How To Use Sex In A Sentence

  • It sparked to life in the second act, when the symbolism gave way to themes of lust and sexual temptation.
  • Sewage overflowed into wash basins at West Middlesex Hospital following a blockage in one of the toilets.
  • During adolescence , boys and girls will take on secondary sexual characteristics.
  • This does not exclude the existence of pockets of the urban population with unrealized homosexual desires.
  • If there was any hope of holding on to even a shred of her dwindling self-respect, she should do exactly what she knew Margo would do—close the laptop, take her de-scrunchied, perfumed, and nearly thonged self down to the nearest club, pick up the first passably good-looking stranger who asked her to dance, and bring him back to the apartment for some safe but anonymous sex. Goodnight Tweetheart
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  • Harsh discipline was the child's lot, and they were often terrorized deliberately and, not infrequently, sexually abused.
  • So I cringe when a local newsperson shoves a microphone in the face of some young 95-pound twink (Straight Translation: a twink is a skinny homosexual with a lot of moxie). Max Mutchnick: Where Is My Martin Luther Queen?
  • My stepfather was strict and didn't let us have friends in the house; he physically abused me but not sexually.
  • But Sexton found Nicks for an easy 31-yard score on fourth down with 4: 11 left to seal it, and Nicks set the receiving record with a 22-yard catch a little later from T.J. Yates, making his first appearance in relief from a broken ankle suffered in September against Virginia Tech. Newspaper Home Delivery - Subscribe Today
  • There is much debate on the issue of "therapists" implanting false memories of sexual abuse in adults.
  • Beck, who has a PhD in erotology - the study of how art, literature and cultural behaviours influence human sexuality - is a bit of a virgin expert.
  • The Chief Inspector has suggested a complete overhaul of the good book, reducing it to a pacier 250 pages, a greater focus on “Floods and brimstone and other cool stuff” and a possible rewrite by Dan Brown to “Sex the whole thing up a bit.” Archive 2008-10-01
  • You are a virgin if you have not had sexual intercourse.
  • The aristocracy are made to look like buffoons; the women swoon, the maids are oversexed, and the artist himself - the center of everyone's fawning attention - plays the dandy.
  • The film also stars Jared Leto as Alexander's special boyhood chum, Rosario Dawson as his sex-starved wife, Angelina Jolie as his nagging mother and Val Kilmer as his abusive father.
  • The new technique has been used to identify the sex of foetuses.
  • Speaking of pal Dorian, he's mentioned to me a couple times at work that somewhere on the John Byrne Forum, some industrious individual "rewrote" events in Identity Crisis so that You-Know-Who wasn't sexually assaulted and killed. Archive 2004-07-18
  • Its heroes were beastly revellers or cruel and ferocious plunderers; its heroines unsexed hoidens, playing the ugliest tricks with their lovers, and repaying slights with bloody revenge, -- very dangerous and unsatisfactory companions for any other than the fire - eating Vikings and redhanded, unwashed Berserkers. The Conflict with Slavery and Others, Complete, Volume VII, The Works of Whittier: the Conflict with Slavery, Politics and Reform, the Inner Life and Criticism
  • The authority of the father was absolute, as the head of a hierarchy arranged by generation, age and sex, in which every member of the extended family was related in rank to every other.
  • Objective:To observe the effects of transurethral vaporization for prostate (TVP) and suprapubic prostatectomy (SPP) on sexual function of the patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
  • The attitude of sex offense and the examination of mass media were the topics less to be reported lately.
  • We now read that men are to be targeted with a range of pink summer wearables by the high-street fashion chains 'cashing in' on the growing phenomenon of ' metrosexuality.
  • The alleged sexual and physical assault was inflicted on a young Latvian man at Station Road, Portarlington recently.
  • Their skin colour, sexuality or hair hue is irrelevant.
