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How To Use Shackle In A Sentence

  • There was no mail coach -- no driver in scarlet -- no mail guard -- no passengers, but only a ramshackle iron mail cart -- a "postboy" as driver and carrying no arms. The King's Post Being a volume of historical facts relating to the posts, mail coaches, coach roads, and railway mail services of and connected with the ancient city of Bristol from 1580 to the present time
  • In a corner, shackled and chained, was a grey mass.
  • On the far left, the lead hanger runs the belt by pushing a lever with his knee and hangs the first shackle.
  • Following his defiance, KSM was subjected to a number of coercive interrogation techniques besides being waterboarded the 183 times: he was kept up for seven and a half days straight while diapered and shackled, and he was told that his kids, who were now being held in American custody, would be killed. The Longest War
  • It is too bad that we often put readers, ordained and lay, in costumes that shackle the creative reading of texts.
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  • As he was walking past a ship chandler's shop, he was shocked to see handcuffs, leg shackles, and thumbscrews in the window.
  • She ran forward and quickly undid the shackles on his wrists and ankles.
  • A subject race, dragooned by force for centuries, has shaken off the last of its shackles.
  • Then he would walk before her back to the stable, loop the chain through the hasp and fasten with his own hands the shackle. DEATH AND TRANSFIGURATION
  • India, on the other hand, has progressively unshackled its economy from bureaucratic controls since 1991 to become one of the fastest growing economies with an average growth rate of over six percent in recent years.
  • There was no indoor tennis centre, just ramshackle old council courts and nowhere to have lessons. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then he repaired to a blacksmith, after stripping her and her damsels of their silken apparel and clothing them in raiment of hair-cloth, and bade him make three pairs of iron shackles. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • A makeshift wooden bridge is the only access to the ramshackle dwelling leading from the road.
  • It is immoral and absurd to shackle all citizens because of the feared imprudence or disastrous luck of a tiny percentage.
  • She saw Avery in the prison yard hanging from the shackles on his wrists.
  • Deep gullies run between the ramshackle dirt houses carrying away sewage in the open.
  • The opposition criticized the government's ramshackle economic policies.
  • We are all shackled to reality but free to dream of the great escape. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those two will only get better now the shackles have been taken off by the Tottenham star. The Sun
  • From afar the shanty towns resembled ramshackle collections of matchboxes.
  • Now, a tenement is not a building that is stuck up in a ramshackle way on one of the streets in the lowest ward of the city. Problems of Population
  • More so due to being free from the shackles of domestic unrest. The Sun
  • There is no use in seeing the parlous situation of the Aboriginal community as requiring increased funding. We first have to unshackle ourselves from much of the confusion that prevails.
  • The men roughly pulled Prudence and the others from the wagon and put cast iron shackles around their wrists, attaching them to the cart so they wouldn't get away.
  • From now on, these items will be included in the existing export ban of leg irons, shackles and gang chains.
  • Various departments inhabit a ramshackle collection of buildings up and down Holloway Road, ranging through arts and crafts, neo-Georgian, brutalism and postmodernist junk.
  • Other freshman classes have exerted a much more profound immediate influence, though in fairness some of the guys this year were shackled by the presence of more experienced players ahead of them who would have been difficult to unseat from the lineup. Top newcomer? John Wall runs away from a talented field
  • About 100 kilometres away from the boma, a bare-footed lad trudged his way to a ramshackle school in Luumbo village down in the Gwembe valley.
  • He has taken the shackles off. The Sun
  • Both are subject to the shackle, which is imposed as a criminal penalty, or by the power of sergeants and commanders. Yoani Sanchez: The Squalor of Our Prisons Mirrors the Perverted Face of Our Justice [VIDEO]
  • I checked the shackles that held the Monster to its slab, giving it a sharp cuff as it lashed out with its wicked needle-thin teeth at my face, slobber and foam flying from its mouth.
  • For once in her life she didn't feel shackled and chained.
  • She was swaying from side to side and the men unshackled her from the ceiling and dragged her to a metallic chair, bolted to the floor.
  • Men, women and children are no longershakledshackled, put on the auction block and sold like prize cattle to the highest bidder.
  • The appropriate out - of - controlness started on a ramshackle ranch near Santa Fe, New Mexico.
