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How To Use Settling In A Sentence

  • For a few odd and unsettling moments, the song hovers on its own, left virtually untouched except for the subtle fuzz of static in the background.
  • There were bodies everywhere, with dust slowly settling to the floor.
  • PHNOM PENH, CAMBODIA: Thailand and Cambodia said they have made progress in settling a border dispute that sparked a deadly military confrontation last month. My Sinchew -
  • Settling in Carmel, Calif., in 1930, she and Mr. Newell joined a bohemian community that included the photographer Edward Weston and the journalist Lincoln Steffens.
  • Sometimes, with mechs, a smile could transform the face into something even less human—the expression somehow incongruous on the synthetic lips, a quaint and unsettling party trick, like a dog propped at the dinner table with a fork and spoon. Crashed
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  • Roger is the furriest one, Peter is the skinniest, the Ox is the burliest, and Moonie has the most energy: he bounces in between the other three, never settling down or staying still. Going Mutant
  • Brooks found the use of the word terminate very unsettling. Act of Treason
  • Some of the commotion is unsettling if you are tyring to have a normal home life. Updates
  • It is amusing to note, however, that the doggie equivalent of red-eye in photos is an unsettling neon green, which my small photo-editing skills don't extend to erasing.
  • Spiers has steered the organisation through some of the most unsettling eras in its history.
  • All this is an unsettling misuse of the music, which was meant to convey the battle with a supernatural force of evil. Times, Sunday Times
  • But there is something very unsettling out there. Times, Sunday Times
  • But by settling for the current standard of cuisine, the Shore is unforgettable for all the wrong reasons.
  • And just as I was settling into the new world, ready to explore it, I was whisked away to the mysteriouse oriente .... How To Kill My Interest as a Reader
  • For this reason a number of states have adopted no-fault systems for settling personal injury claims arising from auto accidents.
  • The girl he talked to was a listening ear, someone willing to share in his anxiety about an undeniably unsettling situation.
  • It used to be that an unabridged dictionary and an encyclopedia would be kept accessible in middle-class homes, for settling questions of language or fact.
  • The resulting film was so unsettling that it took half a century for the original cut of the film to be shown.
  • Making camp in the Mulga we drew water from the Bore for showers & washing, settling in for a well deserved day off.
  • The monthly settling particulate samples provide a data set of seasonal and interannual export fluxes of organic carbon, biogenic opal, calcium carbonate, and lithogenic material.
  • If this rather unsettling week were an exception, you could reassure yourself that things will return to normal soon. Times, Sunday Times
  • Snow was settling on the Pennines this morning but roads were still passable with care.
  • “The baobab is a most wonderful tree,” he chuckled, settling back against an outcropping of rock. Giants of the Bushveld
  • I find it unsettling that Stalin used to toss breadballs at his wife during dinner, that he spoiled his children and that he loved growing mimosas.
  • They are also good for settling the stomach if you have a tummy bug. The Sun
  • A strange calm seemed to be settling over his whole body as he resigned himself to what was going to happen.
  • By settling for a lesser licensing fee, the patentee can preserve the patent as a weapon, using it to elicit licensing fees from other putative infringers.
  • These filters are normally used to clarify the products of settled grape juice or wine, such as lees after crushing, pressing, and settling, and the residue of finings such as bentonite.
  • The ConnectU founders fought right to the end, settling the dispute in mediation, then contesting the settlement and battling with the lawyers who had represented them in the talks. Judge Ends Facebook’s Feud With ConnectU - Bits Blog -
  • ‘She is also settling in nicely, though she has picked up a lot of filthy language from Sydney,’ said Julie.
  • But there is something unsettling about watching grown men smile weakly as their mental and physical abilities are questioned. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the meantime, his unsettling snapshots of troubled teens capture something of the unreal nature of this millennial time.
  • The reality though is that many women diarise ‘settling down’ for their early 30s; devoting their 20s to getting a career, travelling, socialising and having fun.
  • Sivagnanam wonders if our patients settled because of the residual effect of the previously administered high dose colchicine that we had stopped; we only reintroduced colchicine, however, if the gout was not settling or was worsening.
