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How To Use set-aside In A Sentence

  • Tree planting under Farm Woodland Premium Scheme to count towards set-aside.
  • In recent decades agricultural commodity surpluses in the developed world have contributed to a mantra of 'land surplus' in which set-aside, extensification, alternative land uses and Energy Bulletin -
  • As Adarand held that strict scrutiny must be applied to federal affirmative action programs — and strict scrutiny is what has led to the invalidation of quotas and set-aside programs — this is a signficant omission. The Volokh Conspiracy » On Eric Liu on Goodwin Liu
  • A pair of yellowhammers looked bleached in the bright sun, skylarks sang and settled in fallow or set-aside fields.
  • Overall, the details, especially the 45\% suballocation to regions and the 10\% Enhancements set-aside within that, look better than the general media descriptions. Streetsblog New York City
  • The first way to do right by these people, to make their service less indentured, is to pay their Social Security set-asides — a legal requirement, although you’d hardly know it judging from the number of people who dodge it. How To Treat the Help?
  • In fact, the unproductive vast amount of agricultural set-aside land could be used to grow oil-seed rape to feed all types of engines.
  • There was a largely unpublicised dispensation, the deadline of which ended last Monday, whereby areas of crop failure could be regarded as set-aside, provided MAFF was notified.
  • Also, Steve’s point that these AA regulations usually result in Set-Asides at highly uncompetitive prices for connected contractors using minority frontmen is right.on. the. money. Matthew Yglesias » Rich Lawyers Boosting Traffic Jams and Calling It Charity
  • Overall, the details, especially the 45\% suballocation to regions and the 10\% Enhancements set-aside within that, look better than the ... Streetsblog New York City
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