  • The second lot is a collection of 302 photographs, purchased for £2,500, from Emily Shackleton's family album.
  • A West Germany firmly shackled to this impossibilist dogma would never be able to do a deal with the Soviet Union, such as leaving Nato in return for reunification. London Review of Books
  • On those boats that have internal halyards, all halyards (except, again, the main) should be disconnected from the deck and hauled through until the shackles are two-blocked at the masthead.
  • Professor David and R. Priestley, the geologists of Shackleton's expedition, refer to Ferrar's and Prior's description of the foundation rocks, and state that according to their own investigations the foundation rocks consist of banded gneis, gneissic granite, grano-diorite, and diorite rich in sphene, besides coarse crystalline limestone as enclosures in the gneiss. The South Pole~ Fram Expedition Geology
  • The shackles of my physical body had faded away and instead I was free and floating above it, surrounded by a bright white light. The Sun
  • Look you, Herr Doctor: months we have been on this cruise, yes, more than three months out of Heligoland, penned together in this ramshackle stinkpot, or isolated here in this God-forgotten hole, seeing nothing of life, hearing nothing of the world but what little the radio tells us -- sick of the very sight of one another's faces! The False Faces Further Adventures from the History of the Lone Wolf
  • My zakat forces me to unshackle myself from my money, time, and efforts and places them towards good.
  • The Blunt family home was a large, ramshackle house with an untended and brambly garden.
  • Freed from the shackles of words and dialects, silent cinema spoke a universal language that all nations and all classes could understand.
  • He has taken the shackles off. The Sun
  • My favourite direction: 'You pass a ramshackle old farm with a very unfriendly dog but it is normally chained up. The Sun
  • It was a regular antheap all the way in, with the miners crawling over the tree-clad slopes, and the ceaseless thump of picks and scrape of shovels and ring of axes, and ramshackle huts and shanties and sluice-boxes everywhere, with dirty bearded fellows in slouch hats and galluses cussing and burrowing, and claim signs all along Sweetheart Mine, Crossbone Diggings, Damyereyes Gulch, and the like. Isabelle
  • He grabbed the chain that was binding Beth to him (though he wanted nothing better than to unshackle her), and he tried to push his way through the thick mob.
  • Older Palaeozoic rocks are represented by greenish grey slates from the sides of the Beardmore glacier and by radiolarian cherts; but the most widespread of the sedimentary rocks occurring in vast beds in the mountain faces is that named by Ferrar the Beacon sandstones, which in the far south Shackleton found to be banded with seams of shale and coal amongst which a fossil occurred which has been identified as coniferous wood and suggests that the place of the formation is Lower Carboniferous or perhaps Upper Devonian. Perspective of Antarctica in 1911
  • This dependence is absolute, despotic; but it unshackles as well. Joseph Brodsky - Nobel Lecture
  • You see, those wide-open spaces streaking past when you're rattling about on the train are ramshackle urban Edens.
  • He constantly pondered upon the possibilities through which his friend might be freed from the shackles that bound him to the effeminate serfdom of idleness; but the magic that could unrivet those fetters had not yet been revealed. Fairy Fingers A Novel
  • The article reported that the girl was detained in handcuffs and shackles.
  • This holds that France is a secular society free from religious shackles and underpinned by universal values. Times, Sunday Times
  • But there was never a chance, never a moment, when he might run free of a cage about him, of the walls of a room restricting him, of a chain shackled to the collar about his throat. CHAPTER XXXII
  • Shackleton and his 28-man crew waited, immobilized, in the hope that the ice would eventually thaw, but after ten months the ship was destroyed by ice pressure.
  • The shackles had fallen away and reflected the glow of the man's flaming hair.
  • Mr Shackleton remembered his attacker was wearing a navy blue crew-neck sweater with a badge emblem and red writing on it.
  • There are more than 12,000 of these ramshackle little buildings across the island. The Sun
  • The works, while clear, are also ambiguous; a number look ramshackle, jerry-built, jumbled - even chaotic.
  • He came back with a pair of shackles and put them round my legs. Times, Sunday Times
  • From now on, these items will be included in the existing export ban of leg irons, shackles and gang chains.