  • He's doing awfully well with it, and settling down to a manageable pace.
  • Don is especially receptive to Megan's beguilement after settling affairs at Anna's house and getting the ring from Stephanie. Finale Watch: Mad Men, Rubicon
  • I generally like to try the carvery before settling back for the race.
  • The horse-trading was even worse, with great swarms of flies settling on the eyes and mouths of man and beast alike. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • The original plan embraced by Tribune Co., Oaktree and Angelo, Gordon proposed settling claims related to the larger, first step of the Zell transaction by giving junior bondholders, such as Aurelius, $300 million in cash. - News
  • The wealth of extras for this unsettling horror include a featurette about the special effects and deleted scenes. The Sun
  • There are many deeply unsettling scenes here. Times, Sunday Times
  • Merchant hath founded so many chargeable Lectures, and some of them also which are Mathematicall, tending to the aduancement of Marine causes; I nothing doubted of your Lordships forwardnes in settling and establishing of this Lecture: but rather when your Lordship shall see the noble and rare effects thereof, you will be heartily sory that all this while it hath not bene erected. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • They made their name with shimmering melodic hooks allied to unsettling lyrical themes. The Sun
  • Frankly, the sight of our former CTO loading bags with the other free-agent skycaps was a little unsettling.
  • Apparently, Camilla had six outfit fittings and 10 hat fittings, and a final dress rehearsal before settling on the final dress.
  • But the camera moves seem more confident this time and the soundtrack more unsettling. Times, Sunday Times
  • After several years of settling for low-fat - and often tasteless - alternatives in the name of health, consumers have decided they deserve something better, something indulgent.
  • Settling down has been the Turks' secret to asserting their dominion. Traditionally a nomadic people, they have at last adopted a system of centralised rule to form the Seljuk Empire.
  • Eventually it landed a step or two onto the green and rolled some 30 yards forward, taking a small leftward slope toward the hole and eventually settling 3 ½ feet from the cup.
  • Now get ready for another radical and rather unsettling leap in video games technology: thought control. Times, Sunday Times
  • And I am glad that I passed through a great city on my way to the country, that I sojourned in California before settling in the Midwest.
  • His voice was like ice, and his eyes glared at them with their unsettling insensity.
  • Settling the dispute required great tact and diplomacy.
  • Forget any romantic notions of setting horse hair traps for rabbits in the pale dawn and then settling down to tickle trout from the mossy banks of the stream.
  • He then ran through a series of gaffes Obama has made over the years before settling on his favorite one: the president pronouncing the word "corpsman" as "corpseman. Sean Hannity On Obama: 'I Don't Think He's That Smart' (VIDEO)
  • Some men still believe in fisticuffs as a method of settling grudges.
  • Given the car's brick outhouse aerodynamics it footles along at a fair old clip, only the odd crosswind unsettling matters.
  • I grabbed some grub and found a seat, settling in for a three-hour seminar on fundraising.
  • Be sure to watch the rather unsettling video. Times, Sunday Times
  • The media are seemingly hounding them at every opportunity, upsetting and unsettling the squad.
  • It was the time of night when families would just be settling down for dinner, and just before the taverns and inns would become filled with their nightly guests.
  • Settling down to taste some sweet-smelling sap, the unsuspecting prey has made a fatal mistake.
  • Knowing in advance how it works lets you avoid the crush of departing passengers settling last-minute accounts.
  • I resist the temptation to buy a didgeridoo, settling for a hand-painted bookmark, and spend a few minutes admiring the city skyline in the distance.
  • Like Sholom Aleichem, who made his way from Russia to Switzerland and then emigrated to America during World War I, Theodore Bikel amassed his own share of frequent flyer Diaspora miles -- starting out in Vienna, escaping the Holocaust by traveling to Israel (then Palestine), then on to London and finally settling in the United States. Thane Rosenbaum: Tevye From Fiddler Back With Bikel
  • The country's economic crisis had an unsettling effect on world markets.
  • You're settling in for the long flight when you get the urge to recline your seat.
