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How To Use Sexism In A Sentence

  • And we have seen that sexism presents a greater difficulty than racism in this regard as well.
  • Such people will inevitably bring their racism and sexism into the jury room.
  • Back beyond even its immediate pre-modern period – what you might call The Andy Gray Years, the dolly bird years – football has always been a sweat-caked man-hole of a place, a realm where men have gone to mope and grizzle and rage and emote a kind of cheek-stinging eau de sexism. Andy Gray and Richard Keys convicted on sound evidence | Barney Ronay
  • Brown provides a particularly useful discussion of the impact of homophobia and heterosexism on gay and lesbian couples.
  • The book is a collection of self-reflective essays that focus on the impact of personal and institutional sexism, racism, classism, heterosexism and ethnocentrism on the 12 women.
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  • Antisemitism belongs to this series, alongside other forms of racism, sexism, homophobia, etc.
  • Strategies to confront class inequality, sexism, racism and homophobia started to be discussed.
  • When women do confront sexism, the glib reply is often that it is a joke.
  • Of course we can contest this kind of sexism by arguing about the accuracy of particular scientific findings.
  • But if it was difficult to keep racism on it, it was impossible to even breathe the word heterosexism.
  • Issues of racism, sexism, and homophobia were discussed.
  • Overall, Eva's function in the narrative clearly exceeds that of foil to the interlocking systems Thomson lists as ‘racism, sexism, ableism and classism’.
  • Forcing people to recognize that the term sexism encompasses sexist attitudes and actions against men is the very first baby step towards making this happen. MND: Your Daily Dose of Counter-Theory
  • It starts with three friends with deeply personal agendas to condemn fascism, elitism, classicism, racism and sexism.
  • Actually, I think all of the sexism, racism and anti-nonchristian/westernism is a symptom of shock and disorganization from the Republicans losing absolute power. Think Progress » Limbaugh demeans American servicewomen.
  • And thirdly, despite having always been resolutely opposed to sexism, lookism and shapeism I couldn't get over how ugly the crowd was.
  • Some of these issues include infanticide, child abuse, incest, forced marriage, marital rape, classism, ableism, and sexism.
  • Of course we can contest this kind of sexism by arguing about the accuracy of particular scientific findings.
  • So even though there may be short-term disadvantages like the ones I have described it would be beneficial in the long run both for the cause of peace and for ending sexism which are very mutually inclusive causes. Annie, Drop Your Gun!
  • I am a woman in science; should I expect to encounter sexism in my pursuit of academia?
  • I think its nothing short of rude and ignorant to attack a site set up to promote young feminism on the basis of ageism, I notice the same people are not attacking it for sexism.
  • Sadly, though, boneheaded sexism is on the rise throughout the rock scene.
  • Others may be unduly influenced by variables such as sexism, racism, ageism, or a lack of resources.
  • Into this category I put such obvious improvements as eliminating sexism from textbooks, other curriculum materials and examinations.
  • Some prejudices (preconceived opinions of an individual based on opinions about the many) have names such as racism, sexism, or ageism.
  • We have rules against sexism, racism and ageism and it is time there was a law against heightism. The Sun
  • The book is a collection of self-reflective essays that focus on the impact of personal and institutional sexism, racism, classism, heterosexism and ethnocentrism on the 12 women.
  • sexism occurs in many workplaces
  • It is a practice which perpetuates sexism, sex discrimination and sexual violence.
  • In general, consciousness of sexism in language is a younger-generation, urban, and politically liberal concern.
  • The chauvinism is very much of its era, and yet the show is self-aware of its sexism and makes fun of itself. 652 : Bev Vincent
  • Prior productions have dealt with HIV / AIDS, masculinity, sexism, and abuse among others.
  • It's all part of the sexism inherent in devaluing child-rearing. Dru Blood - I believe in the inherent goodness of all beings: I just got a comment from "An Actual Mother"...
  • In terms of language, sexism refers to a bias through which patterns and references of male usage are taken to be normative, superordinate, and positive and those of women are taken to be deviant, subordinate, and negative.
