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How To Use Sewage In A Sentence

  • Sewage overflowed into wash basins at West Middlesex Hospital following a blockage in one of the toilets.
  • Stink gases in sewage farm of oil refinery pollute environment and influence scent of people. Adsorbents can be used to deodorize the stink gases.
  • The typical sewage ejector toilet consists of a pedestal made of polyethylene, which acts as a base for mounting the toilet.
  • High rises waste tremendous amounts of energy and probably strain sewage and other facilities. Matthew Yglesias » Density and Building Height
  • Taking a dig at the BWSSB, a corporator noted perhaps a cess should be levied on BWSSB every time sewage is let into storm water drains maintained by the BMP.
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  • The discharge of sewage water into the river severely contaminates the river with coliform bacteria.
  • Yet at the other end of the bay, away from the town and its sewage outlets, the water is virtually uncontaminated.
  • I identified the frightful ingredients masking the mixtures of tannin and powdered carbon with which the fish was embalmed; and I penetrated the disguise of the marinated meats, painted with sauces the colour of sewage; and I diagnosed the wine as being coloured with fuscin, perfumed with furfurol, and enforced with molasses and plaster. Là-bas
  • Go left to the field-edge path at the sewage works, then dog-leg left to the field-edge path.
  • The two agencies have been studying the feasibility of building sewage treatment plants around lakes and tanks for the restoration of the water bodies.
  • He said he is adamant the waste from the sewage treatment plant situated on the Lea Road is not the cause of the alleged fish kills along the river.
  • If you put your waste down the disposal, it flows, along with household sewage, to a plant where it gets separated into thick sludge and treated wastewater.
  • Ocker Hill Power Station with two prominent chimneys, a sewage works and a canal surface with oil and floating debris.
  • Raw sewage was discharged into the ocean.
  • Power is produced by fermenting raw sewage at the new Bournemouth treatment works.
  • They are smothered by sediment, and choked by algae growing on nutrient rich sewage and fertilizer run-off.
  • Many materials are already in use or in development, including wood waste, sewage cake, agricultural by-products and waste from the food processing industry.
  • Amid abandoned houses, plebeian hovels and piles of refuse and sewage, there were government offices, arms factories, official warehouses, and active markets.
  • Under international maritime law ships are prohibited from discharging raw sewage within 12 miles of the coast. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pipe disgorges sewage into the sea.
  • Deep gullies run between the ramshackle dirt houses carrying away sewage in the open.
  • The house is almost perfect, with the exception of its sewage system.
  • Cautiously he looked forth over flat landscape of building site, of brickfield, of the huge tanks and lush vegetation of sewage farms. A Sheaf of Corn
  • As with any type of electric pump, sewage pumps are rated in horsepower, ranging from less than one half horsepower to one horsepower or more.
  • The technology has been used on sewage sludge for more than a century and also produces a residue that is a valuable fertiliser. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tackling insanitary, overcrowded living conditions, installing clean water and sewage systems, and proper public hygiene regimes are other key steps.
  • The workmen excavated a hole in the wall to let the sewage pipe pass through.
  • The readily oxidizable part of the sewage that gains access to a river is destroyed in the few first miles run.
  • Widely celebrated environmentalist John Todd doesn't promise that his aquatic bioremediation system - a sewage treatment system which involves floating plant islands that purify polluted waters - could live up to its hype in Montreal.
  • Three of his sketches were drawn under fire while sitting in a sewage ditch in a poppy field. Times, Sunday Times
  • Every time there is a heavy downpour the garden fills up with raw sewage and floodwater because of inadequate drains up the road.
  • One of the main concerns about the plan centred on the inadequacy of the current sewage system.
  • Under international maritime law ships are prohibited from discharging raw sewage within 12 miles of the coast. Times, Sunday Times
  • It may also be possible that there are harbour-side homes and restaurants whose sewage discharges directly into the harbour.
  • Horses and what they leave behind them clogged cities that were already insalubrious from coal smoke, industry and notional sewage systems. The Case Against Summer
  • There the experts were noting that farm drugs are turning up increasingly in sewage and ground water.
