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How To Use Sew In A Sentence

  • Sewage overflowed into wash basins at West Middlesex Hospital following a blockage in one of the toilets.
  • Stink gases in sewage farm of oil refinery pollute environment and influence scent of people. Adsorbents can be used to deodorize the stink gases.
  • Elsewhere, it may be acceptable for shop assistants to flatter and cajole you into buying anything, irrespective of whether it suits you.
  • My store-bought long dresses are too "dressy" and made of rayon and other finer fabrics that are not suitable for housework. Sewing Simple Clothing
  • I have said enough elsewhere to discredit such notions.
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Master English with Ease
  • Mickey-boy, 'if the Joy Lady is so anxious to get the baby, and sew its clothes herself, why I'll just let her,' so I did _let_ her, but it took some time to make them, so I had to wait to bring it 'til tonight. Michael O'Halloran
  • The double nosewheel straddled the slots in the deck where the shuttle ran. THE SHADOWS OF POWER
  • My fingertips at this point were being sliced to the bone on the cheesewire strings but with usual English politeness i ploughed on now wanting fiona to hurray up. Recent Updates
  • The muscle layer needs to be sewn first.
  • Sewing a squash ball into the back of their pyjamas or nightie might sound like a wind-up but it's effective because it stops people from sleeping on their back,’ he said.
  • Australia has some very sophisticated capacity for instruction design, courseware development and on-line delivery.
  • The service was not very good, so I've decided to take my custom elsewhere.
  • Sewers overflowed and mixed with rainwater and entered houses through drain pipes.
  • These successes, if that is what they are, are tinged with a jealousy that legal writers elsewhere have a more publicly acknowledged involvement in moulding the law's development.
  • The petticoat is very easy to make, too ... just cut the fabric to the right length (front & back piece), stitch sides, add lace at the bottom, sew a casing at the top for elastic & then add elastic & stitch opening closed! Year Around Feminine Fashions
  • Elsewhere during the Hangover technology beanfeast, we understand that HP's own demo of Bluetooth was similarly rotten.
  • The buoyant mood of his audience was certainly out of kilter with the deep undercurrent of frustration evident elsewhere in Bournemouth this week.
  • But his storytelling skills show up elsewhere. Times, Sunday Times
  • The typical sewage ejector toilet consists of a pedestal made of polyethylene, which acts as a base for mounting the toilet.
  • It is thought the hapless cat had been trying to escape after becoming trapped in a sewer. The Sun
  • I sewed by hand and by machine. Times, Sunday Times
  • It took two hours and 70 stitches to sew it back on. The Sun
  • I'm starting to slip back into my nocturnal, staying up very late self again because I was up ages the other night working on my Physics coursework.
  • I look at both my sewing and knitting as wonderful gifts that I will never tire of.
  • They regularly mispronounce their Js in names begriming with JO, but not elsewhere. Gallstones of the Unexamined Life « Unknowing
  • While the inmates of the home are provided with skill training in handicrafts, embroidery and sewing based on their aptitude, the children including those of sex workers are educated.
  • Let me start by saying sorry if this has been posted elsewhere, but I couldn't find it in the sticky and I'm not sure how to search whole questions.
  • High rises waste tremendous amounts of energy and probably strain sewage and other facilities. Matthew Yglesias » Density and Building Height
  • Honesty is the most praiseworthy quality one can possess.
  • Agreeing to let a dressmaker sew you a blazer will only end in tears.
  • The fizzy drinks tax is doomed to fail, as it has elsewhere. The Sun
  • Taking a dig at the BWSSB, a corporator noted perhaps a cess should be levied on BWSSB every time sewage is let into storm water drains maintained by the BMP.
  • The island is joined to the mainland by a causeway.
  • She stood in front of him with a horsewhip, wearing a smile and nothing else.
  • Experiments show that the results of correlation method agree with thosewith a deviation of 1.5 %.
  • Malayan barn owls are adapting quickly to this rich habitat and are reproducing much faster than elsewhere.
  • The discharge of sewage water into the river severely contaminates the river with coliform bacteria.
  • Sew the short ends together to form a circle then fold it in half with wrong sides together so the raw edges meet.