  • Remember the whole sex-text thing he had going with an aide. CNN Transcript Oct 28, 2008
  • Asked about parents who choose not to vaccinate their children against HPV, the virologist Nathan Wolfe, author of the new book "The Viral Storm," told me: "Basically the decision to not vaccinate risks not only cancer for their kids but cancer for anyone their kids have sex with. The New Prudery
  • Results of this study show that females' greatest reported motivation for going to discos is to meet new people rather than to pursue sexual opportunities or to flirt.
  • If we posit a voiceless spirant value for Uralic *x by this stage anyway, over in PFP the closest equivalent would be śexćim. Update of my "Diachrony of Pre-IE" document
  • Your situation is not unlike the girl who permits everything but the textbook definition of sexual congress so she can say she's a virgin.
  • However, anotIT vole relative titled the montane vole, have no interest in partnership beyond sex.
  • This was physical attraction, sexual temptation, nothing more.
  • That notion identifies heritability with the regression of the offspring phenotype on the parental (or biparental mean in the case of sexual reproduction), where both phenotypes are presented as z-scores (i.e., set to mean = 0 and standard deviation = 1). Miss Winter Solstice
  • But on the gender front, the sex ratio among children up to age 6 dropped to 914 girls for each 1,000 boys from 927 a decade ago, showing that female foeticide continues to be a widespread practice because of a traditional preference in some communities for boys. India Passes 1.2 Billion Mark
  • Although, reading about his devastating sex appeal might have also helped.
  • The warnings that permeate Polonius's speeches derive from his misperception of controlling his daughter's sexuality.
  • Just as Peter Crouch the binman may find his lanky frame considerably less alluring to the opposite sex. Archive 2009-07-01
  • If you're going to resort to the tried-and-true missionary position, perform oral sex on her first or take you time to ensure she's really wet before penetrating her.
  • Their risk of dying in childbirth is doubled and of having stillborn babies trebled, and other physical, sexual, and relationship problems are common.
  • Frederick, a bisexual misanthrope in a childless, political marriage, was a lapsed Calvinist who held all religions in contempt.
  • Instead of talking about the mechanical superiority of their latest cars, manufacturers hired the sexiest, perkiest breasted young women they could find to writhe, lean and lick their lips next to their new products. Judith Acosta: How Marketers Capitalize On Your Fear: Confessions Of An Ex-Ad-Woman
  • I think that while full-on female displays will evoke an easy and instinctual hormone rush -- which, as I said, might be a good complement to a melee brawl -- most intelligent people will agree that some sort of subtlety in sexuality is appealing on more levels simultaneously. Archive 2008-02-01
  • Finally, a small number of participants discussed their experiences with gender-bending - that is, pretending to be of the opposite sex - during an online sexual encounter.
  • Dances like the samba, rhumba, cha-cha, and mambo were the sexiest things that white people were allowed to do until the twist came along.
  • The movie is a potent brew of adventure, sex and comedy.
  • No doubt some of these are metrosexuals, those city-dwelling gents with more than enough disposable income to spend on clothes, restaurants, the latest gadgets, exotic holidays and eyebrow waxing.
  • Both neo-colonial and advanced capitalist/colonial states organize and reinforce a cathectic structure based in sexual difference, which they enforce through a variety of means, including legislation.
  • The photo plates also age and sex accipiters, those hawks that flap, flap, sail, and are the mostly likely the ones that raid our feeders of hapless birds.
  • Or the convenience of an importer's warehouse in Essex.
  • We can also see this in the contrapositive: having more than one sexual partner is by definition nonmonogamous. S-e-x. « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • Thus the expectations regarding the strength of sexual selection for polygyny, polyandry, and monogamy are fairly simple.
  • Some feminists today debate whether women who dance around poles are liberated or enslaved, which is, to my mind (and to others), an updated version of the 1980s sex wars around which feminists of different stripes established their positions on porn," I tried. Deborah Siegel: Sex Wars Old and New
  • Please let's change and be people with brave hearts and forget all about violence against any particular sex in this independent country.
  • While the inmates of the home are provided with skill training in handicrafts, embroidery and sewing based on their aptitude, the children including those of sex workers are educated.
