How To Use Set on In A Sentence

  • It may be that the industry has reached a leveling-off point at which improvements in garments are so incremental that they're not worth the added cost, unless one is willing to drift into the realm of couture or the world of Chado Ralph Rucci where even a cotton poplin dress can set one back several thousand dollars -- but looks like it's worth a million bucks. Olivier Theyskens's Theory of relativity: High standards at a lower price
  • Passion abounds in this romance set on Maryland's Eastern Shore, where the rough-hewn Seth Quinn wins over Drusilla, the town's icy beauty.
  • These nine were, according to the barbarous practice of those kind of people, marooned, that is, set on shore on an uninhabited island. Lives of the Most Remarkable Criminals Who have been Condemned and Executed for Murder, the Highway, Housebreaking, Street Robberies, Coining or other offences
  • The lack of laughter in the auditorium is offset only by our blind hope that there is method in this madness and that an explanation is around the corner.
  • At first sight it appears to be an ordinary piece of pine lumber set on the floor.
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  • It's customary to display the flag only from sunrise to sunset on buildings and on stationary flagstaffs in the open.
  • These two elements in the story, the unparalleled beauty and the long deep sleep, are what light up the mind and set one questioning. What the Bee Knows - reflections on myth, symbol and story
  • It however set one of table mates to engage in the unusual act of thinking.
  • He's dead set on getting a new job.
  • Wearing oven gloves, remove the tin from the oven and set on a heatproof surface. The Sun
  • The most frequently quoted remark was one made by the great English engineer Robert Stephenson, builder of the famous Britannia railroad bridge, a tubular iron bridge, over the Menai Strait the trains ran through a succession of enormous iron boxes set on stone piers. The Great Bridge
  • The toboggan consists of a wide wicker basket with a cushioned seat, set on wooden runners.
  • He has had his heart set on launching a punitive war on whatever pretext.
  • Hamsun's hero is set on a one-way road to suicide and although he does not kill himself he destroys himself.
  • The two ships were brought into such a situation that the muzzles of their guns came in contact, and in this manner the action continued with the greatest fury for two hours, during which time Jones, who had far more men than his opponent, vainly attempted to board, and the "Serapis" was set on fire ten or twelve times. The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.III. From George III. to Victoria
  • It however set one of my table mates to engage in the unusual act of thinking.
  • And a walk-in closet once filled with medical equipment including oxygen tanks is seen to be empty. The Sun
  • The camp greeted us with the surreal vision of a linen-covered dining table set on the bank, aglow in candlelight and sparkling crystal.
  • Chips says that Wallis righteously refuses to make any pronouncement at all, but the King is dead set on a morganatic marriage. THE WHITE DOVE
  • The portion of the Subeshi cemetery excavated in 1992 consisted of some 40 low stone cairns covering burials set on wooden beds.
  • Set on a hilltop, it is the northernmost of the the four churches in the parish.
  • These latter numbers look horrific, and seem hard to believe, but we are currently set on a path (especially now with the "breakages" in the banking system - today there is growing and informed specultion here in Catalonia that Caixa Penedes, and Caixa Catalunya may be the next to go) where it is hard to see how we won't get to that horrible place if no one does anything. A Fistful Of Euros » A Fistful Of Euros
  • Along the guardrail, a hundred ballistaes lay ready to load and fire, each set on a pivot and swivel.
  • In a documentary set on Bodmin Moor the humour was unintentional and painful. Times, Sunday Times
  • It wasn't even the apartment we had our heart set on, it was just one I went to see last Thursday on a whim.
  • Vehicles were hijacked, set on fire and rolled into police lines. Times, Sunday Times
  • Far too big and heavy for the average stove top, these are set on single-ring gas burners on the ground, and stirred with something more like an oar than a cooking utensil.
  • As a teenager, he was set on becoming a Franciscan monk until he took high school acting lessons.
  • The sculptures are made of copper and silver decorated with coral, pearl, crystal and stone and are often set on a heart-shaped base.
  • The series is set on a giant space station shaped like a cylinder rotating about an axis along its length.