  • First, the causeways may have probably been made "during the construction of the tower with its central pole," (here the cairn is a habitable beacon, habitable on all hypotheses,) or, again, The Clyde Mystery a Study in Forgeries and Folklore
  • Dear ladies (and sirs), that last is reason alone to try to remember to WASH - not dryclean - your (washable) fabrics when you get them home, instead of waiting until just before you sew them to preshrink them. Resolved. - A Dress A Day
  • Compared with the action of this destructive solvent, that of all other disintegrating agencies concerned in our decivilization is as the languorous indiligence of rosewater to the mordant fury of nitric acid. The Shadow On The Dial, and Other Essays 1909
  • She used a sewing machine that dates from the 1960s, an efficient electric iron and modern components such as fusible interfacing. "Make It Yourself": Home Sewing, Gender, and Culture, 1890-1930
  • Europcar, which has developed the system with UK-based digital agency Fortune Cookie, will equip the system at a number of major outlets elsewhere around Europe from the end of the first half of 2010.
  • This kind of apsidal (or elsewhere even oval structures) houses ideal for thatched roofs were especially quite common during the Geometric Period (e.g. in the oldest Greek colonies at Old-Smyrna, Miletos, Ephesos; in many sanctuaries or houses on the Greek mainland, such as at Eretria, Perachora, etc). Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Tepe Duzen Report 2
  • Not all the speakers have couched their sentiments in complimentary language, indeed, it is a fact which we citizens of the Empire would be foolish to ignore that important sections of opinion among our American friends and elsewhere are rather suspicious of the British Empire. The Empire In These Days
  • The lamb is then sewn up, trussed, and cooked on a spit.
  • The delectable little Dutch songs with which she used to dulcify the house grew less and less frequent, and she would forget her sewing and look wistfully in her father's face as he sat pondering by the fireside. Tales of a Traveller
  • But elsewhere in the world terrorism has spread its tentacles, leaving heavy tolls in its wake.
  • Yet at the other end of the bay, away from the town and its sewage outlets, the water is virtually uncontaminated.
  • The geographical proximity of European countries has permitted fewer channels for terrestrial broadcast services in a single country than elsewhere. Television - policy and culture
  • Elsewhere, the Abbey National is offering a #50 cashback sweetener to encourage borrowers to stick with them, ‘because life's complicated enough’.
  • The substance, polyhalite, has not been commercialised elsewhere. Times, Sunday Times
  • The white flakes do not exhibit the true conchoidal fracture in such perfection elsewhere; nor break off in such delicious morsels, edged with delicate brown. Acadia or, A Month with the Blue Noses
  • A series of essays from various regular Americans on love, work, and life in the United States, including a housewife and supermarket checker.
  • As well, some new sewers will be laid in the town and there will be greater separation of surface water from foul sewer to create more capacity in the treatment plant.
  • I identified the frightful ingredients masking the mixtures of tannin and powdered carbon with which the fish was embalmed; and I penetrated the disguise of the marinated meats, painted with sauces the colour of sewage; and I diagnosed the wine as being coloured with fuscin, perfumed with furfurol, and enforced with molasses and plaster. Là-bas
  • People came from all over the country despite there being two other major races on elsewhere.
  • Should the English hoist their flag here, a new factory must be erected; the most eligible situation for which would be where the mosk now stands, or the mosk itself might be converted into one, and another rebuilt elsewhere; but to this the sultan has insuperable objections. The Expedition to Borneo of H.M.S. Dido For the Suppression of Piracy
  • Go left to the field-edge path at the sewage works, then dog-leg left to the field-edge path.
  • The two agencies have been studying the feasibility of building sewage treatment plants around lakes and tanks for the restoration of the water bodies.
  • The finding of large cavernous spaces filled with mucopolysaccharides is consistent with ischemic processes elsewhere in the central nervous system.
  • Obviously, then, the average romance reader is not the undereducated, uninformed, subnormal, frustrated housewife of recent mythology.
  • Elsewhere, residents complained the country's leaders were slow to help cyclone victims. The Sun
  • Meanwhile the dark-haired woman, who after all these years I still remember so vividly, wears an unbelievably sexy one-piece outfit that appears to be sewn from rags.
  • During the trial he became so fearful of assassination that he had steel plates sewn into his hat.
  • In order for to find out if a suit jacket was sewn or glued, simply ask your tailor or the salesman you're consulting.
  • It will also be used for the provision of small public water and sewerage schemes in smaller towns and villages.
  • To emphasize the cold, inhospitable emptiness of the West, O'Sullivan had to aim his lens elsewhere than at the roads and bivouacs just out of camera range. Western Development
  • Elsewhere in Wiltshire, flood warnings were in place in Melksham and drivers were disrupted by floodwater in Lacock.
