How To Use Sexual activity In A Sentence

  • Patients should be questioned about cycle patterns, contraception, and sexual activity.
  • Cessation of sexual activity was often due to the attitude and the ability of the male to perform sexually.
  • It follows from this that even consensual sexual activity between 15-year-olds will be criminal in the eyes of the law.
  • The disease spread most rapidly in those populations that were most promiscuous and engaged in risky sexual activity.
  • Greek literature provides evidence for homosexual activity among both males and females.
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  • Under the government's definition, the rules encompass both hard-core and soft-core photos and videos as long as there's sexual activity - even if it's solo.
  • Because no positive relationship has been shown to exist between estrogen levels and sexual activity, coitus is not hypothesized to restore or maintain estrogen in postmenopausal women.
  • He pleaded guilty to the charges of sexual activity with a child and sexual grooming.
  • The excised material dealt with pregnancy and divorce, and among the reasons for the deletions were the pregnant students might have been identifiable despite aliases, and references to sexual activity and birth control were inappropriate for younger students. Law In The Health and Human Services
  • This is a serious problem for the boy scouts and even the girl scouts have very strict rules about children ever *ever* being alone with only one adult and they have a right to enforce as best they can an environment where it is *very* clear that sexual activity between boys or between scout leaders and boys is not in any way acceptable. "I've been fascinated... with the attention paid to me by people who really have not undertaken to understand how I succeed, how I define my success."
  • He was alleged to have forced the complainant by violence or threats to engage in sexual activity with him.
  • They are certainly not engaging in homosexual activity, but she is definitely at risk if he is a carrier.
  • But Sharon caught me off guard when she started to talk with some approval about scatology, a fetish whose adherents use feces to enhance sexual activity.
  • Sexual activity outside the marriage and premarital pregnancy rates were on the rise as well.
  • But disquietingly, the report notes that 10 percent of teen girls described the first time they had sex as "nonvoluntary." — "Teenagers in the United States: Sexual Activity, Contraceptive Use, and Childbearing, 2002," J.C. Abma, G.M. Martinez, W. Primary Sources
  • In Britain, the general age of consent for sexual activity is 16.
  • In addition to difficulties in finding a spouse, plumpness may also lessen sexual activity.
  • This statute forbids certain intimate sexual activity, even in private and even for married couples.
  • During sexual activity, the sperm travels from the epididymis to the vas deferens with other glandular secretions.
  • Having no life, I’d done research the evening before, learned that the term autoerotic refers to any solitary sexual activity in which a prop, device, or apparatus is used to enhance sexual stimulation. Spider Bones
  • In time, you will gain confidence in managing your ostomy during sexual activity.
  • Given the disquietude, substance abuse is an easy lure, as is the pressure for early sexual activity.
  • Being engaged is no longer a necessary condition for premarital coitus, and sexual activity has become a common aspect of adolescent relationships.
  • Sexual maturation in the boar is a gradual process, with sexual activity and sperm production starting at approximately four months of age.
  • The crew spotted the men engaged in illegal 'dogging' - outdoor sexual activity with strangers - on parkland known as the Downs in Bristol late one night. Fined and demoted for what???
  • It should not be taken by patients with severe unstable angina, or those who had recent heart attacks, or other conditions where sexual activity in inadvisable.
  • They said they just felt that the explicit depiction of sexual activity and nudity was unacceptable.
  • Words and phrases used to describe low-level sexual activity project a rhythm and closure, that is, they define the boundaries or scale pertaining to the limits of rules of the relation.
  • He had been engaging in some kind of kinky sexual activity.
  • It declares such marriages null and void in general (and may criminalize the sexual activity between the would-be spouses), but it doesn't do anything preventative to stop people from getting married.
  • What other mammal continues to indulge in sexual activity long after it can successfully compete with younger, fitter males for the favours of the harem?
  • I'm sure its because they know there really is a God, but they want to deny his existence so they can continue to engage in degenerate sexual activity. Cleaning Up The Mess
  • In all he pleaded guilty to four counts of rape and a count of sexual activity with a child.
  • As far as sexual activity is concerned, Jacobs explained, the role of testosterone is still not well defined.
  • Another chemical, the hormone oxytocin, is associated with both sexual activity and maternal bonding in humans.
  • They are certainly not engaging in homosexual activity, but she is definitely at risk if he is a carrier.
  • High levels of sexual activity were perceived as normative for both sexes.