  • Not only does the liquid gold taste delicious but it is widely thought to have health benefits including protecting against infections and settling upset stomachs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Settling in Carmel, Calif., in 1930, she and Mr. Newell joined a bohemian community that included the photographer Edward Weston and the journalist Lincoln Steffens.
  • Three years after Stewart's disappearance, Boone's life was again devastated when a Cherokee tortured and killed his eldest child, 16-year-old James, and later another son, a brother, and a nephew were also killed during the often bloody fighting over the settling of Kentucky. Great American Hunters: Daniel Boone
  • Settling in his chair, Richard inwardly frowned and struggled to shake off the premonition Seamus's opening paragraph had evoked. SCANDAL'S BRIDE
  • Holidays provide a rare opportunity for reflection, but the result can be unsettling, with a general disenchantment that sometimes turns into career anxiety. Times, Sunday Times
  • After I pass, I see it in the rear view mirror, settling on carrion back along the shoulder.
  • War should in any case always be a last resort in settling an international conflict.
  • He is not the only confirmed bachelor settling down. The Sun
  • The crack in the wall is caused by the ground settling.
  • Petrological observations show excess feldspar in many basaltic lavas which is most easily explained by crystal settling.
  • The government's announcement is seen as a move towards settling the strike.
  • He flunked out of college a number of times before settling down at a Baptist college in Mississippi.
  • I ended up settling for a mushroom soup instead of a main course - though I could have had fish - and didn't regret it.
  • Nutrient concentrations in liquid storage facilities become stratified due to settling and crusting.
  • It would encourage those with something to hide to sue in the hope of settling out of court. Times, Sunday Times
  • The real question which this Society wishes to agitate is whether they do not furnish the best remedy for settling all disputes. The Supreme Court of the World
  • There is something unsettling about adult acne. Times, Sunday Times
  • If at any time there is no money left in the bank after settling all outstanding bets, the current hand ends and the role of banker passes to the right.
  • I shuffled off to where he'd pointed, feeling a cold bar of mercurial metal, like in thermometers, stretch from the first bone of my chest, and settling into the pit of my stomach.
  • Now I've enjoyed the crystal dresses and the holographic goggles, the gratuitous body painting and the unsettling way you share your crotch with the audience but visible corrective undergarments is where I have to shut this space shuttle to the cockeye-ded fool down, silly! FASHION INDIE » FASHION PORN
  • Martin had a way of making a very plausible argument for resettling the Karma circle back on it's axis.
  • As A-level results arrive, 18-year-olds all over Britain are packing their rucksacks ready for a year of adventure before settling down to university.
  • It's written in a deadpan and unsensational way; the effect is supremely unsettling.
  • Moths flew in front of it, eventually settling on the rough painted metal.
  • His unsettling ideas will be neutralised by nostalgia for a period already mostly forgotten.
  • Brian Phelan, who had a superb game against Cork on the left flank, was settling in against Benny Dunne on the right, while on the opposite side, Ken McGrath was finding the range with his clearances after some early mishits.
  • It had clouded over and there was a fine drizzle, a thin mist veneer settling over the distance. Times, Sunday Times
  • The prospect of change of this kind has an unsettling effect on any organisation.
  • We were happy lassies indeed, not least when it came to settling the bill which was a reasonable £47.20.
  • Before the end of 1890, at least, it began to be rumoured that there was dispeace between the two Malietoas; and doubtless this had an unsettling influence throughout the islands. A Footnote to History Eight Years of Trouble in Samoa
  • When I was done hosing that stuff down, I sat in the office again, the word faggot and all that uglinesseven out there in wonderful Wisconsinsettling in my mind like a message. Dark Dude
  • He would often spend a whole day settling and resettling in their cases the various stones that be had collected, such as the olive-green chrysoberyl that turns red by lamplight, the cymophane with its wirelike line of silver, the pistachio-coloured peridot, rose-pink and wine-yellow topazes, carbuncles of fiery scarlet with tremulous, four-rayed stars, flame-red cinnamon-stones, orange and violet spinels, and amethysts with their alternate layers of ruby and sapphire. The Picture of Dorian Gray
  • But there is something unsettling about the menacing threats which have accompanied the protests, a taste of which was unveiled in the unsavoury scenes outside Parliament.