  • Some of the streets were filled with raw sewage. BLACK KNIGHTS: On the Bloody Road to Baghdad
  • Several of these places were hygienically challenged, with mangy dogs scurrying about, leaking sewage pipes and nowhere to bathe.
  • A nearby culvert, meant to carry away the sewage, is totally damaged.
  • We shall have to dig under the river to lay the sewage pipe.
  • The agency said there were high levels of nutrients, particularly phosphate and nitrate, which entered the river through sewage effluents and agricultural activities.
  • The main challenge, for both the government and for OSE, is to raise additional resources to increase sanitation coverage and sewage treatment to reach all Uruguayans.
  • The burn contained surface water from a nearby outfall that could be contaminated with sewage, as well as animal faeces from farms.
  • The previous inspections found both boats were dumping sewage, food waste and untreated water into the ocean.
  • Phosphates in the water, from agricultural run-off and discharge from sewage works, provide nutrients on which the algae thrive.
  • Since then the sewage of more than half a million inhabitants has flowed untreated into the river.
  • Sewage and water treatment plants, biogas units and vermiculture pits ensure that even waste is used to enrich the environment rather than destroy it.
  • Another monograph discussing voltammetric analysis methods in electroplating (8.108.5002) presents 77 methods for determining a range of components in galvanic baths and sewages. Manufacturingtalk - manufacturing industry news
  • The number of blooms is growing as a result, experts believe, of nutrients and fertilizers in farm and sewage run-off.
  • To feed the microbes, plants must aerate sewage sludge with costly, power-hogging equipment.
  • However, the sludge is then put into Giant Vats where anarobic bacteria (through their metabolism) break down the sludge and forms the methane. this methane is then collected and used to generate power for the Sewage treatment plant. POO POWER: Giant Vat of Crap to Produce Natural Gas for CA | Inhabitat
  • The road to her home winds past streams of raw sewage.
  • The rivers that drain the north European plain are heavy with dangerous metals, sewage and industrial pollutants. The Global Marketplace
  • She also pointed out that, as some of the pollution came from animal wastes washed off the land, new sewage treatment plants were not the only answer.
  • Some of the streets were filled with raw sewage. BLACK KNIGHTS: On the Bloody Road to Baghdad
  • One of the big problems now facing the industry is sporadic discharges when the sewer system is unable to cope with heavy rain and sewage. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the meantime, the city has built two storage facilities in the eastern beaches and one in the western beaches, designed to intercept sewage overflow.
  • During the 1820s, a pompous and untalented versifier referred to the Pacific as a ‘liquid waste’, which makes it sound like sewage.
  • To study the water-holding capacities of desert soil and the soil amended with coal ash and sewage sludge, experiments were designed to simulate rainfall and natural evaporation.
  • The discharge of drainage water also affects the quality of the “receiving water” into which it flows, especially when sewage or septic tank effluent is released into the drains. 1. Surface water drainage in urban areas
  • An urgent appeal has been made for portable lavatories as fears about sewage treatment and contamination grow. Times, Sunday Times
  • Micro-organisms are used in a variety of applications, like breaking down oil spill contaminants and sewage, or perhaps more appetizingly, providing an array of food products and additives.
  • The previous inspections found both boats were dumping sewage, food waste and untreated water into the ocean.
  • One of the chief means by which the drainage would be improved would be by the development of a more satisfactory means of disposing of sewage.
  • Raw sewage is flowing into the Cuyahoga because sewage treatment plants have been down.
  • There will be no sale of companies that are part of the electricity transmission system, nor of those engaged in gas transiting, the transport infrastructure, the territorial cadastre, geodesy, water supply and sewage.
  • I mean the evil librarians and supermodel baggin sewage department are gold. The /Filmcast: After Dark - Ep. 90 - Comparing the US Office with the UK Office (GUEST: Eric Vespe from Ain’t It Cool News) | /Film
  • To ease roadway congestion, a new byway is under construction, and plans are in place to clean up the sewage-tainted waters farther offshore.
  • The influent pump shaft acts as a lift station delivering raw sewage from a newly constructed 9.5-mile-long 18-foot diameter rock tunnel.
