How To Use Sex offender In A Sentence
Virginia joined in by collecting the DNA of all convicted felons, not just sex offenders.
The authorities often know that sex offenders will attack again when they are released.
The laptop is equipped with a specially programmed GPS system that displays what looks like a Venn diagram: overlapping, color-coded circles — purple for schools, yellow for day-care centers, and green for parks — marking areas where sex offenders cannot live.
Sex-Offender City
In Boulder last year, a highly publicized "streaking" incident has threatened to land the streakers on sex offender lists.
Doyle Albee: Sex Offender Lists Need to be For Sex Offenders, Not Pranksters
But Ms Allison will spend the rest of her life publicly branded as a sex offender.

A sex offender described as unrepentant released from prison today and he won't be monitored.
CNN Transcript Aug 15, 2008
The cellmate was a parole violator who had been sentenced to two years in prison for failing to register as a sex offender, according to a prison report.
News -
Police have offered reassurances to the public after a registered sex offender was sent to prison for nearly ten years after re-offending.
An Office of Sex Offender Management will be set up to oversee it all.
Add to that the tourist draw of places such as Virginia Beach and Williamsburg - which brings offenders to town for brief stays - and it becomes clear that there are sex offenders who are unaccounted for in our midst.
The Shad Plank
According to this news report, a real estate developer filed suit against a former sex offender for ruining sales at a subdivision.
There are often legal and other obstacles to using highly explicit videos in assessing sex offenders.
Will they instead design neighborhood parks finely attuned to the pederastic behaviors of unregistered sex offenders in the area, orchestrating a genetically-encoded series of seismonastic movements when one is detected?
My Garden Is Telling Me That I'm Abusing My Kids
This morning's ruling cleared the way for the convicted child rapist, locally-registered sex offender, fugitive sex murder suspect, and buddy of PUSD supe Percy Clark to be remanded to the custody of the Orange County Sheriff for transportation back to
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Watch for more park-ride lots in '12; first up: Little Canada, Maplewood Standoff at Newport motel ends with arrest of owner, a convicted sex offender N.D. hunter draws safety lesson from close call in Beltrami forest Minnesota woman faces arrest as littering scofflaw in Michigan's U.P. rss feed
Convicted sex offender Ian Green, 45, from West Sussex, admitted 24 charges of making, possessing and distributing indecent images of children.
We know some sex offenders dupe the psychologists who assess them.
The old prison hierarchy of blaggers at the top and sex offenders at the bottom is gone.
Firstly, this Government passed the Sentencing Act 2002, which states that a recidivist child sex offender can receive preventive detention and be locked up, if necessary, for life.
An Office of Sex Offender Management will be set up to oversee it all.
Murders of sex offenders are rare, but harassment is common.
That is what we are dealing with, with child sex offenders.
In conclusion, the main change that this bill introduces is the power to place recidivist child sex offenders under extended supervision for up to 10 years.
As so often with these cases, the trial of Bargh revealed he was a known sex offender.
-- Dugard was discovered living with convicted sex offender Phillip Garrido, she went by "Alissa
The News is - The News is Now Public
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Election Central Sunday Roundup
The Department of Justice put this out, that there was a polygraph study done on incarcerated sex offenders, and what they discovered from the study is that these sex offenders had molested victims for 17 years prior to their conviction, arrest and conviction, and that 43 percent of them reconvict within four years of being released from jail.
CNN Transcript Jan 26, 2006
The Department of Corrections uses ‘active’ GPS for about 400 probationers, mostly sex offenders and people who've committed violent crimes.
Polygraph testing "will become a standard for supervising probationers of all kinds," says Mr. Holden, who was one of the first to use polygraphy with sex offenders in the early 1980s.
The Polygraph Paradox
The authorities often know that sex offenders will attack again when they are released.
William Joe Mitchell, a registered sex offender, is suspected of luring a 15 - year - old girl online.
PUSD D.A.D.S. program - despite Whitaker being a locally-registered sex offender and Megan's Law listee - will have his 13th chance to plead "not guilty" to a charge of murder tomorrow in Orange
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But in most states, sexting is considered child pornography and your kids who think they're just doing something harmless among their friends can actually be prosecuted as sex offenders.
