to write anything in because everyone understood that she ` d have these dower rights, as his surviving wife. Will in the World: How Shakespeare Became Shakespeare
  • He specialized in mesmeric, often nightmarish visions of scenes from Shakespeare, Milton and Norse mythology. New Letters from Charles Brown to Joseph Severn
  • It's as if Shakespeare is returning to the themes of the first quadrilogy, but fictionally this time, and perhaps with a perspective of the reign of King James rather than Queen Elizabeth. March Books 8) Macbeth, by William Shakespeare
  • It is a wise father that knows his own child. William Shakespeare 
  • Moreover, says the performer, that painful experience is what led Shakespeare to become more than a sharp-tongued wit, more than the derivative writers of his era and ours.
  • No legacy is so rich as honesty. William Shakespeare 
  • Today, only a highbrow would take a Shakespeare play along with him.
  • Perhaps Shakespeare's most famous play, Romeo and Juliet combines the contrasting elements of humor and sorrow, bawdiness and civil strife, and innocent love and ignorant hate to rouse an amazing depth of mixed tenderness and tension.
  • Shakespeare, in Johnson's phrase, lost the world for a quibble and was content to lose it, so does Mr. Meredith discrown himself of the sovereignty of contemporary romance to put on the cap and bells of the professional wit. Views and Reviews Essays in appreciation
  • We then get homiletic lectures on the virtues of Shakespeare, English and the royal family before selected detainees launch spontaneously into a retelling of Pericles.
  • The stone memorial centrepiece is engraved with lines from William Shakespeare's 30th sonnet.
  • In his blog and in comments in Shakespeare’s Sister’s blog, he says the police detective thought it was strange that she didn’t shower immediately afterwards, since rape victims “always” overshower. Oregon Woman Convicted of Acting Insufficiently Traumatized
  • When you need someone to listen, Ill be there. When you need a hug, Ill be there. When you need someone to hold your hand, Ill be there. When you need someone to wipe your tears, guess what? Ill be there. William Shakespeare.
  • There followed a period of about fifteen years when creative genius became evident, such as the works of William Shakespeare.
  • The sweet witty soul of Ovid lives in mellifluous and honey - tongued Shakespeare.
  • Elizabeth became a superb penwoman but the handwriting of one of her most famous subjects Shakespeare could hardly have been worse.
  • Though Johnson was less of a literary antiquary than some of his contemporaries, he possessed, through his work on the Dictionary, an unsurpassed knowledge of the language of Shakespeare and his contemporaries.
  • Speakers of Old High German and Old English preferred a Greek root, omphalos, which led to nabalo and nafela, and then popped up in Shakespeare as “he unseamed him from the naue to the chops,” and developed into Sir Thomas Browne’s 1646 observation, “The use of the Navell is to continue the infant into the mother.” No Uncertain Terms
  • In the ensuing days Miller was celebrated in the tony newspapers and magazines as a latter-day Shakespeare.
  • Moreover, Lyly's preoccupation with mistaken identity may have influenced Shakespeare.
  • The amorousness of youth has little to do with the desire for the union of souls; what Shakespeare mocks time and again is the borrowing of the imagery of the union of souls for something far more immediate and specific and transitory.
  • An Elizabethan playwright - Shakespeare himself - is stymied by writer's block until he discovers his muse.
  • The Shakespeare Garden is planted with herbs referred to by Shakespeare in his plays, including mint, camomile, marjoram and lavender.
  • Thoughts are but dreams till their effects be tried. William Shakespeare 
  • The old view, espoused by Aeschylus and Shakespeare and many in between, was that good drama must involve royalty or nobility.
  • The Shakespearean actor starred as the ace detective in an incredible 14 films. The Sun
  • This is a non-profit Shakespeare performance workshop for middle and high school girls with gender-blind casting in some of the juiciest roles in history.