  • My first thought was he was an Arab/Muslim and despised women and wanted me put in my place, and I am ashamed I have thought that the reason rather he was just a power hungry misogynistic egomaniac… so the question is do some cultures and religions today still bread those attitudes and are we being racist or antireligion when we are offended by their attitudes and sexism against us? Identity insults and democracy
  • It's important to analyze the recurring intersection between homophobia and sexism worldwide.
  • Practitioners made it look up-to-date, however, by derisively highlighting the racism, colonialism, sexism and other failings that made past ages so inferior to their own.
  • Sexism is deeply entrenched in our society.
  • Although an apology for slavery would be welcome, what is more important, as Creekmur points out is, if people “would just stop practising racism” misogyny, sexism and homophobia then I think most people would wavier the apology. Hip Hop apologies
  • It may be dehumanizing, which is not a gender specific concept, because of the reference to cannibalism, but that has nothing to do with sexism lady! The Rebel Yell
  • We strive to eliminate sexism, ageism, heterosexism and other forms of discrimination from our lives.
  • With this assumption, she could slights that might otherwise have been classed automatically as sexism.
  • Ageism is equally as offensive and pernicious as sexism.
  • And a woman's group in London lashes out at what it calls sexism in the city -- the practice of businesses entertaining clients at strip clubs. CNN Transcript Apr 9, 2008
  • Some of these could include war, sexuality, oppression (racism, classism, ageism, sexism), government and economics.
  • Ultimately, the answers lie in the hard fact that racism and sexism remain powerful currents in our national life.
  • Sexism is deeply entrenched in our society.
  • The glorification of violence, bad language and sexism I find quite frankly appalling.
  • This paper examines linguistic sexism in current English textbooks of China primary schools from a sociolinguistic perspective.
  • What is significant in the term heterosexism is the fact that it describes discrimination and/or violence perpetrated by heterosexuals against those perceived to be in deviation from heterosexual norms. Heterosexism and the African American Community
  • During the early 1970s, the word sexism was unfamiliar to many people. Failing at FAIRNESS
  • We're here to educate about homophobia and heterosexism, provide support to students by students, and hold educational and social events.
  • It means fighting against sexism and its manifestations in areas such as people's attitudes and opinions, advertising and the law, to name a few.
  • Ageism is equally as offensive and pernicious as sexism.
  • From what sources I read, the focus on policy issues has shrunk to accommodate this untapped rage and not-so-latent racism and sexism boiling in the conservative media outlets, which finds its voice in Ann Coulter's coprolalia. Coulter Clarifies "Faggot" Remark
  • Not everyone knows that traditional family values is code for sexism and homophobia, and most people don Alex Blaze: Anti-Gay Ballot Initiatives Hurt Straight People, Too
  • It was agreed that the underlying problem being confronted is sexism .... 'Trivial Complaints:' The Role of Privacy in Domestic Violence Law and Activism in the U.S.
  • Another problem is that, to appeal to a human rights commission, one must document racism, sexism and classism separately.
  • I think the real problem is that women are bombarded with casual sexism and have come to expect it. Times, Sunday Times
  • She is hardly the first woman to battle sexism and homophobia in the ring.
  • I find the only way to challenge the chauvinism, sexism, sexual innuendo and macho posturing there, is to be more rude and more graphic than the guys.
  • I might have said I was a feminist before 1970, which is when I became pregnant and developed a long-term relationship with one of New York City's outpatient clinics, but secretly I was a premature "postfeminist," convinced that sexism was a problem chiefly for the oversensitive and underassertive. Ms. Magazine Online
  • The Progressives' unitarianism in opposing economic injustice has broadened in our day into a trinitarianism that focuses on concerns of race, class and gender, producing a host of studies treating the Founders' "sexism," "homophobia" and "racism. The Visionary Generation
  • Some men, heckling from the sidelines, insist that excluding men is a form of sexism. Numbers Trouble : A.E. Stallings : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • There is more than a tinge of sexism to the disparaging treatment of romantic novelists.
  • And thirdly, despite having always been resolutely opposed to sexism, lookism and shapeism I couldn't get over how ugly the crowd was.