  • The tartan army, for many a source of national pride as a good-natured counterpoint to prevailing hooliganism elsewhere, is now routinely derided in the press for its apparent buffoonery and lack of knowledge of the beautiful game.
  • Manned Orbiting Laboratory gloves with sharkskin palms and sewn-in steel fingernails, so nimble that an astronaut could pick up a dime while wearing them, even when they were pressurized; long johns laced with plastic pipes, to water-cool the wearer; and box after box of headgear, including Armstrong's gold-visored external helmet, once thought to have been left on the moon. The Seattle Times
  • But adults say they believe there are tastier burgers elsewhere, a disturbing fact when Census Bureau trends show an aging population.
  • Nao no kitteh but haz border colly, 2 big 2 lift 2 seeling, sew whee send hur 2 chais da ebil skwerls orf da burds fooders. Spider cat, Spider cat - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • In December, experts warned that many retirees who do look to take their business elsewhere are being ripped off by unscrupulous brokers. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said he is adamant the waste from the sewage treatment plant situated on the Lea Road is not the cause of the alleged fish kills along the river.
  • But the greatest relief of all was to discover that the apartment contained a bathroom and a latrine — for, as the agent gleefully explained, the insula lay right athwart one of Rome’s main sewers, and was legally supplied with an adjutage to the water supply. The First Man in Rome
  • When increased regulations made running the chatline more difficult in Britain, he simply chased business elsewhere.
  • This chore goes fast and is followed by light pruning for the pheasantwood and rosewood plantings.
  • Surgeons sewed most of the piece back on but were unable to replace a small section.
  • Florida escaped the pains of the lagging economy nationwide elsewhere because the state has such a small manufacturing base.
  • In fact, a total of 958 C&O carloads of Sewell coke were shipped to 17 states during this year, as far away as California, Arizona, and Oregon.
  • Thank you for you well thought out and considered reply, I have taken in most of the posts here and elsewhere and the only conclusion I can come to as a layman is “shrug” Replace Police With Spin Doctors « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • His eyes are made of buttons sewn on with untidy red stitches. Times, Sunday Times
  • At Hemp Knoll the bone toggle had been broken and subsequently decorated, suggesting a long history of use before being sewn onto the clothing or shroud of the deceased.
  • Then there was the case of George Godman, whose widowed mother went to the authorities when his master, a tailor by the name of Money, beat him with a horsewhip and knocked him down.
  • The flowers are a deep magenta, both richer and brighter than red campion found elsewhere, and they stand bold and beautiful against the blue of the sea beyond. Country diary
  • The traveller may thereafter accept the terms of the offer, or reject them and seek accommodation elsewhere.
  • His mother sewed his clothes while he was young and knitted socks giving him a handmade pair for his birthday for many years.
  • Can you imagine painting without a brush, sewing without a needle, or writing without a pen?
  • The significant discontinuities elsewhere support the thesis of adversary politics.
  • If you put your waste down the disposal, it flows, along with household sewage, to a plant where it gets separated into thick sludge and treated wastewater.
  • The application of Multimedia CAI courseware in fosbury flop training will help students have a complete and correct notion of the action, and master the skills to improve their performance.
  • Many dictionaries of Neapolitan dialect from the late eighteenth century onward tell us that pizza, at its simplest, was merely a generic word for all kinds of pies, and for what would be called focaccia or schiacciata elsewhere in Italy, that is, a flat piece of dough dappled with fat or oil and cooked quickly in a hot oven. Delizia!
  • One evening we labored, stung by nettles and mosquitoes, to set up Sewell's camera blind on Otter Pond in the great marsh.
  • Elsewhere, though, there has been the odd hiccup. Times, Sunday Times
  • Clean, paved roads give way to dirt paths strewn with rubbish and open sewers. The Sun
  • It is full of fells and pikes, dales and thwaites, all old Viking words which are preserved here but not used widely elsewhere.
  • Elsewhere, the weather today has been fairly sunny.
  • In prewar days, she had occupied her time with a little leisurely sewing or gardening and reading her library books, her gentle reveries interrupted only by afternoon tea brought to her on a tray.
  • By that time, Olson apparently was still convinced that this phoneme wasn't a labio-dental flap: The bilabial flap is a sound very similar to what is elsewhere called the labiodental flap, but the articulation is slightly different. NEW PHONETIC SYMBOL!
  • Elsewhere, firefighters battled flash floods caused by the torrential rain.
