How To Use Sewage system In A Sentence
It even has a reedbed sewage system to process waste, with solid matter recycled as manure and liquid sewage reconstituted as clean drinking water.
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Throne
One of the main concerns about the plan centred on the inadequacy of the current sewage system.
The water manages to get into the sewage system causing the waste to surge up out of the manholes.
They expanded a system of workhouses and poor relief for the destitute, built up municipal water and sewage systems, municipalized police forces, and oversaw public investment in landmarks that are still with us, such as the Thames Embankment and the Victoria and Albert Museum.
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The former control tower, which included an officers' mess, has no electricity supply, sewage system or running water.

The old model authorized intervention at the local level and also justified public works projects that improved water and sewage systems and cleared away insalubrious housing.
Similarly, the sewage system is also independent of external services.
This was a man who had been a foreman in the sewage industry and was responsible for the sewage system we now have in Dromintee.
But when too many of the bets went bad, Wall Street persuaded the Treasury to construct bailouts that Taibbi describes as a labyrinthine financial sewage system designed to stick us all with the raw waste and pump clean water back to Wall
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It is such a pity this has to be spoiled by a sewage system that is obviously over loaded or very dysfunctional or both.
In fact, for some lakes these sewage systems have already been completely diverted.
The house is almost perfect, with the exception of its sewage system.
One candidate, Yaroslau Ramanchuk,was in what he calls a suspicious car accident last week, and on Monday, he showed up for a meeting with students and professors in Minsk, the capital, only to learn that city authorities had closed down the hall where they were to get together because of "problems" with the sewage system.
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In South East Asia, it means tackling insanitary, overcrowded living conditions, installing clean water and sewage systems, and proper public hygiene regimes.
The presence of both nitrate and bacteriological contamination may indicate poor well location or construction, and possible contamination from surface drainage, feedlots, sewage systems, or some other source.
The rural population rarely has sewage systems, and so surface water is badly polluted.
There are fears Hurricane Katrina could be just as deadly if it breaks New Orleans' levees and overwhelms the city's water and sewage systems.
The development of sewage systems by Victorian engineers meant human effluent was discharged into the sea, contaminating many shellfish beds.
Horses and what they leave behind them clogged cities that were already insalubrious from coal smoke, industry and notional sewage systems.
The Case Against Summer
One of the main concerns about the plan centred on the inadequacy of the current sewage system.
Tackling insanitary, overcrowded living conditions, installing clean water and sewage systems, and proper public hygiene regimes are other key steps.