  • Because procreation is the primary purpose for sexual activity more properly called the conjugal act, a married couple is not to engage in any sexual activity that intentionally thwarts or subverts the procreation of children. Scandal in Brazil Bishops' Conference Chairman defends appointment of abortion supporter to Supreme Court
  • the subject matter is sexual activity of any overt kind, which is depicted as inherently desirable and exciting
  • Larry Craig and David Vitter — “two United States Senators implicated in extramarital sexual activity” — have named themselves as co-sponsors of S.J. Res. 43, the Marriage Protection Amendment. Your Right Hand Thief
  • Sexual activity was very active, and it kept us fit and healthy.
  • The Oireachtas had to 'equalise' the positions of a boy and a girl by providing an equal deterrent to a boy in the form of making the sexual activity a criminal offence, he said. European Tribune
  • There is no study showing that pork meat significantly improves sexual activity, " Amado Bechara, a specialist in sexual disfunction, told the website of the newspaper La Nacion.
  • Class and age as well as gender seem to be significant in affecting homosexual activity and non-penetrative heterosexual activity.
  • Sachs also lost the dilution by tarnishment, and NY state dilution, claim, because Viagra is famous and “it is well settled that ‘a mark is tarnished when its likeness is placed in the context of sexual activity, obscenity, or illegal activity.’” Archive 2009-09-01
  • Much, if not most, adolescent sexual activity is about the expression of non-sexual needs.
  • Thus, “the male engaging in homosexual activity aboard a pirate ship in the West Indies three centuries past was simply an ordinary member of his community, completely socialized and acculturated.” A Renegade History of the United States
  • To illustrate: a State might choose to prohibit only that obscenity which is the most patently offensive in its prurience - i.e., that which involves the most lascivious displays of sexual activity.
  • The trio deny the charges, claiming their sexual activity had been consensual.
  • The intervention did not change the pupils' sexual activity or use of emergency contraception.
  • Integral to Wagnerian ideology is a belief that all sense of individual identity vanishes during sexual activity.
  • There is no study showing that pork meat significantly improves sexual activity, " Amado Bechara, a specialist in sexual disfunction, told the website of the newspaper La Nacion.
  • In Britain, the general age of consent for sexual activity is 16.
  • That sexual activity outside marriage, especially in adolescent sex is harmful.
  • According to the ACOG [American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists] Committee on Adolescent Health Care and Committee on Gynecologic Practice, "Couples may engage in noncoital (that is, sex without intercourse) sexual activity instead of penile-vagina intercourse hoping to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted diseases and unintended pregnancy. Dr. Andrew Lange: How to Get a Sexually Transmitted Disease Without Having Sex
  • The sexual activity of moths was continuously observed during the first dusk period and mated pairs were noted.
  • Might adolescents increase their sexual activity when they have access to contraception?
  • Another possibility is that such personality dispositions as risk-taking, sensation-seeking, and impulsivity may underlie both sexual activity and alcohol use.
  • By abstinence from meat and from sexual activity, the soul could be gradually emancipated from its bodily fetters.
  • Lynch proposes that higher levels of family interaction and attachment are associated with diminished adolescent sexual activity.
  • I wish patients would ask and be completely frank about risk-taking sexual activity.
  • He had been engaging in some kind of kinky sexual activity.
  • In the course of the initial case, the plaintiff was compelled to change the time and date of the alleged sexual activity three times as the defence was able to expose the concoction.
  • The argument is that we can and must assimilate condomistic intercourse, regardless of intent, to a kind of sexual activity that has always and irreformably been condemned by the Church. The Catholic condom debate II
  • They reported a significant increase in sexual activity, such as kissing and petting, among male participants when compared with the control group.
  • We did not study in detail whether the change in sexual activity before and after hysterectomy was related to the operation performed or to other circumstances in life.
  • ˜pleasure™ sometimes to refer to (a) a certain kind of mental state or sensation and at other times to refer to (b) non-mental items, such as actions, activities, and pursuits that do or can cause pleasurable mental states (cf. the way in which someone might refer to sexual activity as a bodily pleasure). Mill's Moral and Political Philosophy
  • (> 25 years) undergo an annual period of sexual activity, known as musth, during which they experience heightened testosterone levels, continuously dribble large quantities of strongly scented urine, become dominant to all other non-musth males, and are the preferred mates of females PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • He said that couples should discuss anything that curb's the man's regular sexual activity, which was not caused by a decrease in sexual desire.
  • But how typical, I thought, of a heterosexual male to make fun of any non-penetrative sexual activity.
  • He denies all the charges, claiming the women consented to sexual activity.