  • the treatment of water sewage
  • Some cities in the world do not have proper facilities for the disposal of sewage.
  • Under international maritime law ships are prohibited from discharging raw sewage within 12 miles of the coast. Times, Sunday Times
  • All of this was compounded by the need to work in raw sewage. Dusty Warriors: Modern Soldiers at War
  • The experiment was started to avoid overflow from the existing sewage ponds into the surrounding claypans.
  • Sewage is discharged directly into the sea.
  • The sewage lagoons provided a very localized but relatively species-rich ecosystem, which acted as a cutrophic oasis of algae and aquatic macrophytes and benefited birds at several trophic levels.
  • The septic tank receives all domestic wastewater (sewage and sullage), and is suitable for wastewater from schools, hospitals, etc. Chapter 3
  • A pilot scale facility of autothermal thermophilic aerobic digestion (ATAD) was designed for stabilization of urban sewage sludge.
  • Similarly, the river is facing relentless encroachment and severe pollution due to inflow of huge amounts of sewage from the habitations.
  • As a result, low concentrations of psychiatric agents such as oxazepam are frequently found downstream from sewage treatment plants. Times, Sunday Times
  • The disease is common in developing countries lacking adequate sewage and sanitation facilities.
  • Grandbois: The last time I heard anything remotely flattering about Buckwaldo Mudthumper I was three feet deep in viscous sewage that had found its way into my garden apartment at the behest of one Mr. Juan Mandible Sick-Eyes and his uncompromising hoses. Daniel Grandbois' Lucky Unlucky Lucky Days
  • The handsome, goateed, fortysomething lawyer scours Lake Ontario in a ball cap and sunglasses at the helm of the Angus Bruce, his 6.7-metre patrol boat, looking for leaky sewage pipes and other signs of pollution.
  • A project in the Himalayas diverts 6 million litres of sewage per day that would otherwise be dumped into the Ganges and uses it to raise fodder crops.
  • The electricity supply is sourced from a green provider, which makes power from landfill waste, sewage and wind. Times, Sunday Times
  • The development of sewage systems by Victorian engineers meant human effluent was discharged into the sea, contaminating many shellfish beds.
  • An urgent appeal has been made for portable lavatories as fears about sewage treatment and contamination grow. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a well-known fact that untreated sewage is the major cause of polluted rivers, the world over.
  • Unfortunately, public works employees and clean-water advocates rarely enjoy such a luxury, and recent debate has focused on the final step in sewage processing, chlorine disinfection, which is no longer the foregone conclusion it once was. Chlorine Treatment Seen as Risky
  • A police spokesman said that the man admitted to trying to steal gasoline and plugged his siphon hose into the motor home's sewage tank by mistake.
  • The perils of contracting out essential services were graphically illustrated to us the other week when we noticed that the sewage drain cover just behind our house was rising ominously.
  • They included the construction of sewage purification plants in 100 coastal cities and the establishment of at least 25 supervised toxic waste depots.
  • Do not, however, take steps on your own if the water contains sewage, such as from a toilet backup.
  • Algae can grow in brackish (semi-salty) water and probably could even help reclaim some sewage. TRANSPORTATION TUESDAY: World’s First Biodiesel Jet! | Inhabitat
  • The environmental message is conveyed mostly through Jan Hartley's projections, which begin with the clear tumbling waters of a river and, over the course of the four operas, depict forests despoiled by logging and acid rain, smoke-belching power plants and pipes pumping sewage into rivers. Ring Around the Obvious
  • Raw/untreated sewage is being pumped into the sea, from where it pollutes our beaches.
  • It did not mean that statutory authority to discharge into the sewage works became forfeit upon proof of a nuisance.
  • There are fears Hurricane Katrina could be just as deadly if it breaks New Orleans' levees and overwhelms the city's water and sewage systems.
  • My kitchen window is at the back of the house and if I leave it open the house is filled with brown flies - they are not the normal bluebottles but flies which feed on sewage.
  • Chlorine is used in sewage treatment.