  • She oozes with sex appeal on any occasion.
  • So i uploaded my sexy photos there under the n'ame of Myshine on Ag'emi'ngle. Watchdog: Citigroup rescue limited taxpayer risk - Yahoo! Finance
  • He may be getting turned on watching them, but it's you he wants to have sex with.
  • He stated once that Castle Howard was probably the first venue to stage outdoor concerts, apart from opera honeypot Glyndebourne, in Sussex.
  • These were now crystallized in an expanded discourse on male and female sexuality.
  • Sexual pleasure between Greek male citizens and boys was legitimate and socially sanctioned, however if the boy become a free citizen (an equal) their sexual practice become problematised.
  • And we have seen that sexism presents a greater difficulty than racism in this regard as well.
  • The publication, whose Arabic name loosely translates as "Concerning," was launched as a quarterly magazine in early 2008 by members of the Lebanese lesbian group Meem and was billed as the Arab world's first publication for lesbian and bisexual women. The Angry Arab News Service/وكالة أنباء العربي الغاضب
  • It is frequently assumed that elderly persons lose their sexual desires or that they are physically unable to perform.
  • That should have spelled the end of the convertible, except for one thing: The open car with its sun-baked, wind-blown passengers became a symbol of youth, freedom, and sexuality.
  • Probability sex method can reflect systematic reliability better, affirmatory more reasonable reserve capacity.
  • Now the American Psychological Association has weighed in as well, with a 67-page report on the dangers of the "sexualization" of girls. Archive 2007-03-01
  • This all seems to be in response to the subject of human rights and the inclusion of sexual orientation in the bill.
  • Both the sexes move so closely that inhibitions and hesitations are a thing of the past now.
  • The celibate may choose to use prayer for the release of energy during gnosis and the sex magician uses the act of intercourse as a conduit.
  • Tech is sexy, but industrials have been doing, very, very well.
  • And if that doesn't make you happy, there's always Sabrina's story of organizing young women dancers to go on strike against an MTV sexploitation video.
  • In the case of marriage, calling SSM discriminatory or segregationist represents either a failure to adequately recognise the sexuality of the individual involved or more perniciously to regard that distinction as immaterial or undeserving of respect. Why are only queer rights on the chopping block?
  • First "succubus" is broadcast nationally, and then The Chenbot's ode to anal sex with The Beast. Tallulah Morehead: Big Brother 12 : Mothra, the Penguin, and the Succubus.
  • Without such help, sexual predators are doomed to repeat their crimes.
  • Raquel Welch was at the height of her popularity as a sex goddess.
  • Tenements, rookeries, and cheap rooming districts exercised a huge symbolic power over the public imagination as centres of vice, squalor, drunkenness, traffic in sex and stolen goods, and general depravity.
  • When that course entails the social regulation of her sexual life in reproduction, the young woman's entry into intellectual life will necessarily be seen as transgressive.
  • Moving to the rhythm, Jason starting dancing in a slow sexy way; this made Rebecca and Kale hoot and laugh even more.
  • Hops are also considered a mild anaphrodisiac and thus calms sexual excitement as well. THE NATURAL REMEDY BIBLE
  • Do heterosexuals make a conscious decision to be straight?
  • Low price Christianity Lu the cloth give is gorgeous, Ugg Classic Short, sexy, and exert everything to attire to have a liking for to is hard to believe.
  • It was a return to the 1970s, blending Halston glamour with the sexual liberation of the trouser.
  • Do you have any particular views on sexual discrimination?
  • The mudra represents the union of the sexes with Vairocana as the procreator.
  • The direct impact of a long-term imbalanced sex ratio at birth is the emergence of "gradient marriage squeeze," it said. The Times of India
  • To speak generally, if we take all animals which change their locality, some by swimming, others by flying, others by walking, we find in these the two sexes, not only in the sanguinea but also in some of the bloodless animals; and this applies in the case of the latter sometimes to the whole class, as the cephalopoda and crustacea, but in the class of insects only to the majority. On the Generation of Animals
  • Most notably, it acknowledged the lack of consensus on the "immutability" of sexual orientation - that is, on the question whether it has a biological basis or not - but noted that it was, at the very least, "highly resistant to change. FindLaw Writ - Recent Articles
  • Alex's first attempt to save his friend from the rough sex maniac went sour, but he's determined to try again regardless of the consequences.