  • The leftist types I hang out with can discuss this movie for hours with themes of sexism, racism, classism running throughout.
  • That as the State withered away, so would sexism, racism and all other unpleasant social evils.
  • His suggestions can only reinforce the anti-male sexism inherent in some areas of child care work.
  • At the end of a long week of sexism and counter-sexism, the white heat of the Richard Keys and Andy Gray farrago seemed to fade as quickly as it blew up. Andy Gray and Richard Keys convicted on sound evidence | Barney Ronay
  • I think this is because at least from my point of view the non egalitarianism in orthodoxy might stem from fairly earnest respect for halacha whereas it seems to me that in the conservative movement when shule is not egalitarian, it is to do with conservatism with a small c and sexism. Rosie the Tefillin Wearer - Danya Ruttenberg
  • Personally, I have always preferred the term heterosexist for things like the rape-is-not-about-sex position, because its relationship to the term sexism reflects its investment in male dominance, while heterocentric has always seemed more appropriate for things like the point about battering because it is talking more about a point of view rather than a desire to perpetuate male dominant ideology. Link Farm and Open Thread #11
  • As for you studios, one tip: there's a fair bit of fattism, ageism, gratuitous violence, sexism and sheer bland awfulness on that nominee list too.
  • It is not always helpful to draw analogies between sexism and racism, but in this instance it is useful.
  • But there is no general support in biology for sexism about careers.
  • I think institutional sexism is a really intractable issue on Wall Street.
  • As more women join the male-dominated bastion of the police service, one top female cop launches a scheme to combat sexism and strengthen female representation in the PSNI.
  • I titled my address, "Homophobia: How We All Pay the Price," based on the notion that homophobia -- sometimes referred to as "heterosexism" prejudice and discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender LGBT people is pervasive throughout society and each of us, irrespective of sexual or gender identity and expression, is at risk of its harmful effects on many levels. Warren J. Blumenfeld: The Church Of Latter-Day Saints: Heterosexism, Racism And 'Revelation'
  • The counterpart to discrimination against women in society is sexism in sociology.
  • I have already burned in organisational PC hell – strange in a way as I did a lot to bring diversity issues to the fore – though my take, now much supported in research, was always that the problems had little to do with one way racism, sexism or white people in particular. Boy George Is Sailing Close To The Wind….. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • This reflects not only homophobia but also sexism, since gay men are stereotyped as effeminate, too much like women.
  • Students do not need to be victims of racism, sexism, religious discrimination, or homophobia to feel like outsiders.
  • It’s something I’ve thought about quite a bit; the deliberate misuse of pronouns is one of the hallmarks of cissexism and a commonly used form of not-so-subtle oppression. “On Twitter, is it ‘he or she’ or ‘they’ or ‘ip’?”
  • The initial purpose of the groups was to provide a friendly forum for discussing sexism and the Standing.
  • This is obviously a thinly veiled attempt to avoid accusations of sexism.
  • Women's groups have demanded a nationwide assault on sexism in the workplace.
  • Not so much a send-up of TV news back then although there were a few good zingers as it took a look at the blatant sexism and chauvinism in the 1970's workplace.
  • Nine-year member Christina Kitson, known in the SCA as Xristiana Bogardus, said the term "recreate" is preferred because there are certain aspects of the medieval time period intentionally omitted, such as slavery, sexism and lack of bathing. Archive 2007-06-01
  • These well-to-do, often politically connected professionals—including the increasingly intertwined wealthy of Wall Street, Hollywood, and Silicon Valley—espoused what might be called gentry liberalism, a creed according to which the middle classes had to be punished for their racism, sexism, and excess consumption. Who Lost the Middle Class?
  • That is why synthetic outcries of this kind are a distraction, trivialising sexism, and bringing a vital issue into disrepute. Times, Sunday Times
  • Women's groups have demanded a nationwide assault on sexism in the workplace.
  • The sexism crap was just more clintonian victimization. On Private Conference Call, Hillary Urges Major Donors To Throw Weight Behind Obama
  • Sorry for my rant, I just got so upset seeing Geraldine Ferraro on TV this morning spuing sexism and putting thoughts in womens minds that they have be dupped ... so untrue, so un-democratic. Clinton fights on, Obama returns to Iowa
  • This form of discrimination is as intellectually unjustified as racism or sexism.
