
How To Use Sg In A Sentence

  • Concentration now had to be aimed at the means of transporting the aircraft from the field to the carrier in Glasgow.
  • Some retailers, including Sears, have already held some "door-buster" early-morning sales, which makes Black Friday -- the day after Thanksgiving that's looked upon as a kick-off to the holiday shopping season -- a little "grayer," he said. Boulder Daily Camera Most Viewed
  • ASCII is the standard language of Internet e-mail and newsgroup text, among other things.
  • Days later, Gregg was gunned down near Belfast docks as he returned from a Glasgow Rangers football match.
  • Schedule 3 comprises a number of toxic or precursor chemicals with widespread industrial uses, such as phosgene, hydrogen cyanide, phosphorus trichloride and thionyl chloride.
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  • All of a sudden St. Philip's ten bells start tanging - one o’clock already - and at once the workshops and factories around the yard begin disgorging throngs of workers on their way to lunch
  • Conclusion TSGF test in patients with carcinosis play a very important pole in early diagnosis and the evaluation of therapy effect.
  • Just because the American people are disgusted with higher taxes, bigger government, left wing liberal give away policies and pacifist foreign policy attitudes, this idiot thinks the Tea Party activist is in someway trying to bring the country down. Clinton warns against violent anti-government attitude
  • The fifth position went to a phishing activity, in which a university hacker stole Internet users' personal information by luring them to provide confidential data on disguised Web sites.
  • The attitude toward immigrants and racial minorities in this country is disgusting.
  • At fourteen he was sent to the University of Glasgow, where he came under the influence of Francis Hutcheson, and in 1740 he went up to Oxford as Snell exhibitioner at Balliol College, remaining there till 1746. Introductory Note
  • He comes to be disgusted by all abstractions and ideas.
  • Whatever you think of Strandlof and the months he masqueraded as a brain-injured veteran, the simple truth two months after his web of lies came apart is that public disgrace seems to have changed him little. Heroes or Villains?
  • A similar attempt at reconciling Absolute Idealism and monadism had been made by Lotze, and in both cases it remains an open question whether this is not pre-established harmony in disguise. Francis Herbert Bradley
  • There must then be obedience to an infinite law, or _infinite_ punishment for transgression. The Way of Salvation in the Lutheran Church
  • Aren't you a spoiled child, without the childness and the spoiling, to go and write in that plaintive, solemn way about 'help of some connexions of Jane's in Glasgow,' as if you were a desolate orphan Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • He gave the address of his hotel, making sure that Johnny, talking to another salesgirl a foot or two away, would have heard it. DISPLACED PERSON
  • Pride slays thanksgiving, but a humble mind is the soil out of which thanks naturally grow. A proud man is seldom a grateful man, for he never thinks he gets as much as he deserves. Henry Ward Beecher 
  • Some openly jeered and shouted in disgust when the final vote tally was announced.
  • Cars drew up to disgorge a wedding party.
  • Their reports also misgender the trans student several times.
  • He had the most disgusting rotten teeth and horn rim glasses with milk bottle lenses.
  • It took its corporeal form in the living room, disguised as a humanoid figure made of what could be described as a giant cotton ball.
  • The American troops come home in disgrace and the American military is taunted and ridiculed by the American media, global media, Islamic terrorists, and the moonbats here and aborad. Sound Politics: What It Means
  • The disgusting partiality shown in the accusations was disrelished, as was the resort that had been had to torture. History of the United States, Volume 1 (of 6)
  • Another suggests that there are as many as ten lawyers in the city disguised as tourists. Times, Sunday Times
  • The prominent winds and brass, and unusual sonorities like the harsh Chinese cymbals that convey Hippolyt's disgust at Phaedra's advances, increase the piece's hard-edge quality. Divided Inside, in Theme and Structure
  • (= Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters, Bd. 76), Leiden: Brill. Intentionality in Ancient Philosophy
  • But the Law of Moses under which the Jews, as evidenced by their circumcision, are supposed to live under is very rigid and proscribes up to death for many transgressions. The Volokh Conspiracy » Ann Coulter, Christian Chauvinist:
  • (i.e. iron) _shirts of mail_, 334. græg-mæl, adj., _having a gray color_, here = _iron_: sweord Beowulf
  • I think we have to distinguish those narratives which crudely manipulate fear or repulsion and disgust from that which Lovecraft correctly calls ‘the weird tale’.
