

  1. (music) a notation written above a note and indicating that it is to be played with a strong initial attack
  2. an accented chord

How To Use sforzando In A Sentence

  • Where were the sforzandoes and allargandos I was accustomed to?
  • His regimented execution of marcato and sforzando articulation, sometimes even on weak syllables, sounds like choral dressage. Times, Sunday Times
  • The final two bars, with their fermatas and sforzandos, are much more theatrical and formidable than Schubert's.
  • In each wind instrument I have defined the scope of greatest expression, that is to say the range in which the instrument is best qualified to achieve the various grades of tone, (forte, piano, cresc., dim., sforzando, morendo, etc.) — the register which admits of the most expressive playing, in the truest sense of the word. Principles of orchestration
  • In the fourth movement (Andante ma non troppo e molto cantabile) the pizzicato sforzandos were very accurate, loud, and pleasing to hear, as was the high playing of the first violin in the Presto.
  • The final two bars, with their fermatas and sforzandos, are much more theatrical and formidable than Schubert's.
  • The extensive pizzicati played by Mr. Mezö on the cello part in the second movement (Andante con moto quasi allegretto) of the Beethoven were beautifully executed, too, graceful at times and raucously sforzando when needed.
  • The terms _sforzando_, _forzando_, _sforzato_ and _forzato_ all indicate a strong accent on a single tone or chord. Music Notation and Terminology
  • The terms _sforzando_, _forzando_, _sforzato_ and _forzato_ all indicate a strong accent on a single tone or chord. Music Notation and Terminology
  • Straightaway, one feels Schubert's love of the theatre from the solemn opening measures, the sforzando downbeat setting in motion curving string lines to explore different key textures, visionary and remote for their period.
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