  • At the same time, last weekend the UN admitted that HIV infection (passed on mainly through sexual activity) is spreading worldwide, despite the use of preventatives and precautions (such as use of condoms).
  • In Britain, the general age of consent for sexual activity is 16.
  • Choosing sexual activity, before marriage, with a range of partners, can be healthy or not, just as living celibately can be healthy or not. Top Stories
  • We now turn to the question of the effect of these national differences in the forms of coupling and number of partners on sexual activity itself.
  • Another important factor to bear in mind, is the saturation of the media with sexual images, which in itself promotes sexual activity at an increasingly younger age.
  • Even more hilarious are the remarkable insights from the “feminist philosopher”, including this gem: “Choosing sexual activity, before marriage, with a range of partners, can be healthy or not, just as living celibately can be healthy or not. ProWomanProLife » Must have been a slow news day
  • In general, the quest for sexual fulfillment lay within the purview of men, from whom vigorous sexual activity was anticipated as soon as maturity had been attained.
  • I have to admit, I feel the same way about pretty much every consensual sexual activity.
  • Note that the list of bad stuff is "prologued" by homosexual activity (vv 26-27). Atheist Blogs Aggregated
  • That’s old slang describing the sort of intimate caressing and fondling defined accurately but clinically in the OED as “noncoital sexual activity.” No Uncertain Terms
  • Thus they can engage in sexual activity and demand more and better orgasms, but the sexual activity they engage in is overwhelmingly on men's terms.
  • Middle-aged virgins," men whose only sexual activity is onanism, are being highlighted as a major problem in Japanese society, with their numbers burgeoning even as youthful sexual activity increases, creating a "sexual bipolarisation. Anime Nano!
  • Head and neck muscles often tighten during sexual activity, and blood pressure can increase at orgasm, causing blood vessels in the brain to dilate, a condition technically named coital cephalgia.
  • The New Zealand mud snail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum) is a lake-dwelling mollusc whose females can be either sexually reproducing (requiring male 'input' for successful embryo production), or asexually reproducing (clonally reproducing without sexual activity). Carin Bondar: No Eggs? No Problem!
  • The lecturer pleaded guilty to five counts of meeting a child following sexual grooming and five counts of sexual activity with a child.
  • The sexual activity may include fondling, oral-genital, genital and anal contact, as well as exhibitionism, voyeurism and exposure to pornography.
  • Overall, however, the sexual activity in the play seems to fall not into the categories of gay or straight but into a kind of polymorphous perversity.
  • Conceptual analysis is carried out in the philosophy of sexuality in order to clarify the fundamental notions of sexual desire and sexual activity.
  • As his hundreds of adventures with army recruits and other machos demonstrates, homosexual activity flourished, even among men who identified themselves as heterosexual.
  • They said they just felt that the explicit depiction of sexual activity and nudity was unacceptable.
  • However, sexual activity may not fulfill their partners' sexual desires if the men misperceive what these desires are.
  • Officials say the detective, whose name has not been released, was investigating reports of sexual activity in Newark's Branch Brook Park when he "tussled" with Defarra Gaymon around 6 p.m. Friday. DeFarra Gaymon, Georgia Bank CEO, Shot Fatally In New Jersey
  • Paul assumed that homosexuality was a choice, Paul assumed that there would be an active and a passive partner in a homosexual relationship, Paul assumed that homosexual activity would result in the extinction of humanity, and Paul viewed sex patriarchally. Think Progress » ACLU will sue high school that canceled prom to stop lesbians from attending.
  • Some parents feel that making birth control available to teenagers somehow condones sexual activity.
  • But behind the comic veneer was a clear message about the dangers of wanton sexual activity.
  • Automobiles, contact sports, uncontrolled sexual activity - all ripe for criminalizing.
  • The disease has been so long associated with illicit sexual activity that there's been an overpowering silence on the issue," admits the Rev. Ted Karpf, HIV/AIDS missioner for the Anglican Communion in southern Africa. Time To Get Religion
  • He was alleged to have forced the complainant by violence or threats to engage in sexual activity with him.
  • A study in chimpanzees showed lower levels of sexual activity when the females were given oral contraceptives.
  • We know it has something to do with sex, but if we are asking people to be abstinent from sexual activity, what are the specific behaviors from which we are asking them to abstain?
  • It is recommended to take Super P-Force (Sildenafil and Dapoxetine) once a day, about an hour before sexual activity.
  • When the bull elephant desires sexual activity , he approaches the matriarch - led herd.
  • While these nooks provided the cover for sexual activity, cruising also occurred amongst men on their way in and out of the park along the trails.

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