  • Waal," commenced the widow, settling herself in her chair, and assuming the air of one who has a story to narrate. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 25, November, 1859
  • Something unsettling builds through the verses. Times, Sunday Times
  • Settling into a plastic chair, he became engrossed, silently mouthing the words as he read.
  • There is a lot of settling back in the wicker chairs occupied by the great and good in the Royal Box. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another American priest who frequently visits the Vatican described the pope as "harried," which is an unsettling adjective, given that it is so rarely applied to Benedict, an academic by profession and disposition who always acts very deliberately and is rarely knocked off his game by daily events and pressures. AOL News Collection:All top stories collection
  • Surely we are still very far from any "settling down" of world polity, world economy, or technology. MANAGING IN TURBULENT TIMES
  • Ad hoc arbitration plays a great role in settling international trade and economic disputes with a long history.
  • Now he's talking about stripping off one wall in the living room, too, so he can realign the two halves of this doorway that's gotten kind of torqued by the settling. Icy Tuesday
  • Local media recently quoted the unsettling research of a Chinese company that compiles data on social networking. Times, Sunday Times
  • There really is something unsettling about her, but in the most civil and elegant way. Times, Sunday Times
  • The service was polite, friendly and faultless, until perhaps the end when there was a bit of a delay in settling the bill.
  • ‘Sit in the Sun’ and ‘By the Cathedral’ tug at opposing emotions, at once jocund and unsettling.
  • Well, the village is settling back into a normal routine again after all the hectic activities organised around Christmas.
  • My twitchy, fidgety mind was already having trouble settling on any single subject for more than thirty seconds.
  • Nothing is predictable in this astonishing novel, which expands on classic tales about selkie brides with unsettling imaginative thoroughness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Darkly erotic, sadistic and unsettling, Les Liaisons Dangereuses is regarded as a masterpiece.
  • We were renting in Hamburg and after settling our debts we had only about £5,000 left.
  • Among the most brilliant of these is 'Berns', created for Lars Siltberg's 'Candleflames Modulated' (2007), exploring frequency extremities with visceral sheets of blackened noise, near infrasonic subbass and vastly unsettling use of psychoacoustic space. Boomkat: Just arrived
  • His texts resist settling into established grooves of interpretation, and continue to engage new readers because this powerful, animated, and sometimes contradictory thinking lies so close to the surface.
  • It's always unsettling when friends leave: it creates a huge gap in the community and on the social calendar.
  • Still, watching this sour, offbeat square dance is undoubtedly an unsettling experience. Times, Sunday Times
  • He offers them another unsettling peacemaking idea; they invent another excuse for turning it down.
  • Another unsettling trend in this area is the erosion in our ability to design and manufacture products.
  • It felt unsettling because we as the audience are accustomed to sadness, depression and irrational outbursts in typical movies that deal with death.
  • The first movement's mix of romantic yearning and arpeggiated glitter, toy fanfares and epic octaves, is unsettling. Times, Sunday Times
  • The honest lyrics, however unsettling they may sometimes be, are provocatively and insightfully moving.
  • Think of composting and worms immediately come to mind, not to mention such unsettling concepts as decay and rot.
  • The concepts of crystal settling and convection in magma chambers have a long history r2-6.
  • It intends to clear some of its overflowing stockpiles and make way for freshly harvested grain, while also settling part of its oil imports bill. Times, Sunday Times
  • Each party has a different system for settling head-to-head battles. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's the lithe and supple hunter no more and, like me, he's settling happily into retired status.
  • You're not only a creature of habit, but you sometimes refuse opportunities if they mean making unsettling changes. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is unsettling, all the more so because of the matter-of-fact tone. Times, Sunday Times
  • During and after settling, care should be taken not to agitate the water.
  • The crack in the wall is caused by the ground settling.
  • But instead of settling down in a nice semi-detached with Mrs Che, he got bored with the office job, and went jaunting around South America with his biggest gun.