  • Method: Human symbiote body shackled to a concrete wall with uninterrupted exposure. 365 tomorrows » 2009 » January : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Cheap and cheerful in a neighbourhood that's full of life, with ramshackle old rum shacks and popular picnic areas. Times, Sunday Times
  • They joined with a ramshackle alliance of other rebels.
  • There were all these intricate diagrams of horrible shackles and thumbscrews.
  • Dergoul also described the use of what was known as the ‘short shackle’ - steel bonds pulled tight to keep the subject bunched up, while chained to the floor.
  • His feet were unshackled, however, and tapped anxiously on the floor.
  • She remains voiceless but the postures and the expressions convey the intense desire to break out of conventional modes, a desire to burst forth from the shackles of male suppression.
  • The bumpy road took us through ramshackle villages and dusty towns past waving schoolchildren in white uniforms. The Sun
  • Free from the shackles of relegation, there was the tantalising prospect of uncaged tigers released to feast and relieve their frustration on the home side.
  • The shackles were taken off. Times, Sunday Times
  • And unlike the anti-marketing Masters Tournament, which limits ads, the USGA doesn't shackle the networks.
  • I needn't remind you that this is the very same society that shackles them with its false smile and pristine lies and acts as a drug for the braindead masses.
  • Can an author with reason complain that he is cramped and shackled, if he is not at liberty to publish blasphemy, bawdry, or sedition? all which are equally prohibited in the freest governments, if they are wise and well regulated ones. Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
  • When I knocked the shackle-bolt loose, the chain roared out through the hawse-hole and into the sea. Chapter 39
  • The action of the play takes place in a remote ramshackle beach house built on sand dunes.
  • Is a title worth it-- does a title shackle a person?" the former Alaska governor asked during a discussion of her 2012 plans Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • By evoking the shamelessness of the mythic trickster, the creative artist overcomes shame and breaks through the shackles of social constraint.
  • She found herself in a dark cold cell with chains around her wrists and shackles around her ankles.
  • ‘We want to replace the current ramshackle building with one of the same size, with about ten per cent of the space used for aquatics,’ he said.
  • He was standing, shackled to the top of a door frame with a gag in his mouth at the time he died.
  • Industrial progress is being shackled by a mass of regulations.
  • The three prisoners who have been shackled up are frightened.
  • Nailed over the doorway of the ramshackle clapboard frontage of the building was a large rectangular sign.
  • You have killed just enough of our folk to each have a ride to the city," the captain said biliously as a soldier handed him the ring of shackle keys. Mercadian Masques
  • Instead of fleeing he walked right into the house next door and calmly walked into a ramshackle apartment he had hired there.
  • Freed from shackles or facing end of the world as we know it? Times, Sunday Times
  • Today's NASA, in contrast, is focused on re-engineering big, expensive expendable rockets provided by hand-picked favorite contractors to launch throw-away spacecraft (also provided by hand-picked favorite contractors) whose designs are shackled to ancient architectural mentalities driven almost entirely by lunar access expediencies instead of long-term operational sustainability considerations. Sean O'Keefe Responds to Jay Barbree - NASA Watch
  • Would to Heaven he was yoked to some tight piece of business, no matter whether well or ill paid, but some job that would hamshackle him at least until the courts rose, if it were but for decency’s sake.’ Redgauntlet
  • I was handcuffed, shackled and blindfolded and held in solitary confinement for three months.
  • During Burge's trial last summer, witnesses testified that he personally shackled, electrocuted, suffocated and beat them to force their admissions of guilt. Burge Lawyers Want Sentence Shortened Based On His Military Record
  • The prisoners were kept shackled during the trial.
  • She and I would never be broken apart again, and we would never have to feel the lash of a whip, hear someone call us ugly names, feel the cold cruelty of shackles and chains about our wrists and ankles.
  • Unfortunately they are fettered and shackled, and have become mouthpieces and lackeys of whoever wants to promote a message.
  • We are currently shackled, he says, to the only trading bloc in the world that is experiencing no growth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Recognizing it to be a naval auxiliary, the Shackleton stood off.
  • Fourth, the working class and labour movement, repressed, shackled, lacking independence, was no alternative.
  • Other authors were shackled by two dicta of contemporary thinking among evolutionary biologists, of which Beadle and Emerson were either unaware or unpersuaded.