  • Western hostesses who work in Japanese nightclubs don't have sex with their clients - unless they want to, at which point they're free to accept money and gifts.
  • The rest of the book is a rampant cornucopia of sickness and murders as the noble hero, Dr. Alex Cross, attempts to find Casanova's victims, hidden deep in Casanova's sex caves. It's A Good Thing He Can't Blow My Mind
  • I straightened and jumped back just as a sextet of black-and-white CinSims trouped in, fresh from the film and the farm. Silver Zombie
  • Sometime snooker world champion, perpetually in the tabloids for his substance-assisted high jinks, he's the quintessence of Essex wide-boy.
  • What are the keywords on the mood boards at the car designers these days: sexy, aggressive, practical, safe, sporty, flexible, successful, family, active, fun?
  • There were times when it was hard, when one or other of us would be crying out for more, be it moving in, or more often a cry for the delights of sexual intimacy.
  • To avoid vibrator fatigue, don't pay the clitoris too much direct attention, says Miriam Graham, a physical therapist in Rockville, Md. , specializing in sexual issues.
  • Haha. btw, if I have illicit sexual intercourse with any malay, it is not me who will be subjected to "hudud" for eg. News
  • But she's not actually ugly; she's just pert and smart-mouthed and has a sexy voice, completely according with that rom-com genre convention of the comic sidekick to the heroine.
  • The nazir offers his hair to God as a symbol that he is sublimating and consecrating his sensuality and sexual energy.
  • The wyvern was the emblem of the rulers of Wessex and the word "wyvern" is associated with the many areas of Wessex, reflected in many county and town heraldries of the South West and west of England.
  • If Ratzinger wants to stay in Italy and scare school kids by telling them God is watching when they French kiss or masturbate, that is his sexual silliness. Joe Cutbirth: The Pope Can't Get Away With This
  • In an affair which the Italian press have dubbed "Rubygate", she is reported to have attended dinners at Mr Berlusconi's private villa outside Milan, where she allegedly witnessed group sex games which the prime minister and his entourage nicknamed "bunga-bunga - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Anyone who is sexually promiscuous is of increased risk of acquiring a sexually transmitted infection.
  • I could go on about the use of gender and sexual roles in the film.
  • Modestly clad women appear as newsreaders on TV, while sexually suggestive Hindi film posters adorn shopfronts about town.
  • Doubtless the series will spark a rush of transsexuality-centred reality shows that, given the ready and infinite corruptibility of the form, will lose within a year all vestige of the charm of the original and become as mainstream, dreary and degrading to everyone concerned as its other reality brethren. TV review: My Transsexual Summer; Sorority Girls; and Imagine … Simon and Garfunkel: the Harmony Game
  • Local people live in fear of this unknown sex beast.
  • Using more than one condom enhances the chances that a sexually transmittable infection or disease will be ...transmitted.
  • For, when you think back to the creation of mobile phones, what started as a useful way of communicating quickly turned into sexting.
  • In no other situation is the contemplation of living and dying so intertwined with love and sex.
  • Taking her cue from some of MADONNA's more risque antics, it was pure raunch from the outset, which saw the star sporting a sexy circus mistress's uniform.
  • Such women are mostly presented as sexless in that once their family is complete, they appear to lose all sexual desire and physical charm.
  • It should be as easy for a teenager to talk about sex and condoms as any other subject imaginable.
  • Ms. Fuchs believes the topic of safe sex isn't one where a parent can allow for a child to break down into the giggles and get squirmy. Mother Works to Make AIDS Education a Priority
  • She's saying that homosexuals should be allowed to pursue orientation change if they want it -- not that they *should* want it, or should be encouraged to use it. Marcotte blames sexism for her troubles.