  • Her reward for playing the "sexism card" was relentless grilling by some members of the all-male Judiciary Committee and being characterized as a schemer, a vixen, a liar and a tramp. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • When these people call Clinton (or House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, or Sen. Dianne Feinstein or former vice presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro) a bitch, or even the cutesier "rhymes-with-witch," it's an expression of pure sexism -- a hope that they can shut up not only one woman but every woman who dares to be assertive. Bitch on 'bitch'
  • Chapter 5 presents my theory, which avoids the recapitulation of Western gender roles and heterosexism inherent in many theories of attraction like Bem's.
  • She believes that classes in children's and young adult literature must include works that discuss racism, classism, ableism, sexism, and homophobia; otherwise, discriminatory attitudes will not change.
  • I was unimpressed by the litany of self - destruction, violence and gratuitous sexism.
  • The Fiat Punto ads that first featured the phrase toyed with preconceptions about the different driving habits and interests of males and females, but surely no one outside a media studies course would argue that the marketing line was intended as a postmodern critique of consumer sexism. On the road: Fiat Punto Evo Multiair GP 1.4
  • Anarchists are opposed to the use of force, coercion, authority and hierarchy, so it follows that an anarchist society would be free from sexism and heterosexism and racism and other isms.
  • Such pacts of silence with heterosexuals inevitably work against the challenges to heterosexism being made by lesbians.
  • It was a time of rampant discrimination, racism, homophobia and sexism.
  • Often criticized as a mark of Beauvoir's heterosexism, this remark (among others) is not made in ignorance of lesbian sexuality and is not a rejection of non-heterosexual sexualities.
  • (Institutional racism remains a serious issue, and one worthy of skewering, but, like with sexism, it is typically subtler and more intrenched than Hollywood makes it out to be.) Catie Lazarus: A Review of The Cleveland Show : Hancock's Previous Episodes
  • zone_info": "huffpost. media/blog; entertainment = 1; featured-posts = 1; living = 1; media = 1; nickname = jessica-wakeman; entry_id = 93629; bimbo = 1; bimbo-game = 1; feminism = 1; miss-bimbo = 1; miss-bimbo-game = 1; sexism = 1", Jessica Wakeman: My Pet Bimbo
  • Jay said that for years there was an undeniable culture of institutional sexism.
  • The topic of sexism in language is probably the best known of all feminist linguistic concerns.
  • It is not possible to fail so effectively that you stop racism, sexism, ageism, humanism.
  • De-colonization is the primary issue if you oppose racism, sexism, classism and ageism.
  • Couldn't the feminazi have picked a better target to accuse of sexism? The Sun
  • As for you studios, one tip: there's a fair bit of fattism, ageism, gratuitous violence, sexism and sheer bland awfulness on that nominee list too.
  • The leftist types I hang out with can discuss this movie for hours with themes of sexism, racism, classism running throughout.
  • Further, they should assist adolescents in recognizing other societal messages that are oppressive based on racism, sexism, ageism, and/or heterosexism.
  • We were placed in workshops where we'd have to face issues of diversity across a wide gamut, forcing us to develop an understanding of women's issues, homophobia and heterosexism, ableism.
  • Many of the questions I raise about comparisons between sexism and racism could also be raised about comparison between sexism and classism or racism and classism.
  • Tinkering with criminal law is a backward step in countering the deep cultural realities of homophobia, racism, sexism.
  • Societal heterosexism prevents some LGBT people from developing an authentic self-identity and adds to the pressure to marry someone of the other sex, which in turn places undue stress and, often, trauma on themselves as well as their heterosexual spouses and their children. Warren J. Blumenfeld: Heterosexism and GOP Presidential Candidates
  • Joel Connelly, the contumelious liberal columnist for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, writes today: "Sexism's alive and well on the right". Sound Politics: It's in the P-I
  • The manner in which the saga has been dealt with in France, by the media and also by political figures, really shines a light on what we already knew was there: unfettered sexism, said de Haas, one of several feminists to find her voice just as France's reaction to the Affaire DSK looked like settling into lachrymose tributes to an alleged attacker and scorn for an alleged victim. How Dominique Strauss-Kahn's arrest awoke a dormant anger in the heart of France's women
  • This disclaimer appears to address the cultural reality of pervasive sexism and to declare psychiatry sensitive to it.