  • As examples of my will not to send aircrew up in unairworthy jets, on one occasion I refused to remove the chocks or disconnect my headset on a running jet, despite the Sqn Ldr in the back yelling at me to do so. Police Investigate MP’s Expenses « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • This canteen (with a funnel on its top, like a cavalier cap slouched over the eyes) was set on edge upon the puncheon, with the hole toward myself; and through this hole, which seemed puckered up like the mouth of a very precise old maid, the creature was emitting certain rumbling and grumbling noises which he evidently intended for intelligible talk. Archive 2008-12-01
  • In the cart house across the street, swept clean in advance, a barrel of Guinness was set on a trestle and the black stuff was dispensed to all comers.
  • The 29 bedrooms - some set on a split-level - have commanding views over the local hills.
  • It's set on a hill and the land has an orchard. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first staging of one of O'Neill's works came when an amateur theatre group in Provincetown, Cape Cod put on his 1914 one-acter Bound East For Cardiff, a play set onboard a fogbound vessel in the middle of the Atlantic. This week's new theatre and dance
  • The Christmas season, with its worship, observances, solemnities, and inhibitions, ends at sunset on Twelfth Night.
  • The father of five is set on a civilian career in leadership and management training, it is understood.
  • India was a tour that he had his heart set on ever since he was regaled with anecdotes by his father.
  • In medieval times a chafing dish was a portable brazier to hold burning coals or charcoal, designed to be set on a metal stand and to have a dish of food on top.
  • The release also includes 200 preset one-click effects, including new favorites such as polarize, infrared, cross process, gradient, and other film and darkroom techniques. virtualPhotographer has been downloaded by millions of users worldwide. optikVerve Labs also released a new stand-alone full-featured photo editor - virtualStudio - that can run virtualPhotographer and other plug-in filters. virtualStudio was developed as a quick and easy alternative to using a complex imaging application each time a photographer wants to add artistic effects to a photo. The Photoshop Blog
  • It's a tale set on a set of islands which have since sunk beneath the Atlantic set in or around the 4th centuary C.E. It has heroes, giants, ogres, fairie, black magicians, high (and low) politics, swordplay, anger, love, and even a bit of sex. MIND MELD: The Forgotten Books of SF/F/H
  • It also provides the times of sunrise and sunset on any given day. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tap the nail set on the mark just enough to score the glazing on the tile, but not too hard.
  • Any local band can apply to play a set on stage, but organisers are warning acts that obscene lyrics and lewd behaviour are out of the question.
  • The two of them are seemingly set on assailing the South African population on as many fronts as possible.
  • There, on the fore-deck of the prau, old Lingard found her under a heap of dead and dying pirates, and had her carried on the poop of the Flash before the Malay craft was set on fire and sent adrift. Almayer's Folly
  • An astonishing five billion TV viewers tuned in to see the dazzling display set on a vast artificial lake in Athens' Olympic Stadium.
  • Something refreshingly ditzy from the Spanish master, set on a plane heading for turmoil. Times, Sunday Times
  • Defenseless villages are bombarded from the air, the inhabitants driven out into the countryside, the cattle machine-gunned, the huts set on fire with incendiary bullets: this is called pacification. Politics and the English Language
  • Such expeditions were set on foot either by some chieftain who rode from aoul to aoul calling upon the brave to follow him; or by a summons sent abroad to the warriors of a certain district inviting them to assemble in the council ring at a given time and place for the purpose of agreeing upon an attack upon some fort, or a foray within the lines of the enemy. Life of Schamyl And Narrative of the Circassian War of Independence Against Russia
  • The portion of the Subeshi cemetery excavated in 1992 consisted of some 40 low stone cairns covering burials set on wooden beds.
  • I had come here more than a few decades ago to participate in the Goa Liberation Struggle, which saw the sun set on this last enclave of colonial rule in India.
  • On the other hand, if their hearts were really set on her services, they could all too easily blackmail her. MISS MELVILLE REGRETS
  • If your heart is set on wallpaper, consider a plain colour or a small-scale print that you and your child won't tire of in years to come.