  • Thus the essence of glamour which may be thought of as sex appeal by tantalisation was replaced by ‘in your face’ sexuality.
  • Harry disguises the latent homosexual feelings he has for his best friend Ron, by having a string of one night stands with besotted girls in the year below him.
  • Or if I want to see a police officer in a time frame where the person concerned might be caught, I report a couple having a domestic, who called me a derogatory name ref my Race, Religion, or sexual preference (underline the relevant option) and just out of interest they broke the wing mirror on my car. Norfolk Constabulary. Pants On Fire. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Dances like the rumba and cha-cha are very sexy, and offer a great opportunity for a couple to learn to move together well.
  • Drug addicts, alcoholics, bulimics, anorexics, and sex addicts line up to claim social causes of their problems.
  • When we glance over the history of flagellation and realize that, though whipping as a punishment has been very widespread and common, there have been periods and lands showing no clear knowledge of any sexual association of whipping, it becomes clear that whipping is not necessarily an algolagnic manifestation. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 3 Analysis of the Sexual Impulse; Love and Pain; The Sexual Impulse in Women
  • It is spread through sexual contact with sores, which Mercer called chancre ulcers, that typically are painless. The Intelligencer / Wheeling News-Register
  • Meanwhile the dark-haired woman, who after all these years I still remember so vividly, wears an unbelievably sexy one-piece outfit that appears to be sewn from rags.
  • But she said: ‘I had gone to celebrate a friend's birthday and all of a sudden was drawn into some depraved sex show.’
  • Rather than being victim to this silly debate, we should move forward and embrace this interesting and fun addition to sex.
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  • ‘Yes, beautiful, sexy, passionate, sweet Emily,’ he said like a plebe.
  • One of the more interesting paths Donoghue sets out to traverse is what she terms the borderline territory of "murkily criminal" lesbian sex as found in mystery and detective fiction. Edmonton Sun
  • Since the asexual gametophyte does not form antheridia or archegonia, crosses to confirm its genotype could not be performed.
  • He does not accept homosexuality as a legitimate lifestyle, and of course he believes in evangelizing among nonbelievers. November 2004
  • The treatment process and efficacy, judicial program evaluation, establishing assessment tools, sex offense prevention education, and treatment program evaluation were popular topics recently.
  • But to continue our overview: the remainder of book II (from chapter 5 on) discusses the causes of the embryological development of vivipara, while the ovipara are the primary focus in book III, which closes with a discussion of animals that are not sexually generated, including those that arise ˜spontaneously.™ Aristotle's Biology
  • The worst dereliction is tolerance of rave parties where illegal drugs are sold and used, and minors are sexually exploited. Sound Politics: Seattle needs more police; and needs to use better sense in deploying the ones it already has
  • This bill aims to take away the criminalised aspect of that, and it de-penalises the aspect of having evidence of safe sex on the premises - that is, condoms, sheaths, diaphragms, and lubricants.
  • The two lines run through the composition, sometimes parallel, sometimes intertwining, with the second one eventually taking over and ultimately finding its closure in a lush, animalic, fantastically sexy, nocturnal base of amber, musk, civet, patchouli and castoreum. Forgotten Chypres: 7e Sense by Sonya Rykiel and Gianni Versace
  • And this means that the theories of universally acting psychical repression, of the unconscious, of the endopsychic censor, of the significance of resistance and amnesia, of the employment of highly complicated and phantastic symbolism, of the manifestations of sexuality and so forth have been made use of in a high-handed, uncalled for, unnecessary and unscientific manner to prove the truth of the thesis with which the author set out upon his journey. The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
  • After September 11 everyone was talking about masculinity, mostly because any heterosexual woman who hadn't previously fetishized firemen now felt compelled to do so, if only out of gratitude.
  • Sex is considered taboo as a topic for discussion.
  • She is a brilliant advocate but, because of her sex, she is judged primarily on her appearance.
