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Shah of Iran

  1. title for the former hereditary monarch of Iran

How To Use Shah of Iran In A Sentence

  • The shah of Iran sought refuge in six countries before finally dying in Egypt 18 months after he left his country.
  • Riyadh's importance was vastly enhanced in 1979, when Ayatollah Khomeini toppled the Shah of Iran, theretofore Washington's chief ally in the Persian Gulf.
  • Build up world support using Ahmadinejad's oppressive and brutal response to the civilian protestors and dissidents, many of whom are remnants of a tyrant who preceded Ahmadinejad and the Ayatollahs there, the dreaded murderer, the Shah of Iran, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi. Ray Hanania: Don't Give Ahmadinejad the Excuses He Wants
  • Pahlevi, the Shah of Iran, in order to deal with Soviet threat and the challenge posed by radical Arab countries, regarded Israel as peripheral strategic ally.
  • The Shah of Iran has toppled from the Peacock Throne -- which was supposed to last an eternity, give or take a few days. Blame the Media
  • Pahlevi, the Shah of Iran, in order to deal with Soviet threat and the challenge posed by radical Arab countries, regarded Israel as peripheral strategic ally.
  • Also included is an impressive Indian multi-strand pearl and turquoise necklace, the front designed as a stylised peacock, which is estimated at $15,000-25,000, a cultured pearl and paste 'festoon' brooch which was a gift from the late Shah of Iran, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi Undefined
  • In 1978, with America's ally the Shah of Iran under siege, President Jimmy Carter asked a former diplomat named George Ball to study the situation and recommend a course of action.
  • In 1978, with America's ally the Shah of Iran under siege, President Jimmy Carter asked a former diplomat named George Ball to study the situation and recommend a course of action.
  • Eisenhower authorized the CIA to cooperate with the British in an operation that was actually a countercoup because the Mossadegh government had forced the Shah of Iran to abdicate. Eisenhower 1956
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