  • The massager, especially when set on high, hits all the right spots, just on the bottom of the arch and that sore spot beneath the toes.
  • Buelow was appointed kapellmeister of the Court Theatre; reforms, peculiarly disagreeable to those reformed, were set on foot; and singers, players, regisseurs, who had anticipated sleeping away their existence in the good old fashion, were violently awakened by this reckless adventurer, charlatan, and what not, who had won the King's ear. Wagner
  • Doors are best painted removed from their hinges and set on sawhorses.
  • After harvesting the stubble would be set on fire which also killed new mallee shoots.
  • The others were those who could not be at the grove full-time - due to work, home, or an aversion to sleeping either 80 feet up a tree or in a wigwam made of tarps set on a gravel logging road.
  • There were just the two towers on the summit and the two on the slope of the hill whose bases were set on grassy mounds so that they stood level with the others, and these had been built of such stockish material that they had not had features given them by ruin. The Judge
  • The village is set on a small hill.
  • The only trace of her personality was a lavish tea set on one of the tables. Times, Sunday Times
  • Beds are set on platforms or suspended from ceilings, bathtubs are hewn from blocks of black granite or pale limestone, and the bare wood floorboards are wide, limed and lacquered.
  • A stunning tower-defense game set on the planet of Hoth, Battle for Hoth pits you against the Imperial Army as you aim to defend the Echo Base from attack.
  • To the right and left the barren mountains reared their enormous baldness to the sun, deserts raised up broadside, as it were, and set on end, that their bareness might be the better seen and known to the world around. Taquisara
  • She is now set on spending the rest of her life with Eric and he travelled to Spain with her when she worked on the movie.
  • Beside this group of, in every sense of the word, 'artless' little country girls, I will now set one -- in the best sense of the word -- 'artful' little country girl, -- a sketch by Gainsborough. Ariadne Florentina Six Lectures on Wood and Metal Engraving
  • I knew next to nothing about Othello before this, and the single point that jumped out at me, given my peculiar interests, is that apart from the first act the whole thing is set on Cyprus, a place where interethnic fault lines remain sufficiently sharply drawn to keep me in business. Winters Tale follow-up
  • Set on the north boundary on a decking platform with a cantilevered shelter over it, it is a single cubic mass, a pristine altar to the outdoor life under a hardwood baldacchino.
  • Set on greased cookie sheet or pizza pan and brush on olive oil.
  • Hundreds of people later gathered, resulting in a five-hour stand-off against police as missiles were thrown, shops and businesses looted and public houses set on fire.
  • Its blade was strong steel, the handle gold with a jewel set on each side of the handle.
  • The reconstruction included the massive ornamental pylons with round balconies, classical columns, and a semicircular colonnade set on piers along the north and south sides
  • Trade was so good that the firm was able to set on more workers.
  • They climbed out of the car at a pleasant-looking park set on a hill, crowned by leafy trees.
  • Because so much of the movie is set on one exterior location, the texture of the color is a key character in the film.
  • It has since been targeted by vandals and has been set on fire on numerous occasions.
  • Opposite her was a small washstand with a coarse crockery toilet set on a fake marble top.
  • Some analysts have estimated the potential investment at more than $ 100 billion by companies with their sights set on productionsharing deals.
  • The usual pattern was the one-off benefit to private capital of a state asset on the cheap - with debts being expunged and subsidies being provided.
  • All the books in the apartment had been piled up and set on fire, she said.
  • Another treat, this time for sci-fi fans, is David Twohy's Pitch Black, an unexpectedly creepy film set on a planet with three suns during its first total eclipse for 20-odd years.
  • This paper provides the first exhaustive data set on the brittle structural architecture of the Lanterman Fault.
  • It was particularly painful in my case because I had my heart set on the very thing he was achieving.
  • I liked the start of it, especially the voice: set on the Mississippi River and full of "rivery" moments (the novels 'term for magic occurrences, like the appearance of trolls, fairies, etc.) Breakfast in Bed
  • After setting up camp I managed to catch a glimpse of Bed on Bricks starting their set on the main stage, then proceeded to have beer in the bar by the stage area, then decided to check how the vibe at the bar on the "koppie" was. Muti
  • Only a handful of people were dead set on following him.