  • We live in a mixed society now and this sort of thing is disgusting and shouldn't be tolerated.
  • I also feel that the manuals can sometimes misguide us.
  • I based myself at Ibsen's, an art-filled eco-friendly hotel on fashionable Nansensgade, an easy walk from the city center and after viewing artwork at the National Gallery of Denmark, I lunched at Aamann's, specializing in a modern take on the traditional open-faced Danish sandwich called the smorrebrod. Jill Fergus: Copenhagen Dining Beyond Noma
  • At 6.30 pm there will be an ecumenical service of thanksgiving for the Flower Festival.
  • In the night of the 28th 2,000 French dragoons each laden with 60 pounds of gunpowder arrived at the circumvallating walls in disguise.
  • Disguised first as a horse dealer and later as a holy man, he successfully blarneyed his way through regions, which were not a part of British-held India at the time.
  • We are heartened to see the counter-errorist troops in the SGPS fighting to gain a thought foothold among graduate students. Stephen Taylor - a blog on Canadian politics
  • It was accounted an immodest thing for women to dishevel and unloose their hair publicly: The priest unlooseth the hairs of the women suspected of adultery, when she was to be tried by the bitter water, which was done for greater disgrace. From the Talmud and Hebraica
  • This tells us something interesting about the human concept of disgust. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is easy to see religious motivations here in terms of imperatives to care for the unfortunate; 'almsgiving' is undoubtedly a strong theme in most faith traditions. New Perspectives on Faith and Development
  • Overeating and drunkenness both violated social moral codes, although the latter appears to have been a much weightier transgression: intoxication is frequently listed among the serious crimes — "pleasurable living," adultery, theft — mentioned by Sahagún's informants. 47 Indigenous drinking practices also shocked Spaniards who had their own ideals of moderation when it came to alcohol consumption, a topic that we look at in Chapter 4. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • When that course entails the social regulation of her sexual life in reproduction, the young woman's entry into intellectual life will necessarily be seen as transgressive.
  • What began as a cheap and easy way to disguise the taste of alcohol in prohibition America quickly became the drink of choice for the privileged fast set of the 1920s.
  • Though never quite managing to hit commercial paydirt, Glasgow-born singer/songwriter John Martyn has carved out an acclaimed career by purveying an idiosyncratic mix of rock, folk and jazz.
  • The organization awards 11 non-renewable scholarships of $2,000 to children of full-time employees of firms that are members in good standing of NASGW.
  • SG: This is our most famous com­puter: it’s a lap­top that was res­cued from the bot­tom of the Ama­zon River. Dropped Your Powerbook in a Volcano? No Problem « Snarkmarket
  • People in downstate are totally disgusted withChicago politics. Republican congressman announces bid for Obama's Senate seat
  • Lacking auditory and visual cues, the e-mail message or newsgroup post can be productively ambiguous in tone.
  • A woman is permitted to chat or babble, but speaking in public with authority is still the greatest transgression.
  • The commission suspects hate crimes against gays, lesbians, and transgender people are under-reported.
  • We have every reason to remain indignant, disgusted, embarrassed and angry about this fact, but no room anymore whatsoever to feign surprise. The CNN estimate of the Searchlight Rally. | RedState
  • A certain nutrition and health function of transgenic metallothionein mushroom on ICR mice was studied in this paper.
  • AS THE chug of a train rumbles overhead, Andy Arnold takes a seat amid the lunchtime bustle of the Arches theatre bar in Glasgow's city centre.
  • With ill-disguised pride Margarethe serves onto the best Ming china. CONFESSIONS OF AN UGLY STEPSISTER
  • But, whatever harm Macscruby thinks our flag might do to his beef jerky, McDonald's had no misgivings on its effect on the Big Mac.