  • Elsewhere the drinkers sat in darkness, an umbrous gloom through which the orange flame of an occasional candle started.
  • Ocker Hill Power Station with two prominent chimneys, a sewage works and a canal surface with oil and floating debris.
  • Once customers come to rely on these systems they almost never take their business elsewhere.
  • Elsewhere she might have won sympathy and benefited from female solidarity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Therefore I reasoned, the longer I left it before I started sewing, the longer it would be before I was squinting well into the night unpicking it.
  • A key component of that warfare by the ubër rich was to emaciate or destroy the unions through new laws restricting unionization, bankruptcy courts killing labor contracts, diversion of pension funds, abusive tactics against organizers, shipping jobs elsewhere and PR campaigns vilifying the very concept of collective bargaining to redress serious economic disadvantages. Sneak Attack
  • His father worked on building sites, his mother was a housewife.
  • Officers say they found the drugs hidden in special panels sewn into his tracksuit trousers.
  • The Fife coast harbours many insects which are rare elsewhere in Britain.
  • Raw sewage was discharged into the ocean.
  • It had to be sewn back together! The Sun
  • Modern roads have a maze of water and sewer pipes running beneath them.
  • Now the capital has eight million inhabitants and the sewers are creaking at the seams. The Sun
  • French language (a thing indispensable to the happiness of married life), piano-playing (a thing wherewith to beguile a husband’s leisure moments), and that particular department of housewifery which is comprised in the knitting of purses and other Dead Souls
  • Our favourite restaurant was closed, so we had to go elsewhere.
  • June 2, 2010 at 11:59 am taht bee bery strainge! maibee u cud emayo meh pleez tew put ur skreen naim in teh subjekt baux sew ai kno itz nawt spam spam spam spam. wispurrs…. itz mai skreen naim at CHEAP DISHWASHER - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • A pair of superb documentaries offers visitors to Harbourfront Centre's Beats, Breaks & Culture festival of electronic music a chance to geek out whenever they're not enslaved to rhythms elsewhere.
  • Our technique and results of endoscopic treatment of bile duct injury after open cholecystectomy have been described in detail elsewhere.
  • Crews hope to have a temporary above ground sewer bypass in place a little later today.
  • He is concerned that young people are picking up on a lot of adult behaviour which is neither praiseworthy nor consistent.
  • Although religious imagery was excluded from the churches, the Elizabethan government did not prohibit its use elsewhere. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Power is produced by fermenting raw sewage at the new Bournemouth treatment works.
  • Getting rid of the weeds at regular intervals gives those mozzies no place to hide, and tends to send them away elsewhere.
  • And, while we are at it, and just to pick up on one of Arnold's areas of interest, the overwhelming majority of students and people are completely unaware of how lousy is the US performance in life expectancy and infant mortality compared to the rest of the world, nor how much more we pay for this wonderful performance than do those elsewhere. I Heart Textbook Authors, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • They are smothered by sediment, and choked by algae growing on nutrient rich sewage and fertilizer run-off.
  • In the middle of the vanity was another object made of rosewood - a jewelry box, I'd presume.
  • With a sewing machine and polyester thread to match the garment, set two rows of straight stitches by the tacking stitches.
  • Many materials are already in use or in development, including wood waste, sewage cake, agricultural by-products and waste from the food processing industry.
  • Place the serger on one table, and then the sewing machine on the other.
  • Amid abandoned houses, plebeian hovels and piles of refuse and sewage, there were government offices, arms factories, official warehouses, and active markets.
  • I was afraid of sewing from a pattern when I was a novice seamster, ironically, but now that I sew well, I enjoy using patterns to create more complicated clothing with attractive detailing and sophisticated elements. Oliver + S Releases Free Downloadable Pattern
  • Under international maritime law ships are prohibited from discharging raw sewage within 12 miles of the coast. Times, Sunday Times
  • Window mullions were rebuilt, and birch plywood casework that handsomely echoes the 1950s was installed.
  • Kerala has less crime and alcoholism than elsewhere in India.
  • Elsewhere, another such ‘baby,’ this one with four tentacles, lies on its back, wiggling his creepy appendages at an individual wearing a cloak and a bizarre sculpturesque mound atop his head.
  • Is it just me, or are they suddenly soapier, as indicated by such characters as Hanna's dad and his new bride in PLL, and Annie "Rebecca" Sewell in TLG "returning to town" to disrupt the lives of those with whom we've become familiar so far. Ask Matt: Dance, Downton Abbey, CSI, Guilty Pleasures and More!