  • This area is also famous as Macbeth Country, and the The Birnam Wood, made famous by the witches' prophesy in Shakespeare's MacBeth, is on the south bank of the River Tay.
  • ‘fornicatress’, ‘cloistress’, ‘jointress’ (all in Shakespeare); English Past and Present
  • Shakespeare has been with us in Aotearoa since Captain Cook stepped ashore in 1769.
  • There are many traps that Shakespeare film adaptors can fall into - too noisy, too simplified, too much emoting, acting that fails to convey the words with meaning.
  • The florid old actor-manager at the heart of Forkbeard Fantasy's Shooting Shakespeare is effusive in his bardolatry.
  • He kept reading.… Othello's jealousy manifests itself in the imagery of the bestial, which Shakespeare utilises as a motif of animal passion and the absence of reason…
  • One of the aims is to make Shakespeare relevant to a modern day audience.
  • It was then, that the pizza man went on to open the box completely to reveal the Shakespearean tragi-comedy of it all… the pizza velcro-warmer had done such a phenomenal job at keeping the pizza hot, that all the cheese had crumbled and slid to one entire corner of the pizza… Ugotsoul Diary Entry
  • As most of you know, our school has traditionally done Shakespeare passages for our Recitations.
  • One proof of Shakespeare's sturdy endurability is that, in these days when the curriculum has been liberated, teachers and critics and students turn to him by choice. Shakespeare
  • Having said that, my gut instinct is that actually Shakespeare was somewhere very much on the borderline between Protestant and Catholic ways of thinking.
  • Why then, can one desire too much of a good thing? William Shakespeare 
  • Seven or eight years after writing "Romeo and Juliet," Shakespeare growing conscious of these changes in his own temperament embodied them in another character, the melancholy "Jaques" in "As You Like It. The Man Shakespeare
  • The poem is often regarded as one of the most intensely if mysteriously beautiful of Shakespeare's works.
  • When you need someone to listen, Ill be there. When you need a hug, Ill be there. When you need someone to hold your hand, Ill be there. When you need someone to wipe your tears, guess what? Ill be there. William Shakespeare.
  • They argue that Shakespeare's coarseness is the result of the age and not personal predilection, completely ignoring the work of men like Sir Philip Sidney and Spenser, indeed practically all the pre-Shakespearean writers, in whom none of this so-called grossness exists. Lysistrata
  • Shakespeare's last two sonnets are variations on an anacreontic epigram from The Greek Anthology.
  • The form 'eterne' occurs in Shakespeare only in _Macbeth_, III.ii. 38, and in the 'proof eterne' of the Player's speech. Shakespearean Tragedy Lectures on Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth
  • On the other hand, there's nothing like going to the opera or Shakespearean theatre on a mild dose of magic mushrooms.
  • Other cassettes sport Agatha Christie tales and one cassette in particular is all about the great speeches by famous characters in various Shakespearean plays.
  • Nor was Shakespeare's perspective on Essex unshared.
  • But Shakespeare makes him live with himself and the consequences of his human weakness (not hypocrisy -- the Duke is hypocritical when he plays bawd to Mariana, but Angelo knows exactly what he's doing). Measure For Measure
  • In movies like Shakespeare in Love people are scribbling away using a feather, stopping every so often to dip it into an inkwell.
  • Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. William Shakespeare 
  • It is sobering to reflect that by crowning a brief but undeniably spectacular life by getting murdered in 1593, Christopher Marlowe has ensured persistent support as the one nonaristocratic candidate for authorship of "Shakespeare's" plays. The One and Only
  • Seven years on, Leigh has graduated to the role of the eponymous king for Shakespeare in the Park's new staging of the play.