  • My mind misgave me when I heard he had never come in. A House to Let
  • I feel disgusted and wonder how I could ever have been so gross.
  • Nobody can even put an exact figure on the number of children who have been excluded, which is a disgrace in itself.
  • Bleah what disgusting news.
  • Oh sure, the boxing was kind of fun to watch (as much as I hate to enjoy it … what can I say, I’m a fan of forms of gladiatorship, even when they are rife with disgusting amounts of - isms), and Hillary Swank is Hillary Swank. Million dollar baby « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • He offers an impressive specification of the role that disgust plays in Freud's evolutionary theory of repression.
  • Yet this masterful, luminous image places him in the august company of the renowned landscapist John Knox, with whom he worked on a series of views of Glasgow.
  • Regarding proton cancer therapy, Cosgrove, Aro and Green et al.
  • I identified the frightful ingredients masking the mixtures of tannin and powdered carbon with which the fish was embalmed; and I penetrated the disguise of the marinated meats, painted with sauces the colour of sewage; and I diagnosed the wine as being coloured with fuscin, perfumed with furfurol, and enforced with molasses and plaster. Là-bas
  • It is a national disgrace for the country that pioneered IVF. The Sun
  • It is unknown to men of noble mind; it does not lead to heaven; on earth it causes disgrace, O Arjuna. THE DICE MAN
  • Her voice was disguised to conceal her identity.
  • Because then that bald spokesguy with the BIG VOICE!! and unblinking stare is on my TV every bloody commercial break. I hate it when The Brick has a sale
  • Then they would disband the defeated regime's army, turning hundreds of thousands of trained soldiers into disgruntled potential insurgents.
  • We arrived home to the revelations about how disgusting York's public conveniences had been allowed to become over the Bank Holiday.
  • The Obama administration should disaffirm the recent DOL guidance and clarify that fiduciaries have the right - indeed, the obligation - to take ESG factors into account when they determine such factors to be material to investment performance and beneficial to retirement plan beneficiaries. Joe Keefe: Sustainable Investing and the Financial Crisis: How Long-Term Investing Can Replace Short-Term Bubbles
  • 'By gar,' he says, ''tis a disgrace to th' mim'ries iv thim devoted dead who died f'r their counthry, 'he says. Mr. Dooley: In the Hearts of His Countrymen
  • When a well-intentioned program yields unwelcome results, for example, a truth-aversive organization will seek to minimize or disguise these consquences.
  • Harry disguises the latent homosexual feelings he has for his best friend Ron, by having a string of one night stands with besotted girls in the year below him.
  • I cannot accept the approach that cisgendered women's feminist empowerment would be threatened by accepting that there are (many) transgendered women that are as much female as any other woman.
  • The third in the triplet took you in totally the opposite direction by looking at life as a transgender person who blurs the distinction between male and female identification.
  • There were passages when Glasgow looked markedly the better side and played with much of the zing which was so often conspicuously absent last season.
  • One rubber-tyred option was prematurely discarded by a now-disgraced former mayor as not developed enough, even though the cost would have been half that of lrt. Canada Line delivers a smooth ride « Stephen Rees's blog
  • You start to look for more graphic pornography and start using porn that disgusted you earlier.
  • It is very easy to disguise most birthmarks and freckles with makeup; there is an endless supply on sale.
  • It is certain that Byron had begun the fourth canto, and written some thirty or more stanzas, before Hobhouse rejoined him at his villa of La Mira on the banks of the Brenta, in July, 1817; and it would seem that, although he had begun by saying "that he was too short a time in Rome for it," he speedily overcame his misgivings, and accomplished, as he believed, the last "fytte" of his pilgrimage. The Works of Lord Byron. Vol. 2
  • I was a conscienceless exploiter of men, a ruiner of families, a disgusting plutocrat who cared nothing for anyone but myself. The envelopes
  • The Buttery in Glasgow will be especially missed - all warm glows and scrumptious food.
  • Looking with disgust at the clothing she was going to have to put on, she sighed and began to remove the beautiful rose-coloured silk robes.
