set piece

  1. a piece of scenery intended to stand alone as part of the stage setting
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How To Use set piece In A Sentence

  • There are great visual set pieces that play on your expectations and take you from observing a space to really being in it. Times, Sunday Times
  • The play contains a number of typical Stoppard set pieces.
  • It is the wealth of these bog-standard set pieces that actually made me long to hate this book, but I can't.
  • The theatrical element of the show though never let up with various song and dance set pieces featuring trapeze artists, skateboarders, a tap dancer in top hat and tails, and even a dancing bagpiper.
  • The Broken Road includes a number of bravura set pieces. The Times Literary Supplement
  • At others, his approach to the show is so much like a series of set pieces it seems as if he is limbering up for the opening ceremony of some big but cash-strapped sporting event.
  • More often Arthur tells jokes - set pieces that, though funny, are either old hat or burdened with so much excogitated emphasis as to, rather than prance like Lippizaners, plod like Percherons.
  • Every scene in a David Cronenberg film - particularly his set pieces - has a shape, and is meticulously based around a quite theatrical scenography.
  • Both of tonight's episodes revolve around an inspired set piece. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, they contribute much to the power with which the big set pieces are delivered.
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