  • Often the entire base of the bamboo clump is set on fire to facilitate the easy removal of dead bamboo.
  • The hotel is set on three floors. There's a bar and cafe at ground level.
  • A friend who is in a position to know tells me that Adams evidently didn't know how the characters' South Asian names should be accented, and consequently, he consistently misset one of them. Archive 2007-10-01
  • Brumby horses being one of the problems of the run, and the destruction of brumby stallions imperative, as the nigger-hunt was apparently off, the brumby mob proved too enticing to be passed by, and for an hour and more it kept us busy, the Maluka and Dan being equally "set on getting a stallion or two. We of the Never-Never
  • He took us first to see his docks and godowns, resounding with the loud clangors of trade, and then through the grassy Kow-Loon plains, by a wide red road shadowed with banana-trees, to this lordly pavilion set on the crest of many flowering terraces – its pale-yellow outlines cut cameo-like against the burning blue of the equatorial sky. In Seven Stages: A Flying Trip Around the World
  • To move the camera in and around the small stage space, many of the set pieces were set on castors and rolled about to keep out of the way of the camera.
  • Mark decided simply to set one up and since then, he has seen the business expand rapidly.
  • To take the photographs, the camera had to be set on a long exposure, which reduced any movement to a blur.
  • Even though a recurrence of an abdominal strain hampered Venus from the second set on, she was mentally strong enough to push aside the pain. - Venus answers many questions by playing tough
  • I would assume that this was removed simply to save space, as it is supported by the chipset on the motherboard.
  • Offshore targets Is the sun about to set on tax havens? Times, Sunday Times
  • When they feast a friend they kill an ox, and set immediately a quarter of him raw upon the table (for their most elegant treat is raw beef newly killed) with pepper and salt; the gall of the ox serves them for oil and vinegar; some, to heighten the delicacy of the entertainment, add a kind of sauce, which they call manta, made of what they take out of the guts of the ox; this they set on the fire, with butter, salt, pepper, and onion. A Voyage to Abyssinia
  • Set on five acres, there is a reception hall, drawing room, anteroom, dining room, kitchen, pantry, four bedrooms and a bathroom.
  • When a shower stopped play with the second set one point old, it seemed foolhardy. The Sun
  • Set on Thanksgiving, an artsy New York ragamuffin type tries to get dinner together for her estranged suburban family.
  • And a walk-in closet once filled with medical equipment including oxygen tanks is seen to be empty. The Sun
  • The latest rash is people thinking the Twilight cast is Tweeting the happenings on the New Moon set on Twitter. Twilight Lexicon » Kristen Stewart: Still Not Tweeting
  • She remains an orphan girl, and, as such, she partakes of the tradition of the orphan girl in the movies: outcast, woebegone, beset on all sides, but plucky and triumphant in the end.
  • They upset one woman because they had made her fear a dreadful death through drowning.
  • Team members secure the stabilizing device headset onto the patient's head with a preset torque driver.
  • Place both muffin tins on the middle rack of the oven or, if using mugs, place all of them on a half sheet pan and set on the bottom rack of the oven. Archive 2009-01-01
  • She was immediately beset on all sides as her own group and Liza's group mobbed her.
  • In the fall of the year this luxuriant growth of grass would be set on fire by the Indians or hunters, and especially when the wind was high would sweep resistlessly over the prairies, forming a spectacle, especially at night, that was at once magnificent and terrifying.
  • The room was dark; the only light was a splash from the anglepoise lamp set on the table beside her.
  • This piece features two small Plexiglas boxes set on a high pedestal, each containing five bullets of different gauges with rounded or pointed heads, which the artist had cast in 22 - karat gold.
  • The late set on Wednesday was highlighted by themeless jams on both "What Is This Thin g Called Love" (actually, they played the "Hot House" head) and "Take The A Train," as well as a reading of "Lover Come Back to Me" that showed that Sigmund Romberg was more of a be-bopper than anybody realized. Good Vibrations, Great Traditions
  • Closely related to these was the exhibition's main event, a line of 26 small bronze figures marching down a long wooden tabletop set on metal trestles.