  • I have long claimed that this conceivability is only apparent; some misguided philosophers think they can conceive of a zombie, but they are badly mistaken. nullasalus: Blurring the Line
  • We allow our feelings to flow out towards him in adoration, confession, thanksgiving and praise.
  • A Glasvegas, glasgowi skót bandának az azonos című, szeptemberben megjelent bemutatkozó albumáról mutatnánk be a "It's My Own Cheating Heart That Makes Me Cry" című dalt - egyszerűen fantasztikus. Plastik media
  • Certainly, you can confront the transgressor, contemplate revenge, or hold a grudge forever.
  • Next, we examined characteristics of 18-month old alloreactive T-cells in a transgenic adoptive transfer model. Elites TV
  • When herbicide-resistant crops are commercially grown, it is possible that herbicide-resistant weeds will develop if genes are transferred from the transgenic crop to related weedy species.
  • Napoleon, the greatest of all generals, dismissed and disgraced Admiral Bruix when he questioned an order to sail his fleet.
  • He was "mourned," by those who "survived" him, as people are not mourned in cities, that is, frankly, in a manner undisguised. Walking-Stick Papers
  • This may be least true of the long "culottes", trousers most closely resembling a skirt, and at best mistakable for a skirt, but insofar as "culottes" establish the principle of dividing woman's outward apparel from the waist down, they merely disguise the grave disorder. The Modesty of His Lordship
  • This celebration of Thanksgiving defies tradition.
  • His conduct since then - culminating in this piece of drek - is an absolute disgrace.
  • Seubert J, Yang B, Bradbury JA, Graves J, Degraff LM, et al. (2004) Enhanced postischemic functional recovery in CYP2J2 transgenic hearts involves mitochondrial ATP-sensitive K+ channels and p42/p44 MAPK pathway. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Many protesters will be ‘disguising’ themselves as innocent hillwalkers wanting to tackle the Ochils this weekend.
  • Despite the disgrace and humiliation which eventually befell him, he never wavered from his beliefs.
  • The company's leaders — and fun brand personality — help to lure in "evangelist" consumers who further spread the word about the brand, says Popchips investor Alex Panos, managing director at TSG Consumer. Popchips CEO Keith Belling is 'poptimist' on healthy snacks
  • As well as obscene and disgusting, it is utterly baffling. The Sun
  • BANGOR, Maine - A local man with a long criminal history allegedly threatened a store clerk with a knife on Monday night after she told him he was seen on the store's video surveillance system stealing an item, Bangor police Sgt. Paul Edwards said on Tuesday. - News
  • Murphy, Jamie, and the rest of the O'Brien clan will be here for Thanksgiving.
  • How did birthdays become less like Thanksgiving and more like the crass side of Christmas?
  • But there's a falsity in the reaction to the disaster that both intrigues and disgusts me.
  • To him however that feels the same disgust and loathing, the same unutterable shuddering, as I feel, start up within him and shoot through his whole frame at the sight of them, these miscreate deformities, such as toads, beetles, or that most nauseous of all Nature's abortions, the bat, are not indifferent or insignificant: their very existence is a state of direct enmity and warfare against his. The Old Man of the Mountain, The Lovecharm and Pietro of Abano Tales from the German of Tieck
  • The city of Bordeaux exudes wealth: its enormous, elegant squares easily rival the Place de Vosges in Paris or Piazza Navona in Rome.
  • Thanksgiving, a national holiday in the U.S.
  • We have no low buffoonery in the former, such as disgraces Enobarbus, and is hardly redeemed by his affecting catastrophe. The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 05
  • She made no attempt to disguise her surprise.
  • Topical wild yam preparations, which contain diosgenin, and progesterone creams were tested.
  • He just disguises them very well. The Sun
  • There was one truly disgraceful performance of the day which oughtn't pass without comment.
  • But the painted kerbing and the gaily-coloured banners can't disguise the extent of the social and educational deprivation of this community.
  • People ask about the varieties of prayer: petition, thanksgiving, praise, and intercession.