  • Bias cut is the champions, one after another of the flow lines to emphasize certain sexy body parts.
  • The shirts that I am offended by are usually not the type that would be offensive to a nonhunter, but because of crude or sexual humor. Sharp-Dressed Man?
  • Just over two weeks ago a 27 year old woman was sexually assaulted in an alleyway.
  • Those few women who shocked public feeling with a display of sexual desire were branded either as prostitutes, nymphomaniacs or lunatics.
  • He had friends of both sexes and at one time appeared to have a close woman friend.
  • We calculate medians and quartiles of the age at leaving home by sex and race, using a fitted curve derived from a logit regression model.
  • Traditionally golf has kept the sexes apart, sometimes for misogynist reasons, but more often because women cannot hit the ball as far as men, and have courses set up accordingly, with the ladies' tees further forward than the men's.
  • Sex education is a sensitive area for some parents, and thus it should remain optional.
  • Nor did it prohibit the commercial sale of other items used for sexual gratification, such as ribbed condoms or vibrators that were primarily intended to relieve muscle tension but could also be adapted for sexual purposes.
  • Mostly because abortion, labor, surgical operation or not clean sexual behavior come cervix uteri's damnification, the pathogen penetration comes the infection.
  • That would prevent the case from setting any legal precedents on same-sex sexual harassment involving gay and bisexual women.
  • I asked the guy who would bowdlerize Larry Niven if given the chance this question: "If someone was writing the biography of your life, would you want it to have a sex scene? Bowdlerized
  • The general odor of the man she loves, one woman states, is highly, sometimes even overwhelmingly, attractive to her; but the specific odor of the male sexual organs which she describes as fishy has no attraction. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 4 Sexual Selection In Man
  • And there are symbolic margins along which men get a worse deal than 100 years ago - modern males are probably more afraid to make sexist remarks within earshot of their wives. Are Husbands Really Like Potatoes?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • She often used the term pedal or pedalo-French slang for a homosexual-draping it with condescension, pity, and disapproval. Jezebel
  • The film doesn't stop at intergenerational same-sex relations or drug trips.
  • There was formerly a tribe of South Sea islanders who, until discovered by explorers, had never made the connection between sexual congress and pregnancy.
  • Under Sharia law gay sex illegal, with penalty of death as young as 14 years old.
  • The film follows the relationship between sexy femme fatale Suzy and young lawyer Jim, which eventually leads to a murderous crime of passion.
  • They define sexual harassment as unwanted conduct of a sexual nature.
  • She caught students red-handed with their parts entwined frequently, and the rest of the student body talked about sex as if it was just as normal as attending a baseball game or playing video games. Daniel P. Malito: The Scarlet e-Letter
  • Conclusion: The incidence of sexuality is high in minority nationality fe male college students and there exist the problem of promiscuity , pregnant and spread of STD.
  • Such people will inevitably bring their racism and sexism into the jury room.
  • Back in America, he pitched this complicated, albeit less sexy, idea to his editor at the Times.
  • As a psychologist, Bloom had studied what in the 1970s was considered not just sexual deviance, but mental imbalance.
  • Back beyond even its immediate pre-modern period – what you might call The Andy Gray Years, the dolly bird years – football has always been a sweat-caked man-hole of a place, a realm where men have gone to mope and grizzle and rage and emote a kind of cheek-stinging eau de sexism. Andy Gray and Richard Keys convicted on sound evidence | Barney Ronay
  • The study shows that the females have a prudential attitude to divorce, and a tolerant attitude to outside marriage love, and they reject sex behavior before marriage.
  • In the Pacific Northwest, for example, apple growers adorn their trees with dispensers that saturate the air with the chemical sex attractant, or pheromone, of female codling moths.
  • A male sex gland about the size of a walnut, the prostate secretes a thick fluid that is a vehicle for semen ejaculated during orgasm.
  • In fact, most violent crimes against sex workers remain unreported. Open Invitation to the Int’l Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers « Bound, Not Gagged
  • On the otherhand, Internet sexuality shows that we're becoming more and more self-involved.