  • Ten thousand strengths seemed then to heave him from her heart; and struggling with a power that amazed even herself, she threw him from her; and holding him off with her shackled arms, her shrieks again pierced the heavens. The Scottish Chiefs
  • When not in a cell, prisoners are cuffed, shackled and escorted by two or three guards.
  • A pair of shackles and chilling messages daubed on the walls have already been uncovered from the first two secret chambers at the site. The Sun
  • Tacks and sheets are shackled, and the clew-garnets are lashed to the clews; when ready, man the reef-tackles, leechlines, and buntlines, and clew-garnets, and walk all the gear up together.
  • I hung over the side of the pulpit and saw that the bobstay chain was shackled to the end cap on the bowsprit, so I hunted up a wrench and another shackle.
  • Aboard ship, where recoil space was limited, the "kick" of the gun was checked by a heavy rope called a breeching, shackled to the side of the vessel Artillery Through the Ages A Short Illustrated History of Cannon, Emphasizing Types Used in America
  • The ‘soft law’ approach allows states to tackle a problem collectively at a time when they do not want too strictly to shackle their freedom of action.
  • The game also plays rather well and embraces the freedom from shackles. The Sun
  • To the south, athwart the mountain's lower slope, was a maze of byways and ramshackle housing for the native population.
  • The hostage had been shackled to a radiator.
  • Rather than remain shackled to a waning star, the captain filed for bankruptcy and divorce in 1905. Cocotte of the Week: May Yohé | Edwardian Promenade
  • Making Forty Mile with a view to dissipating his newly found wealth in a gormandizing "jag," he sent the settlers in that ramshackle camp into wild excitement by producing nuggets of a size hitherto unmatched. Colorado Jim
  • This capacity empowers and unshackles developers from the limitations and obstacles they face in the development of software for other devices, putting the power in the hands of the artist.
  • Then he was shackled in handcuffs, leg irons, and a belly chain and taken to the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn.
  • The bumpy road took us through ramshackle villages and dusty towns past waving schoolchildren in white uniforms. The Sun
  • We certainly don't put the shackles on. Times, Sunday Times
  • Well, thankfully we have an opportunity each fall to choose cinematic options that remove (to a degree) the shackles of the corporate system.
  • Scott himself, with Shackleton, made a sledge journey to beyond 82 degrees south in 1902.
  • Every time a shingle is added to the gimcrack, ramshackle governance structure that we're propping up, another door falls off its hinges. Archive 2009-04-01
  • JUST take the shackles off a bit more and see where it takes us. The Sun
  • When we entered a room full of prisoners we unshackled them and escorted them from the building.
  • The society, however literate and well informed it may be, does not know how to unshackle itself from the grip of the bullish and bearish media.
  • The shackles were taken off. Times, Sunday Times
  • I noticed that she had cuffs around her wrists and ankles, like shackles without the chains.
  • He has since bought a degree of financial stability to the club, building new stands and converting the team's ramshackle old ground into an all-seater arena, renamed the Matchroom Stadium. Orient's Olympic-Sized Threat
  • The commandant had prepared a champan and shackles to send the religious to Manila. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 23 of 55 1629-30 Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing t
  • It is a ramshackle building built on a terraced hillside in the middle of the woods, and looks like it may have been built at the first stages of settlement in the area. The Rainbow Clockwerkz
  • Before they move you, they take you anywhere, you had to be shackled, and you had to have a chain on your waist, you had to be handcuffed.
  • As there was some doubt as to the starboard anchor having gone clear, the port anchor was dropped close to the foot of the Mole and the cable bowsed-to, with less than a shackle out. The Boy Allies with the Victorious Fleets Or, the Fall of the German Navy
  • It means that you live in one place, but exist in another esoteric, imaginary plane, unshackled by fact or memory.
  • He puts me in shackles to stop me storming the stage. The Sun
  • And the ones that make you want to throw off the shackles and shout along are always the best. The Sun
  • Industrial progress is being shackled by a mass of regulations.
  • I am a sucker for rusty stuff - ramshackle windmills, a rotting singletree hanging on that hook where grandpa put it the last time he unhitched the team, plows, skillets, barbed wire.