  • She adopted an elaborate disguise to help her pass through the town unrecognized.
  • He was also dismayed at the organisation and facilities and finally walked off the job in disgust.
  • The Antibody against Chinook salmon ( Oncorhynchus tshawytscha ) growth hormone ( sGH ) was prepared by 4 cinjeations of sGH into rabbit.
  • Pasgen allowed himself to be divested of three of the amulets he had marked because to fail to chaffer would also mark him as unusual; however, he was growing impatient and finally made as if to throw down the amulets he was holding and walk away. Ill Met By Moonlight
  • Immediately I've done it I feel completely disgusted with myself.
  • Gain some insight on how to enhance your enjoyment of the harvest and Thanksgiving in Asheville .
  • For this cause also God has banished from His presence him who did of his own accord stealthily sow the tares, that is, him who brought about the transgression; [4433] but He took compassion upon man, who, through want of care no doubt, but still wickedly [on the part of another], became involved in disobedience; and ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus
  • You catch the dry talcum smell of old ladies, which can't quite disguise the reek of stale sweat.
  • So Ive made the script and made it copy the number written in the exceldocument, and then i try to use the following command: count++; increments count by 1 msgbox, iterationt = % count% AutoHotkey Community
  • His sense of humour, always in evidence, made it impossible for him to seem pompous or self-important, and he never attempted to disguise his own fallibility as a human being.
  • In a book appropriately entitled Konturen einer Geistesgeschichte der Mathematik (1946), Bense devoted a whole chapter (ch. 2) to articulating how the notion of style applies to mathematics. Mathematical Style
  • He was a liberal almsgiver, and at the time of his death had nothing that was his own. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 24 of 55 1630-34 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing t
  • CompuServe recently shut down direct access to certain newsgroups containing indecent photographs and material.
  • If your heart has a vacancy, a jokey text message could be disguising genuine love feelings. The Sun
  • The term "inclusive" is code for Republican light with a bid tent for gays, lesbians, transgenders, amnesty for illegal. Latest Articles
  • Perhaps no custom reveals our character as a Nation so clearly as our celebration of Thanksgiving Day. Ronald Reagan 
  • The Colonel bowed his head and whispered a prayer of thanksgiving.
  • This disgusting spectacle provides a revealing insight into the debased nature of what passes for political discussion in Britain today.
  • We had lunch in BHS cafe - not somewhere I would usually go but totally deisgned with children and families in mind. The One With A Photo And A Few Other Things
  • Even a short tour of the museum fills you with disgust and revulsion once you overcome your disbelief.
  • The F.W. Woolworth Company reported profit margins of 20 percent but actually lowered the wages of salesgirls in its stores, citing the need for belt tightening.
  • I think that we all deserve pats on the back for retaining the spelling knight after losing the silent velar fricative that once started the word, and for successfully mastering learning the various sound sequences that that master of disguise ough can hide (bough, trough, plough, through, tough, etc.). Preposterous Apostrophes VII: Why Won’t Willn’t Work? « Motivated Grammar
  • Loop, % LANCheckCount% tmpMsg: = LANCheckName%A_Index% msg = % msg% ` n%tmpmsg% msg = % msg% ` n ` n%CONFIGLANSWITCH% AutoHotkey Community
  • Politicians or other misguided do-gooders won't be able to meddle.
  • There aren't any foreign language soundtracks available on the disc, which could disgruntle some.
  • What she has had to endure is disgusting and the attacks on her family has turned me off to the Left for many years to come. cappicola I'm 'saddened' by 'vicious attacks' on Palin, McCain says
  • Special courts under such proclamations tried and punished those who transgressed against the orders of the military authority.
  • To run errands without getting the evil eye from the snotty salesgirl. Last Time I Checked, Babies Were People Too - Her Bad Mother
  • Dealing with my Father MSgt Leslie Cooper USAF Retired who died a paralyzing horrible death from cancer exposure to working on Titan II ICBMS and having daily contact with Veterans and Veterans with Service Connected disabilities, they are considered noncombat and face more dangers of dying an early age than those in combat and they are the Cold War Veterans. 911 VETERANS AND SURVIVING SPOUSES NEED HELP!