  • The interlacustrine region saw a buildup of population along the western and southwestern shores of Lake Victoria, leading to expansion to the northwest and north, settling the protopopulations of later communities such as the Ganda, Soga, Nkore, and Bunyoro. D. East Africa
  • Heron, new carving set laid out, was making his first tentative passes at a small burl he had found on the beach, thinking that it appeared to him like a gull settling its wings after it had landed.
  • Moths flew in front of it, eventually settling on the rough painted metal.
  • The result is a strange display of exhilarating liberation paired with unsettling sordidness.
  • I sighed, and lay carefully back once more settling down amid fresh, starched linen. NIGHT SISTERS
  • English-speakers then absorbed the French word for the game, employing English variations of the French plural eschecs, including chesses and chestes and chesse, before settling on chess, which carries the vestigial -s ending inherited from the French. The English Is Coming!
  • Lots of mums call us for sleep and settling issues, and about 75 per cent of those are for babies or infants suffering from reflux.
  • Together, the bleak industrial landscapes and forest fires denote an unsettling world not only on the brink, but burning all around us. Smithsonian Mag
  • She says: "This is his time with the boys, so he's bathing them and we get them in their jammies and he's settling down to start reading them a story."
  • Relief, fear, and curiosity were so conflicted within me that I'd forgotten an unsettling fact. DOUBTING THOMAS
  • The effect is so unsettling that I stumble back a couple of steps.
  • He gets bored in a shooting house but he loves tromping into the woods, settling down next to the bole of a big tree and waiting the five minutes it takes for the squirrel that hid from you when you walked in to lose his wits and make a run for it. What Happened to Squirrel Hunting?
  • They advanced to the York Region junior girls 'basketball championships before settling for second place after falling to Mazo de la Roche Public School (Newmarket) 23-16 in the title tilt played in Aurora. YORKREGION - Home
  • The government's announcement is seen as a move towards settling the strike.
  • No large water infiltration has shown up to my knowledge, and the settling has stabilized within the expected limits. CORMORANT
  • The sudden swerves from genre to genre prove unsettling rather than exciting.
  • Tables always wobble initially - it's just the wood settling. Times, Sunday Times
  • No sign is more adept at justifying unsettling plans or changes. Times, Sunday Times
  • I took her shopping in Italy, and we went on weekend getaways because I knew she was settling.
  • Taken individually, each object may have provoked some unsettling reactions and reverberations, but those were fleeting and ephemeral.
  • There have been no problems settling into the West Lothian town, even if some of the area's finer points have escaped him so far.
  • It bears the coat of the Vyells (gules, a fesse raguly argent) with no less than twenty-four quarterings: for an Odo of the name had fought on the winning side at Hastings, and his descendants, settling in the West, had held estates there and been people of importance ever since. Lady Good-for-Nothing
  • I found Grey's silent scrutiny unsettling, too, and tried to turn the talk to home topics, but the lads didn't care for the great crusade against smoking, or the state of the Thames, or the Jews in Parliament; 8; 'they wanted the blood of Cawnpore and the thunder of Lucknow, and it was a relief when Grey sent them packing, and suggested we take our cigars on the veranda. THE NUMBERS
  • Carol's accusations are paranoid, exaggerated and ruinously unfair; but the play's genius is that her analysis of the smug patriarchy that frustrates her is unsettlingly acute.
  • My eyes surveyed the crowd, finally settling on Armando.
  • The first Komondors came with the Hungarian tribes settling in the Carpathian basin more than a 1,000 years ago.
  • It is an unsettling contrast to the existing grain of Tokyo's confused, chaotic yet intensely busy and cramped character.
  • Angel could hear Aria settling into a comfortable position.
  • The advantage of using chum is that the slowly settling bits of bait can draw deep fish to the surface; this allows the astute angler to be selective.
  • There is the strong, silent type, quite happy quietly to immerse himself in his novel environment, settling in gradually with a minimum of fuss.
  • For him, the key to settling successfully in a foreign culture is not just learning the language.
