How To Use Sexual reproduction In A Sentence

  • Well, Minister, they call it the race to find a supergene that controls asexual reproduction in plants, known as apomixis. Day of the Dandelion
  • Both species reproduce by cyclical parthenogenesis, in which phases of asexual reproduction are intermitted by sexual reproduction.
  • The ability to undergo both unisexual and bisexual reproduction may provide evolutionary advantages.
  • Well, Minister, they call it the race to find a supergene that controls asexual reproduction in plants, known as apomixis. Day of the Dandelion
  • Recent research has made it abundantly clear that females are not passive participants in sexual reproduction.
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  • Moreover, with strictly asexual reproduction, mutations will inevitably accumulate.
  • Reproduction is bisexual among the homopterans, although asexual reproduction occurs in the aphids.
  • Many plants also have methods of asexual reproduction (vegetative reproduction), which produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parent: root-sprouting (limberbush, palo verde, aspen), stolons and rhizomes (agaves, strawberries, many grasses), and aerial plantlets (some agaves, mother-of-millions, kalanchoe). Pollination ecology of desert plants
  • In asexual reproduction, eggs develop without fertilization, a process called parthenogenesis.
  • I stand firm in my conviction that natural selection, sexual reproduction and undirected allelic mutation have played no role whatsoever in organic evolution except to serve as guarantees of extinction for all organisms that practiced only those losing strategies. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • All life divided through mitosis, which is asexual reproduction, not female. Think Progress » Zakaria: Rumsfeld ‘Seems In A Parallel Universe and Slightly Deranged’
  • The so-called virginal reproduction (Parthenogenesis) offers an interesting form of transition from sexual reproduction to the non-sexual formation of germ-cells which most resembles it .... The Story of Atlantis and the Lost Lemuria
  • Towards the difficulty of breed the Aralia elata, the author explored effect methods of asexual reproduction.
  • Sexual reproduction serves to create genetic variety.
  • The same pattern of asexual reproduction occurs in water fleas, aphids and even a few lizards.
  • In fungi, unisexual reproduction, where sexual development is initiated without the presence of two compatible mating type alleles, has been observed in several species that can also undergo traditional bisexual reproduction.
  • The free-swimming tadpoles produced by sexual reproduction live only a few days, during which time they can be spread by tidal and storm currents to form new colonies.
  • Don't be surprised if in your lifetime the majority of your peers will consider you loony (if not irresponsible) for leaving impregnation up to pure chance-that quaint practice of sexual reproduction.
  • The organism can also go through asexual reproduction.
  • Pollen is the male - gamete of seed plant, which plays an important role in sexual reproduction.
  • In the area of horticulture and pomology, the ability to use asexual reproduction after crossing opens a broad prospect in the application of distant hybridization.
  • Sexual reproduction serves to create genetic variety.
  • Genes are those tiny bits of biological information swapped in sexual reproduction.
  • All radiolarians secrete strontium sulphate at some point in the life cycle - as the adult shell in Acantharea, and as crystals in ‘swarmer cells’ produced during asexual reproduction in Polycystinea.
  • The spores germinate and mature into a small plant called a prothallus which is the area for sexual reproduction. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • In nature clones are found in organisms capable of asexual reproduction, that is, in certain plants and bacteria.
  • Genes are those tiny bits of biological information swapped in sexual reproduction.
  • Most higher animals and plants (including humans) have two copies of their genetic code in most of their cells through most of their life cycle (they are "diploid"), but polyploid organisms have a extra copies, usually in multiples of two so the material can be evenly divided during sexual reproduction. Newswise: Latest News
  • Grasses, rushes, and sedges all produce flowers that must be pollinated for sexual reproduction to occur.
  • In diploids, sexual reproduction promotes both the segregation of alleles at the same locus and the recombination of alleles at different loci.
  • Moreover, with strictly asexual reproduction, mutations will inevitably accumulate.
  • Methods of asexual reproduction include both budding and the formation of gemmules.
  • This has had a tremendous impact on fungal biology, because it means that no fungus can produce motile gametes, and two organisms must therefore come into direct physical contact to effect sexual reproduction.
  • When I speak of sexual reproduction in this essay, I mean anisogamous amphimixis.
  • In nature, clones are derived from a single parental organism or cell by mitotic cell division, asexual reproduction, or parthenogenesis.
  • Meiosis is the process by which diploid organisms produce haploid gametes capable of sexual reproduction.
  • Given the role that sexual reproduction already plays in evolvability, it is tempting to speculate that Tetrahymena are telling us that "junk DNA" serves a very useful role, but it is a role that is restricted to reproduction and evolution. Another Protozoan and Front-Loading
  • In addition to leaves, moss stems may bear structures for aesexual reproduction - gemmae or bulbils.
  • Comparisons with its lowland congener further suggested that reliance of M. arizonicum on asexual reproduction may place this moss at a disadvantage in competition for suitable establishment sites at lower elevations.
  • This mixing process, called recombination, is what happens in animals during sexual reproduction. The Latest From
  • Thymus loscosii might have a combined strategy of sexual and asexual reproduction, since vegetative propagation of stolons has been observed in the field.