  • Early in the film, Janice's transgressions already resonate on a specific historical level and tap into older notions regarding the feminine.
  • This brought Jeffrey an enormous sense of relief, then a feeling of disgust at his own cowardice. BLINDSIGHTED
  • Pauline recalls vividly the first time the pair spoke on the phone on Thanksgiving Day and the combination of excitement and apprehension she felt as she knew she was about to say hello.
  • The whole of the business in that country from beginning to end was scandalous and disgraceful. EMPIRES OF THE PLAIN: Henry Rawlinson and the Lost Languages of Babylon
  • And at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem they sought the Levites out of all their places, to bring them to Jerusalem, to keep the dedication with gladness, both with thanksgivings, and with singing, with cymbals, psalteries, and with harps. Probably Just One Of Those Funny Coincidences
  • Fielding the complaints of disgruntled fans is nothing new to Liverpool coach Rafa Benitez.
  • They bring shame and disgrace on the religion. The Sun
  • Southwest of the Dornoch Firth, the Sgurr Beag Thrust divides the Moine rocks into two major nappes.
  • Athena, disguised like a Trojan, finds the archer Pandarus to shoot an arrow at Menelaus.
  • His whole appearance at such times excited disgust in that lady, and she would leave his presence as soon as possible, using even the term brute to express her disgust; Matthias too, would attempt to rouse him on such occasions, to a sense of impropriety, by exclaiming, "Why, Elijah! what are you saying, what are you about?" while other persons would remove his hand, and hold him. Fanaticism; Its Source and Influence, Illustrated by the Simple Narrative of Isabella, in the Case of Matthias, Mr. and Mrs. B. Folger, Mr. Pierson, Mr. Mills, Catherine, Isabella, &c. &c. A Reply to W. L. Stone, with the Descriptive Portraits of
  • Gone was the era of gunboat diplomacy, gone the treaty port concessions, gone the specially conceded naval bases, the military missions, the ill-disguised interference in Chinese affairs.
  • Skarsgard has previously talked about how he is so comfortable being nude that he goes sockless in nude scenes on the 'True Blood' set even though Moyer wears a sock. Alexander Skarsgard: How We Shot The Nude, Bloody 'Rolling Stone' Cover
  • It was the desperate act of a disgruntled former city employee who was refused his old job back.
  • And for President Bushmaster — a bushmaster is a highly venomous snake, extraordinarily dangerous to humans, that inhabits the Southern tropics (See, I can match ‘em bam-for-BAM!) — to suggest it was “disgusting” is so like a hog calling a wallowing pig filthy. Roll Call of the Cowed and the Sameful-Shameful
  • But the barbarities of war come to disgust Inman and he deserts, embarking on an odyssey on foot back to Ada.
  • I was surprised," said Stillman, who yelled in disgust from the penalty box. NHL - National Hockey League - St Louis vs. Detroit
  • Immediately I've done it I feel completely disgusted with myself.
  • Asgard had seen the accusing look in Terian's face and could not meet the familiar sapphire blue eyes that suddenly smoldered with hatred.
  • I am always disgusted by the number of people using their car for intraurban movements, while we have a very reasonable public transport system. The Energy Post
  • She had an ideal of fatherhood, had gentle, silent, useless Lydia -- formed upon the genial, sunshiny type of parent popular in books, and she cast a romantic veil over disappointed, selfish, crossgrained Malcolm Martie, the Unconquered
  • As Charles lets what feels like half of Glasgow into the dressing room, an unsteady young fan falls at Turner's feet.
  • Many people believe that the United States, the first Thanksgiving Day was Indians and the new immigrants first oligomerization thank God for that day.
  • The term 'dysgenics' was first used by David Starr Jordan in 1915 when he postulated that wars killed off the fitter men while the less fit were left at home. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • The confessional language is stunning in its clarity: ‘I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me.’