  • Every word testifies that they were indited by a writer of puissant individuality, disengaged from the shackles of conventional homiletics, and boldly striking out on untrodden paths. Jewish Literature and Other Essays
  • The oilskin clothes, fur gloves and boots are replicas of the Burberry outfits Shackleton used in his ill-fated expedition to cross the Antarctic.
  • I trudged over to a ramshackle building reminding me of a snack bar at our decrepit drive-in theater.
  • On his return, he joined Shackleton and immediately set sail once more for the Antarctic.
  • But what a night the bloody hangdog Bonthron must have had of it, dancing a pavise in mid air to the music of his own shackles, as the night wind swings him that way and this! The Fair Maid of Perth St. Valentine's Day
  • People who lost money on him called him a "brumby"; but if ever any horse had Harpoon's shoulders and The Gin's temper, Shackles was that horse. Indian Tales
  • A tie would result in five points for each team, and the terms losing draw and winning draw, with Shackleton's grateful thanks, would be consigned to the dustbin.
  • It would free us from the shackles of the current consociational state of affairs and would create the space for ‘normal politics’ that strange phenomenon everyone claims to desire to finally take root. Archive 2008-02-01
  • Not for an instant did he bow to fate: all shackled as he was, his legs engarlanded in heavy chains -- which he called his garters -- he tempered his merriment with the meditation of escape. A Book of Scoundrels
  • He also wore shackles on his wrists and ankles as well as a metal collar around his neck to prevent his escape.
  • He knows his experience is not comparable to Shackleton's feat of endurance.
  • They finally managed to throw off the shackles of communism.
  • He adds that he is handcuffed, shackled, and chained at the waist, which has rubbed his wrists and ankles raw.
  • A pair of shackles and chilling messages daubed on the walls have already been uncovered from the first two secret chambers at the site. The Sun
  • In fact, in response to George's protests, the first confederate, Henry Longshackle, began bugling even more loudly.
  • The vampire shook his arms, jiggling the shackles.
  • I reached his ramshackle lean-to, promptly leaned against my usual beam and opened the folded papers.
  • The DSEi website explicitly states the sale of "leg irons, gang chains, shackles and shackle bracelets" are prohibited. UK arms fair under scrutiny over 'cluster munitions' stall
  • He lives in a ramshackle weatherboard house stuffed with musical instruments in Melbourne's eastern suburbs.
  • Then he would walk before her back to the stable, loop the chain through the hasp and fasten with his own hands the shackle. DEATH AND TRANSFIGURATION
  • When Shel started to unshackle her wrists, she asked if she could go. YELLOW BIRD
  • It is time we cast off the shackles of this oppressive existence and let liberty, personal responsibility and social tolerance flourish in New Zealand.
  • Ramshackle and slate-colored, the house gave the impression of being the biggest rock on a great big rock pile. It was the only house on a block dense with buildings.
  • We see him, at one point, sitting in a ramshackle hotel room in New Harmony, Ind., as his men stuff an American skunk for shipment back to his castle on the Rhine. From the Rhine to the Wild West
  • The public had previously called upon the artistic community within the establishment to throw off the shackles of regimented style favoured by the state.
  • But it is actually the last line that is the most relevant to modern culture for the progressive powers that be are determined to not only escape every "shackle" of Western civilization's past, they are committed to ignoring history, distorting history, and even inventing history to suit ideological ends. Vital Signs
  • He will be unshackled, he'll be read his rights and the charges against him, and the details of his defence will be conveyed to him.
  • Most of each day was spent crouched on a floor, one hand shackled to one ankle with handcuffs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The man, a convict who has escaped from a prison ship, scares Pip into stealing him some food and a file to grind away his leg shackle.
  • However, because of the special social status Pinger cannot get rid of the shackles of the feudal society, which leads to her tragic life.
  • The boy was wearing a blue and black prisoner uniform with broken shackles on his wrists and feet.
  • To use a burning consciousness of one’s own misery, of the shackles that cut one’s own limbs, to quicken one’s sense of life in general, as Dickens did, to shape out of the murk which has surrounded one’s childhood some resplendent figure such as Micawber or Mrs. Gamp, is admirable: but to use personal suffering to rivet the reader’s sympathy and curiosity upon your private case is disastrous. The Common Reader, Second Series
  • He thought of Shackleton who, when forced to lighten his load on the ice floes, would not jettison his banjo.
