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sexual pleasure

  1. pleasure derived from sexual activities

How To Use sexual pleasure In A Sentence

  • It is typically used to refer to a man who seeks out young boys for sexual pleasure, i.e. a pederast.
  • Women can experience sexual pleasure and/or orgasm without knowing anything about their anatomy, or indeed, without touching any part of it.
  • Do you dress in clingwrap and swim in porta-loos for sexual pleasure? Army Rumour Service
  • I personally cannot imagine a group of lawmakers 200 years ago sitting around discussing what bits of a woman's body her husband may or may not touch; † but in short, the fact that sexual pleasure can be received from a nonreproductive sex act gripes some peoples 'souls. June 1st, 2005
  • Appetites for both food and sexual pleasure fade, creating a state called anhedonia, or a lack of pleasure-seeking. Healing After the Suicide of a Loved One
  • Inhalation of amyl nitrite, as well as isobutyl nitrite, purportedly enhances sexual pleasure and produces euphoria.
  • Indeed, experiencing sexual pleasure and gratification, even in marriage, may be interpreted as evidence of a lack of purity and virtue in women.
  • And these are not the howls and moans commonly associated with the cinematic representation of sexual pleasure.
  • They include auto-mutilation of her genitals with a razor, voyeurism, taking sexual pleasure in urination, sadism, and masochism.
  • According to the aggadic tradition, Lamech took two wives, one for sexual pleasure and the other for procreation. Adah 1: Midrash and Aggadah.
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