  • The transgenic array produces a functional GFP fusion protein that is expressed in bodywall, vulval, uterine, spermathecal, and anal sphincter / depressor muscle cells.
  • The hospital staff should be more aware of how gross and disgusting it is to see a major hospital not being kept clean.
  • A misguided foray into middle-eastern politics, it may well be their lyrical nadir, their trademark synth-pop swamped in a hideous 80s production.
  • With the no-doubt unintended effect of suggesting that Wallace's menace and ensuing mayhem might, in hindsight, be laughed-off like a good-ol'-boy joke, "George Wallace: Settin 'the Woods on Fire" takes part of its title, and its misguided musical leitmotif from a wacky, Hank Williams party-hearty song. Film/Television: Lost Highways
  • Of course, that all begs the question as to whether the athematic nom. sg. ending *-s and athematic pronominal nom./acc. (better "abs." for absolutive) sg. ending *-d are indeed from postclitic demonstratives/articles, as opposed to coming from some other source(s). Precising on a new rule to explain Pre-IE word-final voicing
  • If you say anything to them you get abuse thrown back at you and it's becoming a disgusting area.
  • I backed away slowly, feeling an automatic hello-there kind of absentminded smile climb up on my face as a disguise. Darkly Dreaming Dexter
  • Then they either look shocked or disgusted! The Sun
  • In ancient times they used disguise and subterfuge, but these modern warriors used an equally disarming trick. Times, Sunday Times
  • I look forward to a time when I can serve my country without wondering if history will mark me down as a participant in something disgraceful.
  • The massive cleanup in New Orleans includes some unpleasant, some might say downright disgusting, jobs.
  • I haven't forgotten my roots in Glasgow, with the dingy tenements and the grass full of dog dirt, and there are parts of Middlesbrough which look as if they belong to the Dark Ages.
  • The winning design came from an architect in Glasgow.
  • The travel agent recommends strongly that we not travel on Thanksgiving Day
  • All three buses stopped outside the pool, and each disgorged a tumbling jumbling pile of wee kiddies, clutching their swim-bags and chattering like flocks of birds on a nature programme.
  • I was disgusted with myself for eating so much.
  • But it's also just as much about sneaking, stealth, hiding, and disguising.
  • Stephen Friedman, another London gallery, will show Glasgow-based David Shrigley, an expert in gallows humor whose works include a taxidermied dog. Shopping for a New Barbed-Wire Cowboy Hat
  • He's not one for vocal acrobatics or disguises. Times, Sunday Times
  • You will be disgraced, fired, and potentially arrested.
  • Please, get down off your horse, "sg", and realize that commenting on an observation does not amount to some kind of anti - [insert your personal view here] agenda. Blogger KING
  • I'll have to shoot a deer at Thanksgiving with my 338 from stem to stern to see if I can get the bullet back, and show you guys that the big X bullets are expanding, even in puny deer. The "Infallible" Shoulder Shot
  • The term 'transgendered', like the term 'queer', is a term conceived broadly enough to potentially include medieval people: a certain percentage of persons who describe themselves with this term live either in-between genders or in some other complex relationship with the binary of male and female. In the Middle
  • _ Oh! 'Tis an Abomination to look like a Gentleman; long Hair is wicked and cavalierish, a Periwig is flat Popery, the Disguise of the The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume I
  • Xorandor's logic transgresses that of binary systems because he combines mutually exclusive operations.
  • He then licked his finger and shook his head with a look of disgust.
  • Most famous of his costume wardrobe was his Yuletide disguise as a full Christmas tree complete with lights.
  • The new refrigerator and dishwasher were disguised with wood fronts painted to match the cabinets.
  • But the more evident marauder is pigeons, thanks to the sandwich crusts left by lunchers and the feed spread by misguided bird fanciers.
  • There is a fine line between maturity, sobriety and patience, and indifference, alienation and disgust.
  • Disguises used by female damselflies to avoid unwanted sexual advances can cause males to seek out their own sex, a new study suggests.
  • `Open, sesame," Rhodes said stolidly, and Virtual One began to disgorge streaming ribbons of data into the air.

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