  • She had sewn the dollars into an inseam flap on her trousers. THE BRONZE HORSEMAN
  • Both are easily confused with rosewood, particularly as tulipwood is also known as bois de rose in France.
  • I have no expertise in sewing/sewing expertise.
  • The relation between alcohol consumption and sickness absence will be reported elsewhere.
  • Movies written, set and shot in Scotland are sent elsewhere to be cut, printed and marketed.
  • Jonathan Evans, who teaches biology at the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee, says the industry needs to quit pushing the fantasy that replacing all these trees with loblolly is ‘reforestation.’
  • Elsewhere, you might expect a few worms would be fished out of the pool with a net and life would go on.
  • A sewer system make your eyes bug out.
  • Dit is bekend dat ons besig is met 'n proses om sewe militere magte te integreer in een Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Fishing over and around structures often will produce results when you cannot catch fish elsewhere, although fishing lures may become snagged on structures and lost.
  • As elsewhere in the book these suggestions are not intended to be prescriptive but, rather, a stimulus for ideas.
  • It has to make up the leeway elsewhere through its legendary cost-cutting programmes.
  • The pipe disgorges sewage into the sea.
  • June 9, 2010 at 3:42 pm hmmm…deependz awn wetthur himz cann stikk teh landink, aifinksew! Mom!! Peezas heer!! - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • GN 20 - 2 D overhand sewing container bag suitable for the container bag ( square ) sewing use.
  • The other illuminati are equally insignificant from a social point of view: Mary Hare, an elderly spinster; Ruth Godbold, a poor and hard-working housewife; and Alf Dubbo, a part-Aboriginal painter. Patrick White - Existential Explorer
  • While the article vaunts the fact that men spend nearly 3.5 hours a week more on childcare now than they did in 1985, it glosses over the fact that women's childcare load has also increased - -and says nothing about the minuscule increases in men's contribution to housework and food preparation/cleanup. Joan Williams: Chore Wars and the Value of Work
  • Here and elsewhere in the book, we shall use the term highest tantra to refer both to anuttarayoga in the Gelug, Kagyu, and Sakya systems and to the unit formed by mahayoga, anuyoga, and atiyoga (dzogchen, rdzogs-chen; the great completeness) in the Nyingma tradition. Relating to a Spiritual Teacher: Building a Healthy Relationship ��� 2 The Traditional Meaning of a Spiritual Teacher
  • He throws this off as casual as if he was tellin 'about sellin' sewin 'machines. Shorty McCabe on the Job
  • The next higher examples to be met are the frequently cited ants and bees, belonging to the lowly organized class of arthropoda, yet, through the advantage of association and mutual aid, developing actions and habits only found elsewhere in the human race. Man And His Ancestor A Study In Evolution
  • All the uniforms had Metropolitan police badges sewn onto them. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the garment is ripped apart (facings, hem, everything) and the thread bits discarded, SEW THE GARMENT TOGETHER AGAIN -- just for practice! Modest Feminine Dress From the Pages of 1990 Victoria Magazine
  • Although clambakes are traditional in the north-east of the US, barbecues and picnics are popular elsewhere.
  • You've got an awful katzenjammer from the Stokes 'dinner, and all you men ought to be horsewhipped for letting yourselves in for such a party. The Heart of Rachael
  • If the point is reached where the financial returns are no longer attractive, your business will liquidate as your investors and lenders put their money elsewhere.
  • My mum made our own clothes and sewed winter coats. The Sun
  • SENATE GOP WHIP CONTEST COOLING OFF - Running tonight in Roll Call form David Drucker: "The contest for Senate Republican Whip has chilled following a backlash of rank-and-file GOP Senators, who are upset that a very public intraparty power struggle might sew discord and alienate voters in the midst of a national fiscal crisis. HUFFPOST HILL - Senate Punk-Off Continues to Escalate
  • Watch the last 2 Steve Jobs presentations for Apple New Product Releases (Motorola Itunes Phone, Black Ipod Nano, Itunes 4. 9-5.1, Harry Potter Audio Books Exclusive, Ipod Video, Skinnier Imac 20 Media Centre, Lost + Desperate Housewives on Ipod day after they are on TV for $1.99) - The Nano has barely been out a month and its a household name, at least where there is a teenager, or geek gadgeteer at heart. Disney, ABC : "I know these guys..."