  • We strive to eliminate sexism, ageism, heterosexism and other forms of discrimination from our lives.
  • As for Ed Gillespie and his famous charge of sexism and elitism, I don't think serious conservatives believe Ed is up nights pondering whiffs and emanations of class tension and gender bias in modern America.
  • Patriarchy, sexism, heterosexism and globalization are all root causes of this particular form of exploitation.
  • Sorry for my rant, I just got so upset seeing Geraldine Ferraro on TV this morning spuing sexism and putting thoughts in womens minds that they have be dupped ... so untrue, so un-democratic. Clinton fights on, Obama returns to Iowa
  • As a consequence, the use of stereotypes can breed racism, sexism, and other forms of bigotry.
  • As Suzanne Pharr points out, ‘it is virtually impossible to view one oppression… in isolation because they are all connected: sexism, racism, homophobia, classism, ableism, anti-Semitism, ageism ‘.
  • Since far fewer females than males commit crimes, this preoccupation has been one main source of sexism.
  • Jennings has stated that if you express the belief that homosexuality is "psychologically, spiritually, or morally wrong" you are engaging in "heterosexism" which is a "prejudice" just like "racism, anti-Semitism, and sexism. Latest Articles
  • Other forms of bias include ageism, sexism, and racism.
  • Another problem is that, to appeal to a human rights commission, one must document racism, sexism and classism separately.
  • Much has been made of the violence of most games, but this exhibition also demonstrates the sexism of many games.
  • Machismo, an attitude of male superiority and sexism, is widespread (marianismo, an attitude of female passivity and coyness, is the counterpart of machismo).
  • Black women and men are empowered by their squads that they’ve found in this life that is inundated by racism, sexism and elitism.
  • No group in the movement can claim to not be effected by systemic racism, sexism, homophobia, classism, and other forms of oppression.
  • It is arguable that other forms of oppression, such as gender oppression, sexism, ableism, ageism, etc., are also produced by capitalism.
  • The conference discussed the impact of sexism, racism, homophobia and war on women.
  • Dean: Straight people thinking they're better than gays is "heterosexism". Smitherman: White, Racist Gays Let Me Down
  • This has more to do with Pandora's "gifts" of intolerance, racism, sexism, antipathy and contemptuousness. Bil Browning: Pandora's Box: The National Equality March
  • zone_info": "huffpost. media/blog; entertainment = 1; featured-posts = 1; living = 1; media = 1; nickname = jessica-wakeman; entry_id = 94055; bimbo = 1; bimbo-game = 1; feminism = 1; miss-bimbo = 1; miss-bimbo-game = 1; sexism = 1", Jessica Wakeman: Miss Bimbo Off Her Diet Pills
  • They have all sorts of interesting stories to tell about bygone days: airplane travel that required you to wear a parachute, ration points to buy food during WWII, inkwells and pigtails, Skelly and boxball, communism, nuclear, and Smallpox scares, pre-'70s sexism and anti-semitism during job interviews, punch cards and tape computing - my father began teaching computers in 1963! The Last Unrecorded Generation
  • There is no overtly political comment, and hardly any mention of social evils such as racism and sexism.
  • The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language defines sexism (from which the term sexist derives) as: The Rebel Yell
  • Antisemitism belongs to this series, alongside other forms of racism, sexism, homophobia, etc.
  • However, the majority of health issues are a direct result of homophobia, heterosexism and social exclusion in society.
  • A Flynt apologist could probably wiggle away from the sexism of the word cunt; harder to excuse was Flynt's preposterous suggestion that Sandra Day O'Connor's appointment was meritless, an empty gesture of political correctness. Slate Articles
  • Poverty, social inequities, ignorance, sexism, racism, and unsupportive relationships may render a woman virtually powerless to choose freely.