  • The factory secretly dumped millions of gallons of raw sewage into the Ohio river.
  • There used to be raw sewage and all kinds of industrial discharge, so the problem has improved.
  • Waterways have come to be viewed as the dumping ground of agricultural runoff, industrial effluents and domestic sewage.
  • For example, this could be where the judgement was based on replacing septic tanks with cesspools, or with private sewage treatment plants at the expense of the applicant.
  • When the great social reformer Lord Shaftesbury visited one house, he went into the cellar - where a family was living - and found that the sewage from a nearby cesspit had leaked right under their floor boards.
  • Eighty per cent of sewage is piped directly into the sea.
  • River pollution generally originates from industrial effluent, agricultural run-off, or domestic sewage discharge.
  • Developed countries encouraged their cities to save water on the one hand and treat polluted water on the other so as to achieve a zero increase in the amount of water consumption and sewage discharge.
  • Effective compound bacteria were enriched by using confected sewage and grocery wastewater as culture medium.
  • All the sewage is now stored within enclosed containers rather than in open beds and the company also intend enclosing the plant inlet.
  • Many materials are already in use or in development, including wood waste, sewage cake, agricultural by-products and waste from the food processing industry.
  • It looks like fun, but the water here is stagnant and contaminated with raw sewage.
  • It was also delivering water to the camp, where many mains and sewage pipes are broken.
  • The city's sewage treatment plant has suffered three fires and the emergency holding dam will overflow after tonight.
  • When it rains, the water carries sewage with it into the lake, polluting the water.
  • Like most other parks growing up around Bangalore, it will have its own power, sewage, and satellite communications systems.
  • If my sump pump spewed sewage through my neighbor's basement window, it might be argued with some justification that I should cover her Rug Doctor rental.
  • Egypt's major environmental issues include: agricultural land being lost to urbanization and windblown sands; increasing soil salination below Aswan High Dam; desertification; oil pollution threatening coral reefs, beaches, and marine habitats; other water pollution from agricultural pesticides, raw sewage, and industrial effluents; limited natural fresh water resources away from the Nile, which is the only perennial water source; and, rapid growth in population overstraining the Nile and natural resources. Egypt
  • The possible source of the SARS virus in that epidemic was agitated sewage water.
  • Usually the water mixes with the raw sewage, clogging up the drainage system.
  • The bugs, bacteria and viruses contained in the raw sewage that is still pumped into seas around Scotland not only make us ill, in extreme cases they can kill.
  • Experts put it down to last year's wet summer washing sewage into the sea from overflow pipes. The Sun
  • The realistic option in many cities now may be to bypass efforts to build costly water-based sewage removal and treatment systems and to opt instead for water-free waste disposal systems that do not disperse disease pathogens. 'Eradicating Poverty, Stabilizing Population' - Better Health for All
  • It has no paved roads, no sewage treatment system and no landline telephones.
  • One pipe had been blocked by fat from the kitchens, forcing raw sewage into the water course.
  • There is no public sewage scheme and no zoned development lands around the village.
  • And it would lead to the kind of detestation that would include building debris, coffins, sewage, a giant stagnation pound, maybe a million people homeless. CNN Transcript Aug 28, 2005
  • Expensive furniture and fittings have been ruined in the flood, but their problems will not be solved with a mop and bucket - because no-one is accepting responsibility for the faulty sewage pipe.
  • The test results showed that raw sewage is contaminating the bathing areas.
  • The solution is to take the sewage away from the lake or the lakeside, and to change the land use.
  • Kirsten Struve, who was in charge of San Jose's master plan for the sewage site, said it has 400 to 500 acres of owl habitat of varying qualities, and that the development plan suggests setting aside 180 acres of high-quality habitat for the birds. Struggling Owls Face New Threat From Development
  • In Annabhau Sathe Nagar, a raised latrine of corrugated tin empties into a river of sewage that children splash in and adults wade across. India: Toilets Are Scarce, And Highly Desirable
  • It is a colourless gas produced by the decay of organic matter such as raw sewage, oils, and salt water.
  • A fifth of Britain's sewage works contravene state standards on effluents because the owners refuse to invest in them.