  • Spenser uses often ‘to welk’ (welken) in the sense of to fade, ‘to sty’ for to mount, ‘to hery’ as to glorify or praise, ‘to halse’ as to embrace, ‘teene’ as vexation or grief: Shakespeare ‘to tarre’ as to provoke, ‘to sperr’ as to enclose or bar in; ‘to sag’ for to droop, or hang the head downward. English Past and Present
  • Ben Jonson mentions Shakespeare's scholastic failings "and though thou hadst small Latin and less Greek" in his dedicatory poem to his great peer's 1623 folio. Jonathan Hobratsch: Shakespeare Is Shakespeare
  • Macbeth lives as an exemplum of the perverted hero, because of Shakespeare's ability to give life to every stage of his disastrous career.
  • Shakespeare verbed nouns, while the discourse particle "like" was common in some dialects of English as far back as the 1800s.
  • Superficially, the play follows The Tempest's plot-line and uses Philoctetes’ setting, but this isn't just Shakespeare in Greek buskins.
  • The Globe Theater was the home to one of the most honored writers of the time, William Shakespeare.
  • Even had we, however, a perfect and trustworthy transcript of Shakespeare's original sketch for this play, there can be little doubt that the rough draught would still prove almost as different from the final masterpiece as is the soiled and ragged canvas now before us, on which we trace the outline of figures so strangely disfigured, made subject to such rude extremities of defacement and defeature. A Study of Shakespeare
  • William Saffire credits William Shakespeare with originating the metaphor.
  • Shakespeare probably ruined my social life at this school also, for all I know.
  • I've got the corpus of Shakespeare's works.
  • Perhaps Shakespeare had particular reason when, in 1598, he had the bibulous Sir John Falstaff complain so bitterly on the subject of ‘thin potations’.
  • Set in the Dust Bowl years (yet slightly futuristic), "Mr. Shivers" lives up to its name - if, that is, you can keep your focus on the novel and ignore the near-Shakespearean prose that overpopulates its pages. Stories
  • Shakespeare’s main object, or shall I rather say his ruling impulse, was to translate the poetic heroes of paganism into the not less rude, but more intellectually vigorous, and more _featurely_, warriors of Christian chivalry, — and to substantiate the distinct and graceful profiles or outlines of the Homeric epic into the flesh and blood of the romantic drama; — in short, to give a grand history-piece in the robust style of Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, Beaumont and Fletcher
  • Suspicion always haunts the guilty mind. William Shakespeare 
  • John Shakespeare was a kind of equivocator: it's what you do when you're in a corner, when you can't be a Catholic and a loyal Englishman at the same time. Speaking in Tongues
  • Whilst I was at uni, I put on live shows (rather than studying!) and when I left, I got a job in electrics with he Royal Shakespeare Company.
  • Now then, what aggravates me is that these troglodytes and muscovites and bandoleers and buccaneers are ALSO trying to crowd in and share the benefit of the law, and compel everybody to revere their Shakespeare and hold him sacred. What Is Man? and Other Essays
  • Besides bringing to screen a rarely seen Shakespeare play in India, the film has another extra element, which will probably make old-timers more than nostalgic.
  • Poetry has always been used by rabble-rousers, way back to Shakespeare and Byron… Poems reflect the world around us and can force us to challenge what we see.
  • This play is usually ascribed to Shakespeare.
  • In 1674 an updated version of Shakespeare's The Tempest had sung Masques inserted into the text.
  • A shakespeare is an ellipsoidal light for theater. Track your cycle
  • But Shakespeare's central importance within Renaissance writing was not a contemporary phenomenon, rather the result of later critical judgements.
  • This feat, sophomore undergraduates performing original English-language Shakespeare in China, combined with my infinite struggle to read, write, and speak in Chinese, boggles the mind. Site-Exchange in Guiyang, Giuzhou University
  • It would have to be someone with lots of re-readability, I guess: Dante, Vergil, or Shakespeare would be candidates. Mini-interview: James Enge |
  • Shakespeare is not pointing out, in 'The knave turns fool that runs away,' that the wise knave who runs away is really a 'fool with a circumbendibus, '' moral miscalculator as well as moral coward. ' Shakespearean Tragedy Lectures on Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth

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