  • Although by no means easy, it is easier to be increasingly open about your sexuality if you don't also have to be concerned with racism, sexism, and classism.
  • More recently, the feminist critique, which originally centered on gender equity, has been expanded and joined by others critiquing racism, classism, heterosexism, nationalism, and so on.
  • In all of society, you have racism, sexism and classism.
  • This is most commonly employed in the defence of a beloved work under fire for subtextual dubiousness — for latent sexism, racism, homophobia or suchlike. Arguing With Geeks 5
  • It's got systemic sexism and endless "poofter" comments. September 11th, 2007
  • She argues that the revolutionary left only pays lip-service to feminism, and sexism and machismo are as pervasive in these organisations as in mainstream society.
  • Such poems as these complicitly and ambiguously critique racism, sexism, and violence.
  • How do sexism, heterosexism and homophobia work together to constrain sexuality and gender and to punish transgression of these categories?
  • We always speak our mind. appreciate differences in culture believe in sexual preferences believe in no racism no sexism no religionism and we'll fight for what we believe but usually we're pagans, In New Letter, Clinton's Lawyers Demand ABC Yank Film
  • If we want to eliminate racism, sexism, heterosexism and other negative ‘isms,’ we need to take responsibility for the context of the words we use.
  • Of course we can contest this kind of sexism by arguing about the accuracy of particular scientific findings.
  • The topic of sexism in language is probably the best known of all feminist linguistic concerns.
  • While various factors should be responsible for the tragedies of the Afro-American people, racist prejudice or the double oppression of racism and sexism are the root causes.
  • We must now ensure that ending sexism is addressed as part of the debates about the future.
  • Its most debilitating effect is the erasure of the experience of racism and sexism for black women.
  • The goal of the social reconstructionist approach is for the participant to learn strategies for the eradication of structures of inequality such as racism, classism and sexism.
  • Her bemusement wasn't based on the objectification of women or any perceived sexism - she thinks my male friends and I are too posh, too nice, to use such "laddish" terms. The Guardian World News
  • To a large number of people, the whole point of opposing the ruling class is to oppose ‘elitists’ who think that racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. are bad things- and a libertarian context, which after all historically has usually defended economic inequality and increasingly makes a nasty point of defending status inequality, can very easily encourage this kind of resentful poison. How not to choose the Treasury Secretary
  • Angry and hurt at the continuing racism and sexism at Columbia, Joanne speaks out but tries to choose her moments.
  • They found that the organization of sports stifled the inherent joy of the athletic experience, encouraged violence, hatred for the opposition and sexism, and discouraged intellectual and creative pursuits which were deemed "unmasculine" and antagonistic to their development as athletes. Corrupt Sports: An Exchange
  • It is not always helpful to draw analogies between sexism and racism, but in this instance it is useful.
  • Some prejudices (preconceived opinions of an individual based on opinions about the many) have names such as racism, sexism, or ageism.
  • The university has been accused of sexism because it has so few women professors.
  • As ANC, in all 94 years of our existence, we have always fought against any forms of ethnicism, tribalism, racism and sexism. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • We now have before us a skeletal account of the way in which sexism and racism construe women and blacks, respectively.
  • I'm constantly fighting back against rampant sexism, racism, homophobia, agism, classism, and transphobia, and I show the links from the oppressor's words, or actions, to the offense. Palin slams 'sexist' Newsweek cover
  • It is not, of course, invariably helpful to make analogies between sexism and racism.
  • You know the litany: sexism, racism, colonialism, homophobia.
  • Charges of racism, sexism, agism, etc. would be ringing out of your rapidly typing little fingers. Obama Campaign: We Won Nevada Caucus -- Based On Delegate Count
  • This is most commonly employed in the defence of a beloved work under fire for subtextual dubiousness — for latent sexism, racism, homophobia or suchlike. Arguing With Geeks 5
  • Racism (along with sexism, heterosexism, and all the other isms) is seldom overt.