  • The appointed day came and Hank was unshackled and taken out of his dungeon cell to be burned at the stake.
  • For $7, tourists sail off for a day's imbibing of stomach-churning mulberry wine on a ramshackle boat, boasting the loudest sound-system in the country.
  • Every time he left his cell, including for medical appointments, Thomas had to wear a body belt and was shackled with handcuffs and leg irons.
  • As she moved her hand to massage her temples, she felt the weight of heavy chains and shackles around her wrists.
  • Together, they're a couple of test-lab refugees with little in common except for the three feet of chain that shackles them together.
  • The visions of this spirit (idolon) were of a skinny old man (senex macie), bound and shackled. The News is - The News is Now Public
  • It's not often, after all, that a "new" whisky is a painstaking recreation, from flavor down to the label design, of a whisky that was buried in ice for a full century by the great Antarctic explorer, Sir Ernest Shackleton. Tony Sachs: Drinking The Past: New Spirits Recreate Vintage Tastes
  • The trade unions are shackled by the law.
  • Daniel Craig plays Jake Lonergan, a gunslinger in 1875 Arizona who wakes up in the desert with a mysterious shackle around his wrist and his memory wiped clean.
  • The shackles of my physical body had faded away and instead I was free and floating above it, surrounded by a bright white light. The Sun
  • They will not be in contention for the championship, there should be no shackles. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘As you wish’ he repeated and unshackled my wrists and backed away.
  • In the same room, a strange, ramshackle structure of untreated timber and plywood juts from a wall. Ballardian » “Ambiguous aims”: a review of Crash: Homage to J.G. Ballard [NSFW]
  • When teams go two goals down, they throw off their shackles and stream forward. Times, Sunday Times
  • THE Pound has soared after the manufacturing industry threw off the shackles of Brexit uncertainty last month. The Sun
  • More so due to being free from the shackles of domestic unrest. The Sun
  • Finally, he reached into his knapsack, removing a pair of handcuffs and leg shackles to restrain Nathan.
  • Two of them landed next to a ramshackle building site and uniformed men hit the ground firing. Times, Sunday Times
  • She saw Avery in the prison yard hanging from the shackles on his wrists.
  • While you might find this an appealing prospect, it will soon become a shackle that will hinder your progress online.
  • Those two will only get better now the shackles have been taken off by the Tottenham star. The Sun
  • He came back with a pair of shackles and put them round my legs. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are shackled by inherited convention.
  • His family, who live in a ramshackle house in which five people share a bedroom, said that they had often struggled for money. Times, Sunday Times
  • Like Shackleton before them, the crevasses were a constant danger for the 2008 expedition. BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition
  • One by one, live birds are hung by the feet on a moving line of hooks called shackles and mechanically stunned, decapitated, and scalded to remove the feathers.
  • We need to be unshackled from the blinkered thinking of planners and action groups that all things in the Park should be made of stone and slate and woe betide anyone who says differently.
  • All rigging gear, such as slings, shackles, spreaders, and hooks, must be rated for the load that is being lifted.
  • Victoria Land consists of a vast, ancient complex of crystalline schists and granitic rocks, large extents of which are covered by a sandstone formation (“Beacon Sandstone,” Ferrar), on the whole horizontally bedded, which is at least 1,500 feet thick, and in which Shackleton found seams of coal and fossil wood (a coniferous tree). The South Pole; an account of the Norwegian antarctic expedition in the 'Fram', 1910 to 1912
  • They pre-date the band's signing to Rough Trade and have a ramshackle charm, tenderness and vitality that can never be matched in a studio recording.
  • Sitting on one of the stonework terraces of the ramshackle Royal Caribbean Hotel, Lawson eyed a cocky little stinkpot chugging up toward Coastown under big mackerel clouds. The Season of the Machete
  • After repelling Oxford's more determined thrusts, City broke free from their shackles as a Richard Hope shot from 25 yards was deflected wide for a corner.
  • Although Uncle Roger lives in a small ramshackle cottage that looks more like a rat-infested hovel, Colin believes the man is a miser, and is sure there's money that has been stashed away.
  • This holds that France is a secular society free from religious shackles and underpinned by universal values. Times, Sunday Times

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