  • 71Because they understood freedom in anarchistic terms, as the absence of all hierarchy and rules, the Diggers and Free Families organized social and sexual reproduction around their choice to resist the regime of money and property. Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 1965–83
  • How are these animals able to avoid the problems otherwise associated with unisexual reproduction?
  • It means that children develop sexually much earlier, " Stanhope says. "They are physically ready for sexual reproduction but mentally completely unready.
  • Using two highly variable microsatellites (heterozygosity H = 0.615-0.616), we show that this species is an apomict with rare sexual reproduction events that account for 0.5% of seeds pollinated in the wild.
  • The ability to undergo both unisexual and bisexual reproduction may provide evolutionary advantages in environments where suitable mating partners are scarce.
  • It means that children develop sexually much earlier, " Stanhope says. "They are physically ready for sexual reproduction but mentally completely unready.
  • Sexual reproduction serves to create genetic variety.
  • Mitosis and meiosis divisionsexual reproduction possible . Each means of passing on hereditary information has advantages.
  • Once the hybrid is formed then, and only then, can Mendelian sexual reproduction produce the new species by standard biparental reproduction. Behe, Common Descent, & UD
  • Sexual reproduction serves to create genetic variety.
  • Grasses, rushes, and sedges all produce flowers that must be pollinated for sexual reproduction to occur.
  • Within the sporocyst, a special form of asexual reproduction, known as polyembryony, then occurs.
  • Moreover, with strictly asexual reproduction, mutations will inevitably accumulate.
  • It can either start asexual reproduction or it can produce gametes through mitosis.
  • asexual reproduction
  • Sexual reproduction can bring about genetic commingling.
  • The changes in asexual reproduction are more likely to be a “single point mutation” and get copied in every successive generation. Think Progress » Poll: Large Number Of Texans Doubt The Theory Of Evolution, Believe In Human-Dinosaur Coexistence
  • Workers at both hatcheries keep the plants healthy and repot the tillers, the product of asexual reproduction, which grow into mature plants.
  • I repeat my conviction that sexual reproduction, Mendelian (allelic) genetics, natural selection, all these, are anti-evolutionary processes serving only to stabilize the species for as long as possible exactly as Leo Berg insisted 87 years ago. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • During this period, each polyp is capable of budding new polyps though asexual reproduction in spring.
  • sexual reproduction
  • Sexual reproduction is the predominant force in the propagation of animals and many plants.
  • Reproductive modes include sexual reproduction and parthenogenesis, but much remains to be known about development.
  • As for asexual reproduction, the authors discuss why vegetative reproduction works so well for so many aquatic plants: rhizomatous growth (clonal growth), as well as reproduction through fragmentation and the production of corms, stolons, tubers, turions and gemmiparous plantlets.
  • Thank you. Cloning is most simply defined as the asexual reproduction of biological material.
  • In most ants, females are typically produced by sexual reproduction, while males develop from unfertilized eggs.
  • Upon asexual reproduction, the loricae of the ciliate kill the colonized area by emitting chemicals that cause lysis of the coral tissue.
  • However for animals that generate offspring via sexual reproduction, a cooperativity of activity and response to environmental food availability would be critical. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Sexual reproduction allows genetic recombination, that is, the exchange of genetic material between parental chromosomes. Archive 2006-02-01
  • A progeny animal is one derived from sexual reproduction that has at least one cloned animal as a parent (but could result from two cloned animals mating).
  • It's interesting that if only one larva penetrates a snail, it can multiply into tens of thousands of larvae through asexual reproduction.
  • Many perennial plants combine sexual reproduction through seeds with reproduction through vegetative propagation.
  • Bisexual reproduction, by doubling the sources of inheritance, doubles the opportunities for variation of characteristics in descent.
  • A low-density population of a species could be induced to initiate bisexual reproduction by populations of other species.
  • Genes are those tiny bits of biological information swapped in sexual reproduction.
  • That notion identifies heritability with the regression of the offspring phenotype on the parental (or biparental mean in the case of sexual reproduction), where both phenotypes are presented as z-scores (i.e., set to mean = 0 and standard deviation = 1). Miss Winter Solstice
  • Alike in the sports of puppydom and the non-sexual activities of adult age; alike in the possession of the initial sexual instinct which draws the sex to the sex, the moment active sexual reproduction is concerned, there is opened to the female a certain world of sensations and experiences, from which her male companion is for ever excluded. Woman and Labour
  • Biological differentiation into male and female makes sexual reproduction possible.
  • Sexual reproduction is known only in two genera: Botrydium, in which the sex cells are isogamous, and Vaucheria, in which the cells are oogamous.
  • Quantitative description of unisexual reproduction, and detailed comparisons between unisexual and bisexual reproduction, are lacking.
  • In sexual reproduction, spermatocytes develop from the transformation of choanocytes, and oocytes arise from archeocytes.
  • On the other hand, consider organisms that reproduce by agametic, asexual reproduction.
  • Biological differentiation into male and female makes sexual reproduction possible.
  • His team experimented with a type of asexual reproduction called apomixis, using the small mustard plant Arabidopsis thaliana -- normally a sexual reproducer EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • Maybe this collection is sufficiently different to be separate from wikipedia, but it could still stand to have its own wiki-like organization, so that, for instance, a not-so-basic concept like anisogamy could point to the more-basic concepts like "sexual reproduction" and ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science

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