  • Mamelodi; to improve on the provision of services such as sewerage and waste removal, as well as water reticulation. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Among the common wildflowers are one-flowered cinquefoil, woolly lousewort, alpine willowherb, three saxifrages, and an Indian paintbrush.
  • The suit was sewn up along the seams by hand.
  • All these initiatives are praiseworthy and creditable to the new and youthful management team.
  • It is a wildly ambitious essay that has been anthologized elsewhere, but it resonates here more than ever, finally nestled among the other work that occasioned it.
  • Even the seemingly laborious housework became enjoyable when there was no time pressure.
  • Now the engineers have proudly announced the discovery of no fewer than five clumps of louseworts safely beyond the proposed dam site.
  • M/s Merchant and Ivory's films resemble a small antique shop displaying old colonial cars, rosewood bedposts, long cotton gowns and unfiltered cigarette cases.
  • It could involve retinal photoreceptors, extraretinal photoreceptors in the pineal or elsewhere, photopigments such as cryptochromes within the retina or brain, or it might be mediated through a non-visual pathway.
  • Aimee looked up from her sewing, and, seeing that it was Keira, practically launched herself at her best friend.
  • The son of a Sydney grocer, Rosewall was a natural left-hander but was taught to play right-handed by his father and developed a peerless backhand.
  • In another woman, one whose life journey began elsewhere, this might be described as a hard-won, anti-bourgeois earthiness, but Brown never was bourgeois. Sex and the Married Man
  • If there is any excess refining capacity anywhere else, the gas refiners would rationally move the gas to those other refineries, since they could get the full market wholesale price elsewhere.
  • My chequer tolled me sew. posted by Heo at 6:27 AM Friday (-ish) Poetry Blogging: 100th Post Edition
  • We found it had some issues importing video we'd grabbed from elsewhere, and it couldn't be used to create a playable DVD.
  • Some were trying to lift gratings and grids in an attempt to enter the sewers whilst a few attempted to break down the doors leading into the Black Tower.
  • Making the fresh soda bread, getting the dinner, and doing her housework was her joy.
  • Sew dem he lays onna his sidez an frantickly swipes him legs unner der trin ta getz dem bak out. Boss cat is giving you - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • They are now able to refuse to disclose spill data on many of their sewer overflow pipes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Deep gullies run between the ramshackle dirt houses carrying away sewage in the open.
  • Users of the site elsewhere in the world seem more open to mixed-race relationships. Times, Sunday Times
  • To bring what was commonly regarded as an unfilmable book to screen, Harron has understandably had to dilute Ellis' uncompromising vision, but the film's strengths lie elsewhere.
  • In the first half of the eighteenth century ebony rosewood, and padouk were inlaid with floral designs ivory that was then engraved and highlighted with lac.
  • Or a place to buy things they cannot find elsewhere. THE 22 IMMUTABLE LAWS OF BRANDING
  • He's been in fashion, he's been out of fashion, he's been a jazz-rock drummer, a prog-rock singer and a housewives' favourite. Times, Sunday Times
  • Roads and bridges, public utilities such as sewerage, buildings and machinery, schools, hospitals and power supplies have all been severely damaged in the disaster area. Australian Assistance for Fiji Flooding Disaster
  • Marry, she can pluck a chick, and roll pastry, and use a bedstaff, and scour a floor, and sew, and the like. The White Rose of Langley A Story of the Olden Time
  • She viewed herself as she was sure Jake would: a twenty-five-year-old woman, grossly tall, apparently too clumsy to hold a book, and with a demimondaine petticoat contradicting a dress sewn for a much younger woman. Hearts
  • Make sure you give instructions to move your money because you will get a better deal elsewhere. Times, Sunday Times
  • The antiseptic properties of large-scale tea drinking may have brought the sewerage conditions within controllable limits. All about Tea
  • And before we go elsewhere, focus on the colors, in particular the distinct colorations of the buildings in the city.
  • They snared rabbits for food and skins with which to sew caps and cloaks. Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445
  • They both found a manhole cover and climbed back down into the sewer system.
  • A large sword gash in his side, which had been sewed up, but from which the blood continually oozed, was the obvious cause of his present condition, and, to all human appearance, his death warrant. Eoneguski, or, the Cherokee Chief: A Tale of Past Wars. Vol. I.
  • It was in his time that the use of rosewater as a flavouring for food came into vogue in the lavish and sumptuous cuisine of the Arabs.

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