  • The implication was that many of these chemicals enter our water system with a ‘flush’, evade removal by common waste/sewage treatment, and then resist biodegradation once they enter streams.
  • The heavy rain will have swept increased amounts of sewage and farm waste into rivers and the sea. Times, Sunday Times
  • A fifth of Britain's sewage works contravene state standards on effluents because the owners refuse to invest in them.
  • By the early twentieth century, most urban areas claimed a modern filtered water system and a sanitary sewage works, both bulwarks against the spread of cholera.
  • Many utility issues were solved with a visit to the power substation, water pumping plant, or sewage treatment facility.
  • The rural population rarely has sewage systems, and so surface water is badly polluted.
  • Long Road was shut last Monday for emergency work on a cracked sewage trunk.
  • The decision to opt for sewage composting was made largely in order to reduce the need for water for flushing the toilet.
  • The construction of a new pipe for pumping treated sewage into the sea is under review after years of costly leaks and accidents.
  • In Bridlington, raw sewage was pumped straight on to the sand. Times, Sunday Times
  • Where privy pits, soakage pits, or sewage absorption systems penetrate 'he water table of an aquifer located near the surface and shallow wells and springs whose water comes from the aquifer are contaminated. Chapter 6
  • All the wiring for power, water and sewage is in place. DIY challenge! A timeslip sends your school/ office building/ apartment block 500K years into the past.? « Technology Literacy Help « Literacy Help « Literacy News
  • The provision of clean water and proper sewage treatment systems depends on the electrical system.
  • Brown and her colleagues added biosolids - the polite term for byproducts of treated sewage that are blended into fertilizers - to lead-tainted soil from a home garden in Baltimore.
  • Disaster struck when he attempted to adjust its exhaust and instead emptied the odoriferous contents of its sewage tank.
  • For example, a one-way valve in the drainage pipe can stop sewage backing up into the house. Times, Sunday Times
  • The liquid effluent flowing out of the tank is, from a health point of view, as dangerous as raw sewage and remains to be disposed of, normally by soaking into the ground through a soakaway or with a connection to small-bore sewers. Chapter 5
  • Marine biologists are concerned about the effects of untreated sewage that is flowing into coastal waters.
  • For example, most customers don't know that these big boats dump raw sewage and garbage at sea.
  • Sewage can carry cholera, typhoid, hepatitis and dysentery, all of which start with acute diarrhoea.
  • The Soul of Man Under Socialism, folks, looks a lot better than it does under ten feet of sewage-filled water.
  • Water would also begin to be a problem as the rubble thrown out by the blast dammed the river, which soon started to overflow its banks where its waters mixed with sewage from broken mains.
  • The presence of both nitrate and bacteriological contamination may indicate poor well location or construction, and possible contamination from surface drainage, feedlots, sewage systems, or some other source.
  • He and his support team decided to carry on despite news that 500,000 cubic metres of sewage has entered the river in the past week. Times, Sunday Times
  • Raw sewage had been dumped in the river.
  • This passage was constructed primarily to solve the problem of strong odours from stagnant water and sewage in the inner harbour.
  • Seven rivers were made to flow through the city's sewers and served to flush any sewage out of them.
  • For my Honours research project I had to drive to the sewage farm every morning, take a fresh sample of the aerobic pond, race back to the laboratory, liquidise it and analyse the bacterial population. Eight things « TalentedApps
  • Another creative idea of the time saw 80 council vehicles powered by biogas produced at the Christchurch sewage plant.
  • Under his leadership, the reporters came to the floor, though, found here refuse piles, sewage crosscurrent . like a rubbish dump.
  • In some parts of the country raw sewage is pumped straight in the sea.
  • By 3pm the tide had turned and the boats were approaching the Crossness sewage outfall at Belvedere.
  • Fish kills provide the most dramatic form of pollution, arising from discharges of silage run-off, manure slurries and sewage and industrial waste.
  • The project would include adding a third primary clarifier, which is the first step in the sewage treatment process, said Stan Strebel, assistant city manager. Tri-City Herald: Front
  • In Mumbai city there is a project to search for wild polioviruses in sewage, conducted by the Enterovirus Research Centre of the Indian Council of Medical Research.