  • Critical questions about this unknown quantity are being beaten back for now with counter charges of sexism, ruralism, familyism and anything else the McCain camp can throw into the blame-the-media strategy. Peggy Drexler: Big Night for the Republican's New Alpha Girl. But What Now?
  • It is not, of course, invariably helpful to make analogies between sexism and racism.
  • Domestic sexism does not guarantee sexism in public affairs, although one is often a symptom of the other.
  • My point is that ageism is alive and well in our community, and it is, in its worst form, as harmful as racism, sexism, or homophobia.
  • We progressives jump up and down about these and other "isms" -- sexism, heterosexism and so on -- reflecting a sometimes poorly-articulated reaction to the notion, not just of differing innate qualities and capacities, but of differing innate worth -- the latter being a moral, and hence political, judgement. Archive 2009-10-01
  • Only relatively recently did the social scientific and therapeutic communities begin to utilize the concepts of homophobia and heterosexism to portray the discrimination faced by gay people.
  • Adie's fall from grace was not the result of sexism, ageism or an obsession with celebrity-led reporting.
  • Only that foundation would allow the corporation to also be inclusive of all humanity and so transcend racism sexism agism and economic classism all at once. Start a "B Corporation"
  • Who was this guy who would challenge me on my sexism and point out the inaccuracies in my argument?
  • Ethnic prejudice, ageism, and sexism still prevent many people from advancing.
  • Advertising is the cheerleader for sexism, misogyny, racism and a vaunting masculine self-satisfaction. Times, Sunday Times
  • The play shows how terribly wrong a white mother's privileged assumption is that she can actually protect her own child against the wrongs of racism and by extension classism and sexism as well.
  • Among these changes we can count: the shift from an organisation with mass support to a movement of mass participation; the adoption of the Freedom Charter as the ideological lodestar of the movement; the emergence of non-racialism not only as a goal but as a way to that goal; similarly, the emergence of non-sexism not only as an goal but as a way to that goal; the clear role of workers through their organised formations, which he described as the spear to the ANC's shield; through his own example, the clearest definition of the role of traditional leadership in a democratic and democratising society; the adoption of the tactic of international sanctions against apartheid South Africa; the adoption of armed struggle against apartheid and the organisational review necessary to ensure that adoption did not have the consequence of a wholesale legal assumption, so that to have been an ANC member did not automatically mean being part of the armed wing. We are the children of Luthuli
  • Indeed, homophobia becomes nearly synonymous with homosexuality, a realization that has spurred recent efforts to discard the term homophobia in favor of heterosexism, a political move that favors the materialist account over the psychoanalytic one. (emphasis added). Heterosexism and the African American Community
  • Those at the top of society fan ideas of nationalism, racism and sexism that divide people.
  • More importantly, there still exist many non-financial barriers to post-secondary education including institutionalized classism, racism and sexism.
  • Hillary supporters get a grip ... how can a vote for McCain rectify sexism? Ferraro suggests she may not vote for Obama
  • More recently, the feminist critique, which originally centered on gender equity, has been expanded and joined by others critiquing racism, classism, heterosexism, nationalism, and so on.
  • Somehow, perhaps because sexism is still tolerated in a way that racism is not, “shiksa” is more acceptable than the equally despicable “shvartze.” Sha With The Shiksa! | Jewschool
  • But she's not part of the old boys club, so NOW asks: Could sexism be at work in denying her this position? HUFFPOST HILL - JULY 27TH, 2010
  • salsadelphia santa sarcasmo sarcasmoscorner savage love scanners scans school schools science science fiction scones scopitones search seattle second life security seo septa septime serenity sesame street seti seti@home sex sex dwarf sexism sexuality shadesong shakespeare she's got big bombs shock treatment shoegaze shoes shopping shortbus shrek shrek 3 Monday Fourteen
  • Perhaps the most surprising thing is quite how prominent and all-pervading the spectacle of glazed, jowly men hawking their sexism became at its midweek peak, dwarfing the complete collapse of the British economy and transforming the world into a place where Keys and Gray seemed to loom out of every crevice, ready to spring fresh sexism scoops and diffuse additional sexism leaks. Andy Gray and Richard Keys convicted on sound evidence | Barney Ronay

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