  • ( "Tonight I'm going to put it to the supreme test!" says an inventor in "Aztec Mummy," and a silhouetted Joel replies, "The Cosmo sex quiz?") 'Cinematic Titanic' re-creates 'Mystery Science Theater 3000' in Washington
  • Is there a parallel between taking up a storekeepers time by pretending to shop and ask prices for items we know we will not buy and dating the opposite sex with no intention of a committed relationship?
  • These poor kids are … learning from each other that their worth (in the eyes of the opposite sex) is found solely in the skin they expose and how they physically mesmerize the other. ProWomanProLife » Modesty, nudity, identity
  • You abused them sexually for what must have been your sexual lust under cover of medical examination.
  • To date, no physiological mechanism for facultative sex ratio adjustment in birds has been identified.
  • Chilies also stimulate the nervous system, accentuating the effects of arousal, which is very, very, very good for very, very, very good sex. Christina Pirello: The Top 10 Foods for Great Sex
  • As an aside to its fundraising campaign, the Sussex Archaeological Society is inviting the 1960s diggers to a reunion on 22 May - all 800 of them.
  • Marriage or sexual relationships with any member of the other seven 'skins' are regarded as improper.
  • Cleveland, had often mentioned him, without in any respect diminishing the insignificancy with which fame insinuated he had conducted himself in those amorous encounters: she nevertheless had the greatest curiosity to see a man, whose entire person, she thought, must be a moving trophy, and monument of the favours and freedoms of the fair sex. Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
  • These results suggest that stereotypes of older persons as not interested in sexual intimacy are wrong.
  • Is discriminating on the grounds of sex more acceptable than discriminating on the basis of skin colour?
  • The pioneering Jewish lesbian feminist Charlotte Wolff was a physician by training, but later became a chirologist, psychotherapist, and sexologist, well known in both England and Germany. Charlotte Wolff.
  • Religion cannot protect itself from religious hypocrites, including priests who sexually abuse teenagers and altar boys. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • There are so many euphemisms for the act of sexual congress.
  • It's a totally ridiculous, completely unsexy word.
  • These women demanded only fair treatment within traditional sex roles, never really questioning the salience of marriage itself.
  • From her earliest student shorts, repressed sexual desire has been a consistent undercurrent in the New Zealander's work.
  • Steady on, the reason we men liked her was because she was a tremendously attractive and sexy piece of crumpet…
  • It has a portable X-ray, sexually transmitted disease screening and treatment, and diabetes screening.
  • And whereas some have attributed the Dominion to the Man onely, as being of the more excellent Sex; they misreckon in it. Leviathan
  • After each catty little spat, we cut to another uneventful rehearsal scene where boys and girls with asexual physiques pirouette weightlessly about the rehearsal room.
  • They falsely claim that classes sexualize children in a "values free" environment as teachers push their own sexual ideology. Dr. Yvonne K. Fulbright: When Where They Teach Overrides What's Being Said About Sex Ed
  • She draws on a popular call-and-response song that celebrates agentive female sexuality.
  • Extremely passionate, sexual fulfilment is very important to you.
  • In 1998 and 1999, a 17-year-old male held at Beaumont Juvenile Correctional Center in Powhatan County was investigated by state police for sex offenses with female staff there. Female Prison Staff Offenders in Two-thirds of Sexual Assaults | Impact Lab
  • The prostate is a male sex gland that produces a fluid that forms part of the semen.
  • A. P. D. Detective in Oren Moverman's Rampart is known as Dave "Date Rape" Brown, because years ago he killed a man suspected of being a sexual predator.
  • Sex crimes were just as numerous as they are today.
  • The difference between sex and love is that sex relieves tension and love causes it. Woody Allen 
  • He shows a precocious interest in the opposite sex.
  • It cures the sexually frigid and the easily upset; it reawakens interest in sex for those suffering from physical or psychological problems.
  • You feel Mamet is proving a thesis about the white American male and his channelling of sexual insecurity into racial hatred.

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