  • States dumping sewage in areas not designated as sensitive would have to demonstrate that primary treatment was sufficient to safeguard water quality.
  • A number of experimenters and sanitation facilities have been extracting gas from sewage for years now, but it's diluted so much that the process is slow.
  • The townspeople defiled the river by emptying raw sewage into it
  • Environment—current issues: deforestation; soil erosion; overgrazing; desertification; air pollution from industrial effluents and vehicle emissions; water pollution from raw sewage and runoff of agricultural pesticides; tap water is not potable throughout the country; huge and growing population is overstraining natural resources India
  • An urgent appeal has been made for portable lavatories as fears about sewage treatment and contamination grow. Times, Sunday Times
  • Only an available dilution ratio is compounded in this method, which is of reliability, accuracy and adaptability and adapt to analysis and monitoring of BOD in each hospital sewage.
  • Assets from golf courses to sewage plants could be sold off. Times, Sunday Times
  • At least he was amused and not annoyed - I guess I must've been pretty drifty, so I spent my last period making the librarians wonder why they hadn't become sewage workers or something instead.
  • PVC is used in floor tiles, furniture upholstery, packaging material, the plastic film used to wrap meats in the supermarket, toys, water and sewage pipes. The Explainer: Plastics
  • He said the problem lay at Zwelitsha and the municipality was pumping raw untreated sewage into the Buffalo River.
  • Under international maritime law ships are prohibited from discharging raw sewage within 12 miles of the coast. Times, Sunday Times
  • A bird plucked from an oil spillage has been returned to the wild next to a sewage plant.
  • Nitrous oxide (N2O): Nitrous oxide is produced largely by agricultural practices, as well as manure and sewage management. Prevention of Global Warming: Understanding The Main Causes
  • These include industrial and sewage plants as well as agricultural sites. Times, Sunday Times
  • The waste produced by industrial concentrations of animals in stockyards and factory farms continues to strain sewage facilities.
  • Biological processes are already used extensively at sewage works and on farms to convert domestic and agricultural sewage into biogas.
  • Sewage nutrients do increase algal growth in the harbour.
  • Backed by a huge sign saying "Alan Provides," Mr. Garcia said his government had avoided "pharaonic" projects, favoring building gritty infrastructure, for needs such as drinking water, sewage and low-cost housing. Market Gets a Friend in Peru
  • It was many years before the city began to treat its sewage.
  • The Worsted Witch » Lawn of the Dead: A recent study found dozens of medicinal, industrial, and household compounds—also known as biosolids—in the treated sewage sludge that government agencies try to palm off to the unsuspecting as “lawn-and-garden enhancements.” Archive 2006-09-01
  • Even our fruits and vegetables get contaminated by these pathogens through exposure to tainted fertilizers and sewage sludge.
  • Much of the supply came downstream from a sewage outlet, which received effluvia from not only households, but abattoirs, hospitals, tanneries and the like.
  • Gas from sewage is just one part of a bigger project, which will see us using brewery and food waste and farm slurry to generate gas to heat homes. Human waste turned into renewable gas to power homes
  • Buried by both history and the foundations of the present-day metropolis, much of the belowground, stone-lined tunnel system had been converted long ago into sewage conduits. Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts of Empire
  • One heavy rainstorm washes more pollution into the river from old, inadequate shoreside sewage treatment plants than anything recreational boats could possibly contribute.
  • Other potential applications for photocatalysis plants could include train toilets, or around sewage and waste treatment facilities.
  • Arctic Bay's overflowing sewage lagoon was repaired.
  • The sewage overflows from a manhole on a footpath in the second road of the estate.
  • For they look set to catch a nasty whiff of sewage from an adjacent Yorkshire Water sewage treatment works - at least when the prevailing south-westerly winds are blowing.
  • The definition of sewage resources recovery is given from the philosophical idea, and the study points that should be emphasized in this field are proposed.
  • Raw sewage was discharged from the treatment plant directly into the river.

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