  • While others had comparatively modest ambitions, her heart was set on becoming a star.
  • It is a dark, and at times genuinely scary, tale set on the wild North Yorkshire coast in the 1700s.
  • The toboggan consists of a wide wicker basket with a cushioned seat, set on wooden runners.
  • A torch procession will walk to the beach, with children carrying colourful lanterns made at workshops during the day, and on arrival at the beach there will be a large willow sculpture of a phoenix to be set on fire.
  • They come across as quite brash at first, but I soon realised they were vulnerable young men with their hearts set on high-flying football careers.
  • You'd have super-majorities in cases where one faction was dead-set on steamrolling the other.
  • Philip Franks's production is set on a deserted seaside pier haunted by the ghosts of circus clowns.
  • The village is set on a small hill.
  • Trade was so good that the firm was able to set on more workers.
  • Bricks, stones, pieces of concrete and petrol bombs were thrown indiscriminately, while barricades were built across the street using mattresses and wooden pallets, which were then set on fire.
  • Take the mug, remove the spoon and inset one teabag into the mug,If you wish to have the sugar in your tea, inset the sugar at this point.
  • I sat before him in a straight-back chair and picked up a chess piece from the gleaming cherry-wood set on the credenza to my left.
  • During the night more than five vehicles were hijacked and set on fire and police received numerous reports of armed men on the streets. Times, Sunday Times
  • She's set on a career in medicine.
  • Liberals find it necessary to deny recurring suspicions that they are antinomians, moral relativists, and secularists set on removing religious values from the public square.
  • Mercury sets an hour after sunset on the 28th and shines at magnitude - 1.3.
  • A closet one-worlder at the WSJ used his newspaper's "conservative" clout to seduce American business leaders into sacrificing U.S. sovereignty for trade.
  • The only reason Rove wasn't indicted is because the SP is due to cooperation and the fact that the SP possibly has his sights set on the bigger fish (Cheney). Sound Politics: Tom Maguire Wants Our Help
  • Set on a bed of marinated cucumber and red pepper relish, it is then surrounded by a gossamery corn emulsion.
  • When the jellying point has been reached, remove the kettle from the fire, skim the jelly and pour immediately into hot, sterilized glasses, which have been set on a cloth wrung out of hot water to prevent breaking. Every Step in Canning
  • Set on the northern edge of the Hampshire downs, Beacon Hill commands fine views northwards with defences utilizing the local topography to good effect.
  • •Atlanta Falcons: They seem set on the outside with last year's first-rounder, Jamaal Anderson, and John Abraham, though Abraham's durability is always an issue. D-linemen may prove strongest crop in NFL draft
  • Oak flooring was set on a particleboard subfloor in a remodeling job in 1978 and the water and particle board played host to a very aggressive mold called trichoderma.
  • In the ensuing riot, a hut containing refugees seeking to flee the violence, mainly northerners, was set on fire.
  • Before you ride off into the sunset on your hog, take a look at the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) requirements for motorcycle riding.
  • Several train cabooses have been moved to the resort, set on rail tracks and equipped with bathrooms, heat, and beds.
  • She nodded and reached into the shoulder bag she had set on the floor. MURDER IN E MINOR
  • Defenceless villages are bombarded from the air, the inhabitants driven out into the countryside, the cattle machine-gunned, the huts set on fire with incendiary bullets: this is called pacification. Barry Eisler: The Definition of Insanity
  • Set on its own impressive large grounds and only 200 metres from shops and restaurants this aparthotel is very popular with families and couples. Breaking News
  • This was always my family's final destination: to spend a couple of nights in a much-loved fleapit of a hotel set on the edge of town.
  • Set on the center was a beautiful purple gem, the shape of a crescent moon.
  • The exterior elevation consists of three cylindrical shafts of decreasing thickness from bottom to top, set on an octagonal socle and reaching a total height of over 255 feet.