  • Shilts is pictured in slacks and plimsolls "relaxing" in a fringed armchair in front of his massive oak-veneer TV; but even here, cross-legged in the shadow of his own occasional table, he still seems to glower and fret, radiating a dark and unsettling energy of repulsion. Can Joe Hart save himself from the curse of the England keeper? | Barney Ronay
  • Kinard, a Casey Affleck lookalike, provides an unsettling mixture of dewy-eyed sincerity and barely concealed insanity – he both attracts with his charm but repels with his odd demands, creating a wonderfully enigmatic personality. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • The chances of settling this dispute through talks seem increasingly slender.
  • The effect is purposefully and deeply unsettling. The Times Literary Supplement
  • That confession was really unsettling for a while, now I'm just kind of numbed by it all. Madrigle Diary Entry
  • It will be unsettling to your pet to be separated from you; make sure that their temporary home is as loving and comfortable as possible.
  • Every week one particular turtle dove joins me outside, settling down to sleep on a nearby fence pole while I read and think in the garden.
  • For others remaining or settling around the reservoir or flooded areas, tropical diseases often become prevalent.
  • The construction was lath and plaster, and chips of wood and chunks of plaster flew from the wall and lay strewn about the floor, the white dust settling in the cracks of the floorboards and the creases of his forehead. The Hole in the Wall « A Fly in Amber
  • Blackwell said he felt all the talk of a takeover was unsettling his squad.
  • Even if no lawsuit is filed, it can be quite unsettling to deal with overanxious beneficiaries who want their inheritances immediately.
  • The settling way will hang on the outcome of our discussion.
  • Back in New Zealand, the family is settling into Kiwi life and enjoying the sunny weather.
  • James left the restaurant, settling his account by credit card.
  • The epitome was the Insull group, headquartered in Chicago but with tentacles extending into thirty states—an unsettling octopus of capital and influence. Colossus
  • I honestly thought it was diegetic, and therefore it actually made the scene more unsettling for me.
  • I would that were the worst; but I owe for all this finery, and settling-day is coming on, and my master will find my accompt worse than it should be by a score of pieces. The Fortunes of Nigel
  • True, you have been an unsettling presence in British politics for more than a quarter of a century. The Sun
  • Settling on a floral sundress in tones of dusty pink, light brown and cream teamed with a pair of cowboy boots, she pulled her copper coloured hair back into a messy ponytail up high on her head and left her room.
  • Now get ready for another radical and rather unsettling leap in video games technology: thought control. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kletzki's symphony is an unsettling work, written in German fugal modes and sonata form that stretch back to Bach and Haydn yet rippling with refugee jitters, the rhythms of dispossession.
  • Before settling into domestic bliss his enjoyment at times meant that his training suffered.
  • Yes, says Black, settling in comfortably to the languor of the moment, a number of very curious stories.
  • First came the alliance with Japan in 1902, and then the settling of differences with France over colonial issues via the entente of 1904, a process which was repeated with the entente with Russia in 1907.
  • Then you leave the motorway and the road gets twisty and it's like settling into your favourite armchair. Times, Sunday Times
  • Taylor Swift's ridiculously entertaining new album, "Speak Now," is a lengthy, captivating exercise in woo-pitching, flame tending and score-settling -- with a heavy emphasis on the latter. Album review: Taylor Swift, "Speak Now"
  • Almost every other jockey would have given up, settling for escaping injury, but not the champion.
  • They may be a depraved tangle but it's the disparate concoction and uninhibited mindset that improbably make this band one of the most inventive and mystifyingly unsettling live acts I've seen in ages.
  • The main holdup of the announcement was settling a potential territorial dispute with the nearby Wilmington (Del.) - Ripken's farm team set to go
  • This isn't reality TV!" they splutter, settling in for 60 solid minutes watching a woman fake-tanned the shade of a third-degree burn glueing diamante craft beads on to her vagina. Grace Dent's TV OD
  • The recent longstanding salary dispute, now happily resolved by government action, was unsettling and helped place universities and funding councils in an invidious position.
  • It's powerful, unsettling stuff, those thin wraiths marching off to war.
  • He starts by settling in ... pinning back his ears: ponders his surrounding for a few minutes: then gives in to gravity, his head sinks to the ground and he slips into slumber; another busy day in the life of a dog! Archive 2007-04-01

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