The authorities often know that sex offenders will attack again when they are released.
The internet has made available all types of sick and demented images that feed certain desires that would otherwise lay dormant in a person who is prone to becoming a sex offender. Minimal Human Decency Abridged
The authorities often know that sex offenders will attack again when they are released.
He was found with several other known sex offenders.
The Home Office is evaluating its effectiveness in the Thames Valley where, out of 48 registered serious sex offenders, none reoffended in the year from April 2003.
Why do we single out sex offenders as necessarily different from other criminals?
This man is a serial sex offender and we urgently need to catch him.
In this packet is community information, police links so on so forth, but they also included the Colorado Springs CO, sex offender registry.
Heroes or Villains?
Sec. 8103 is limited to people who are adjudicated by a court to be dangers to themselves or others, or as sex offenders.
Once convicted of either of these offenses, a defendant is subject to any number of sentences including having his name registered in a sex offender hotline; having his name registered with the local authorities and published to the community; or serving the sentence in a center for the treatment of sex offenders.
Raw Law
There are very good organisations like Safe Network in Auckland, run by John McCarthy, which deals with trying to rehabilitate and run programmes for recidivist sex offenders.
He is one of the country's leading experts on sex offenders, a man who has spent the past two decades delving into the warped minds of killers such as Robert Black and Fred West.
But Ms Allison will spend the rest of her life publicly branded as a sex offender.
Mr McGrath also feels the system is groaning under the massive demand for sex offender treatment programmes.
Sex offenders would face open-ended prison sentences, known as "indeterminate," if members of a jury found them to be predatory. rss feed
Parliament has not expressly enacted what standard of proof shall be applied on an application for a sex offender order.
The blackmailer is the sex offender …. ooops, I mean a professional researcher.
Live Blog from the Anchor Desk 10/02/09
HARRIMAN (WATE) -- An Indiana man was arrested in Harriman for sexual solicitation of a minor after he failed to register as a sex offender in Tennessee.
In the United Kingdom and Australia, the term nonce sometimes spelled "nonse" is a slang word used to refer to a sex offender and/or child sexual abuser.
On a child's view of English
He quotes a study showing that the rearrest record for sex offenders is 52 percent and for all other violent offenders it is 60 percent.
One study found a greater proportion of psychopaths in sex offenders who had assaulted and/or unlawfully confined female prison staff members than in a sample of the general sex offender population.
Also, is there an informal network of know-how, pertaining to techniques for torture and humiliation that lubricates the virtual matrix inhabited by the protagonists of the so-called "global war on terror", that operates in much the same way as the networks that bring together paedophiles and sex offenders on online platforms in the darker parts of the internet?
Ethan Casey: Marines Urinating on Dead Taliban: How Low Will We Go?
Mr. Whitaker, the locally-registered sex offender, flamboyant fraud, and Megan's Law listee put in charge of the PUSD D.A.D.S. program by
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According to one of the law's backers, state Senator John Girgenti, the law makes it easier for sex offenders to stay on the straight and narrow, "reducing the risk of them being tempted to be a repeat offender.
- Boing Boing
His own brief career as a sex offender followed the same quiet, obsequious, ingratiating style, and he inflicted no physical violence on the boys involved.
There are nearly 4,500 registered sex offenders living in the 14 Louisiana parishes hit by Katrina.
He was found with several other known sex offenders.
The first sex offender I worked with was around 60, well - groomed and respectable - looking. I was 24.
Because he also can't leave the county, there is effectively only one place he can go: a rat-infested strip of land beneath a causeway where other sex offenders have erected a shantytown.
Living Among the Outcasts; a Shattered Family
We know some sex offenders dupe the psychologists who assess them.
I haven't been hearing about ex-cons and sex offenders.
Polygraphs have long been used as a tool to keep sex offenders from relapsing, typically as part of maintenance programs that combine polygraphy with group therapy and parole-officer supervision.
The Polygraph Paradox
Why do we single out sex offenders as necessarily different from other criminals?
This autobiography is the unrepentant rant of a violent sex offender, Nathan McCall, who participated in gang rape and violent assaults and shows no remorse but instead pride.
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