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  1. make sexual, endow with sex, attribute sex to
    The god was sexualized and married to another god
    Some languages sexualize all nouns and do not have a neuter gender

How To Use sexualise In A Sentence

  • Rape is sexualised violence.
  • As advertising and popular culture have become more heavily sexualised (to the point where some scholars speak of the 'pornification' of culture more generally), the impact upon children has increased.
  • The icon has dangerously conditioned society into believing the mere passive projection of the iconic idea and thereby subjecting the woman into being an eternally sad, unrealised, desexualised figure.
  • For example, in American cinema they were caricatured as clownish, desexualised mammies or maids.
  • One of the interesting things I find about the normal female archetypes is that they are very desexualised, certainly in terms of sex as a positive in itself outside of procreation.
  • I have explored the political dimensions of Clarke's analysis because I think that his text offers an insight into the desexualised discourses of modernity itself.
  • We still see the tired images, the highly sexualised women and black men as pimps.
  • Federico Luppi, Cronos (1993) Debunking that most enduring vampire cliche, Guillermo del Toro's chilling masterpiece manages utterly to desexualise its antihero's bloodlust with extraordinary results. The 10 best screen vampires
  • Black Narcissus, Sister Ruth's transition from the dour, ascetic domain of nunhood into the unfettered, sexualised outside world is heralded by that unforgettable big close up of red lipstick metamorphosing Kathleen Byron's sensuous mouth. DVD Times
  • May 21st, 2010 at 10: 45 am no ts not cool, considering that its aimed at kids. i read on another blog a lot of commentors said that the female disney characters themselves were already very sexualised, so this re-imagining is kinda pointless in that regard. danny Says: Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business » Blog Archive » The Disney Princesses Get A Sexy Makeover
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