  • Looking around as I got to my feet, I found myself in a relatively small village set on a flat plane of ground.
  • Personally, I would have liked to see Anthony Michael Hall pull the upset on Judd Nelson, matching up with Emilio Estevez in a bare-knuckle brawl to see who walks away with the prom queen. Top 10 Movies Ruined by a Female Presence » Scene-Stealers
  • The lack of forethought demonstrates that they were so set on rebellion that they did not consider the outcome.
  • On my system where I have always-run set on, the shift key actually slows the camera movement down, making for better camera motions.
  • Even if Geobase were inter­na­tional in scope, the National Hydro dataset on offer is insanely detailed and would have to be mosaiced and filtered and smoothed and gener­al­ized before being used to make aregional-scale map. » Blog Archive » The Natural Earth Dataset Is Online
  • Vincent Van Gogh took up painting in that year, and Monet painted Sunset on the Seine in Winter, and the sculptor Rodin turned out The Thinker, and Renoir began his riverscape masterpiece, Luncheon of the Boating Party. Mark Twain
  • The menu, in its black leather holder, begins with Hot Starters, with the first item being Queen Scallops Bordelaise, flambéed in pastis and served with parmesan and oregano crisp and set on a light bordelaise sauce.
  • Referring to all the Emmy statuettes that might show up on the set on Monday morning, he joked, "We're getting a label maker tonight. NYT > Home Page
  • But the sun has barely set on this all-night shoot and I'm already wishing I'd brought thermal underwear and a foil blanket.
  • Although Paul is training to become an instrument designer, his sights are now set on an engineering post.
  • This house is set on the side of a low wooded hill overlooking Lough Gill and the lake isle of Innisfree.
  • Executives at Pinewood studios in Buckinghamshire, Britain applied to authorities to create a new 100-acre set on an unurbanised area, known as a greenbelt, close to its current location, reports gossip. ie. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • The northern Gold Coast facility boasts a four kilometre circuit set on 500 hectares of natural bushland.
  • It's easier to sell a new handset on its features, especially where those features might aid bragging rights.
  • A sprinkling of volcanic rock in the Pacific, they are 600 miles east of their nearest land mass, and beset on all sides by seven mighty ocean currents.
  • The Victorians may be forgiven for imagining that the sun would never set on their empire but, in York at least, they should have anticipated that the tide would eventually rise over it.
  • And since the example was set on high and citizens mysteriously but constantly take the princes 'behavior as the standard for their own, it's the guarantee of a feverish, unassuaged, confrontational society where resentment and hatred will rapidly become the last ties of the social contract. Bernard-Henri Lévy: Nicolas Sarkozy's Three Errors
  • destructiveness" to upset one's mental equilibrium. The Reminiscences of an Astronomer
  • 'Candy Buds' is one of Hamilton's best-known short stories, set on Tropicana, the only Adamist world where bitek remains legal by the late 24th Century, where the richest man on the planet finds himself unusually touched by the plight of a young girl he was planning to exploit for her astonishing discovery. Archive 2009-08-01
  • If they get it right, the present school generation could be set on the road to a lifetime's love of good food, without a plate of pink custard or lumpy mash in sight.
  • From a distance, the whole village looks like a scene set on a big round plate.
  • AS the flame runs very swiftly, it seems to carry along with it particles, which it could not so easily set on fire, and when any of these particles are drawn together, and heated to a certain degree, they at last take fire, with a sudden and great explosion, and thereby produce what we call a thunder Clap. The Shepherd of Banbury's Rules to Judge of the Changes of the Weather, Grounded on Forty Years' Experience
  • In all things the word finis must be written in good season; self-control must be exercised when the matter becomes urgent; the bolt must be drawn on appetite; one must set one's own fantasy to the violin, and carry one's self to the post. Les Miserables, Volume I, Fantine
  • Set on a rack, and while it is still warm, poke it all over with a thin skewer, and pour the thinned rose preserve over all, to let it sink in. Toast:
  • The Tinker has now set on his grimy gluepot, and the glue simmers. The International Monthly, Volume 3, No. 1, April, 1851
  • Fill little paper baskets or very small ramequin cases, grate cheese over the top, and set on ice to get firm. Choice Cookery
  • A raucous crowd, a sunny sky and an upset on the cards. Times, Sunday Times
  • Negotiations were set on foot, but their only result was the _assiento_ contract, or the privilege of supplying the colonies with negroes for thirty years, and of sending once a year a vessel, limited both as to tonnage and value of cargo, to trade with Mexico, Peru, or Chili. Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds
  • Instead of atoning by a mild, moderate and conciliatory course of conduct, for the injuries attempted, not only against an individual, but the public, in endeavoring to put down and destroy a free press; the project is set on foot of introducing and palming upon the county another press; -- a child of their own; -- a copartner in all their labors, their joys and sorrows. A Review and Exposition, of the Falsehoods and Misrepresentations, of a Pamphlet Addressed to the Republicans of the County of Saratoga, Signed, "A Citizen"
  • They were in a high-ceilinged room, the walls covered in carved wooden panels with a number of marble busts set on shelves projecting from them.
  • The hotel was set on the beach itself, with a beautiful view of the white, white sands and the gorgeous sunset.
  • But we cannot even begin to trust it, as long as we allow ourselves to believe pietistically that the Mind of God is set on punishment. Where No Fear Was
  • Set on a cool wash and finish with a short spin.
  • In Tullow, gardaí are appealing for information in relation to a serious arson attack, during which two oil tanks were doused with an accelerant and set on fire.
  • The invention relates to a temperature adjusting mechanism of hot-wind furnace. In detail it is set on the air outlet to control hot-wind temperature of heat resource automatically.
  • The front wheel attaches to the fork, which in turn links via bearings to the head set on the front of the frame.
  • Defenseless villages are bombarded from the air, the inhabitants driven out into the countryside, the cattle machine-gunned, the huts set on fire with incendiary bullets: this is called pacification . »2004» Maj
  • The aircraft was set on automatic pilot.
  • Maybe it's because my two Toy Poodles were horribly upset one cold day.
  • Although Paul is training to become an instrument designer, his sights are now set on an engineering post.
  • Let freedom reign. The sun never set on so glorious a human achievement.
  • The alcoholized brute could not stand up, became sleepy and stupid, and, when set on his legs, trembled in an inert mass: the other dog experienced at once frightful attacks of epilepsy. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 24, March, 1873
  • She was too preoccupied with remaining insistently silent and had her mind set on the letter she was drafting to John.
  • Now what is the valewe of euery place or lyne, you may perceaue by the figures whiche I haue set on them, which is accordynge as you learned before in the Numeration of figures by the penne: for the fyrste place is the place of vnities or ones, and euery counter set in that lyne betokeneth but one: {and} the seconde lyne is the place of 10, for euery counter there, standeth for The Earliest Arithmetics in English
  • The passage tombs are most often set on a hilltop inside a large circular mound surrounded by kerbstones.
  • Wearing oven gloves, remove the tin from the oven and set on a heatproof surface. The Sun
  • When you're dealin 'with an honest event -- _honest_, mind you -- as goes on year after year between two parties both ekally set on winnin', the only way to get real satisfaction is to pick your fancy an 'go on backin' it. Hocken and Hunken
  • He was lean and intense, the kind of guy who has his sights set on promotion. SNOWJOB
  • Now they have their sights set on electricity generation and oil refining. Times, Sunday Times
  • In August 1552 the young Tsar led a Russian army, perhaps 150,000 strong, to besiege Kazan, a walled and moated town set on a hill.
  • I have my speaker set on high - I can hear mumbling, but I cannot discern or understand what it is he is saying, at all.
  • Leanne has had her heart set on becoming the carnival queen for a number of years and was really delighted.
  • She whisked away into the milk-house, taking the door after her as far as it would go with a _flaff_ that brought a bowl, which had been set on its edge to dry, whirling off the dresser on to the stone floor. Bog-Myrtle and Peat Tales Chiefly of Galloway Gathered from the Years 1889 to 1895

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